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单词 Clinical
1. She regarded her patients from a purely clinical standpoint.
2. She gazed at the body with almost clinical detachment.
3. He practises as a clinical psychologist.
4. The drug has undergone extensive clinical trials .
5. Both parties seemed to have a rather clinical view of the breakup of their marriage.
6. Clinical trials of the new drug may take five years.
7. Two rival laser surgery systems are undergoing clinical trials in the US.
8. He watched her suffering with clinical detachment.
9. They're doing clinical trials on a new drug.
10. She was diagnosed as having clinical depression.
10. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
11. The new drug is undergoing clinical trials.
12. They are doing clinical trials on a new drug.
13. About one in every 20 people have clinical depression.
14. The walls were painted a clinical white.
15. The therapy has helped people with clinical depression .
16. All this questioning is so analytical and clinical — it kills romance.
17. The program gives the students experience in a clinical setting.
18. After the clinical examination, the consultant invited his students to put forward any suggestions they had kicked about the nature of the disease.
19. They have been treated with this drug in clinical trials.
20. The drug must first be tested in clinical trials to see if it works on other cancers.
21. How can you be so cold and clinical about your son's accident?
22. She seems to have a very clinical attitude towards her children.
23. He looked at the body with an almost clinical detachment.
24. If clinical trials are successful the drug could be on the market early next year.
25. A formal marriage agreement sounds clinical, but it can be a good idea.
26. Queensland heroin users will be able to detoxify rapidly on Naltrexone after a two-year clinical trial of the controversial drug begins in Brisbane this week.
27. These data show that most cancers are detected as a result of clinical follow - up .
28. Since then, Wellcome has been scaling up production to prepare for clinical trials.
29. We were going to paint our kitchen white, but we decided that would look too clinical.
30. Professionals like doctors, nurses, dieticians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and clinical psychologists are working together at each centre to look after the various needs of the elderly.
1. She regarded her patients from a purely clinical standpoint.
2. She gazed at the body with almost clinical detachment.
3. He practises as a clinical psychologist.
4. The drug has undergone extensive clinical trials .
5. Both parties seemed to have a rather clinical view of the breakup of their marriage.
6. Queensland heroin users will be able to detoxify rapidly on Naltrexone after a two-year clinical trial of the controversial drug begins in Brisbane this week.
7. These data show that most cancers are detected as a result of clinical follow - up .
8. Clinical trials of the new drug may take five years.
9. Two rival laser surgery systems are undergoing clinical trials in the US.
10. They are doing clinical trials on a new drug.
10. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
11. After the clinical examination, the consultant invited his students to put forward any suggestions they had kicked about the nature of the disease.
31. For the first few months after Daniel died, I was in a state of clinical depression.
32. The first clinical trials were expected to begin next year.
33. Everything in the nursery was white and clinical and there were no pictures on the walls.
34. She spent 15 years as a clinical psychologist with the Northumberland Health Authority.
35. Table I shows the clinical data on admission.
36. It is a safe, clinical diagnosis requiring no investigation.
37. In our clinical age, we call it the subconscious.
38. It brings together occupational, social, clinical and cognitive psychologists.
39. I can give you clinical depression.
40. Clinical and administrative staff flew out immediately from Virginia.
41. Klinsmann was absolutely clinical in scoring that goal.
42. The drug has undergone a number of clinical trials.
43. Systematic reviews: synthesis of best evidence for clinical decisions.
44. The table summarises the clinical data and results.
45. Insurers have everything to gain by supporting clinical trials.
46. Examination by written papers,[] oral clinical assessment and thesis.
47. Similar definitions apply to osteoporosis or clinical depression.
48. But no large(), long-range clinical trials have been completed.
49. Table I summarises their subsequent clinical course.
50. He suffers from chronic back pain and clinical depression, conditions for which he is reportedly no received medical attention.
51. Important differences existed between the clinical and rehabilitation members in their approach to patient management.
52. The results are often at variance with the clinical diagnosis.
53. None of these writers produced research evidence to back up their claims, basing them exclusively on clinical practice and theoretical projections.
54. But in the clinical area it is possible to teach concepts by observation and experiences supported by language.
55. His older sister had died at the age of 6 months after an identical clinical course.
56. The condition should figure prominently in undergraduate clinical training and in medical textbooks.
57. Remaining funds will be allocated to individual projects, a third to public health research and two-thirds to clinical research.
58. However, this study has been criticized on both clinical and laboratory grounds.
59. Four of five people with clinical depression can improve and resume daily activity, usually within weeks.
60. Genes that have great clinical importance include those responsible for antibiotic resistance.
61. A health check, in my opinion, involves a clinical examination and intervention, where appropriate, based on the findings.
62. The team is now seeking approval to carry out clinical trials at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford.
63. The triple computer system contained confidential clinical data including details of how long patients had to live.
64. It included scientific and clinical articles, abstracts from foreign journals, news items and editorials.
65. The nurse adviser to the Health Authority should seek additional funds to meet developments in clinical activity.
66. This may be in terms of amenities in hospital wards, or in the actual clinical care provided.
67. While these symptoms impart a conformity to the clinical presentation, the underlying psychodynamic psychopathology is varied.
68. Whether a patient needs to be admitted immediately is a clinical decision.
69. Though the numbers affected are small colonoscopic biopsy and histological examination for dysplasia seems to hold no advantage over routine clinical management.
70. If these data were combined with clinical data then large subgroups with low mortality could be identified.
70. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
71. The primary outcome was the occurrence of severe clinical events, defined as death or hospital admission irrespective of the cause.
72. The type of research, including its clinical component, may well influence future career choice and opportunity.
73. However, in the clinical area this is not always easy to apply.
74. This has not been a problem in practical clinical experience.
75. That is, it may be easier to agree a price for a contract for clinical services than to assess cost or cost-effectiveness.
76. Purchasers may buy clinical care but will not want to pay the extra costs attributable to research.
77. This report offered a useful opportunity to discuss the extent to which the age factor might influence clinical decision making.
78. Young calves, added to such a grazing herd in July, may develop clinical disease within 2-3 weeks.
79. They have demonstrated that it is possible to construct systems of clinical budgeting in acute hospitals.
80. The most effective way of organising specialist care is through sickle cell centres, which can offer both clinical and psychological support.
81. One of these diagnostic agents is now in clinical trials.
82. Results Table I shows clinical data for all 23 patients.
83. We are really a basic research laboratory in a clinical department.
84. The department has a strong research base reflecting commitment to clinical nursing and the utilisation of research.
85. This hypothesis is not widely accepted as the clinical evidence generally is not supportive.
86. A criterion referenced marking schedule is used to assess the students at each clinical station.
87. No clinical data regarding the aetiology of superficial gastritis in these patients are given.
88. Thus, clinical disorders of volume are caused by disturbances of salt balance.
89. If I answer no I simply return the questionnaire without any clinical data.
90. This improvement in outcome implies economic as well as clinical benefit.
91. We believe that in future clinical computer systems will provide support for making detailed clinical decisions.
92. No such authoritative review of clinical ecology can occur without the active participation of proponents of the approach.
93. The objective is to provide the student with a basic knowledge of normal human biology with aspects relevant to clinical medicine.
94. Maintain professional confidentiality. Ensure accuracy and legibility of clinical and legal documents.
95. Bioethicists disagree among themselves, both in the clinical setting and on matters of public policy.
96. These early studies were performed in diabetics with and without clinical evidence of vascular disease.
97. The clinical application of devices or materials which contact blood is of major importance in modern medicine.
98. This will mostly be used in clinical trials, although some is expected to go to those with official medical approval.
99. Over the next two weeks he made a slow clinical improvement and required blood transfusion and intravenous nutrition.
100. In a number of clinical disorders the cell count is subject to periodic or highly irregular variation.
101. Moreover there were no clinical or prognostic differences between those with and those without abnormal pancreatic radiology.
102. Providing these will result in stronger management than having authority imposed by workers without a clinical background.
103. This has not been the usual clinical experience,[http:///clinical.html] and these results have not been replicated.
104. There is, however, abundant evidence that many patients vulnerable to clinical depression have a constitutional deficit of serotonin.
105. These cover nursing auxiliaries, enrolled nurses, staff nurses, sisters and clinical specialists.
106. Proposed changes in the clinical career structure should make clinical nursing less of a poor relation in terms of financial recognition and status.
107. Whether this has resulted in better clinical decision making, patient satisfaction(), or use of resources is as yet unknown.
108. The appropriate steps will vary depending upon the clinical circumstances.
109. Their clinical features were compared, as was the extent of disease, the clinical course, and prognosis.
110. Clinical ecology is one of the more controversial forms of alternative medicine.
111. Most graduate nurses start their professional careers in clinical nursing.
112. Therefore the relation between the ICAM-1 expression and the clinical course seems to be of diagnostic interest for colonic carcinoma.
113. Differences between clinical medicine and public health in their views on quality assurance are also illustrated.
114. This is currently undergoing clinical assessment in Britain, and if all goes well will be commercially available within a few years.
115. The invited speakers are either themselves practising in the clinical area or currently speaking or writing about childbirth matters.
116. The diagnosis of chronic liver disease was made by accepted clinical, serological and histological criteria.
117. Clinical tests have shown this frequency gives the best balance between thorough cleaning and personal comfort.
118. The clinical teacher must also be involved in planning timetables, since she is often required to teach in the classroom.
119. The role of the clinical teacher has been discussed in the previous chapter.
120. Darlington magistrates were told Mr Siddle had been suffering from clinical depression triggered by business problems.
121. These agents are now being tested in clinical trials with people at risk. 6.
122. Delayed gastric emptying after surgery was confirmed in only 20% of patients referred with this clinical diagnosis.
123. When she was seen there seemed to be no good reason for this strange reversal in her clinical course.
124. But medical advance not only enhances clinical capability, it carries with it profound ethical, legal, social and economic implications.
125. Would that we had had a bit more clinical experience, but that is part of their program today.
126. Douglas makes the concerto sound almost chaste in its clinical brilliance.
127. That means a high standard of clinical care and a personal service.
128. This knowledge was rapidly applied to clinical care by responsible physicians.
129. Invasion and metastasis largely determine the clinical course of colorectal carcinomas.
130. Log-rank test for clinical adverse events and Fisher's exact test for laboratory adverse events.
131. A report by the Royal College of Physicians of London concluded that studies of clinical ecologists were seriously flawed.
132. Britain's clinical research is widely acknowledged to be in very bad shape.
133. These plants, unlike the earlier tonics, have the backing of a large amount of experimental and clinical data.
134. Fundholding practitioners would be less constrained in their clinical decision making and patients could anticipate more choice and improvements in services.
135. Patients who fail to respond to these regimens or whose symptoms do not allow an accurate clinical diagnosis should be referred.
136. Where there is a personality clash, the learner should be re-allocated to another clinical teacher.
137. Our findings may also have clinical implications concerning longterm treatment of acid related disorders with potent inhibitors of acid secretion.
138. One assumes other factors were at work, perhaps clinical depression, so that the medal controversy precipitated his decision.
139. The work, if confirmed, could eventually lead to clinical application in the treatment of aplastic anaemia and malignancy.
140. This could be a dilemma for both the clinical director and other consultants within the directorate.
141. The third study found a direct relation between smoking and clinical gall bladder disease among men but not among women.
142. The study of gastric mucosal proliferation may have important clinical applications.
143. Secondly, transport of such critically ill patients to regional referral centres should be considered and discussed early in the clinical course.
144. There is considerable variability and heterogeneity in the clinical course of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the oesophagus.
145. It has been studied the most extensively and there is a very large clinical experience with the drug.
146. Inflammation was graded according to Matt's criteria by one of the authors, who was given no clinical information.
147. The study aimed to review referral patterns and assess the cost effectiveness of oesophageal manometry in clinical practice.
148. Agar gel and cellulose acetate are the more commonly used media in the routine clinical laboratory. 189.
149. Clinical response was assessed continuously until the patient switched off.
150. When a clinical situation poses a genuine moral dilemma, by definition no right answer exists.
151. In a well publicised case a patient recently committed suicide while under the care of a clinical ecologist.
152. Another important symptom of clinical depression is loss of the capacity to love.
153. Supervised clinical training is provided in cytotoxic drug treatment and radiation therapy.
154. The question of validity of the methods of clinical ecologists is essentially what constitutes good science.
155. The clinical grading structure is such that enrolled nurses should never now be considered as a cheaper alternative.
156. Clinical trials not only collect and analyze medical data, they also gather information on the costs of alternative treatments.
157. The standard of clinical care reported is less than acceptable.
158. Colonoscopic surveillance in colitis should reduce cancer related death compared with routine clinical care, by detecting early curable cancer.
159. My period of training took place as I was practising in the clinical area.
160. Ward learning resources During her training, a student is assigned to various clinical areas for periods of six to twelve weeks.
161. Such concerns can create new and significant demands upon the staff management skills of new clinical directors.
162. Skeletal bone fillers Not all clinical applications demand the high mechanical strengths that are needed in dental crowns.
163. The data presented were drawn from detailed clinical interview of new patients at the point of initial assessment.
164. The neck itself is subject to a form of clinical exposure, its bone structure shifting and projecting.
165. It contributes to the syndrome of parasitic gastroenteritis and only occasionally occurs in sufficient numbers to cause clinical disease on its own.
166. Clinical details, dates of hospital admissions, and contacts with other patients at outpatient clinics were also recorded.
167. All patients routinely underwent clinical assessment of continence before operation.
168. Approval is by no means certain, despite two rounds of late-stage clinical tests that appear to demonstrate the Serono drug works.
169. The company will fund clinical trials necessary for the compounds to be shuttled through the federal drug approval process.
170. It was clinical white with a spotless red carpet, and full on Sundays.
171. Although platelet thromboxane generation was elevated in diabetics without clinical evidence of vascular disease, the difference did not reach statistical significance.
172. Clinical assessments were estimated to take on average 9.8 minutes for a regular review and 13.4 minutes for an annual review.
173. Interestingly, this attitude contrasts starkly with how people conduct their clinical practice or academic research.
174. The online journal of current clinical trials, a scientific electronic journal, is to be launched this month.
175. Lack of support during previous clinical experience may have sapped the confidence of the learner.
176. Sobel and Collen suggested that clinical decisions on intravenous heparin should await the outcome of unfinished trials.
177. Papers written by clinical ecologists for clinical ecologists in clinical ecology journals have little scientific impact.
178. Sound systems are now used in clinical settings, especially in psychiatrists' and dentists' offices.
179. Perfection is cold and clinical, every angle precise, every edge razor sharp and according to plan.
180. It helps if you can limit your first list to those skills you will require in one clinical area.
181. The four degree score of Binder was used to classify clinical and endoscopic findings.
182. From these findings and from the clinical course, we concluded that the fragments had passed spontaneously into the duodenum.
183. We find much of concern in the current vituperative condemnation of clinical ecology.
184. Clinical symptoms and signs were poor indicators of the investigations that will detect a cause for the anaemia.
185. However, accumulating clinical evidence suggests that the single worst action a victim can take is to submit to an abusive partner.
186. A standard, detailed clinical assessment was also carried out on a subsample of these children.
187. Many other substances were screened for antiviral activity and a few drugs with limited clinical application were found.
188. The clinical and research developments which have led to changes in the official policy will now be described.
189. If Britain is to maintain its tradition of excellent clinical research adequate support must be provided for the clinical costs of research.
190. Clinical managers have more narrowly defined responsibilities than generalists and have training and / or experience in a specific clinical area.
191. Six thrombolytic agents are either approved for clinical use or under clinical investigation in some patients with acute myocardial infarction.
192. Of those who commit suicide, 60 percent suffer from clinical depression, Quinnett claims.
193. At discharge, when he was fully well, he was eating normally and had no clinical abnormality in chest or abdomen.
194. The high cost of clinical trials and animal tests has forced Beecham to hold back products that looked promising in research.
195. The clinical trial will be starting in late July.
196. Sign up for our Clinical Trial Registry!
197. Why didn't the clinical trial include more people?
198. See our clinical trial database for current information.
199. He couldn't run a clinical trial on human beings.
200. Objectives To explore the clinical effects for peritoneal colostomy in the treatment of anorectum carcinoma.
201. Here , we review Legionaires disease aetiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptom, pathological change(), therapy and prophylaxis etc.
202. Objective To evaluate the early clinical treatment of the comminuted fracture.
203. Digital clubbing was the only clinical manifestation of HOA, which was confirmed with a bone scan.
204. Objective : To summarize and discuss the aetiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of gallbladder carcinoma.
205. Clinical treatment of PD includes dopamine replacement such as L - DOPA and D _ 2 dopamine receptor agonist.
206. Communicate compromise settlement problems , coordinate the project leader, clinician, section office, clinical base and patient.
207. Objective Application mini titanium board regular treatment condylar process fracture, observe the clinical effect after operation.
208. Purpose: That the cervical vertebra falls ill is a clinical common multiple disease.
209. China's Type A H 1 N 1 influenza vaccine clinical trial is progressing smoothly.
210. Conclusion The combined operation can be an effective and safe clinical method to the visual rehabilitation.
211. Objective : To study the clinical characteristics and diagnostic condition of colorectal cancer.
212. Objective To study the analgesia effect of a clinical trial Chinese Compound Recipe.
213. Objective : To evaluate the clinical application of common bile duct exploration with choledochoscope for choledocholithiasis.
214. Moreover, if possible, has a clinical thermometer not to calculate unnecessarily.
215. Cohan Mansfield agitated behavior checklist and Clinical Global Impression ( CGI ) were used to assess the curative effect.
216. Objective To discuss clinical characteristics of gallbladder agenesis ( GBA ).
217. Update the relevant regulation for clinical trial published authority and SFDA.
218. The Hopkins group is conducting a clinical trial of xenograft model.
219. Methods 36 clinical datum of immunity depression concurrence tuberculosis were analysised.
220. Objective To discuss the effect of healthy education gluteus contracture children by clinical nursing pathway.
221. Objective To investigate the clinical value of dilater curing contract of conjunctival sac.
222. AIM : To investigate the clinical characteristics and incidence of different conjunctivitis in Cameroon.
223. Objective: To evaluate the clinical efficiency of fitting soft contact lens for monocular aphakia children.
224. The doctor used a clinical thermometer to measure the patient's temperature.
225. Recent investigation suggested that inverse agonist has potential clinical application.
226. Objective This clinical trial is to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of Bonin.
227. Objective : To provide anatomic data for clinical orthopedics, aesthetics, cosmetology and plastic surgery on the nose.
228. Objective To summarize the role of CT in evaluating concha bullosa ( CB ) and investigate its clinical values.
229. Objective To investigate the clinical practice value of colonoscopy examing terminal ileum.
230. Conclusions - Bacteria can colonize cardiac electrophysiological devices without clinical signs of infection.
231. Objective To study the clinical application of fundus fluorescein angiography ( FFA ) in choroidal contusion.
232. A confirmatory, post approval clinical trial was begun by Wyeth ( now Pfizer ) in 2004.
233. Large - scale clinical trial is an important measure of clinical evaluation on drugs.
234. Objective: To observe the clinical effect of L - carnitine injection on chronic cor pulmonale.
235. It is used to air condition, central heating, clinical thermometer, auto - electron , electronic calendar.
236. Concordance of clinical phenotype may be related to patients ? ? age and antivirus therapy.
237. AbstractObjectiveTo study the clinical characteristics of children with constrictive pericarditis ( CP ).
238. Ruptured aneurysms from anterior communicating artery were more easier to lead to severe clinical outcome.
239. Objectives : To explore clinical characteristic of febrile convulsion ( FC ) and the meaning of electroencephalogram changes.
240. Evidence - based medicine ( EBM ) was the progress of traditional clinical trial model.
241. AIM In order to explore the clinical anb barium enema manifestation of congenital megacolon.
242. Objective To discuss clinical outcomes of the surgical treatment of early ischemic contracture in the forearm.
243. The clinical test indicates the output signal is precise and can cure the tinnitus effectively.
244. Objective To report clinical features of coronoid process hyperplasia related mouth opening limitation.
245. Methods: Tomato - agar plate was compared with routine - fostering with 100 clinical sample.
246. Lamivudine and interferon combination with or without lamivudine priming showed encouraging results in clinical trial.
247. The program has led to at least one clinical trial.
248. Objective To explore the angiographic features of coronary myocardial bridge ( CMB ) and evaluate its clinical treatment.
249. Methods: To report the summary of the clinical materials concerning 26 air crew.
250. Objective To investigate the clinical features of cytomegalovirus ( CMV ) hepatitis and the effect of Ganciclovir ( GCV ) on it.
251. Objective : To evaluate the clinical effect of laparoscope using in colorectal cancer.
252. Objective: Discussion acetabulum double strut compound fracture clinical characteristic and surgery method.
253. Now X ? ray Computed Tomography ( CT ) technology has been successfully used in clinical circumstance.
254. As well the results of clinical trial are analyzed in this paper.
255. Investigators financial conflict of interest in clinical research may negatively influent clinical trials.
256. The aetiology, clinical characteristics, and management of this case are discussed.
257. Ensure clinical trial is completed in a timely manner to support product registration.
258. Clinical process divides typical armour hepatitis a phase: is preclinical, prodrome period, is icteric period, convalescence.
259. But the results of studies based on BPF are not always coincident with clinical condition.
260. The chemical synthesis, pharmacological action and clinical trial of exemestane were reviewed.
261. Objective To discuss the clinical characteristics and treatment of congenital constricting band syndrome ( CCBS ) and amputations.




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