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单词 Routine
1) A routine scan revealed abnormalities in the foetus.
2) You will need to have a routine biannual examination.
3) Make exercise a part of your daily routine.
4) There was little deviation from his usual routine.
5) A routine scan revealed abnormalities in the fetus.
6) The problem was discovered during routine monitoring.
7) John's departure had upset their daily routine .
8) I abhor the dull routine of existence.
9) I spent the afternoon doing routine paperwork.
10) The players had to change their daily routine and lifestyle.
11) Routine maintenance of the garden consists of keeping weeds under control.
12) His routine work is to rub the coal through a sieve.
13) There's no set/fixed routine at work - every day is different.
14) The security men changed their usual routine and collected the money at a different time.
15) Will you go to the routine meeting instead of me?
16) It is everyday routine.
17) I've got a lot of routine paperwork to get through.
18) Police conducted a routine search of all the houses in the area.
19) He missed the routine of army life.
20) They found invasive cancer during a routine examination.
21) You mustn't worry. These are just routine enquiries.
22) His daily routine is absolutely sacred to him.
23) Try to fit some regular exercise into your daily routine.
24) We are trying to get the baby into a routine for feeding and sleeping.
25) I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.
26) We clean and repair the machines as a matter of routine.
27) She had decided she must go on as usual, follow her normal routine,[http:///routine.html] and hope and pray.
28) It took me a week to settle into a routine.
29) I arrive at nine o'clock, teach until twelve thirty and then have a meal; that is my morning routine.
30) They moved the furniture back to practise their dance routine.
1) A routine scan revealed abnormalities in the foetus.
2) You will need to have a routine biannual examination.
3) Make exercise a part of your daily routine.
4) The problem was discovered during routine monitoring.
5) John's departure had upset their daily routine .
6) I spent the afternoon doing routine paperwork.
7) The players had to change their daily routine and lifestyle.
8) Try to fit some regular exercise into your daily routine.
9) We are trying to get the baby into a routine for feeding and sleeping.
10) Routine maintenance of the garden consists of keeping weeds under control.
11) We clean and repair the machines as a matter of routine.
12) She had decided she must go on as usual, follow her normal routine, and hope and pray.
13) There's no set/fixed routine at work - every day is different.
14) It took me a week to settle into a routine.
15) Will you go to the routine meeting instead of me?
16) I arrive at nine o'clock, teach until twelve thirty and then have a meal; that is my morning routine.
17) I've got a lot of routine paperwork to get through.
18) Police conducted a routine search of all the houses in the area.
19) They moved the furniture back to practise their dance routine.
20) As a matter of routine, the sheriff's office there had been notified of the change of address.
31) She longed to break out of the daily routine.
32) Ambulance crews alternate between emergency and routine work.
33) It's a routine/standard surgical procedure.
34) We must introduce some system into our office routine.
35) The children were confused by the change of routine.
36) The girls went through their gymnastic routine.
37) The cinema provided a welcome diversion from camp routine.
38) The fault was discovered during a routine check.
39) This type of work rapidly becomes routine.
40) This may eventually lead to routine inoculation of children.
41) Try to get into a routine .
42) Small children like a set routine.
43) She needed a break from routine.
44) She felt fenced in by domestic routine.
45) It's good to get back into the old routine.
46) He whipped through his routine paperwork before going home.
47) We carry out routine maintenance of the equipment.
48) We need some new material for our routine.
49) A rigid routine can be stultifying and boring.
50) Vets' fees can be considerable, even for routine visits.
51) Police work is mainly routine.
52) The disease was detected during a routine check-up.
53) We go through the same old routine every morning.
54) Routine tasks are often delegated to inexperienced young doctors.
55) Exercise has become part of my daily routine.
56) Routine questions first,[] if you don't mind.
57) She occupied herself with routine office tasks.
58) You need a break from routine.
59) The aerobics instructor varies the routine each week.
60) The skaters' routine was perfectly executed.
61) He continued to mow the lawn and do other routine chores.
62) Breast examination is a part of a routine gynaecological examination.
63) Officers making a routine inspection of the vessel found fifty kilograms of the drug.
64) He checks under the car for bombs as a matter of routine.
65) You should get into the routine of saving the document you are working on every ten minutes.
66) If you get out of a routine, it's very hard to get back into it.
67) It amazed him how easily one could slip into a routine.
68) Departing from her usual routine, she took the bus to work.
69) In the reserves of Zimbabwe and South Africa, annual culls are already routine.
70) Travel can be an escape from the routine drudgery of life.
71) The operation to transplant a kidney is now fairly routine.
72) His manual dexterity and fine spatial skills were wasted on routine tasks.
73) Bags of all visitors to the museum are searched as a matter of routine.
74) The manager allowed his secretary to run with the routine work.
75) As a matter of routine(), the sheriff's office there had been notified of the change of address.
76) The network will be down for an hour for routine maintenance.
77) She completed the routine without even working up a sweat.
78) She found it difficult to establish a new routine after retirement.
79) The routine office work had all been delegated to his executive staff.
80) A routine police patrol spotted signs of a break-in at the offices.
81) It's time to ease the kids back into the school routine.
82) Writing poetry liberated her from the routine of everyday life.
83) Horses are creatures of habit and like to have a daily routine.
84) I've got the early morning routine down to a fine art.
85) She felt the need to break out of her daily routine.
86) Our routine never varies.
86) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
87) We all need the occasional escape route from the boring, routine aspects of our lives.
88) The article was entitled 'Making up with the minimum of fuss: a five-minute beauty routine that every busy woman should know'.
89) For years, he's plodded away at the same dull routine job.
90) If she wants a routine to fill her day, let her do community work.
91) Children tend to get unsettled if you keep on changing their routine.
92) Routine office jobs have no relish at all for me.
93) Supersonic flight could become a routine form of travel in the 21st century.
94) They enjoy anything that breaks the dullness of their routine life.
95) It is advisable to practise each exercise individually before doing the whole routine.
96) She needed to break out of her daily routine and do something exciting.
97) He checked up on you as a matter of routine.
98) The drugs were found in their car during a routine check by police.
99) A mishap prevented him from attending the routine meeting of the company.
100) On page 21, twenty tricks to speed up your beauty routine.
101) So many days are routine and uninteresting, especially in winter.
102) Dressing is a task which we do every day as a matter of routine .
103) You can't expect a baby to fit in with your existing routine.
104) The Russian skater finished her routine with a series of spins.
105) There was little to quicken the pulse in his dull routine.
106) The theatres were closed on Saturday and Sunday for routine maintenance .
107) Mike had got the breakfast routine down to a fine art.
108) Jack had attended these meetings as a matter of routine for years.
109) It's just a routine medical examination, nothing to get worried about.
110) She had learned from experience to take little rests in between her daily routine.
111) This is an easy routine, designed for anyone who is unused to exercise.
112) Regular deep-cleansing and exfoliation should be part of your beauty routine.
113) She was bored with the deadening routine of her life.
114) Every night, they go through the same routine: he throws open the bedroom window, she closes it.
115) I was amazed at how easily I fell back into the old routine.
116) The rest of the meeting was taken up by routine matters.
116) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
117) He died of a heart attack during a routine operation.
118) He is especially emphatic about the value of a precise routine.
119) The window had been replaced last week during routine maintenance.
120) The report says there is widespread and routine torture of political prisoners in the country.
121) He left the routine checks to one of his subordinates.
122) The routine was the same every day, with nothing to break/relieve the monotony.
123) The routine, in fact, is tedious. Cast out.
124) The daily routine went something like this.
125) New habits Look critically at your daily routine.
126) It was a good cop / bad cop routine.
127) He hates all changes to his routine.
128) Mr Stanley had been carrying out routine maintenance work.
129) But his back problem is routine.
130) I've been practising this mega dance routine.
131) In this way, provisional adaptations turn into routine commitments.
132) At the turn of the century, he had been excited by his conception of the Mystic Hussars routine.
133) Like clockwork the three nurses and I followed along with the male radio voice and did a ten-minute exercise routine.
134) She'd rehearsed a number at her house with our choreographer the evening before, a whole dance routine.
135) Earlier in the day, a police officer was shot and wounded during a routine check on a van.
136) But a visit to a local physician for a routine checkup sparked a new focus for her creative talents.
137) Seemingly familiar with the routine, she cradled my head in her arms in a practised manner and stood waiting.
138) Umphrey brought roars from the crowd with an exciting high bar routine.
139) Apparently partisan house cleaning and patronage pay-offs are considered routine at the Corporation Commission.
140) Always rinse your hair thoroughly using warm water. Use a deep conditioner as part of your weekly hair care routine.
141) Apart from the low altitude bombing, the mission was considered routine.
142) During a routine docking maneuver to resupply, we collided with a cargo ship.
143) Even his strong-man routine seems devoid of any intelligence or style and focuses, instead, upon brute force and muscle.
144) But doctors did not spot the hairline fracture until a routine check on the plates after she left.
145) Any breakdown in routine commonly demands a shift into verbal consciousness while new ways of behaving are learned.
146) I was hungry for the security of routine and revelled in roast beef Sundays and meat-pie Mondays.
146) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
147) Though the numbers affected are small colonoscopic biopsy and histological examination for dysplasia seems to hold no advantage over routine clinical management.
148) They claim that he removed healthy wombs and bungled routine operations, leaving them with bladder, kidney and liver damage.
149) He had to devote all his attention to the routine task of driving, finally pulling over to recover.
150) Although primarily concerned with routine white-collar work, Braverman does believe that some professional jobs have also become deskilled.
151) They were assigned to disulfiram alone, disulfiram with group counselling, group counselling alone, and routine sentencing.
152) The routine was unvarying, and I deliberately kept it as a technique of maintaining a personal link between us.
153) It is one of the main barriers preventing the technique from entering the routine microbiological laboratory.
154) Routine revisions to the previous months' figures were delayed by the budget impasse between the White House and Congress.
155) We report the potential dangers of long waiting times for a routine outpatient appointment at a urology clinic.
156) Already the computer has made a significant contribution to the processing of much of the routine data generated by office staff.
157) In one sense he was right; the trip itself was a wonderful change from her daily routine too.
158) As it went on, Atkinson's routine delved deeper into meaninglessness.
159) During the normal in-flight routine the crew wore Teflon cloth flight coveralls over the long johns.
160) To deny older women access to routine screening is both contra-indicated and explicitly discriminatory.
161) When the two men drove away, the Garda stopped them on a routine check.
162) In the centre, we record part of my daily routine for self-help holistic medicine which includes pectoral muscle exercises.
163) There were no major cases on hand and he had no excuse for neglecting the routine administrative work.
164) Not finding that possible in the established routine of a firm practice, he retreated to academe.
165) Routine administrative functions were sited in the free-standing towns and cities within a hundred or so miles of London. 7.
166) Her routine was invariable.
167) After a quintuple bypass operation five years ago after a heart attack, Fuentes made walking part of his routine.
168) A routine visual check of the plane was carried out before takeoff.
169) One worker would have suffered fatal burns had he not worn a protective chemical suit which was not routine for repair work.
170) Here to pester the animals, create the routine disturbances that made up their days.
171) A good forward planner(), he delegates detailed and routine tasks.
172) But once all the children had a more settled routine at night, it clicked into place.
173) Counseling was ongoing and placed unobtrusively into the daily routine.
174) Others claim that routine white-collar workers still belong to the middle class.
175) Such reports are routine in the case of accidental death, he said.
176) Pollution control work also differs in important respects from routine police patrol work.
177) The court hearing which convicted both men was told by ex-Swindon manager Lou Macari irregular payments were part of soccer routine.
178) It's a very young role and she has to lead the gypsy dance routine.
179) Having created a new routine it should be compiled in the normal way and then linked as described on in section 23.1.
180) Fortunately[http:///routine.html], considerable effort has gone into developing alternatives to national routine death certification.
181) Voice recorders also showed no indication pilots had gone through a routine checklist of landing procedures.
182) The police made a few routine inquiries, came up with nothing, and then suggested that she hire a private detective.
183) Maybe because the routine of washing-up is basically enjoyable - hot water and clean plates at the end of it.
184) Forty thousand pounds worth of the drug was found in a car that was stopped in a routine check.
185) Therefore, a regular daily routine should be developed so that care of personal appearance and hygiene is automatic.
186) These advanced techniques involve partnering up with a fellow student and following a step-by-step routine of attack, defence and counter-attack.
187) He was carrying a false passport when he arrived from London but was recognised during a routine check.
188) A third change, and probably the most physically demanding, is to introduce weights into the routine.
189) Have your child try to be silent for some time while you go about your daily routine.
190) Just routine, Peter, but we don't want that drunken fool getting into mischief.
191) Measurement of the albumin excretion rate requires an accurately timed collection of urine, which is difficult in routine clinical practice.
192) Up-to-date information on your child's routine: meals, bath, bedtime, any allergies.
193) All routine safety checks were carried out before the flight.
194) The move would be a decisive step towards the separation of the 999 service from routine ambulance work.
195) If I don't work to a routine then I feel everything is up in the air!
196) After a routine descent the co-pilot reported the airfield in sight and the tower controller cleared the aircraft to final approach.
197) Above all, why were these chaps messing around with helium-filled contraptions, in an age of routine rocketry?
198) I'd advise you to follow a new skin care routine.
199) However, routine chemical analyses of large batches of samples has yet to be achieved.
200) Using the national anthem as part of a comedy routine cheapens it.
201) The reporters had learned of him while making some routine checks.
202) Payton has copied Stuart Ripley's pre-match warm-up routine to help cure a hamstring problem.
203) If this is done, then two of the three products of ilmenite reduction will be in routine use.
204) His promotional leaflets referred to his routine practice of obtaining x ray films, running diagnostic tests, and prescribing treatment.
205) She tried to avoid Bryony, which was difficult because she could not work out her routine.
206) The chief means of proactive enforcement is routine sampling, which will bring to light or confirm the existence of persistent pollutions.
207) Such briefing on security topics was a matter of routine when a new minister took office.
208) Luthans et al. would say that they conceived of the managerial role primarily as traditional management activities, and routine information.
209) Hakkinen was taken to the circuit for a routine check after suffering minor concussion when his car crashed into a barrier.
210) His abusive father routine earned him a spontaneous burst of applause, his voice booming to the rafters.
211) To the outsider the movements of a kata resemble a dance routine.
212) Suggest instructions to control a set of output devices, and extend your interrupt service routine accordingly.
213) Periodic emergence of such asset price bubbles is routine in even the most developed economies.
214) Going about her daily routine, Wilson was dry-eyed, as she knew Mrs Browning would be for a while yet.
215) The cutters often worked in a vacuum, so to speak, relying on spot checks and routine searches during their patrols.
216) She came up with a routine for visiting the tables, and even managed to empty a few ashtrays.
217) Apart from a moderate increase in the white cell count in both patients, the results of routine investigations were normal.
218) Version 8. 0 also comes with an improved installation routine that is faster and better able to anticipate conflicts.
219) Instead she has developed a strict routine for short haul trips to get her across her pain barrier.
220) The routine for knitting double jacquard is to start with the carriages at the right and threaded with the background colour.
221) This parameter is only used by the routine if the package is being granted approval.
222) If you start a diet or an exercise routine, such actions are statements about the way you view yourself.
223) Agar gel and cellulose acetate are the more commonly used media in the routine clinical laboratory. 189.
224) All the authorities acknowledged that the most desirable situation would have been a well established developmental role complemented by routine casework services.
225) Here he gained valuable experience and, though occupied with much routine work, commenced innovative research.
226) Such acts often involve minor damage to property or disruption of certain routine social events.
227) She was in each morning like a circus trainer to put him through his routine.
228) That means more routine passport checks for every black person living in Britain, and identity cards for everyone.
229) Colonoscopic surveillance in colitis should reduce cancer related death compared with routine clinical care, by detecting early curable cancer.
230) Routine maintenance work is often carried out in the early hours at the centre when workmen can avoid causing disruption to shoppers.
231) Charles's courtiers were used to dealing with a bachelor of fixed habits and a set routine.
232) Only a handful of civilians have gone through the sustained physical abuse that was routine for combat soldiers searching for Charlie.
233) It is the routine and tender loving care of the staff that create the best atmosphere.
234) J., it could put into jeopardy the routine affirmative action moves made by private and public employers nationwide.
235) By necessity my beauty routine is pared down to the basics of cleansing, toning and moisturising.
236) TV is like a 9 to 5 job. I never thought I will do a routine job. Dharminder 
236) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
237) He did not need to consult anyone about expenditure on funerals as these were routine occasions.
238) Here tasks are less clearly differentiated according to rank; men in all three grades would, for example, conduct routine river sampling.
239) Suzi Hoflin came in with two of her pupils and put Ingrid through a reasonable enough gypsy dance routine.
240) The routine can be enlivened at any time of year by the occasional charter to other destinations.
241) Women who entered voluntary work during the inter-war years did so largely because it provided them with a diversion from household routine.
242) Many people doing boring or repetitive jobs deliberately introduce a certain amount of stress to make the routine more exciting.
243) Maintaining order and routine within a minimally competitive business environment made for successful enterprises.
244) Assessing this potential helps the practitioner to decide how best to work with an elder when some breakdown in routine occurs.
245) Breaking of a habit, or the disruption of a routine, can cause the horse considerable distress.
246) Luckily the weather was so awful that nothing was flying, so there was only routine work to attend to.
247) They are also prominent in investigating potentially dangerous occurrences in the day's routine.
248) Cleanse your whole body Advocates believe that crystals can even play a big part in your daily beauty routine.
248) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
249) Capable accountants and auditors should advance rapidly; those having inadequate academic preparation may be assigned routine jobs and find promotion difficult.
250) After the routine admiration of children, garden, and so on, they began to chat about the office.
251) Simply press the reset button twice and the machine boots up into the diagnostic routine.
252) She saw the teeming clutter of squalling children, the routine combat at the corner of Masonic and Golden Gate Avenue.
253) All the biting pests above can be controlled by planned, routine, repeat spraying with systemic insecticides.
254) He did a routine exam, listening to me breathe and tapping on my chest.
255) Three o'clock in the morning, bopping through a weird limb-jerking dance routine, and she looks like a child at playschool.
256) The starlings' daily routine in the Park begins at dawn.
257) It seems advisable for practitioners who do not normally wear glasses to use simple eye protection glasses for routine cases.
258) When we were alone together, we were rather shy with each other, tacitly agreeing to abandon the stand-up routine.
259) Spring focus: 2B Chuck Knoblauch claims he received help during the offseason with his mental block on routine throws.
260) But today he broke this routine, and made his way back to the carrousel.
261) However, nowhere else has dressing down caused so much angst and confusion as in the routine workday.
262) They consider how to recover damaged platinum ware, an important problem in routine laboratories dealing with aggressive samples.
263) All of this was blissful time out from the routine drudgery.
264) Disknet gives the user no other choice than to stick to a routine of checking each incoming diskette for viruses.
265) The prosecutor has alleged that the police were shot when they stopped the men's car for a routine check.
266) It's a familiar routine, as Bush continues to work the centre ground in his presidential contest with Al Gore.




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