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单词 Muslim
1. In many Muslim countries, the women wear veils.
2. He embraced the Muslim religion.
3. According to Muslim theology there is only one God.
4. She holds traditionalist Muslim views.
5. The Muslim religion was founded by Mohammed.
6. His grandfather was a Muslim cleric.
7. Friday is a holiday in Muslim countries.
8. Stevens became a Muslim and adopted the name Yusuf Islam.
9. Why not widen the discussion to include the Muslim and Jewish points of view?
10. The Muslim RDR is demanding a rerun of last week's presidential poll.
11. Harri was the only practising Muslim in the class.
12. Hakeem is currently observing the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, and fasts between sunrise and sunset.
13. You can't be a Muslim and a Catholic at the same time - it's just not possible.
14. The Islamists liked his reference to Turkey's Muslim identity.
15. Thus, passionate bhakti existed long before the Muslim conquest.
16. Hindu rule was already tottering before Muslim penetration.
17. Muslim pilgrims on their way to Mecca.
18. The attitude of the Muslim rulers toward Hinduism varied.
19. Ceremonial prostration is part of Muslim prayer.
20. So, my Muslim son has become an infidel!
21. This could be seen through the long Muslim hegemony.
22. How can you do the Muslim chauvinist thing?
23. The Muslim places of lie over yours.
24. Except for a brief Christian interlude at the beginning of the 11th century, Istanbul has been a Muslim city for almost 1300 years.
25. What are the prospects for overcoming the strife between the Christian minority and Muslim majority?
26. Ethiopia'sart springs from her early Christian as well as her Muslim heritage.
27. Many Christians today feel the need to relate their experience to that of the Hindu, the Buddhist and the Muslim.
28. Less than 1 percent of the men in any Muslim country are polygamous.
29. The U.S. military has been at pains not to offend its Muslim host.
30. The mosque is a activity site and culture center of Muslim religion.
1. In many Muslim countries, the women wear veils.
2. Except for a brief Christian interlude at the beginning of the 11th century, Istanbul has been a Muslim city for almost 1300 years.
3. What are the prospects for overcoming the strife between the Christian minority and Muslim majority?
4. According to Muslim theology there is only one God.
5. The Muslim religion was founded by Mohammed.
31. The destruction of the mosque has provoked anger throughout the Muslim world.
32. The regime regards all three predominantly Sunni Muslim towns as hostile and continues to claim that foreign-backed extremists inside them are driving ever-escalating violence.
33. But, then, if a daughter of Muslim Ummah, does the same, why is she oppressed?
34. Arroyo has had to make compromises with Muslim family leaders throughout the region while soldiers pursued elements of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, deeply ensconced in the province.
35. This reminds us how al-Qaida was always only one of scores of radical groups that together constituted the dynamic, varied and evolving phenomenon of Sunni Muslim violent extremism.
36. The trouble started when rumors began to spread that turkic-speaking, mainly Muslim Uighur migrant workers at the toy plant had raped Chinese women.
37. Zakah is the third pillar of Islam. It is obligatory on each Muslim, male or female, provided its conditions are met.
38. One of the pillars of Islamic faith, the Hajj must be carried out at least once in their lifetime by any Muslim who has the ability to do so.
39. Ambassador Liu congratulated Baroness Warsi on her being a member of the British Cabinet as the first Muslim woman.
40. The trial has become a target for protests by hard-line Muslim groups who have adopted pornography as a banner issue, claiming it symbolises what they have called the nation's moral decline.
41. Sunni Muslim insurgents are being blamed for the blasts that killed at least 88 people.
42. The city essentially owes its fame and beauty to the Moors who transformed it into the Muslim capital of Spain.
43. Plans are also in the pipeline to include a Chinese woman and a burka-wearing Muslim.
44. He also the first Muslim leader to recognize the State of Israel.
45. I Don't like the Mahomet , I negative the Muslim!
46. Jinnah realized that the Muslim Union must take measures to unite the Muslim organizations under its leadership and contend against the National Congress Party.
47. And yet Mr Obama's programme of Muslim outreach is already faltering.
48. The harsh sentence marked the first time a legal punishment had been handed down since female activists began their campaign in June to break the taboo in this ultraconservative Muslim nation.
49. The Ak-Sray-Ding Tower is located in the northern Turkmenistan town of Kunya Urgench and has become an important Sunni Muslim pilgrimage site.
50. The Assad regime is dominated by the Alawite minority, an offshoot of Shiite Islam, but the country is overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim.
51. To the east was the Afghan Taliban, a regime that espoused a ruthless brand of Sunni Islam and viewed Iran's Shia Muslim leaders as heretics.
52. Rather, the Mujahideen – the Muslim Ummah's vanguard in Afghanistan and Iraq – are the ones who won, and the American forces and their Crusader allies are the ones who lost.
53. They comprised mostly Levantine Arabs, both Christian and Muslim(Sentence dictionary), who settled in Brooklyn and along Washington Street in lower Manhattan.
54. One resident called Dahiryart wore a typical Muslim hat and a Sarong .
55. According to Shaheed Hamid, the mosque's imam, the mosque was established in 1968 as part of the Nation of Islam, an order that was then the most prominent Muslim group in the United States.
56. Did Obama's mother go on to marry another Muslim named Lolo Soetoro who "educated his stepson as a good Muslim by enrolling him in one of Jakarta's Wahabbi schools?"
57. That pogrom followed allegations that a Muslim mob had been responsible for the deaths of Hindu activists.
58. Many Muslim scholars consider statues to be idolatrous, and other AK officials have not disguised their aversion to them.
59. Between 2006 and 2008 the proportion of Muslim pupils at the Atheneum rose from half to 80%.
60. In Sulawesi and some other eastern regions, Christian and Muslim populations are roughly equal.
61. He also accused Western powers of stealing what he called Muslim oil.
62. Saudi Arabia expects to host perhaps three million people in a ritual journey that every able-bodied Muslim who can afford it must make at least once in their lifetime.
63. The ninth month of the Islamic calendar, Ramadan, is one of the most important periods in the Muslim year.
64. The "spring rush", as it is called, is the largest annual movement of people in the world, with a total of 2.38bn journeys over three weeks, surpassing even the Hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca.
65. Macedonia's Muslim Albanians, a quarter of the population, are also griping.
66. Jan. 15, in the southern Kandahar province police headquarters by suicide attacks, including the police chief Muhammad Muslim Mujahid, including 3 policemen were killed and two wounded.
67. Violence increased December 27, which coincided with the Shiite Muslim holy day of Ashura.
68. New members in the house include the first Muslim member of congress.
69. Gansu province is the main area of Muslim inhabitation in the west - north area of China.
70. Religion: Islam is the State Religion , Shiite Muslim 60 %, Sunni Muslim 37 %; other 3 %.
71. Seventy-seven percent of Kashmiris were Muslim; 20% Hindu; and the rest Sikhs and Buddhists.
72. The other sculpture, which depicts the Muslim relic, the Black Stone of Mecca, contained in a vagina-like marble frame, was considered insensitive to the religion.
73. Religious sites here are welcoming to visitors, both Christian and Muslim; the day before we had headed out of the city on a Sunday morning for the small, mainly Greek Catholic village of Maalula.
74. The suicide blast targeted the funeral of a Shia Muslim man who gunned down on Thursday.
75. Others finger Salman Rushdie's knighthood as an incitement of Muslim outrage.
76. Across the windows hung thin curtains of muslim embroidered with beetles' wings and with tiny seed-pearls, and as it passed by a pale-faced Circassian looked out and smiled at me.
77. Pope Benedict is expressing sympathy for religious minorities in the Muslim world.
78. Uighurs are a Turkic - speaking Muslim people with a culture closer to Central Asia's than mainstream China's.
79. A Sikh temple has also been attacked, as have two Muslim prayer - rooms.
80. But that year, he announced his membership in the Black Muslim movement and changed his name, and in 1967, he refused induction into the U.S. armed forces for service in Vietnam.
81. Malcolm X was an American Black Muslim minister and a spokesman for the Nation of Islam.
82. In the early eighth century, a Muslim army of Arabs and North African Berbers conquered much of the Iberian Peninsula.
83. The uprising was initiated with murderous pogrom-like attacks by Tibetan gangs on non-Tibetan members of the population(/Muslim.html), including the Muslim Chinese minority.
84. But liberty is abused in an equally insidious way when accusers conflate apostasy with heresy—by alleging that somebody claiming to be a Muslim has erred by advancing false interpretations.
85. Demonstrators have spoken out against the country's government for months now, but the clashes on the Muslim holy day of Ashura were the worst so far.
86. These include an Asian man, a white Eastern European and a black African man.Plans are also in the pipeline to include a Chinese woman and a burka-wearing Muslim.
87. As a Muslim, i'm happy that they provide a prayer mat with kiblat direction and a mushollah at the 2nd floor.
88. Hence, not only the ideas of the Muslim political philosophers but also many other jurists and ulama posed political ideas and theories.
89. One of the best known Black Muslim ministers during this period was Malcolm X, converted while he was in prison in 1947, who broke with the movement in March 1964 and was assassinated 11 months later.
90. On a recent Friday, the Muslim day of prayer, Mr. Abdul was sitting on a battered sofa in the small concrete pro shop, waiting, as always, for a resuscitative flood of players.
91. Palfrey Junior is a state school, with no religious affiliation. But the fact that 98% of its pupils are Muslim affects the ethos.
92. The Muslim diaspora and Muslim missionaries are bringing the faith to previously untouched areas.
93. Bangladeshi Muslim immigrants living in the northern port city of Thessaloniki in Greece, offer Eid al-Adha prayers on November 6, 2011.
94. In the northeastern state of Assam, ethnic clashes between indigenous tribes and Muslim settlers have killed more than 50 people in recent weeks.
95. Iraq has a large Shiite Muslim religious shrines, each year tens of thousands of Shiite Muslims from around the world come to pilgrims, mostly from neighboring Iran.
96. In the cultural anthropology perspective, the pilgrimage every Muslim lifetime of a typical "transitional protocol" is a change in the status of the Muslim community identity and a religious ritual.
97. It resisted Punic, Roman, and Christian invasions but was conquered by the Arabs and absorbed into Muslim civilization in the 7th.
98. The ritual slaughter of animals, like this camel in Lahore, is a common sight during the Muslim holiday of Id al-Adha, which commemorates the trials of the Prophet Abraham.
99. About 20% of the population are Arabs, mostly Muslim, although some are Christian or Druze Israeli Arabs.
100. When Muslim education in Britain makes news, it mostly concerns the handful of children who attend schools that are formally Islamic, although the secular compromise at Palfrey Junior is far commoner.
101. Both U.S. and Philippine government claimed that Abu Sayyaf Muslim rebels are linked to al - Qaeda organization.
102. The same is true for the astonishing progress within Muslim - majority countries from Kuala Lumpur to Dubai.
103. In the national movement of India, Muslim elite turned to communalism road theat the first step.
104. And from that position a Christian, Jew, Muslim and Buddhist will all see the same immensity.
105. He thinks the poorish showing of Muslim businessmen reflects Hindu practices that allow the build-up of family wealth, while Islam dissipates it by mandating legacies to distant kin.
106. Human rights groups say Beijing is using terrorism as an excuse to persecute independence - leaning Muslim minorities.
107. This internationally known writer was foully condemned by the Muslim fundamentalists.
108. The first one was that a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man.
109. The exhibition curator said Australia has been unappreciative of the great achievements of Muslim cameleers.
110. Muslim men pray during the Eid al-Adha (Kurban Bairam) festival of sacrifice holiday in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on November 27, 2009.
111. The developmental trend of religiousness has differences on gender and grade of the Muslim adolescents who live in the local minority municipality.
112. The Uighurs are a largely Muslim and Turkic - based people who live in far western China.
113. It is hoped that efforts to better conserve the country's myriad sites could also boost tourism,(http:///Muslim.html) which is now heavily dependent on Shiite Muslim pilgrims visiting Iraq's various religious shrines.
114. Yet there are growing worries about the spread of hard - line Islamism in the heavily Muslim banlieues.
115. In Sulawesi and several other eastern regions, Christian and Muslim populations are roughly equal.
116. Religion: The people of Mongolia are predominantly Lamaist Buddhist , with 1 4 % Muslim minority.
117. Muslim vessels could still collect the produce of Burma and Bengal.
118. I wish all the Muslim brothers and sisters a happy Id al-Adha!
119. At least 30 people have been killed and dozens injured in a suicide bombing on a Shia Muslim march in the Pakistani city of Karachi, officials say.
120. A whopping 75 % of non - Jewish, non - Muslim American are circumcised.
121. Nike produces an all - enveloping athletic uniform to protect the modesty of Muslim women athletes.
122. Zakat Al-Fitr is meant to alleviate the pain of the poor and to cultivate the sense of brotherhood and solidarity among the Muslim community.
123. He embraced the Muslim religion when he went to live in the East.
124. Masarat Alam, the hardliner portrayed as his successor, is vice-chairman of the Muslim League, "a constituent of our forum".
125. Islam played an important role in the formation of Malay Muslim Separatism in Southern Thailand.
126. She did not want to marry a man who simply wanted to marry veiling, practicing Muslim.
127. Third is zakat ( alms giving ). The poor is the god, a Muslim gives its neediest members.
128. Haj is the main annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia, which is due to start in November.
129. China has accused the men, who are from the western Xinjiang province, of being separatists and has demanded their return. The Uighurs are a Turkic-speaking Chinese Muslim minority.
130. In addition, treating all Muslim women's problems as monolithically attributable to their religion is a cul - de - sac.
131. Mr. Dulame said Iraqis from the Shiite muslim majority generally prefer President Bush.
132. "I have always had a soft spot for the Shias of the south, " said Shahristani, himself a Shia Muslim.
133. Party of Democratic Action - Montenegro: Slav Muslim Party, affiliated to PDA of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Leader - Harun Hadzic.
134. A well - known entrepreneur, Puspo Wardoyo , calls polygamy a responsibility of wealthy Muslim men.
135. After touring Africa and the Middle East for two months, during which he made the hajj, he returned to Harlem an orthodox Muslim, a man in flux.
136. He told of a young woman from Burma who immigrated with her family and, upon entering college, identified with fellow Muslim students and began wearing a hijab (traditional headscarf).
137. At that time, millions of Shiite Muslim pilgrims converged in Karbala, southwest of Baghdad, to mark the religious saints Imam. 700 anniversary of Hussein's death ceremony.
138. India's minority Muslim population is governed by Islamic personal laws on issues such as marriage, divorce and property inheritance .
139. Next to the Qur'an the most important Muslim holy book is the Hadith.
140. Muslim stall keeper applies a cloth to a hanger in Kuala Lumpur.
141. Muslim cab drivers work at many other U.S. airports, but so far this has emerged as an issue only in the Twin Cities.
142. Two heads are thought to be buried inside -- John the Baptist and Imam Hussein, the Prophet's grandson, who was killed by a rival Muslim force in the 680 A.D. battle of Kerbala in Iraq.
143. Investigators suspect the al - Qaida - linked Muslim extremist Abu Sayyaf group may have been involved.
143. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
144. Shi'ite Muslim pilgrims self-flagellate as they gather at the Imam Musa al-Kadhim Mosque in the Kadhimiya district of northern Baghdad on July 7, 2010, to mark the death of the eighth century Imam.
145. Police in Pakistan say a suicide bomb at a Shia Muslim procession in the city of Quetta has killed at least 50 people.
146. I heard Cham people are muslim, and they are ethnic minority.
147. Taj Mahal was built by a Muslim, Emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his dear wife and queen Mumtaz Mahal at Agra, India.
148. This can in sha Allah be reinforced when you are praying together as salat in sha Allah is a reminder of the Haq and what being Muslim is all about.
149. For a Muslim the hajj is the ultimate act of worship.
150. Lashkar has a very specific pan-Islamic vision: the recovery of all Muslim lands once ruled by Muslims, including India, Central Asia and Spain.
151. Authorities charged Jose Pimentel, a Dominican-born Muslim convert, with providing support for an act of terrorism, conspiracy and weapons charges.
152. Authorities had braced for large - scale protests marking the culmination Sunday of an important Shiite Muslim commemoration.
153. Iraq has seen one of its bloodiest days in recent month, with 60 people killed in an attack on the most important Shiah Muslim shrine in Baghdad.
154. The Malays and Moors are Muslim, the majority of whom practice Sunni Islam.
155. But Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, began having second thoughts about a military career a few years ago after other soldiers harassed him for being a Muslim, he told relatives in Virginia.
156. Siting, drinking thea and preying many time at the day, they are Muslim.
157. The predominantly Muslim north has progressively ushered in a stricter enforcement of sharia law since 2000.
158. Security has deteriorated sharply over the past year as rival Shi'ite Muslim groups tussle for power.
159. Toledo was a holy city for both the Roman Catholics and the Muslim Moors of Spain.
160. A website message from the purported kidnappers Sunday all female Sunni Muslim prisoners in U.
161. Ramadan, the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, is the holiest time in Islam.
162. Will the Muslim Brotherhood Prove to Be Egypt's Version of Ayatollah Khomeini?
163. Religion: Muslim ( mostly Sunni ) - 94 %; Coptic Christian and other - 6 %.
164. Rebels opposed to Sharia in non - Muslim south Sudan have been fighting for autonomy since 1983.
165. Did you know that Muslim men shave their pubic hairs?
166. A policeman removes his motorcycle as angry protesters burn a vehicle in reaction to a bomb attack on a Shi'ite Muslim procession in Lahore, Pakistan.
167. Muslim sages tomb in west side of the liberation of North - po.
168. Muslim pilgrims go around the Kaaba in the Grand Mosque in the holy city of Mecca after morning prayers before the start of the hajj pilgrimage November 24, 2009.
169. Church of England, Catholic, Methodist, Muslim, Jewish, Sikh and Hindu.
170. During the mass, Shiite Muslim leader Ammar al-hakim , son of the head of Iraq's most powerful Shiite political organization, walked into the church.
171. Abu Ghraib, a hard-bitten town surrounded by lush farmland, is one of the trouble spots for American soldiers facing fierce challenges from both Sunni Muslim insurgents and radical Shi'ite militiamen.
172. And if we work with Muslim communities, we must understand that Islamic law, known as Sharia, prohibits the acceptance or payment of interest fees on loans.
173. Muslim worshippers circle the Kaaba at Mecca's Grand Mosque during Ramadan.
174. And, last but not least, Breivik is antisemitic but pro-Israel, as the state of Israel is the first line of defence against the Muslim expansion – he even wants to see the Jerusalem temple rebuilt.
175. The peoples need to pressure their governments to take such a stand and prove to the world that the Muslim Ummah is still alive.
176. At almost every British university, there is an ISOC to which practising Muslim students, seeking soulmates, soon gravitate.
177. This in - depth ethnographic study looks at buna for several generations of Muslim Oromo.
178. She says the criticism of Rima is tough, and she remembers U. S. President Barack Obama enduring similar remarks, due to his Muslim heritage.
179. Muslim martyrs of the Kashmiri separatist movement fill a graveyard in Srinagar, summer capital of the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
180. Muslim man prayed during at a mosque in Malaga , southern Spain, Monday.
181. Last summer, Hannah Rosenthal, the U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, made a trip to Dachau and Auschwitz with a delegation of American imams and Muslim leaders.
182. Light cavalry used as mercenaries by Muslim forces. These Akinjis fight unarmoured for speed and are armed with a bow.
183. In Old Delhi you will find many mosques, monuments and forts relating to India's Muslim history.
184. Above U.S. soldiers inspect the scene of a double bombing close to a bus station in the Shiite Muslim district of Bayah in western Baghdad on Feb. 11 2009.
185. Since Kashmir was (and is) a Muslim majority territory, Pakistan felt justified in seeing Pushtun warlords charge in from the north-west of Pakistan, late in 1947, to seize control of Kashmir.




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