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单词 On occasion
1. On occasion prisoners were allowed visits from their families.
2. He has, on occasion, made a small mistake.
3. You have on occasion surprised people.
4. Everyone should indulge in fantasy on occasion.
5. He was gifted, on occasion, with a gentle raillery, which almost always concealed a serious meaning.
6. He has been known on occasion to lose his temper.
7. Some of the players may, on occasion, break the rules and be penalized.
8. It is, however, necessary on occasion to work outwith these hours.
9. She moves discreetly but with considerable effect on occasion.
10. Julie drops by my place on occasion.
11. It provided finance, ensured protection and, on occasion, encouraged technological development.
12. On occasion you may begin to open a file and find that you would prefer to rename the file or delete it.
13. On occasion, she would meet Ted's eyes, and he would wink, and nod his head encouragingly.
14. On occasion the courts have adopted artificially strict interpretations of exclusion clauses in order to deny their effect.
15. They were subject to exhaustive parliamentary debate and, on occasion, referendum.
16. On occasion he found himself scanning the lake, throttling down as he passed bleak islands of rock and pine.
17. On occasion, old people are difficult to help and neighbourly relations become fraught.
18. Indeed, it may be that on occasion physical ill-treatment is a consequence of the tension this sort of situation produces.
19. On occasion they rested on lugs left intact by the workman when stripping off the branches.
20. Even variant pronunciations of the same word may on occasion be assigned contrasting meanings.
21. He is not a wise man who cannot play the fool on occasion.http:// 
22. He has even been known to go shopping himself on occasion.
23. He translated not only from the French but also, on occasion, from the Polish.
24. She has always been very kind to me, even generous on occasion.
25. Leopards are after all quite as at home in the treetops as they are and on occasion are partial to monkey.
26. Actually, they ran better than they passed, although they passed spectacularly on occasion.
27. This is patently evident from the way he depicted, on occasion, perfectly symbiotic kisses, embraces and bodies.
28. Time and again he has used persuasion - and on occasion shock tactics - to try to prevent young girls having abortions.
29. Indeed, some of his most famous pronouncements are paraphrases, even on occasion almost direct quotations, from Hillel.
30. Apparently troubled by no drop of imagination, she was, nevertheless, a prey on occasion to night-time fears.
1. Everyone should indulge in fantasy on occasion.
2. He was gifted, on occasion, with a gentle raillery, which almost always concealed a serious meaning.
31. Though enunciation is given to such feelings on occasion, it is by no means pervasive.
32. None the less, they could on occasion have considerable importance.
33. They do, on occasion, have pangs of conscience regarding self-centredness.
34. The logical consequence of this is that they will on occasion play unattractive parts!
35. Two other companies believed libraries could be useful on occasion, particularly in supplying statistics and other hard copy.
36. He observed naughtily, subtly, wittily, passively, on occasion with a feline caress.
37. It is a relief on occasion to find a conclusion that is above faction, indeed above debate.
38. Officers in the field did on occasion have to struggle to get through to an official's home number.
39. In addition to reports that are publicly available, three departments have on occasion specially commissioned reports for their own specific needs.
40. First, that the particles or riders must seemingly go faster than light on occasion.
41. Three years after the surgery, the unhealed scar still hurt on occasion.
42. No one denies you were in the apartment on occasion.
43. Both creatures can, like the nautilus(), use jet propulsion on occasion.
44. Hoskins looked in her direction on occasion, but he generally sat slumped in his chair.
45. Theology had long been familiar with this kind of argument, and had on occasion made very extensive use of it.
46. However, many of them show random variations in brightness lasting only a few months or, on occasion, days.
47. Forty-eight employees of the installation were fired for having smoked marijuana on occasion.
48. And he was still feeling oddly jet-lagged, shaking his head vigorously on occasion with some hope of clearing it.
49. On occasion it is put into operation producing stone-ground flour for sale to visitors.
50. The informal sector has on occasion generated small businesses and creative enterprises.
51. The three journalists who interviewed Putin for this book were pleasingly sassy on occasion.
52. Barbieri heads what is basically a small group here, but he adds trumpet, trombone and alto sax on occasion.
53. On occasion we took them to the nearest hospital, but beds were not always available.
54. Yet this political hostility did not prevent its welcoming, on occasion, cultural influence from the West.
55. Criticism of a company's accounts has, on occasion, been accompanied by a fall in its share price.
56. On occasion the travellers had to leave their ferry and wade through mud to reach the shore.
57. To dream on occasion is not dreaming; to love on occasion is not love. Dejan Stojanovic 
58. Although he often observed small numbers of children, his observations of the same subjects on occasion ranged over years.
59. She endured, and even enjoyed, considerable physical hardship on occasion.
60. In addition more detailed information is obtained on occasion in order to satisfy the needs of adhoc detailed projects.
61. Most work at least 40 hours a week and may work much longer on occasion to meet project deadlines.
62. Remember that if you have strayed from the sensible paths of nutrition on occasion - panic not!
63. On occasion even the latter have lost their usual reticence and blundered.
64. Nobody is perfect, and everyone acts thoughtlessly on occasion.
65. Unkempt occasionally allowed, but must on occasion.
66. The troopers did have real security work to do on occasion.
67. Her predecessor, Ricardo Lagos, was known on occasion to take the subway to work.
68. On occasion, I have been asked to provide a tenancy agreement.
69. In other words, although my fellow longshoremen and I are getting paid for eight hours, on occasion we work only four.
70. COM interop tools, on occasion, might also apply the attributes described in this table.
71. He treated them seriously and, on occasion, entertained them hilariously.
72. On occasion of unpremediated accidental defense, if there are unpremediated actions to sone extent and the actor can't prevent the illegal offense happening, it can't be convicted of crime.
73. Barthelemy, on occasion, flew but one flag , the black flag .
74. On occasion we also treat ourselves to almond, walnut or macadamia nut oils which are even more delicious upon fresh salads or upon pasta.
75. You will feel like an idiot on occasion, but this is much better than feeling like an idiot when you get your prelim grades.
76. His foolhardy attempts to prove himself risked his life on occasion.
77. A quiet, square-built man with a captain's beard, Stone was known for rescuing stray dogs and stranded motorists and, on occasion, sailors in trouble.
78. On occasion he has introduced wooden handles to some of his works which are laminated by hand from New Zealand native rimu.
79. I bungee jump on occasion, and I would like to experience skydiving soon.
80. Ted : I worked at a marketing agency. it was on the small side but on occasion we got some interesting cases. How long have you been with the company?
81. In nerd parlance, don't be the office warrior who always uses ranged weapons; endure some hand-to-hand combat on occasion.
82. In fact the adjective is becoming a real necessity on occasion.
83. Swift had been as plain and as satirical, on occasion.
84. They held themselves at a slight remove from other men, gowned in spotless white or, on occasion, pastel-colored robes that somehow proved immune to the dust that covered every inch of the town.
85. So retrogressive, in fact, was the new court that on occasion it tended to be blindly reactionary in cases involving economic and social policies.
86. But on occasion they wondered where the Blue Jay had gone and how he was doing and, most of all, if he was still the color blue and what it had all meant.
87. Andriy Voronin has even found himself playing out of position on occasion.
88. Everyone gets upset on occasion. But intense, out-of-control anger could be classified as an illness, according to a growing number of mental health experts.
89. Stuck for a baby-sitter on occasion, she even took her baby daughter to meet Yasser Arafat.
90. Yabby You is still with us and he performs on occasion, standing with the help of crutches.
91. On occasion, it can be at odds with the national interests of the host country.
92. As global economies sink into bankruptcy, sabre rattling may on occasion be used to distract the populace, but in the main current trends become more pronounced.
93. Real coffee, like fine wine or tea, can inspire both devotion and connoisseurship - and yes, on occasion, snobbery even.




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