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单词 Struggle for
1, We are mere pawns in the struggle for power.
2, He devoted his life to the struggle for justice.
3, He grandly declared that "international politics is a struggle for power".
4, They were poor and had to struggle for a living.
5, We'd better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past.
6, Life became a struggle for survival.
7, He came to symbolize his country's struggle for independence.
8, The state must mediate the struggle for water resources.
9, It is a struggle for a transference of power.
10, The government must mediate the struggle for water resources.
11, Three teams are locked in a struggle for this year's title.
12, Darwin viewed the struggle for existence as being the major promoter of evolution.
13, This age-old struggle for control had led to untold bloody wars.
14, Life was a continual struggle for them. However, continuous is much more frequent in this sense.
15, Fish struggle for survival when the water level drops in the lake.
16, It was a bit of a struggle for me to get there so early.
17, You have to let us struggle for ourselves, even if we must die in the process.
18, In 1862 the American slaves won their struggle for freedom.
19, It was a terrible struggle for him to accept her death.
20, Reading is a struggle for Tim.
21, Neo-Classicism was engaged in a struggle for its survival.
22, There, too,[http:///struggle for.html] Theseus and the Minotaur struggle for dominance.
23, It's just another struggle for air, for living life.
24, It had been a constant struggle for fifteen years.
25, He called on his people to carry forward their struggle for national liberty.
26, The people of this country will continue in their struggle for independence.
27, Their aim is to help the working people in their struggle for emancipation.
28, Gandhi became an object of widespread veneration because of his unceasing struggle for freedom and equality.
29, All other issues fade into insignificance compared with the struggle for survival.
30, The two of them are locked in a titanic struggle for control of the company.
1, He grandly declared that "international politics is a struggle for power".
2, They were poor and had to struggle for a living.
3, Their aim is to help the working people in their struggle for emancipation.
31, Nkrumah led the people in their struggle for independence.
32, The Soviet Union is falling to pieces; a bloody struggle for those pieces can not be ruled out.
33, The libertarian model is identified with the struggle for a free press.
34, For the Republicans, it was a defensive struggle for democracy, against increasingly unfavourable odds.
35, There was a fierce struggle for women's suffrage in Britain early this century.
36, Today's move is expected to be the conclusion of a bitter struggle for control of the group.
37, Depression has been a lifelong struggle for me, and 17 years ago I was hospitalized after a suicide attempt.
38, They see their social life as a struggle for personal dignity in a general social framework that daily denies them this dignity.
39, Many people struggle for promotion in order to enhance their status within organisations.
40, The longest-lasting is the struggle for the working class to constitute itself as a class, to overcome its internal fragmentation.
41, The struggle for health My nightmare began after the birth of my children.
42, In fact he is the symbol of the Mexicans'long struggle for decent housing in the world's biggest city.
43, The struggle for space within the curriculum and school day leads to this myopic view of schooling.
44, It's been a short, obstacle-filled but fruitful struggle for Moonshake to realise their potential.
45, The struggle for liberation will carry on long after I am dead.
46, Indeed, the struggle for a more just society has historically entailed constant protest and demonstration to change oppressive laws.
47, In the struggle for development, every economy has certain advantages or trump cards.
48, Accounts of Beria have been heavily influenced by the version put out by Khrushchev, who won the struggle for the succession.
49, Ash and sugar maple trees were shooting up among the apple trees in the remorseless struggle for light.
50, Those early genera that survived had a built-in immunity to ultraviolet radiation, thus helping in the struggle for continued survival.
51, It did not engage in the struggle for mass cultural-political hegemony.
52, Public opinion in America supported Gandhi in his struggle for an independent India.
53, Unless they show a dramatic change in form, they could face a struggle for the rest of the season.
54, The 12-year war is officially over, but the rebuilding of the infrastructure has been quite a violent struggle for the people.
55, Meanwhile, three other candidates demonstrated for a national television audience their growing irrelevance to the struggle for the nomination.
56, But Marcos stopped short of endorsing Fox completely and warned that the rebels' struggle for indigenous rights would continue.
57, That he shares her enthusiasm for women and their struggle for equality reassures.
58, So had the provinces, which scarcely knew how to struggle for local political and cultural rights.
59, The character of the administration will be determined by the factions that win the internal struggle for position.
60, Probably sterile, he had left no sons, and a struggle for succession promptly ensued at the palace in Hue.
61, It pledged to continue the struggle for democratic representation but appealed to its supporters to continue to exercise restraint.
62, The strategy developed by the revolutionary populists reflected the same mixture of heroic struggle for the peasantry's cause and utopian illusions.
63, It celebrates not a triumph over the struggle for existence, but a catastrophe.
64, Gandhi advocated nonviolence in India's struggle for freedom from British rule.
65, Further, the larger the system, the greater the struggle for power, influence and promotion.
66, Those with children have to make provision for those children while they are participating in a struggle for their own empowerment.
67, The results mean that several key councils could face a struggle for power.
68, The struggle for a free intelligence has always been a struggle between the ironic and the literal mind. Christopher Hitchens 
69, Homosexuals will have to put their struggle for tolerance and against heterosexist norms and morals in an international perspective.
70, Companies located in Boutique Cities will struggle for the very best technicians.
71, If we cut up beasts simply because they cannot prevent us and because we are backing our own side in the struggle for existence, it is only logical to cut up imbeciles, criminals, enemies, or capitalists for the same reasons. C.S. Lewis 
72, The Buccaneers, locked in a bitter struggle for a new stadium, could attempt to leave Tampa Bay after next season.
73, What made it difficult and then intolerable was a growing competition, a struggle for her affection between her parents.
74, The struggle for abortion rights was high on our agenda.
75, But apart from limited mineral resources and abundant meat, Kyrgyzstan will struggle for a long time.
76, Unlike so many victims of the armed struggle for the reunification of Ireland.
77, Then one day we stumbled into puberty and found that our adolescence coincided with the struggle for national independence.
78, In 1963 Kennedy moved to take a more positive role in the struggle for civil rights.
79, It was a great struggle for him and we all suffered because of it.
80, Some are relict populations of forms which, on the mainland,[Sentencedict] have long since succumbed in the struggle for survival.
81, A violent struggle for economic and political control can not be ruled out.
82, Linkage assumed that world politics revolved around the constant struggle for supremacy between the great powers.
83, The event is seen as integral to the poet's struggle for recognition.
84, The political clout of the primary education sector in the struggle for resources is clearly limited.
85, Who seeks to support and encourage midwives in their struggle for recognition as independent practitioners?
86, Both these facts point to the high priority of the struggle for civil liberties.
87, It is as much a product of the struggle for existence as are the black wings of the peppered moth.
88, They are making some progress in their struggle for equal rights.
89, Economies of scale are also a feature likely to be associated with the struggle for market share.
90, She was also a leader in the struggle for admission of women to fellowship in the London Chemical Society.
91, But, given the low base from which the Liberal Democrat party began its struggle for recognition, he has achieved a great deal.
92, This is made doubly difficult where there is a concurrent struggle for power among vested interest groups and individuals.
93, In a way, the presidential race is a sideshow to the real struggle for power in Washington.
94, Witness after witness recounted stories of vanished fortunes and the hopeless struggle for recognition of their rightful claims.
95, The struggle for existence is a term best used in a large and metaphorical sense.
96, For tensions between regional factions within the party have constantly subordinated a consensus on development policy to the struggle for power.
97, A struggle for existence inevitably follows from the high rate at which all organic beings tend to increase.
98, Certainly the struggle for overseas investment opportunities provoked tensions; and small colonial wars could yield large profits.
99, What happened that season turned out to be a story about the struggle for self-esteem, equity and respect.
100, State's tenacious struggle for prerogative multiplied his suspicions.
101, We should struggle for human rights and oppose hegemony.
102, Political contests become a struggle for total power.
103, There was a life-or-death struggle for a pair of African elephants when they were ambushed by a hungry Nile crocodile in Zambia's South Luangwa National Park this summer.
104, Twelve years after the death of Cesar Chavez, life remains a struggle for many farm workers.
105, And in fact, in countries such as Kenya and Zimbabwe, the struggle for democracy in the absence of modern party institutions has only helped reignite long-simmering ethnic grievances.
106, Once you take the first step, you are committed to a struggle for sobriety.
107, The players will no longer struggle for upgrade and pk. We provide lots of play methods in the game, adventure and life is the mainstream .
108, After finding the cause that you struggle for it, of course this target is to should have long-term potential and vendibility certainly.
109, John Brown gave his all in the struggle for freedom.
110, Moments later, man and beast were locked in a struggle for life and death, ended only when Tambun's wife, Han Besau, 55[http:///struggle for.html], ran out to batter the tiger with a soup ladle.
111, China's freshwater reserves are about one-fifth per capita those of the United States, notes Steve Solomon, author of Water: The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power and Civilization.
112, Can struggle for these great causes, and gained arrogant person success, can make a brethren feel la-di-da , should get respectable.
113, We should exert ourselves in the struggle for the modernization of science and technology.
114, And within a dukedom, the struggle for power frequently occurred.
115, They cite long-standing inequalities, in income levels, in opportunities, especially for youth, and in access to social services as the root cause of the struggle for change.
116, For a long time the Ethiopian people have waged a glorious struggle for independence.
117, At the urgent point of the struggle for the national independence, James Monroe gave up civilian pursuits to join the army.
118, Always think a lot of money to spend, now or in the struggle for this goal, although grebe false loftiness.
119, Thereafter, the Sang Dynasty stopped the struggle for the kingship and never moved the capital again.
120, Yet, more than any other event, the salt march, exemplifying his tactic of non-violence, gave India's struggle for liberation its Gandhian stamp.
121, At any rate, it was a long uphill struggle for them.
122, The developing countries struggle for the new international economic order in order to serve their interests.
123, The history of Garuda Indonesia is closely connected to the history of the nation and the struggle for independence.
124, Beneath the surface affability there was a sort of struggle for power.
125, Dicranopteris dichotoma shows a great capability in the struggle for existence and a strong excluding force against other plant species in natural communities.
126, All members of the WTO accept the tenets and principles and put them into practice, which will promote the process in which the developing countries struggle for the new international economic order.
127, They hug her ankles and struggle for footholds on the straps of her slingback high heels.
128, Henceforward we must march forward as comrades in the great struggle for human freedom.
129, He found it invigorating to speak of the struggle for realism.
130, We should struggle for the cause of communism all our lives.
131, He eliminated his rivals in a brutal struggle for power.
132, Palestinians have always viewed Yasser Arafat as the father of their struggle for statehood.
133, In the apartheid days all were united in their struggle for freedom.
134, His every decision and act impinge directly upon his struggle for physical survival.
135, Sri Lanka would rather have warm relations with India, than get caught in the middle of an Indo-Chinese struggle for control of the Indian Ocean.
136, Manatees struggle for survival as the result of a gantlet of threats, from watercraft strikes to toxins in the water.
137, Along with the odd Premier League football shirt, mobile phones are an incongruous glimpse of modernity amid the daily struggle for money and food in Katine.
138, President of the Woman Suffrage Association for 21 years, she led the struggle for women's rights.
139, Spring and artless Enpa river, the slightest depression struggle for you, for your clothes wide shoes, thin, for your tears wet screens, I do not know when will break wind and rain.
140, Overstep the ego, common development, is a target that We always struggle for.
141, The region's profligate economies will struggle for longer as austerity kicks in.
142, An airfield is a blue chip in the struggle for military supremacy.
143, Traffic: The Miniseries , the nice movie, shows a life-and-death struggle for most secret agents on America's borders.
144, It was to Gandhi's concept of "satyagraha" that Dr. King turned for inspiration in his peaceful struggle for civil rights.
145, The similarities between rich American youngsters and rich Chinese youngsters are clearest in those once-disenfranchised groups where the parents had to struggle for their own wealth.
146, Its aim is to help the proletariat in its struggle for emancipation.
147, London (CNN) -- Rousing speeches by gifted orators such as Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were crucial to the struggle for civil rights in America.
148, We firmly support the Asian, African and Latin American people in their struggle for liberation!
149, Happiness is eternal theme that people pursue and strong motivity of the struggle for it.
150, So much for land reform and the struggle for power.
151, Sometimes, we struggle for right but give up doing ourselves.
152, As part of the political struggle for power more and more officials have been executed or sent to prison - usually under the cloak of punishing corruption.
153, The book includes 25 Lessons for Life: Lesson 1: There is no free lunch. Don't feel entitled to anything you don't sweat and struggle for.
154, The struggle for survival was gradually stripped of mask and ornament to reveal a primitive brutality.
155, The Lindy Boggs Medical Centre became a symbol of the struggle for survival in the hot, dank days after the flood.
156, Such laws aided family farms in their struggle for existence.
156, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
157, They pledged their determination to carry on the struggle for social ism.
158, Yet we are still heirs to a noble struggle for freedom. And now we must summon all of our might and moral suasion to meet the challenges of a new age.
159, A routine trip to the water hole recently resulted in a life-or-death struggle for a pair of African elephants when they were ambushed by a hungry Nile crocodile (pictured).
160, Consequently it is a constant struggle for gondoliers to be seen as more than folkloric accouterments.
161, Hybrid is an adiaphorous and ideal norm, and must be replaced by patchwork in order to show the struggle for power in translation.
162, The struggle for equality and non-discrimination must be a rallying struggle of the human rights movements.
163, THIS year marks the 200th anniversary of the start of Latin America's struggle for political independence against the Spanish crown.
164, In 1870 came a long - pending struggle for predominance in Europe between France and Prussia.




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