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单词 The other day
1. Uncle Hill asked about you the other day.
2. The other day we had some visitors from Switzerland.
3. I got a terrible shock the other day.
4. I had rather an odd experience the other day.
5. I was in your area the other day.
6. I'm sorry about the other day.
7. I phoned your office the other day.
8. I saw her the other day.
9. She had her first heart attack the other day.
10. I saw Rufus the other day.
11. I'm awfully sorry about that problem the other day.
12. I saw him in town the other day.
13. We spoke on the phone the other day.
14. She cut me in the street the other day.
15. I saw Jack the other day.
16. I was chatting to him the other day.
17. I saw him in Paris the other day.
18. She stopped by my place the other day.
19. I saw him just the other day/night/week.
20. I want to apologize for my rudeness the other day.
21. Didn't I see you in the post office the other day?
22. I lost my temper with her the other day and it's been preying on my mind ever since.
23. She looked at the vendor who cheated her the other day with distaste.
24. Did you put in for that post in the library that you were speaking about the other day?
25. She didn't rap to me when I met her the other day.
26. He was reading the plays of Shakespeare when I met him in the library the other day.
27. Priscilla won't even give me a sporting chance of saying sorry for what I did the other day.
28. I got an angry letter from my bank manager the other day.
29. You know that couple I was telling you about the other day? Well(/the other day.html), last night I saw a police car in front of their house!
30. He shouted insults at the salesman who had cheated him the other day.
1. The other day we had some visitors from Switzerland.
2. I got a terrible shock the other day.
3. I'm sorry about the other day.
31. Graham ran into someone he used to know at school the other day.
32. You came to see me at my office the other day with a business proposition.
33. The other day I came across an interesting essay on the war with Napoleon.
34. The other day I saw some children running about in the garden.
35. I had a long conversation with her the other day.
36. The idea emanated from a discussion we had the other day.
37. I rang her the other day and she said she'd like to come round.
38. I saw them walking hand in hand through town the other day.
39. She was a student revolutionary for a while but now she's reverted to type. I saw her in a Mercedes the other day.
40. I'm completely mystified about what happened in the hotel the other day.
41. These days everybody has to be politically correct. I even heard someone the other day calling a short person 'vertically challenged'!
42. I got an email from Jo the other day .
43. I chanced to see our old headmaster in the street the other day.
44. My voice has got so low now I was mistaken for a man the other day on the phone.
45. I just saw one the other day, buying cheese.
46. He got a letter the other day from Rep.
47. Many thanks for your letter of the other day.
48. I punished my 11-year-old daughter the other day.
49. The other day, one of the boys wanted Reeboks.
50. I met Lucy the other day outside Budgens.
51. Isn't the sea calmer than the other day?
52. One monster almost ran me over the other day.
53. I had a letter from Benedicta the other day.
54. C., your man Stafford called the other day.
55. We had lunch the other day.
56. Saw an indigo bunting the other day.
57. I caught Cam looking at me the other day.
58. Yeah, but you had, like, three shots at this the other day.
59. I could swear the Olympic torch carrier who came running past my street the other day was a dwarf.
60. She was curious as to how he felt when he saw her at the docks the other day.
61. He sent me there the other day to pick up his reading glasses.
62. So this girl says you and your wife stopped in the other day, had a little dispute at the counter.
63. I went to the library the other day to check out some children's books.
64. Dana was in the other day and she looked miserable.
65. I noticed a caption in my local newspaper the other day, identifying a group of high school cheerleaders.
66. I just couldn't keep away from her when I got the chance to escape from Rocamar the other day.
67. By the way, I met up with John Collins the other day and he and I were signing your praises.
68. I had this conversation with Danny Bascombe the other day.
69. The other day, I was going to the video store when this guy backs up his car and almost hits me.
70. When I came across it the other day, I was slightly embarrassed.
71. He made a satisfactory seasonal debut at Newbury the other day.
72. It sounds quite absurd but the other day I walked up the footpath from the road just to see if it was.
73. I could see what he meant when we turned up the other day for evensong at Salisbury Cathedral.
74. The other day he slapped Liam across the face and got mad at me when I complained.
75. He had passed by the very spot only the other day, and it had brought tears to his eyes.
76. I announced such a review at a conference that I addressed the other day.
77. The speed limit on our motorways was reduced the other day, and I give a cheer for that.
78. The other day I went back into the city to walk round some of my old haunts.
79. I was talking to Ursula Andress the other day about toy boys.
80. The pater was saying something to that effect only the other day.
81. The Daily News ran a poll the other day on the things that most annoy the local denizens.
82. Another feller came the other day to get some, too.
83. I heard you both the other day raising your voices, I think you stir him up and lead him on.
84. A casual observer on Van Ness the other day saw even younger adults have difficulty.
85. I saw Hazel Phillips the other day, and she didn't look very healthy.
85. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
86. He might have put up a good show the other day, but that was because he was frightened.
87. I was talking to a woman at the supermarket checkout the other day.
88. We went round Chesmore Zoo the other day and found it fascinating.
89. Yet another rarity turned up the other day and which I illustrate here.
90. You know I did, I was entranced by them the other day.
91. The fall in attendance was mentioned in the debate on the Museums and Galleries Bill the other day.
92. The other day I was in a hurry and struggling to get the right change out of my pocket for the newsagent.
93. We got off on the wrong foot the other day and it was my fault.
94. Which left the field of supposed second-stringers that I had trouble naming the other day.
95. I didn't tell you this the other day when I made you all laugh. I wonder whether I am odd.
96. A girl phoned me the other day and said, 'Come on over. There's nobody home.' I went over. Nobody was home. Rodney Dangerfield 
97. I was thinking about his while stuck in a traffic jam the other day.
98. Just the other day a curious sight popped up on nearby Orange Boulevard where it crosses S.R. 46.
99. He must have read her note to me the other day, because this is just a truncated version of it.
100. Max Hess, Folkestone, Kent I bumped into a friend the other day but had forgotten his name.
101. But I wanted to thank you for brushing off my car the other day.
102. So don't bother asking. - I caught her trying to brush her hair the other day.
103. The other day, I almost ran down an old man in a crosswalk.
104. I can't believe this weather - it was freezing just the other day!
105. My wife's jealousy is getting ridiculous. The other day she looked at my calendar and wanted to know who May was. Rodney Dangerfield 
106. He won on his seasonal debut at Chepstow last month and wasn't at all disgraced when third at Ascot the other day.
107. Yeah(), she did that the other day in the car.
108. The other day for example, at a neighborhood market, I saw a woman carrying grocery bags open her car trunk.
109. We just got off on the wrong foot the other day.
110. The guy we met the other day was a complete shark!
111. Well, did my dad tell you what happened to me in the car the other day?
112. I spent a nickel phoning you the other day.
113. I got this suntan playing tennis the other day.
114. I had the committee to luncheon the other day.
115. Guess what: I saw Tome Bruce the other day.Sentence dictionary
116. I lent Lily my motorbike the other day.
117. I got this suntan playing golf the other day.
118. The new president was sworn in the other day.
119. Whatever the reasons, Dawn Cunningham, a sales representative from Elk Grove Village, Ill., was not happy as she spent $45 the other day to fill the tank of her Honda Pilot sport utility vehicle.
120. My wife has been on a cloud since I told her the other day I would spend my year-end bonus at the office to take us to Hawaii to celebrate our twentieth wedding anniversary.
121. Reporter learned the other day from the insider place that Nie Yuan and will love one another two year biconditional gate female apprentice Yang Guang to marry officially.
122. The other day, two person of having sexual intercourse period, some people absorb using the camera record the entire process, middle imitates the Japanese xanthic film many obscene movement.
123. I saw a beautiful fish in the street market the other day.
124. The other day I saw a squirrel in my garden.
125. My wife has been on cloud nine since I told her the other day I would spend my year-end bonus at the office to take us to Hawaii to celebrate our twentieth wedding anniversary.
126. Forget city, town or village, this is the place to dwell The other day I was in Melton Mowbray in search of a pork pie.
127. The other day in the midst of Port-au-Prince, the great degraded capital city that is my home, I saw a car, an old battered car, a jalopy, falter and sputter and come to a slow halt.
128. That was a major repudiation of Iran the other day at the Security Council.
129. The Dragon King told Old Chu, "One of my sons was out fooling around the other day, and was kidnaped by a bandit who was going to murder him!"
130. I saw an old man the other day, to my astonishment, making the holes with a hoe for the seventieth time at least, and not for himself to lie down in!
131. I was told the other day that there was a school text book that mentioned me but I couldn't believe it until I saw it.
132. The other day on the blog The Oxford Etymologist Anatoly Liberman just happened to mention in passing that the word "window" evolved from an earlier pair of words "wind" and "eye."
133. I heard on the radio the other day that the origin of the phrase “drunk as a lord” came from a time when the aristocracy were the ones with the time and money to get boozy.
134. The other day I got a real USAF fighter pilot jacket at a second - hand shop.
135. Some things are bigger than politics. AsRepublican Dick Lugar said the other day, "Every Senator has an obligation inthe national security interest to take a stand, to do his or her duty."
136. Jewel : I saw a guy with a swastika on his scooter helmet the other day.
137. Here's a little number I wrote the other day while out duck hunting with a judge.
138. The newspaper news (by Lei Kun) the other day, the China Medical Association Urology department Branch held the annual meeting, the uropoiesis surgical department expert is assemble.
139. She made a wry face. 'That's what you called my sister the other day. What did you mean by it?'
140. The other day in the White Sea they found a modern Robinson on one of the islands, where he had spent more than two weeks.
141. I was reading an essay of Saleeby's the other day, and the best Saleeby could say was that Herbert Spencer NEARLY succeeded in answering Berkeley.
142. At that TNT lunch the other day, do you know how much we talked about Kobe?
143. Bunny - I and met the other day, the ear-piercing alarm whistle and everybody in the footsteps of confusion, and Bunny - This is a young Bai Ditan force on the side of the road a pickup truck.
144. Did you hear what he let fall the other day when we were there?
145. The other day, I'd overheard 2 people boasting about the numerous urchins they ate, collected from Tai Long Bay area years ago.
145. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
146. A friend posted on my wall the other day, "Um... I noticed that you are friends with John Paul II.
147. The other day I saw these speakers made for guitar hero and thought I'd give them a try as part of a small pa system.
148. As Republican Dick Lugar said the other day, "Every Senator has an obligation in the national security interest to take a stand, to do his or her duty."
149. But when I drove to the Westside to pay him a visit the other day, Levy told me not to take that seamless transition for granted.
150. The other day I brought a bunch of multi-colored roses home. For five days, at least once or twice a day, my son thanked me for the flowers.
151. The other day, some bubber told me hadn't had a bite in three days.
152. The other day I was cooking my husband's favorite dish – spaghetti with marinara sauce.
153. The other day, at the circus, I saw a horse running at top speed, with an Englishwoman standing on one foot on its back.
154. As my chiropractor said the other day, after the umpteenth visit in the past few months, the trouble is, in Australia, our priorities are wrong and we don't plan.
155. I stopped by the birdseed store the other day to use a gift certificate.
156. This is the new computer store which I saw the other day.
157. The engaged couple, Edward Evans and Gertrude Kennedy put up the banns the other day.
158. Close up, the fighting was pretty fierce. Colonel Gaddafi's men were beaten the other day, but here they've got superiority in weapons, and they are on their own home territory.
159. The other day, a slave trader came to Miss Watson.
160. The other day, in a little church near Brighton, a window was dedicated to the memory of the Revd. Michael Scott.
161. On the other day , tall elegantly welcomed her 18 th birthday.
162. What originally brought me to the word however, was it's use by a guy I mentioned the other day when I was talking about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
163. Colonel Gaddafi's men were beaten the other day, but here they've got superiority in weapons, and they are on their own home territory.
164. I met him the other day on the street, and had the usual chitchat about Paris.
165. My wife has been on a cloud since I told her the other day I would end my year-end bonus at the office to take us to Hawaii to celebrate our twentieth wedding a iversary.
166. I grew up in Chicago, a city that now feels to me like an experiment, a cyclopean model train set scattered just the other day across the prairie.
167. A husband said to his wife, "It's a good thing you got that flyswatter the other day. I got four flies today."
168. In fact, just the other day people spotted Fielding channelling Vince in a boiler suit and platforms.
169. This particular difference about musical style was driven home to me the other day.
170. The other day a reader wrote in asking if cloud computing could help save his hard drive space, which made me realize that it's time to talk about exactly what this moronic buzzword really means.
171. The cookie made a great potato salad the other day.
172. We ate lamb shoulder in the Turkish restaurant just the other day.
173. I heard some people speaking on radio talk-back the other day, and I'd never have understood their non-professional and very individual voices without the experience here.
174. That sitcom you mentioned the other day is still on.
175. Here's an update of what I got done the other day with the tail pipe for the towed array.
176. I was watching the morning news the other day and heard them talking about how artificial sweeteners in diet soda can actually cause people to gain weight (from a Purdue University study)!
177. The other day I talked about the word garble and explained that at first it was used to mean to sort the wheat from the chaff.
178. I quoted the other day Wallace Stevens saying that poetry should "make the visible a little hard to see."
179. The engaged couple , Edward Evansand Kennedy,(http:///the other day.html) put up the banns the other day.
180. I saw her, the other day, bespatter the Governor himself with water, at the cattle-trough in Spring Lane.
181. As a gadget-lover and stationery fetishist, I was naturally thrilled the other day to get to play with a state-of-the-art stationery gadget, a "smartpen" called the Livescribe Echo.




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