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单词 Manage
1. We shall have to manage with these old pencils.
2. Can you manage another piece of cake?
3. We should manage to house and feed the poor.
4. Never mind, we can manage without.
5. We should manage, with a little bit of luck.
6. How do you manage to stay so slim?
7. You'd manage to have him out.
8. The pilot did manage to get airborne.
9. How do they manage to subsist ?
10. How did you manage to persuade him?
11. Kerry has been asked to manage a new department.
12. However did Mina manage to bluff her way into that job?
13. We'll manage somehow,() you and me. I know we will.
14. I'll be so jealous if you manage to wangle an invitation to his house.
15. Trying to continue with a demanding career and manage a child or two is an impossible juggling act.
16. Many companies did not manage to ride out the recession.
17. If the opposition groups manage to unite, they may command over 55% of the vote.
18. After a number of mishaps she did manage to get back to Germany.
19. The car's quite full, but we could manage to squeeze another couple of people in.
20. The doctors manage to keep the pain at a tolerable level.
21. How did you manage to come through the Second World War without even a scratch?
22. How do you manage to work in this heat without air conditioning?
23. We could just manage to see the form of an aircraft taking off in the fog.
24. I don't know exactly how we'll manage it, but we will,() somehow.
25. I can manage perfectly well on my own, thank you.
26. It's just not feasible to manage the business on a part-time basis.
27. Your house is always so neat - how do you manage it with three children?
28. Jack was not so much interested in making money, so long as he could manage to rub along.
29. Life always has many things to bring you down. But, what can really bring you down is that you don't manage your attitude.
30. She has a bit of private money, so they manage quite nicely.
1. We shall have to manage with these old pencils.
2. Can you manage another piece of cake?
3. We should manage, with a little bit of luck.
4. How do you manage to stay so slim?
5. The pilot did manage to get airborne.
6. How did you manage to persuade him?
7. Kerry has been asked to manage a new department.
8. However did Mina manage to bluff her way into that job?
9. Your house is always so neat - how do you manage it with three children?
10. We'll manage somehow, you and me. I know we will.
11. I'll be so jealous if you manage to wangle an invitation to his house.
12. Trying to continue with a demanding career and manage a child or two is an impossible juggling act.
13. Many companies did not manage to ride out the recession.
14. If the opposition groups manage to unite, they may command over 55% of the vote.
15. After a number of mishaps she did manage to get back to Germany.
16. The car's quite full, but we could manage to squeeze another couple of people in.
17. The doctors manage to keep the pain at a tolerable level.
18. How do you manage to work in this heat without air conditioning?
19. I don't know exactly how we'll manage it, but we will, somehow.
20. I can manage perfectly well on my own, thank you.
21. It's just not feasible to manage the business on a part-time basis.
22. She has a bit of private money, so they manage quite nicely.
23. They manage to sign up all the best performers.
24. I doubt whether Jack could manage a sailing boat.
25. We will actively manage your portfolio to maximise the return on your investment.
31. Did you manage to catch the post?
32. It's like trying to manage an unruly child.
33. Can you manage another slice of pie?
34. How can I manage to spin the money out?
35. He has no idea how to manage people.
36. Petroleum engineers plan and manage the extraction of oil.
37. Some manage it. Some fail miserably.
38. We manage to rub along together fairly well.
39. We need to manage our resources better.
40. We can't manage with these poor tools.
41. Can you manage on your own?
42. They manage to sign up all the best performers.
43. I can manage without you, thank you.
44. We'll just have to manage somehow.
45. We'll have to manage without a TV until then.
46. Did you manage to get tickets for the concert?
47. Can his lordship manage to switch off the TV?
48. We just manage to keep scratching along.
49. Don't worry about us - we'll manage!
50. The horse was difficult to manage.
51. Farmers lack any incentive to manage their land organically.
52. We'll manage as best we can.
53. How did she manage to struggle free?
54. How in the world did she manage that?
55. How ever did he manage that?
56. I doubt whether Jack could manage a sailing boat.
57. How do you manage without a washing machine?
58. You'll never manage that suitcase; let me take it.
59. I don't know how they manage about their shopping.
60. You look disgustingly healthy! How do you manage it?
61. I can manage without a dishwasher.
62. I can manage on my own, thanks.
63. I can't manage all this work on my own.
64. The children were very difficult to manage.
65. Don't tell me how to manage my affairs.
66. How will she manage with her husband gone?
67. 'I can manage,' she said firmly.
68. I shan't be able to manage .
69. Can you manage without help?
70. Did you manage to sleep on the plane?
71. He'll never manage to persuade the old guard.
72. 'I'll never manage it(Sentence dictionary),' he said hopelessly.
73. The new financial arrangements were awkward to manage.
74. Please don't trouble yourself. I can manage.
75. You'll never manage to plough through all that food.
76. Most companies manage to get round the restrictions.
77. She was finding it difficult to manage financially.
78. He hasn't the faintest idea how to manage people.
79. How did you manage to keep out of debt?
80. How on earth did she manage that?
81. Can you manage another slice of cake?
82. Let's meet up again-can you manage next week sometime?
83. How did you manage to sleep through that thunderstorm?
84. If there's no sugar we'll have to manage without.
85. If you can manage to get two tickets that's better still.
86. I don't think we'll manage it. Still(), we can but try.
87. If by any chance you can't manage dinner tonight, perhaps we can at least have a drink together.
88. We will actively manage your portfolio to maximize the return on your investment.
89. Joking apart, will you be able to manage on your own?
90. The Republicans took the moral high ground with the message that they were best equipped to manage the authority.
91. I saw a harried-looking mother at the checkout trying to manage two small children and a mountain of shopping.
92. How did you manage to get all that wine through Customs?
93. I manage to get on top of the job, and then they move the goalposts again.
94. How do you manage to look so cool in this hot weather?
95. Did you manage to patch things up with Jackie after your row?
96. If he doesn't manage to convince them, it won't be for want of trying .WHICH WORD?
97. A lot of women manage to bring up families and go out to work at the same time take Angela, for example.
98. How did Mum manage to eke out the food when we were kids?
99. Did you manage to speak to the bursar about my salary?
100. Some of the runners could only manage to hobble over the finishing line.
101. Lions usually manage to rear about half the number of cubs born to them.
102. Did you manage to pin him down to a definite date?
103. I don't know how we're going to manage,( ) the way things are.
104. How do you manage to squeeze so much into one day?
105. Do you envy other women who seem to manage their lives better?
106. I think we can manage quite happily on our own.
107. We manage to pump the whole story out of him little by little.
108. She's 82 and can't manage on her own any more.
109. The horse was huge and vicious. Giles was the only one who could manage her.
110. This is exhausting work, but I manage to keep going somehow.
111. I was given a million-dollar project to manage in my first month - it was a real baptism of fire.
112. This mousse says it's designed to eliminate frizz and make hair glossy and easier to manage.
113. He has to manage on less than £100 a week.
114. He's a sad case-his wife died last year and he can't seem to manage without her.
115. How do those TV mothers always manage to look so immaculately coiffed as they do the housework?
116. She was at her wit's end wondering how she'd manage it all in the time.
117. What worries me is how he will manage now his wife's died.
118. I manage to scrape a living by selling my pictures.
119. I don't know how actors manage to learn all those lines.
120. How did you manage to get such a plum job?
121. I honestly don't know how we'll manage now Keith's lost his job.
122. It'll be tight, but I guess I'll just about manage.
123. We manage, with the help of a nurse who comes daily.
124. It really is best to manage without any medication if you possibly can.
125. He's always sounding off about how he would manage the firm.
126. However did you manage to get him to agree to that?
127. I don't think Dick will ever manage to slake his lust for power.
128. "How does she manage to run so fast at her age?" he asked in awed tones.
129. I can't afford to get you a new coat - you'll have to manage with the one you've got.
130. If we could by any possibility manage to do it, we would for sure.
131. I don't know how you all manage to survive on Jeremy's salary.
132. I'm staying with a friend until I manage to sort myself out.
133. They manage a company offering advice on mergers and acquisitions.
134. I don't know anyone in England but I am sure I will manage when I find my feet.
135. Did your husband manage to fight off his cold by taking aspirin?
136. We seemed to manage okay for the first year or so after David was born.
137. Do you think five of us will manage to squeeze into the one car?
138. We haven't a great income,(http:///manage.html)but we manage to get along.
139. I'm completely stumped - how did she manage to escape?
140. I can't answer for my colleagues, but I can manage a meeting next week.
141. I can just manage to string a few words of French together.
142. He's old enough by now to manage his own affairs.
143. You didn't manage to put that story over on the tax people(), did you?
144. Did you manage to get a photograph of the goal?
145. Consultants can help academic institutions to manage their resources more efficiently.
146. We didn't manage to do Nice when we were in France.
147. I don't know how you manage to keep such a cool head in such a hectic, stressful office!
148. It's hard to manage your children and do the shopping.
149. I don't know how they manage on only £50 a week.
150. He'll never manage such a big garden on his own.
151. You need to learn how to manage your time effectively.
152. What went through Tom's mind I can't imagine, but he did manage to keep a straight face.
153. We manage to get most of our produce in Britain.
154. Only take upon yourself those things that you know you can manage comfortably.
155. We are very busy so much so that we can't manage to take a holiday this year.
156. I dinned it into him that he had to manage things differently.
157. I can manage quite well on my own, thank you!
158. Theoretically, it's a good idea to live without a car, but practically speaking, it would be difficult to manage without one.
159. I didn't manage to get down that last bit she said, about the meeting.
160. You need to learn to manage your time more effectively.
161. If we cannot pin down exactly what we are supposed to be managing,() how can we manage it?
162. I don't know how they manage to bring up four children—they're as poor as church mice.
163. I have a slight infection, but I think I'll manage to sleep it off.
164. I know you mean well, but I can manage by myself.
165. I didn't manage to finish the report. I kept getting interrupted.
166. Rabbits still manage to find a way in. I am sure that some have even taken to gnawing through the metal.
167. However does he manage to write music when he is so deaf?
168. There is a growing realization that we must manage the earth's resources more carefully.
169. It was Sod's Law-the only day he could manage was the day I couldn't miss work.
170. In today's programme, we'll be giving you advice on how to manage your money.
171. The media always manage to nose out some interesting facts about a politician's past life.
172. I can't borrow the money so I'll have to manage without.
173. If the new leader does manage to unify his warring party it will be quite an achievement.
174. I don't want some smart arse from the city telling me how to manage my farm.
175. It's going to take some doing to do the report on time, but we should manage it.
176. After she lost her job, they had to manage on his salary.
177. How did you manage to drive into a stationary vehicle?
178. Despite poverty and appalling conditions, these people still manage to keep their dignity and self-respect.
179. He's old and rheumatic and can't manage the stairs any longer.
180. Some people may manage their finances badly and therefore have to go short of essentials.
181. They withdrew their objections with as good a grace as they could manage.
182. How did you manage to possess yourself of his secret?
183. Josh expects me to manage all the household expenses on very little.
184. I don't know how we are going to manage for bread today.
185. You'd better manage to subjugate him. Otherwise it will be all over with you.
186. Paying a little each month can help you manage your money.
187. Do you think we'll manage to keep the surprise party secret from Mum until her birthday?
188. Despite our best efforts, we didn't manage to win the match.
189. Thank you, but I think I can manage perfectly well on my own.
190. Some women do manage to achieve business success against all odds.
191. There is a lack of confidence in the government's ability to manage the economy.
192. I'm sure they'll manage to argue out any differences that arise.
193. She didn't know how she would manage until her next giro.
194. "All right, I can manage a fiver," McMinn said with reluctance.
195. When you have a job as well as children to look after, you have to learn how to manage your time.
196. I don't know how they manage to support their expensive lifestyle.
197. It is a big fault to think that you can learn how to manage people in business school.
198. We were at the very end of the queue and so didn't manage to get any tickets.
199. I'm as ambitious as the next man. I'd like to manage at the very highest level.
200. To manage your way out of recession, accentuate the positive./manage.html
201. We will actively manage your portfolio to maximise the return on your investment.
202. The team should manage to stop the rot if they play well this week.
203. People like Jim have to manage on as little as $75 a week.




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更新时间:2025/3/10 19:11:57