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单词 The same as
1. Can I have the same as that?
2. You're not the same as before.
3. This answer must be a crib: it's exactly the same as Jones's.
4. Rick hasn't changed. He looks exactly the same as he did at school.
5. My opinion is on the whole the same as yours.
6. One fifth is the same as 20 percent.
7. Your measurements are exactly the same as Dana's.
8. Charles is just the same as always.
9. We treat boys exactly the same as girls.
10. Your pen is the same as mine.
11. Your dress is nearly the same as mine.
12. One kilogram is roughly the same as 2.2 lbs.
13. Just do the same as me .
14. She looked just the same as before.
15. I'd like one the same as yours.
16. This is the same as it was before.
17. I think the same as you do about this.
18. Hey, snap! My hat's the same as yours.
19. Driving a boat is not the same as driving a car.
20. I need some time to myself, the same as anybody else.
21. John thinks the same as I do - it's just too expensive.
22. People say I look just the same as my sister.
22. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
23. I mean, it's a relationship, the same as a marriage is a relationship.
24. Everyone had to dress the same as a well-known historical figure.
25. A fried egg contains about 100 calories-about the same as you would burn off if you ran a mile.
26. He just wanted the war to end, the same as Wally did.
27. Your new job will be essentially the same as your old one.
28. My new job is much the same as the old one.
29. I had to remind myself that being confident is not the same as being perfect!
30. I'm not a women's libber, but I do believe women should be paid the same as men.
1. Can I have the same as that?
2. You're not the same as before.
3. Rick hasn't changed. He looks exactly the same as he did at school.
31. It tastes exactly the same as the real thing, but has half the fat.
32. Modelling yourself on someone you admire is not the same as aping all they say or do.
33. They began to want their father to be the same as other daddies.
34. This year's results are virtually the same as last year's.
35. The office looked exactly the same as before, only some charts were added to the wall.
36. Obviously, self-respect was not the same as disrespect.
37. Plate tectonics is not the same as continental drift.
38. People here are the same as everywhere else.
39. The crowd cheered us in of course, but it's not the same as coming down the last as the winner for sure.
40. Desmond Morris interprets the behaviour of domesticated horses, and reveals it as being much the same as their wild ancestors.
41. It doesn't say much for her ability to command respect - and respect is not the same as fear.
42. He reckoned he'd a right to nice things the same as this bad company he'd got in with.
43. Everything was exactly the same as it had been when she'd gone to sleep the previous evening.
44. Many of those who initially looked at the handyphone were disappointed because they thought it was the same as a cellular phone.
45. To live without philosophizing is in truth the same as keeping the eyes closed without attempting to open them. Rene Descartes 
46. She looked the same as when she had been twenty-nine, before the birth of the child.
47. But criticism of the Stack nomination is not the same as accusing Clinton of being soft on crime.
48. Indeed, Piaget asserted that the basic principles of cognitive development are the same as those of biological development.
49. It should go without saying that your needs and expectations are the same as those of able-bodied students.
50. The height of the casing limits the L range to three horizontal full-length 16-bit slots, the same as its predecessor.
51. The overall effect is precisely the same as if there were an organised conspiracy of silence among churchmen.
52. The issue is not the same as issues of consciousness, and fortunately is more amenable to clearly empirical considerations.
52. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
53. The ability to pray is not the same as the ability to give an account of prayer.
54. The Republicans are in the civil rights movement the same as they are in the trade unions.
55. I feel deprived if I can't have the same as everyone else.
56. She sums up the situation by saying that the reconstituted family is never the same as the biological family.
57. A dead body smells exactly the same as a dead animal.
58. Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving. Terry Pratchett 
59. The only other study that made corrections for pyloric loss and duodenogastric reflux came to conclusions that are the same as ours.
60. This is not the same as the most commonly used measure of dividends: the dividend yield.
61. Is there a molecule that weighs the same as an oxygen atom?
62. The legislation would require corporate health plans to treat mental illnesses the same as physical ailments.
63. Exactly the same as the mood disorders and behavioural characteristics of the primary disease.
64. But the methods and theory are the same as in ancient times, he said.
65. Uniting against globalisation is not the same as uniting against capitalism.
66. The star ratings shown in the hotel descriptions have been allocated by Enterprise and are not necessarily the same as official classifications.
67. But it was the same as drying her hair in the nude, with an electric hair dryer.
68. To the victims, the abstract Leftism of some of the Bolsheviks seemed in practice much the same as colonial domination.
69. The secret compartment was ten feet long, the same as the bathroom, but only three feet wide.
70. The administrative burden is increased but the processes are the same as those already in place for fundholding.
71. The legal principles that apply to teachers whose negligence causes injury are the same as those that apply to anyone else.
72. The man who views the world at fifty the same as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life. Muhammad Ali 
73. Of course for the obligation of confidence to lapse the information published must be the same as the confidential information.
74. Having an arm amputated is not the same as being born with an arm missing.
75. It is the same as swinging an axe to chop down a tree.
76. The whole setup weighs about the same as a small combo, but is easier to carry because there's less bulk.
77. Structures of management and finance devised to maintain environments and institutions may not be the same as are needed to oversee renewal.
78. But my attitude is the same as when I changed positions from catcher to second base.
79. The building blocks of these polymers are often exactly the same as those used to make saturated fats.
80. Some say that to belong to the kingdom of Heaven is the same as belonging to the Church.
81. Output thereafter went up so that the women were earning about the same as before the job was changed.
82. Eventually the chances of developing lung cancer and other diseases will also be lessened[Sentence dictionary], until they are the same as for non-smokers.
83. The optimum proportions of hydrogen and oxygen are thus two hydrogen atoms per oxygen atom, exactly the same as in water.
84. He asserted the mere threat of using troops to support demonstrators was the same as using troops.
85. The graphing procedure is the same as that previously explained, but of course the quantity data and relationship involved are different.
86. For example, the new Citroen Xantia diesel costs exactly the same as the 1.6-litre petrol version.
87. I fancied that except for a few corrugated iron roofs it still looked the same as when he had been here.
88. An independent counsel is subject to removal by the attorney general, the same as any federal prosecutor.
89. But a week or so in a holiday cottage isn't the same as becoming a permanent resident.
90. To live under an effectively working constitution is not the same as living under a regime of moral laissez-faire.
91. Industrial Hire Purchase - the same as hire-purchase for personal customers but for items of capital equipment. 4.
92. I think it is reasonable to assume that the arrow for computers is the same as that for humans.
93. I respect Izzo's political convictions and those of his family, which aren't the same as mine.
94. A broken heart is not the same as a twisted ankle.
95. I emphasise that juvenile crime is not the same as adult crime.
96. That's the same as a full jumbo jet crashing at Heathrow every day of the week and two on Sunday.
97. But since then our calendar year has been the same as the solar year.
98. The assumptions underlying these techniques are generally the same as those of the cultural transmission concept of learning.
99. His ingredients for success were the same as those of practically everyone connected with the series.
100. Mr Norris said standards applied in reaching the decision were the same as those used for all other major transport infrastructure projects.
101. It was my erstwhile swain, looking much the same as 10 years earlier.
102. There was two bunches of keys both the same as each other with the house keys on and the keys to this place.
103. I have nothing against the Arabs ... They are the same as us.
104. Banks will merely supply whatever is demanded: in this case the supply curve is the same as the demand curve.
105. The process of becoming a delinquent is the same as the process of becoming, let us say, a Boy Scout.
106. In other words a fat calorie was exactly the same as a carbohydrate or a protein calorie.
107. Whatever some fiscal economists may say, capital gains are not the same as income.
108. The mean scores at baseline for the subgroup of students who were followed up were the same as for those not followed up.
109. The same as import tax policy and bonded.
110. " About the same as usual,'said Hurstwood, smiling genially.
111. Aloofness is not the same as shyness.
112. Automatic Data Processing. The same as DP, data processing.
112. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
113. His wind - breaker is the same as yours.
114. She's only a waxwork, the same as the others.
115. Is assimilating with the Han the same as globalization?
116. The requirement is the same as the scientific nature of the legislation of urban planning law.
117. Beijing team at this time of the psychological line of defense the same as they collapsed.
118. If you have, telling our second mistress is just the same as telling Ladyship.
119. You see rudiment of its K line be the same as 600854 how likeness ( vaulted )!
120. The steps for inserting additional slides are basically the same as for selecting the title page.
121. For most materials the modulus of elasticity in compression is the same as in tension.
122. China capital convertibility's course is the same as foreign exchange system reform.
123. Then there is colour, and colour is not the same as turbidity.
124. Dosage and vulcanization condition is the same as 4010 NA antiager.
125. No plink or plunk was quite the same as any other.
126. I think American Indian culture is the same as my country's culture.
127. Curricula , teaching materials and the same as ordinary primary schools, not only for art class.
128. When it Mew Mew , to issue the same as the whispering voice.
129. Remember firing is not the same as layoff or reduction in force.
130. U know what ur feeling, is not the same as nth.
131. There is considerable evidence that sycamore wall xyloglucan is the same as that isolated from SEPS.
132. The Aztecs use different glyphs and is basically the same as Mayan only slightly less evolved.
133. The curing process is the same as that for corned beef.
134. The answers are much the same as the globalisation of economic activity: liberalisation and technological advance.
135. The results obtained in the SOS Chromotest are the same as the results in Ames test.
136. Anna: The plural form is the same as the singular form.
137. Bottle weight , which is the same as preform weight, is essentially non - adjustable.
138. Alloc An allocator whose value type is the same as the container's value type.
139. The treatment for exhaustion is the same as for heat exhaustion.
140. A stack frame is essentially the same as a function call.
141. The effect is the same as that of placing a shunt resistor across the active gage.
142. Changed - SD time to be the same as AP.
143. But,[http:///the same as.html] boloney sausage does not taste the same as beef or pork alone.
144. The changes of ECs after transplantation the alcohol group were basically the same as glycerin group.
145. To know that it was there, inviolate , was almost the same as being in it.
146. Daring is not the same as foolhardiness , and Xiangzi though daring was never foolhardy.
147. The letters'form are the same as those in the widely used Latin alphabet.
148. Changed Unholy Rage's lifesteal type to be the same as regular lifesteal.
149. Our policy towards the Netherlands is the same as that towards the whole European Community.
150. In eastern Kansu we have on the whole done the same as in Sian.
151. Half pirouette: The same as a pirouette, except executed only in a half - circle.
152. We have found your brand name is the same as ours through preliminary examination.
153. The treatment of eczema in children, essentially the same as infantile eczema.
154. Marty: Not if it's the same as last year's. Are you still making your famous eggnog?
155. Homebrew is the goal,[http:///the same as.html] and homebrew is not the same as piracy.
156. Police and the provincial capital is not the same as elsewhere.
157. There is considerable evidence that sycamore cell - wall xyloglucan is the same as that isolated from SEPS.
158. The result of the urinary sediment culture was the same as urinary swab culture.
159. Thus, econometrics is by no means the same as economic statistics.
160. Predicative is not the same as subject for ever, or similar.
161. SCR rectifier is the same as that of DC arc wilding generator.
162. Marital property is the same as community property and is divided equally upon divorce.
163. The reason for the minus sign is the same as in Section 33 - 2 .
164. Besides these , again the same as chief security, hardware salesman, jailor and truck driver etc.
165. Dandelion has large yellow flowers, though its leaves look quite the same as shepherd's purse's.
166. Also a diagonal backward arrow , works the same as a normal barrow.
167. This is the same as adding an extra day on leap year.
168. You see , inferiority complex is the same as arrogance: they are both expressions of unbelief.
169. While the USA has a reexamination procedure it does not work the same as an opposition.
170. The return type is the same as the operand type.
171. For pure substances, the point is the same as the melting point.
172. Michael: Are New Year parties the same as Xmas parties?




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