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单词 Normally
1, She doesn't normally arrive until ten.
2, Fish normally have a high metabolic rate.
3, I'm normally quick to complain about shoddy service.
4, I don't normally take my holiday in midsummer.
5, It's normally much warmer than this in July.
6, Tonsillitis is normally caused by infection with streptococci.
7, Normally specimens have to be dehydrated.
8, I normally catch/take/get the 7.15 train to London.
9, Sergeant Parrott normally spoke with an upper-crust accent.
10, They are normally a more benign audience.
11, All airports in the country are working normally today.
12, I don't normally drink at lunch.
13, He is already walking normally and doing remedial exercises.
14, The journey normally takes about two hours.
15, They normally ask you to pay £100 deposit.
16, I'm not normally allowed to stay out late.
17, It normally takes 20 minutes to get there.
18, The patient began to breathe normally.
19, She's not acting normally.
20, You wouldn't normally associate these two writers-their styles are completely different.
21, Normally,[http:///normally.html] the letter would not have come to my notice .
22, The locomotive is normally kept on static display in the National Railway Museum.
23, The rainy season in the Andes normally starts in December.
24, The priestly caste does not normally intermarry with the warrior caste.
25, Children normally feel a lot of anxiety about their first day at school.
26, Mr Gillis was not normally a man to bear grudges .
27, Our bones normally renew themselves constantly.
28, I normally keep my keys in my back pocket.
29, Crabs normally catch food with their pincers.
30, The fight against a chemical storage site has transformed a normally sedate village into a battleground.
1, She doesn't normally arrive until ten.
2, Fish normally have a high metabolic rate.
3, I'm normally quick to complain about shoddy service.
4, I don't normally take my holiday in midsummer.
5, It's normally much warmer than this in July.
6, Tonsillitis is normally caused by infection with streptococci.
7, Normally specimens have to be dehydrated.
8, Sergeant Parrott normally spoke with an upper-crust accent.
9, They are normally a more benign audience.
10, All airports in the country are working normally today.
11, I don't normally drink at lunch.
12, He is already walking normally and doing remedial exercises.
13, The journey normally takes about two hours.
14, They normally ask you to pay £100 deposit.
15, I'm not normally allowed to stay out late.
16, It normally takes 20 minutes to get there.
17, She's not acting normally.
18, You wouldn't normally associate these two writers-their styles are completely different.
19, Normally, the letter would not have come to my notice .
20, The locomotive is normally kept on static display in the National Railway Museum.
21, The rainy season in the Andes normally starts in December.
22, The priestly caste does not normally intermarry with the warrior caste.
23, Children normally feel a lot of anxiety about their first day at school.
24, Mr Gillis was not normally a man to bear grudges .
25, The fight against a chemical storage site has transformed a normally sedate village into a battleground.
26, The child is developing normally.
27, I normally do all my shopping on Saturdays.
28, Normally she wore little make-up.
29, The abdominal aorta is normally smaller than the thoracic aorta.
31, How do you normally dress for work?
32, He normally hung about the house all day.
33, Potatoes are normally sprayed after harvest.
34, The hotel did not normally provide room service.
35, The television was functioning normally until yesterday.
36, Normally such matters would not come to my notice.
37, The system seems to be working normally now.
38, Normally he performs his devotions twice a day.
39, They're making efforts to streamline their normally cumbersome bureaucracy.
40, Development is not normally permitted in conservation areas.
41, Her heart is beating normally.
42, The child is developing normally.
43, His brain seems to be functioning normally.
44, Normally,[http:///normally.html] I park behind the theatre.
45, I normally do all my shopping on Saturdays.
46, Normally the boat is crewed by five people.
47, The normally loquacious Mr O'Reilly has said little.
48, His normally imperturbable secretary burst into tears.
49, Ian isn't normally this garrulous!
50, Children's suncare products are normally water-resistant.
51, Water normally moves more slowly at shallower depths.
52, Where do you normally have your hair done?
53, The authorities say the prison is now functioning normally.
54, Just try to behave normally.
55, Forrest was normally mild-mannered, affable, and untalkative.
56, Is the phone working normally again?
57, Child custody is normally granted to the mother.
58, A spasm of pain crossed his normally tranquil features.
59, Normally, I plan one or two days ahead.
60, The bond market normally revives after the summer doldrums.
61, Goods are normally dispatched within 24 hours.
62, Normally she wore little make-up.
63, Such decisions are normally the province of higher management.
64, Normally, white blood cells fight off and kill infections.
65, All the instruments were functioning normally.
66, Zoe is normally an unemotional person.
67, What time does he normally get home ?
68, He began to breathe in and out normally.
69, I normally travel by public transport.
70, When do you normally get in from work?
71, I normally get off at 5.30.
72, His normally placid dog turned on him and bit him in the leg.
73, We don't normally allow in people under 18,[http:///normally.html] but I suppose we could stretch the rules for you as it's your birthday tomorrow.
74, The normally publicity-shy director will be making several public appearances for the launch of the movie.
75, I wouldn't normally agree but I'll make an exception in this case.
76, Normally, a woman will lie in a few hours before the birth of her child.
77, Politicians normally avoid getting tangled up in anything to do with their electorate's savings.
78, Auditors normally issue a report as to whether the company accounts have been prepared correctly.
79, Put a new cassette in the cassette recorder to see whether it works normally.
80, Flights in and out of Taipei are functioning normally again.
81, Normally, when demand and supply are out of sync, you either increase the supply, or you adjust the price mechanism.
82, Normally it has only had eleven or twelve members in all. Now it will have seventeen at the very least.
83, These were top lawyers, the kind who wouldn't normally soil their hands with police work or criminal law.
84, If you have to drive when you are tired, go a little more slowly than you would normally.
85, I wouldn't normally have bought this, but I was seduced by the low price.
86, They normally charge three hundred pounds but we got it for half price.
87, Diploma and certificate courses do not normally require the submission of a dissertation.
88, They don't normally give any advance notice about which building they're going to inspect.
89, We normally plate the car handles with nickel and then chrome.
90, These saws normally use an oil / water emulsion as lubricant.
91, I normally never write into magazines but Mr Stubbs has finally crossed the line.
92, Normally he asked questions, and had a humorous remark or two.
93, My husband asked why I couldn't just forget about dieting all the time and eat normally instead.
94, The data, normally transmitted electronically, can be changed into pulses of light.
95, One or two of the earlier photos reveal an intriguing androgyny not normally associated with the actress.
96, John, normally so honest, was now being evasive in the extreme.
97, If you win your case you will normally be awarded costs.
98, Normally, the transportation system in Paris carries 950,000 passengers a day.
99, Women do not normally break into the big time by doing stand-up comedy.
100, The normally sober menswear department is set to become a veritable kaleidoscope of colour this season.
101, But still the economy is not showing signs of any of the excesses that normally presage a recession.
102, Smoke from a cigarette will not normally set off a smoke alarm.
102, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
103, Supply normally exceeds demand for the bulk of consumer goods.
104, I would normally suggest taking time off work, but in this instance I'm not sure that would do any good.
105, The price is ten times what it normally is and totally beyond the reach of ordinary people.
106, It was an odd lapse for one who is normally so polite.
107, Landlords are normally required to give 28 days' written notice to quit.
108, Social progress is normally a matter of struggles and conflicts.
109, The mattress and base are normally bought as a set.
110, Normally he would have no objection to the whole world knowing his business.
111, Normally, the stress falls on the first syllable of a word.
112, Let's face it, people who have a capacity for work normally succeed.
113, Normally, such an outward display of affection is reserved for his mother.
114, The abdominal aorta is normally smaller than the thoracic aorta.
115, The normally dour Mr James was photographed smiling and joking with friends.
116, There is normally no refund should a client choose to cancel.
117, A background check is normally a preliminary to a presidential appointment.
118, Her normally shy son had come out of his shell.
119, These are genetic disorders that only affect males normally. They are things like muscular dystrophy and haemophilia.
120, She would apparently eat normally and then make herself sick.
121, Clients normally pay fees in advance, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.
122, This vaccine is not normally provided free under the NHS.
123, Despite the power cuts, the hospital continued to function normally.
124, Evidence of recent academic achievement is normally required.
125, Laura's normally full, warm lips tightened with annoyance.
126, The bereaved are normally anxious for a speedy conclusion in these tragic cases.
127, The first two are abundant in nature and are normally harmless.
128, Statements describing proposed changes are normally referred to as aims and objectives.
129, Smoking a cigarette will not normally set off a smoke alarm.
130, But normally, they are attached to the wall of the house.
131, Each cohort of students will be admitted to only one institution and will normally remain registered with that institution until graduation.
132, P normally announces new additions five business days before they go on the index, a company official said.
132, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
133, Even the simple act of observing a sleeper normally requires forgoing sleep oneself.
134, Normally you see these kinds of injuries with victims of road accidents.
135, People normally are not conscious of, or do not pay attention to their habits - until they have been penalized by their unhealthy or harmful habits. Dr T.P.Chia 
136, This is a reasonable simplistic assumption, but it is the best that will normally be possible.
137, However experienced and confident staff normally feel, subjecting their professional work to open scrutiny brings anxiety.
138, It will normally be necessary to seek expert advice on the realisable values of all the major assets.
139, Normally, the current flowing in a circuit is measured by connecting an ammeter into the circuit.
140, Therefore, fixed asset investment is normally financed through loans or leasing.
141, Normally, any ordinary citizen subject to dropped charges would receive a stony-faced apology and the opportunity to leave via the public foyer.
142, Judges are normally appointed as chairmen of those numerous committees which are concerned with reform of substantive law or legal procedure.
143, In the market individuals exchange goods and services at a mutually agreed price, normally using the medium of money.
144, Terry Battle, normally the No. 2 tailback, played briefly because of an ankle injury.
145, Normally, care will be arranged where costs can be met from the fees which the Department will pay.
146, Some acid house parties can be heard miles away across the countryside: the inhabitants of normally quiet villages deserve protection.
147, This is an extremely difficult task, since in normally articulated speech there are seldom pauses between the individual words.
148, Registration Students entering an advanced course of study are normally registered from 1 October.
149, Financial media normally has immediate and easy access to any client.
150, Most events take about two hours and are normally limited to 20 places, so booking in advance is essential.
151, These allow soil attachment to occur normally but to the coating rather than the substrate.
152, A territory is normally allocated on the basis of workload and/or potential sales.
153, Normally, the inconsistency wouldn't matter, but it might now that she's assistant editor.
154, Jesse Sapolu, who normally would back up Brown, is also out with a sprained left ankle....
155, Midland Bank will not normally give credit to applicants under 18 years of age.
156, People can't digest the fact that a comedian can behave normally in his day to day life. The worst was the time when my father died and I was performing the last rites and somebody asked me questions like "How much do you earn?" and "Which is your next release"? Asrani 
157, Even in towns women did not normally act as traders.
158, But usually you want the goods, so an exchange of goods is normally considered quite acceptable.
159, We do not normally acknowledge receipt of letters for publication.
160, Peat moorland, especially at low altitude, was used in the past for cultivation, normally potatoes but sometimes cereals.
161, I was normally not prone to astrological contemplations, but what harm could there be in a little bit of astrology?
162, A thesaurus is normally tailored to meet the specifications of a particular application.
163, The most reliable and accurate estimates can normally be obtained using one of the true cross-areal interpolation methods.
164, Even the pair of plumed cockatoos that normally chattered away at each other in their wrought-iron enclosure were asleep on their perches.
165, Now, the term compadre, or its abbreviated form pare,[] is normally used in address to indicate intimacy and equality.
166, Normally, an air strike, for all of its apparent fury, accomplished little or nothing.
167, Normally, one only meets a non-cumulative several liability where it is annexed to joint liability.
168, This qualification, normally with Commendation, is also acceptable for entry to the degree course.
169, Normally, however, he was resident in London, operating as an undercover agent there.
170, These are matters of private arrangement between individuals; the state is not normally involved.
171, The homework assignment involves setting a task that they would not normally do.
172, Mr Major, who normally sleeps in a top-floor flat above his office, will be found other accommodation in Whitehall.
173, Devlin also alleges that Parker allowed Scott Supply some leeway normally not granted to ordinary bidders.
174, He normally didn't like wearing uniforms in films, but wore them with aplomb.
175, In any album deal, we normally take options for six albums.
176, So you will normally know whether the station is to your left or right and whether it is ahead of astern. 5.
177, This is normally done by the vendor appointing the purchaser as sub-contractor or as agent.
178, Normally a mouth organ or a piano accordion accompanies the music and plays the melody.
179, But these helper molecules are normally used to process many other toxins, including lactic acid.
180, Magnesium hydroxide, normally used as an antacid or laxative, may also serve as a magnesium supplement.
181, An additional attractive feature for savers was the fact that societies did not normally levy transactions charges on accounts.
182, Any asset with an expected useful life of more than one year is normally considered a capital asset.
183, Normally it takes about six days to arrange a visit, even if you cable both ways.
184, The concession will not therefore normally apply to rights already granted under an approved employee share scheme.
185, These normally private functions can assume unusually large proportions if illness limits a person's capacity for self care.
186, Normally he answered such letters at once, often in his own hand.
187, The complete normal and emergency stabilizer trim systems operated normally when functionally checked on the aircraft after the accident.
188, Normally, some records are accessed more frequently than others, and this tendency can be used to decrease average access time.
189, The way in which one would normally try to compute the behaviour of such a world would be to make some approximation.
190, The political ambitions of the working class had normally been channelled through parliamentary and constitutional routeways.
191, A power of sale under a general lien should not normally be exercised without recourse to legal advice.
192, In addition to the above, annuals are normally covered by standing orders, which eliminate repetitive clerical work.
193, This is a very well written chapter and covers material not normally found in other analytical chemistry texts.
194, The beginner normally learns combination techniques by performing them against thin air.
195, The few communications which do receive full attention normally achieve this through a combination of chance,(Sentence dictionary) inside information and relentless harrassment.
196, In a power amplifier the load would normally be a 8ohm loudspeaker.
197, Tropical waterlilies normally hold their blooms well above the water surface adding to the grace and elegance of this group of plants.
198, Consider that the check normally goes to the woman and is often accompanied by female social workers.
199, Such a measure would normally require independent shareholder approval but the exchange has waived this.
200, She was twenty-eight years of age with the kind of breathtaking allure normally associated with the cover of a glossy fashion magazine.
201, The air exerts pressure on the airway, holding it open and allowing the sleeper to breathe normally.
202, Instead, it set off an uproar among religious activists, including many who normally agree on little.
203, It seems advisable for practitioners who do not normally wear glasses to use simple eye protection glasses for routine cases.
204, The spirit of high adventure isn't one you'd normally associate with Commercial Paper.
205, Reaching starts are normally best managed with a timed approach. Clear air is nearly always of paramount importance.
206, From the outset a policy was adopted which aimed at eliminating unnecessary jargon and the mystique normally associated with computers.
207, At discharge, when he was fully well, he was eating normally and had no clinical abnormality in chest or abdomen.
208, Normally, the pilot would have been on board before the ship ran aground 100 yards off the Tower of Hercules navigation light.
209, Some current assets are by nature needed to maintain the company operations and would not normally be available to meet short-term obligations.




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