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单词 Stake
1) A wooden stake was driven firmly into the ground.
2) He set the stake in the ground.
3) The stake had been sharpened to a vicious-looking point.
4) I would stake all my money on the chess with you.
5) General Motors acquired a 50% stake in Saab for about $400m.
6) He put up a stake to support the newly planted tree.
7) She has a stake in the future success of the business.
8) He holds a 51% stake in the firm.
9) Heretics were burned at the stake.
10) I'd stake my all on it.
11) He was burned at the stake for heresy.
12) Suspected witches were burnt at the stake .
13) The boy tethered the goat to a stake.
14) I can stake with you.
15) He decided to stake off a plot of vegetables.
16) Joan of Arc was burnt at the stake .
17) My honour is at stake.
18) The family honour is at stake.
19) The future of mankind is at stake.
20) Heretics were burnt at the stake .
21) The two heretics were burned at the stake.
22) Our children's education is at stake.
23) Witches used to be burned at the stake.
24) This decision puts our lives at stake.
25) His stake has been held in escrow since the start of the year.
26) I think she'll be head of this company in five year's time - I'd stake my reputation on it.
27) Those who want to take child abuse seriously today must stake out a humane child protection practice.
28) They have to win the contract - thousands of jobs are at stake.
29) He marked the spot on his map where he had seen the gold and returned later that month to stake his claim.
30) Tickets are on a 'first come, first served' basis,[http:///stake.html] so stake your claim now.
1) A wooden stake was driven firmly into the ground.
2) I think she'll be head of this company in five year's time - I'd stake my reputation on it.
3) General Motors acquired a 50% stake in Saab for about $400m.
4) Those who want to take child abuse seriously today must stake out a humane child protection practice.
5) He put up a stake to support the newly planted tree.
6) They have to win the contract - thousands of jobs are at stake.
7) Heretics were burned at the stake.
8) Witches used to be burned at the stake.
31) There's more at stake here than you can possibly imagine.
32) In medieval Europe, many women were accused of being witches and were burnt at the stake.
33) In/During medieval times, women thought to be witches were burnt at the stake.
34) For a dollar stake, you can win up to $1,000,000.
35) That's him over there-I'd stake my life on it .
36) We went to the show early to stake out a good spot.
37) National pride is at stake in next week's game against England.
38) New opportunities are opening up for investors who want a more direct stake in overseas companies.
39) At stake is the success or failure of world trade talks.
40) If you had taken my advice,you wouldn't have made such a bad mistake. I can stake my life on that.
41) She acquired a four per cent direct stake in the business.
42) She has a personal stake in the success of the play.
43) He was eager to return to a more entrepreneurial role in which he had a big financial stake in his own efforts.
44) They took the view that Casper was playing power politics with their jobs at stake.
45) Many young people no longer feel they have a stake in society.
46) National honour is at stake in this match between France and England.
47) The prize at stake is a place in the final.
48) He would have gone to the stake for his belief in his daughter's innocence.
49) Competition has been fierce to win a stake in Skoda.
50) I'm sure that's Jesse - I'd stake my life on it.
51) Employers have a stake in the training of their staff.
52) Thousands of lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.
53) He was burned at the stake in the fifteenth century for heresy.
54) The tension was naturally high for a game with so much at stake.
55) The aim was to divide up the business, give everyone an equal stake in its future.
56) She passionately believed that the company was being mismanaged and was prepared to go to the stake for her views.
57) That's my opinion, but I wouldn't go to the stake for it.
58) Young people don't feel they have a stake in the country's future.
59) I think I'm right on this issue but I wouldn't go to the stake over it.
60) The governor has promised to stake the city's homeless to what they need for a fresh start.
61) Dig a largish hole and bang the stake in first.
62) The French company holds a majority stake in the retail chain.
63) The minister will face the enquiry with his reputation at stake.
64) Jane is determined to stake her claim as an actress.
65) What was at stake was acute government embarrassment.
66) The statewide winner gets all 163 delegates at stake.
67) Generation One you burn at the stake.
68) If you want him, stake your claim.
69) Pride, even personal prestige, were also at stake.
70) Something like their national honour was at stake.
71) At stake were 12,600 seats in 439 municipalities.
72) He was then burnt at the stake.
73) But wider issues are at stake.
74) Governor Dulcitius had her sisters burnt at the stake.
75) Time Warner and Turner end talks on Turner buying back a 19. 4 % stake.
76) The 49-percent equity stake commands 71 percent of voting rights.
77) There is, we might say, a general interest at stake here.
78) The senator from Kansas appeared well positioned to take almost all the 362 delegates at stake in the seven states.
79) Evcn the coyote chained to a stake near the gas pumps to entertain the tourists understands the meaning of injustice.
80) By the force of his own enthusiasm, Buchanan has a chance of grabbing some of the 21 delegates at stake.
81) It is another chance for Beagrie to stake a claim in his helter - skelter Goodison career.
82) In 1991 the stake in Carnaud-Metalbox contributed about a quarter of total trading profits of £125 million.
83) Those undertaking the drainage were quick to stake their claim to the best bits of land.
84) The greater the commitment, the more a fan has at stake.
85) If one wins while wrestling with the devil, one must drive a stake into his heart.
86) In the end, four whites and seventeen blacks were hanged; thirteen blacks were burned-at the stake.
87) But it was soon apparent that there was far more at stake, as I was to hear.
88) Stake large specimens and protect the young plants from cold winds until growing steadily.
89) Both countries have a stake in using the World Trade Organization and in not allowing trade disputes to poison bilateral relations.
90) That was their stake and it detonated the kind of politics which are the stuff of socialism in our society.
91) Three years ago Rover linked up with Honda, which took a 20 percent stake in the company.
92) Initially, Aegon will find the additional in a way that will give them a 50 percent stake in the non-with-profits business.
93) In fact, corn farmers probably have as big a stake in sugar quotas as do sugar growers!
94) Millionaire computer tycoon Alan Sugar, a lifelong Spurs fan, bought a 48 percent stake in the club earlier this year.
95) It is easiest if the man carrying the stake walks behind the net and the man setting the net walks in front of it.
96) What has been at stake that we concerned ourselves with this?
97) All policyholders with a stake in the participating with-profits fund will receive a special bonus if they vote for the Aegon deal.
98) They reasoned that, if neither main party won a commanding majority,[http:///stake.html] both would have a stake in negotiating rather than fighting.
99) Hongkong Land acquired a 14.9% stake in Trafalgar House and then attempted, but failed, to push its holding to 29.9%.
100) The bottom line is, there is no stake in anyone legitimizing campaign financing.
101) Buyers acquire a 50 percent stake in exchange for investing a certain amount of money in the company.
102) Its honor at stake, the Pac-10 could not have selected a better last defense.
103) The 6 million people of Hong Kong have an obvious stake in maintaining their high standard of living.
104) For they suggest that more is at stake in the dispute about holism than the comparatively technical notion of reducibility.
105) His stake will be diluted to 6 percent from 7. 6 percent.
106) How many people prayed at the stake? How foolish I look, kneeling like this..
107) People's lives could be at stake, or at the very least their futures.
108) Lockheed Martin will hold a 20 percent equity stake in Loral Space.
109) It was tense for a few minutes ... but it was the first home game ... and the first win at stake.
110) They were first, as a result, to become concerned with means, explicit or unrecognized, for safeguarding that stake.
111) The pressure is discreet - after all, the survival of a key Western ally and a new democracy is at stake.
112) If Richemont should buy out the Philip Morris stake it would trigger an obligation to bid for the rest of the shares.
113) Male speaker There's a lot of personal pride at stake within the parachuting world because we're on home ground.
114) Morality is often rendered impotent by human selfishness, avarice and wickedness. And few people take morality seriously, or are committed to what is morally right, when personal interests are at stake. Dr T.P.Chia 
115) And, measured by the number of delegates at stake, the next, the pivotal battleground would be New York.
116) But in other ways the colony lagged behind, especially when government expenditure was at stake.
117) The wider issue at stake is the philosophy behind Labor's current problems: the corporatist approach to government.
118) Paula Corbin Jones are as lurid and titillating as the legal issues at stake are important and complex.
119) However, Lockheed Martin will invest $ 344 million for a 20 percent stake in Loral Space.
120) He's a good head lad, Tremayne trusts him, but I wouldn't stake my life on his loyalty.
121) Refusing to recant his doctrines as heretical, he was condemned to be burnt at the stake at Konstanz.
122) Between the two of them there was a fundamental issue at stake.
123) In Iowa, where the antiabortion movement dominates Republican politics, Buchanan moved to stake out the strongest position on the subject.
124) Hanson, the industrial holding company, announced it had sold almost half its stake in packaging-to-adhesives group Wassall.
125) A part disposal is occurring here - the effect is to increase the stake of the minority shareholders from 20% to 45%.
126) The issue at stake is the relationship between literature and ideology.
127) A punishment stake had been embedded in the turf opposite the west door of the church.
128) In the other three novels frothy dialogue and sparkling wit tend to overshadow the deeper philosophical issues at stake.
129) At stake was a fundamental challenge to the soccer bodies' authority to administer the sport without intervention from civil courts.
130) But why, policyholders may well ask, should they give up a 40 percent stake in the business?
131) The argument is over a 3.4% stake that it has been forced to disclose in Jardine Matheson Holdings itself.
132) By the time the conferences actually began in December, it had realised that real interests were at stake.
133) As a result, Arnold had a stake in the deals he was negotiating on behalf of the district.
134) It was hoped that sale of the stake would benefit the consortium.
135) Canterbury punters waited six months before hearing just their stake money would be returned on a £60,000 coup.
136) Oxford blew their chance to stake a claim in the promotion race.
137) Greene King failed in its attempt to take over Morland; it now owns a 29.32% stake in the Thames Valley brewer.
138) Too much is at stake to play politics with the policing of Northern Ireland at this late stage.
139) Do people who buy privatization stock see themselves as establishing a stake in the economy?
140) The disposal of a minority stake would raise about £17 million.
141) A strategic alliance may take the form of an outright acquisition, minority stake, joint venture or brand franchise.
142) Millions of voters have acquired a stake in the wider ownership of shares and homes and a voice in union affairs.
143) Mainland interests had a 50 percent stake in building the new airport.
144) Disney reportedly has been in talks to acquire a one-third stake in Starwave Corp. for as much as $ 100 million.
145) In the bankruptcy filing, Capital Cities is named as the lead investor, with a 20. 4 percent stake.
146) Assuming that shares are purchased, whether to acquire full control, majority holding or a minority stake?
147) Terms of the acquisition of the product line and equity stake were not revealed.
148) You buy a trust's shares, which give you a stake in its investment portfolio.
149) Westinghouse will take a 48 percent stake in the joint venture and invest $ 2. 5 million.
150) Its main partner is Scandinavian Broadcasting Systems, a media firm in which Disney has a 23 percent stake.
151) Top line personnel carry much more authority when really critical matters are at stake.
152) Where human life is at stake, a much greater degree of certainty is required.
153) This is partly because of the importance of the interests at stake in immigration decisions: personal safety and liberty.
154) Each of those states has 18 delegates at stake, but the delegates are divided among the leading candidates.
155) At stake is whether the scheme will create more wealth than it destroys.
156) Employees should be given every opportunity to acquire a stake in the business for which they work.
156) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
157) Philips said it took the stake as part of its policy to expand in the new electronic media and cable networks.
158) Obviously the market is having an off day, and this is a marvellous opportunity for you to double your stake.
159) The dispute was all the more bitter because a prize was at stake.
160) What is at stake in this novelty could scarcely be greater.
161) Continental is expected to try and increase its stake - or bid.
162) Some of the problems are highly complex and unique in that lives are at stake depending on their successful resolution.
163) Demand from investors will determine how many new shares are issued, although Pittencrieff said yesterday it will retain a majority stake.
164) In water pollution, however, the evidence is mobile and there may be no complainants with a stake in reporting it.
165) It is unlikely, however, that any Western company will get more than a minority stake in Pilsner Urquell.
166) It acquired its stake in the early 1980s, hoping eventually to acquire the tobacco group.
167) It is only the teachers who have at certain times a real stake in lying.
168) Who put a match to the stake, I am in no position to know.
169) Perhaps it is not reasonable to expect news reporters to sort fact from fiction when complex environmental issues are at stake.
170) Yet the issue at stake, is not merely the content of the final examination.
171) She works for Le Monde, where the staff hold a significant stake in the company.
172) Hanson was fended off, and sold his stake a year later, but the episode had unleashed shock waves.
173) The company had held a 24 per cent stake in the consortium.
174) Mediobanca is being forced to acquire the 10 percent stake after secretly buying that much in October.
175) Seeing him lying in a coffin with a stake through his heart might go some way to convince me.
176) Something similar may also have happened in Martin county, where 9,770 postal votes are at stake.
177) It has an 8 per cent stake, and has admitted working with Gazprom.
178) Alligators are not particularly sociable animals, and big bull gators often will stake out their own ponds.
179) Intransigence and personal suffering highlighted the principle at stake and emphasized the need of fighting for it.
180) Followers of our Placepot feature were in the money yet again yesterday with a £98 payout to an £8 stake at Towcester.
181) At stake were 180 parliamentary and 455 state assembly seats.
182) Yet, if one really considers it, what is at stake is of immense importance, and can not be ignored.
183) When I opened my eyes, I looked out to the stake and saw his ball fall right near it again.
184) The last thing I want is to impale this dancing, living creature upon the stake of meaning.
185) What is at stake is whether conurbations like Merseyside and Tyne side face a future as grim as the present Belfast.
186) Plainly national security can not have been at stake since that had already been damaged.
187) Millions of pounds are at stake and one side is certain to receive a bloody nose.
188) As part of labor concession agreements with other airlines[Sentencedict], the Airline Pilots Association has sought an equity stake in USAir.
189) No major EC country has ever been refused what it wanted when it declared that a vital national interest was at stake.
190) News that an investor has bought a significant stake in any company is likely to lift that company's share price.
191) Joan of Arc was condemned as a heretic and burned at the stake.
192) Jaguar plunged 46p to 685p as General Motors confirmed it is in talks that could result in it taking a minority stake.
193) The significance of the South Carolina primary extends far beyond the 37 delegates at stake Saturday.
194) This visit is only to get a look inside, to stake out the room for future reference.
195) Rockefeller would retain its 50 percent equity stake in Embarcadero Center.
196) The money at stake, however, comes from the federal government and must be approved by the board.
197) Firm soil around roots and stake standard-trained plants using a bamboo cane.
198) Sandoz spent $ 400 million in 1992 for a 50 percent stake in SyStemix Inc., a Palo Alto biotech firm.
199) This will give Anglia a major stake in a top Hollywood television production company.
200) There was simply too much at stake to leave things to chance.
201) Its heroes are household names and millions of pounds are at stake when it is staged.
202) Apple liked the idea so much that they invested a 20% stake in Adobe making themselves the largest customer.
203) They are a gamble and your stake is the interest you would earn on the cash.
204) He acquired a stake in a small lighting business which bought candles from the Wandsworth factory.
205) In fact poor people have more at stake in preserving the resources they depend on.
206) But most of all she won because she understood what was finally at stake in feminism.
207) Now a definitive agreement has been signed(), with each founding partner taking an equal stake in the new venture.
208) It was then that I became fully aware of how your personality is really at stake.
209) South Dakota and North Dakota hold primaries the same day, with a combined total of 36 delegates at stake.
210) In 1985, it was floated on the stock market to a rapturous City which valued the family stake at £292 million.
211) The agreement includes a $ 4.4 million equity stake that raises Verio's total financial investment in NorthPoint to $ 10.0 million.
212) This project will examine the economic, political, legal and technological issues at stake with cars and electronics as case studies.
213) Is the amount at stake, though small, significant in relation to the financial circumstances of the applicant?
214) Also, premium bonds stay valid for every draw instead of the stake being lost.
215) He has specifically mentioned selling a stake in the road.
216) Even excluding something so self-evident as parent motivation, there is also practicality at stake.
216) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
217) With so much at stake the first-half was a barren, passionless affair.
218) As a stake in society comes in at a higher cost, the old certainties begin to wither.
219) And more is at stake than manners at the dinner table.
220) It also owns an insurance company, Fata, and has a stake in an ailing private bank.
221) Humanity has more at stake in this than business interests.
222) The stake was sold to a single buyer through Warburg Securities.
223) Mr Holmes a Court is thought to have taken advantage of the share's rapid progress, selling his 2 percent stake.
224) As events were to demonstrate, eleven parliamentary seats or a difference of twenty-two votes in a parliamentary division were at stake.
225) Since building up a 10 percent stake Continental has tried to arrange trading pacts.
226) The freedom of the press is at stake.
227) He rammed the stake through the rotting wood.
228) President Bush's chief of staff, Josh Bolten, says much is at stake.
229) But when children are at stake we have to rise above that acquiescent mood.
230) They accused him of ducking all the issues at stake.
231) Euronext aper cent equity a 9 per cent voting stake , and holds four seats on its board.
232) The American government took a majority stake in the carmaker as it emerged from bankruptcy protection.
233) I overtake the undertaker who takes my stake by mistake.
234) The stake was large, and Harkness was a daring speculator.
235) Yesterday rose 6.17 percent stake in the black cat is attracted wide attention Fund.
236) The gardener used a stake to support the uprightness of the fragile plant.
237) The parties agreed to keep the purchase price of the stake confidential.
238) Chen's action was an obvious and willful provocation and a high - stake gamble.
239) Milky Way Galaxy Securities Holding is the main sponsor, Galaxy Securities holds 99.89 % stake.
240) Posco a 2.2 per cent stake in Nippon Steel and the 3 . per cent of Posco.
241) A few intrepid explorers stake out some new, unexplored territory.
242) Financial reward: His Cisco stake is worth nearly $ 400 million.
243) The value of the Halley family's stake has fallen by half since 1999.
244) Haven't you always dreamt of beating all the famous fish in a high stake poker game?
245) You should not be overhasty . Remember there's a matter of over ten thousand dollars at stake.
246) Your reputation may be at stake if you partake in gossip.
247) He does plum - blossom - stake exercises gracefully and proficiently, and is true to his name.
248) Mr Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway investment group is Kraft's largest shareholder a 4 per cent stake.
249) Yes, I want a stake, New York cut 12 oz. please.
250) That shiftiness was also recognised by those whose money was actually at stake.
251) But Huang's participation in the rights offering kept his stake from being diluted.
252) The water tricked out of the tap is clear, though tasting stake and tepid.
253) He acted immorally when his own interests were at stake.
254) The water tricked out of the tap clear, though tasting stake and tepid.
255) Euronext a 41 per cent equity aper cent voting stake , and holds four seats on its board.
256) INSIGHTS: Yucca Mountain - What Is at Stake for Our Nation?
257) Relent, do not be unjust ; reconsider, for my integrity is at stake.
258) Cummings fastened a large set - piecea stake in the ground by way of a grand finale.
259) In Japan, Wal - Mart controlling stake in the Seiyu retail chain, but losses there have been growing.
260) The issue before the controlling shareholder of Xinhua Xiang Xiang Group holds 38.63 % stake power company.
261) Posco per cent stake in Nippon Steel and the 32 per cent of Posco.
262) In the end, we obtain the optimized project after rationality analysis to vibrational detritus stake.
263) The asking price for the CEA stake has risen dramatically since talks began.
264) In Mormonism , each stake usually has 5 to 12 wards.
265) The Senate drove a stake through President Bush's plan to legalize millions of unlawful immigrants.
266) For every heretic it burned at the stake, thousands of others rose up.




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更新时间:2025/3/15 0:07:36