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单词 Consist of
1 Their lives consist of the humdrum activities of everyday existence.
2 The lungs consist of millions of tiny air sacs.
3 Many villages in Mali consist of mud huts.
4 The award will consist of a lump sum to a maximum value of $5000.
5 The atmosphere consist of more than 70 % of nitrogen.
6 With a conventional repayment mortgage, the repayments consist of both capital and interest.
7 At this point esch chromosome consist of a pair of chromatids and the two associated chromosomes are termed a tetrad.
8 Many jazz trios consist of a piano, guitar and double bass.
9 A company's assets can consist of cash, investments, buildings, machinery, specialist knowledge or copyright material such as music or computer software.
10 "What does your market research consist of?"— 'Well. the thing is. it depends on our target age group.'
11 The development will consist of 66 dwellings and a number of offices.
12 Atoms consist of positively-charged protons, negatively-charged electrons and neutral particles called neutrons.
13 The division will consist of two tank companies and one infantry company.
14 The listening texts consist of short, bite-sized chunks which are accessible to beginners.
15 Society does not consist of isolated individuals, but people in a network of relationships.
16 Without you Sunshine Breakfast would only consist of Cornflakes.
17 Ideally the netting team should consist of three people.
18 Women's teams consist of three competitors plus one reserve.
19 The reproductive systems consist of filamentous tubes.
20 The lobes consist of many follicles.
21 What in Northern Ireland does routine policing consist of?
22 The top team could consist of the board.
23 Diffusion Solids consist of closely packed particles.
24 If supplied, each entry must consist of two parts.
25 However, society does not consist of isolated individuals.
26 Alphanumeric fields consist of letters, numbers, or both.
27 These consist of a capital letter followed by numbers.
28 They consist of a small box built of fear.
29 The theater's inaugural season will consist of three plays.
30 Substrate can consist of fine gravel, aquarium sand or powdered lava.
1 The atmosphere consist of more than 70 % of nitrogen.
2 At this point esch chromosome consist of a pair of chromatids and the two associated chromosomes are termed a tetrad.
31 About 30 percent of the time, these largely involuntary vocalizations consist of shouting words, sometimes obscenities.
32 These mains spikes sometime consist of surges of thousands of volts, albeit for very brief periods.
33 First is the fact that his capitalist society seemed to consist of mechanisms and relationships with universal effects throughout capitalism.
34 Your life might consist of lazing about all day and partying all night but mine certainly doesn't - time is precious.
35 He conjectured that light itself might consist of such waves.
36 Some 42 percent of households containing an elderly person consist of a lone woman.
37 The body is heavy and fairly thickset, and the contrasting skin surface markings consist of zigzag or diamond-shaped patterns.
38 That means our discussion programmes, for example, should not simply consist of white able-bodied men.
39 A decentralised business will usually consist of independent profit centres or divisions.
40 The perceived world, however, seems to consist of stable objects as well as events occurring in them.
41 This might consist of: special in-house courses, attendance at outside professional courses,(sentence dictionary) plus evening college lectures and private study.
42 They consist of a copper core, which carries the signal, surrounded by a braided mesh of fine copper wire.
43 These precautions will usually consist of instructions sent out to managers.
44 For example, may consist of just and a the most recent changes in the short and long rates.
45 Portfolio controls consist of special deposits, supplementary special deposits, reserve requirements, directives, and moral suasion.
46 These so-called always deductible expenses usually consist of home mortgage interest and real estate taxes.
47 Some smooth plains consist of infill in some medium sized craters.
48 They consist of ridges of shingle and sand projecting above high water level and generally lying a few kilometres offshore.
49 State board licensing examinations vary, but they usually consist of written and oral parts and include a demonstration of practical skills.
50 This could include ELT and non-ELT material and will mostly consist of documentary programmes or extracts from current affairs programmes.
51 To start with, nearly all the warning patterns consist of pale bands or light patches against black backgrounds.
52 The male organs consist of a single continuous testis and a vas deferens terminating in an ejaculatory duct into the cloaca.
53 These are created in conjunction with a skeleton layout for whatever document you wish to produce and consist of a number of tags.
54 These depths consist of vast mountain ranges, deep canyons, mighty steaming lava flows.
55 A scale of this kind would normally consist of a number of such statements.
56 The clays consist of silica tetrahedra and the octahedra contain magnesia surrounded by oxygen atoms and hydroxyl groups.
57 Without the system electronically stored data/information can only consist of proto-records.
58 During the waiting days your pay will consist of the sickness allowance.
59 The parallel money markets consist of various markets in short-term finance between various financial institutions. 6.
60 A chemical system may consist of atoms, molecules and ions or any combination of these.
61 A third, smaller group will consist of veterans whose illnesses can not be tied to Gulf War service, he said.
62 The creditors' committee must consist of at least three and not more than five creditors.
63 A successful activity will consist of a series of varied lessons and tasks.
64 They consist of highly mobile young people and families, commuters, and tourists, as well as disadvantaged groups such as refugees.
65 Our attempts at modeling physical reality normally consist of two parts: 1.
66 They do not consist of an abstract duty to maximise profits or otherwise to act in the interests of society.
67 They consist of processing elements, or units, that attempt to model some of the properties of neurons.
68 Typically a test might consist of measuring how many symbols could be copied in 2 minutes.
69 It will consist of three zones, in a pleasant natural setting.
70 Poultry burgers must consist of 100 percent poultry meat of the kind indicated on the label.
71 Light-cured glass ionomers consist of a complex mixture of components.
72 Materials and teaching practices may consist of commercial letter-of-the-week programs, math worksheets with accompanying workbooks,(http:///consist of.html) and mastery assessments.
73 The so-called secondary categories consist of almost equally linguistic concepts: negation and opposition, comparatives, modes, and so on.
74 It was suggested that courses should consist of three main elements.
75 This should ideally consist of a period in each of the different sections of a local authority legal department.
76 In detail barrier reefs consist of whole series of individual reefs and may have small islands on them.
77 These codes consist of a string of binary numbers in the form of on-off states.
78 These consist of the treatment of dominant firm monopolies, restrictive practices and mergers.
79 Evening meals consist of excellent traditional dishes, and always include an extensive salad buffet.
80 These might consist of old ocean crust or material from one of the boundary layers.
81 The world seemed to consist of spongers like Marc, supporters like Christopher, and victims like Francis.
82 As Table 4.1 shows, over 80 percent of building society assets consist of mortgage loans for the purchase of property.
83 However, X-ray analysis has shown that all these forms of carbon consist of small graphite-like crystals.
84 The large majority of one-parent families consist of a mother trying to cope without a partner.
85 Intellectual Dublin seemed no longer to consist of writers, but of folk singers, bearded or otherwise.
86 Nations consist of people. And with their effort, a nation can accomplish all it could ever want. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 
87 Without them, customer service departments would probably consist of one or two people playing solitaire in some small back room.
88 Crystallizable polymers consist of a mass of tiny crystals, usually mis-oriented with respect to one another and embedded in non-crystalline material.
89 Photographs showed it to consist of twenty or more radiant pieces in a straight line, embedded inside an extensive bright cloud.
90 Fights usually consist of three three-minute rounds, with a one-minute break between each round.
91 They consist of two layers of paper with wood chips sandwiched between them, and are ideal for hiding minor wall irregularities.
92 These consist of pale neutral shades of blue, green and brown with some definite greys included.
93 As often as not, land reforms consist of turning large privately owned farms into state-or communally owned cooperatives.
94 These usually consist of large, naturalistic floral garlands or medallions set against an open or sparsely decorated field.
95 Basic banks are obliged to maintain certain reserves, which consist of cash in hand and deposits at the National Bank.
96 Judgments frequently consist of long paragraphs and convoluted sentences replete with subordinate clauses.
97 Much of their work will consist of assessing how much impact the measures are having.
98 Even large physical objects like stars consist of a rather limited array of parts, more or less haphazardly arranged.
99 Of course, complicated things consist of lots of simpler things.
100 Systems consist of a very small number of terms which thus constitute closed sets.
101 Assuming voluntary labour in sport to consist of half manual and half professional work gives an average value per hour of £10.38.
102 The examination will consist of 6 assignments - 5 pieces of dictation and a manuscript assignment.
103 These consist of a motor-driven continuous sanding belt, held against the work by a metal plate under the body.
104 Such lexical chains need not necessarily consist of words which mean the same, however.
105 Finally, the remaining three components seemed to consist of uninterpretable noise.
106 Cultivation: Ideally the growing medium should consist of some amount of clay.
107 Mabs and Tashie's contribution seemed to consist of amiably teasing Nigel and Henry.
108 The mixture should consist of a layer of coarse sand, with a thin layer of peat and clay immediately below it.
109 One group might consist of the younger consumer end of the market and one might be business women of thirty-plus.
110 It seems to consist of an affront to the dignity of the House or a Member of it.
111 They consist of: £29 a day subsistence allowance to cover meals, taxis and other incidentals.
112 Miscellaneous assets largely consist of payments owed but not yet received from other banks.
113 A scale like this will normally consist of a series of such statements tapping the same attitudinal dimension.
114 They are called delta frames and, typically, may consist of no more than 5 kilobytes of data.
115 Each service may consist of one or more channels, video on-demand, or two-way interactive service.
116 The programmes consist of excerpts from recorded classes which are then discussed during the programme.
117 Cultivation: The planting medium should consist of clay, peat, loam or leaf mould and a good layer of sand.
118 The household may now consist of several teenagers or an elderly relative.
119 The creative group will usually, as we have seen, consist of a writer and an artist.
120 Modern armies consist of fewer soldiers and more advanced weapons systems.
121 They consist of roughly circular depressions and of more elongated depressions, and are radar-dark.
122 Payroll taxes consist of two different kinds of tax, an employer-paid tax and withheld taxes.
123 Later tombs here have no tumulus above but consist of a single large room cut into the stone.
124 The organisation will consist of executive and advisory boards and adhoc committees and task forces will be set up for specific projects.
125 Ideally, the site should consist of well drained, dry, granular soil.
126 The commission would consist of eight members, appointed for 10 years.
127 The electronics inside the pistol consist of a light detector or photo-diode and a small amplifier and buffer.
128 The classes consist of immigrants, and students who will return to their home countries at the end of the course. The latter group are preparing for the Cambridge Proficiency Certificate.
129 The basic principles mainly consist of legality and reasonableness.
130 How many players does a baseball team consist of?
131 All street names will consist of lowercase alphabetic characters.
132 The super slurpers consist of copolymers made from cornstarch.
133 How many players does a handball team consist of?
134 The super absorbers consist of copolymers made from cornstarch.
135 Layered composites consist of lamination alike a sandwich.
136 This lagoon " divider " consist of sand.
137 Consist of housing, impeller, motor,(/consist of.html) base and connection box.
138 What does the terrigenous sediment consist of?
139 These stupas consist of Mandala with five Buddhas.
140 How many Olympic disciplines do aquatics consist of?
141 Sluicing valves consist of valve, actuator and accessories.
142 Treatment may consist of administering progesterone or ovulation drugs.
143 Alignment fields consist of very low distortion sinusoidal waves.
144 They consist of two switches and a control rod with two moveable collars.
145 The nodule minerals consist of quartz, plagioclase, amphibole, K ? feldspar , goethite, lepidocrocite, δ MnO ? 2 , illite, and muscovite etc.
146 Lightning consist of just two lights: 1 . MR area spot light , 2 . skylight.
147 United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
148 The auxiliary line shall consist of an approved backflow preventer and water meter.
149 The path of a planet appears to consist of loops that recur regularly.
150 Ti 43.5 V 49 Fe 7.5 and Ti 46 V 44 Fe 10 alloys consist of a single solid solution phase with BCC structure.
151 It cannot consist of any blank space or ( special character ).
152 The symptoms can consist of vaginal discharge, uterine cramping and pain, and fever.
153 The winder will consist of an air expanded winding mandrel.
154 It consist of four big parts: mechanism section, lubricating system, pipeline system and electrical control system.
155 The main products consist of diamond drilling bit, round sawing blade and grinding wheels, etc.
156 The majority of kidney stones consist of an insoluble compound of calcium and oxalic acid.
157 Results Psychosomatic demands mainly consist of safety, life care and the knowledge related to infusion.
158 Chemistry in university is consist of Organic Chemistry , inorganic Chemistry and physical chemistry.
159 A sentence can consist of a major clause one or more subordinate clauses.
160 The power unit consist of a diesel motor which is coupled to a hydraulic pump.
161 Natural eco - environmental index consist of climate, biology,(http://) hydrology and soil index.
162 They consist of a single integrated circuit on a chip.
163 Micro - electro - mechanical system ( MEMS ) consist of micro - sensor, micro - actuator, control and signal processing circuit.
164 The channel fill may consist of both horizontal and crossbeded sandstone.
165 Many nuclear reactor cores consist of radioactive fuel rods dunked in water.
166 As a mentation , criminal intent shall consist of cognition factor and will factor.
167 The immediate orchard boundary should consist of a fire - break.
168 All darts, whether they are shaped or straight,() consist of two sides.
169 Submission of plan by Tenderer at stage one ( conceptive plan ) shall consist of the following.
170 Oxygen on - off valves consist of valve, actuator and accessories.
171 The word - building ways mainly consist of homonym, overlap, metaphor, metonymy, abbreviation, loanword or explaining a word in another way.
172 There was no excuse which didn't consist of the inexcusable.
173 The judicial organs of China consist of people's courts , people's procurator and the public security departments.
174 Contracts consist of discrete contract and socialized contract in private law.
175 Exocrine Glands may consist of only single cells that make mucus.
176 The spermatozoa of Muscovy Drakes consist of two parts: head and tail.
177 Synchronised competitions will consist of Preliminaries and a Final as per Rule 1 etc.
178 Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations ( PAVMs ) consist of a direct connection between the pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein.
179 Pigments shall be weatherproof and consist of inorganic or light - resistant organic colouring substances.
180 The flavouring and adjunects consist of at least hot pepper, vinegar and salt.
181 The microstructures of duplex stainless steels consist of ferrite and austenite in approximately equal amounts.
182 Since reality is all the time with us, what does self - realisation consist of?
183 The spiritual worlds consist of two aspects: emotional state and spiritual home.
184 IRFPA consist of detector arrays and read - out integrated circuit ( ROIC ) arrays.
185 The uniforms consist of a service cap, coat, trousers, shirt, tie, socks, shoes, etc.
186 It consist of a 4,200 millimeter bloomer make in germany and a home - make finishing mill.
187 The colorants of green plants consist of chlorophyll, xanthophyll and carotene.
188 The machine consist of hopper, vibrating chamber, connecting shaft and electric motor.
189 Rehabilitation engineering should consist of rehabilitation engineering science and its products.
190 You will please to notice that this consignment will consist of an assortment of fancy goods.
191 Criminal law is consist of crime, criminal liability and penalty.
191 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
192 A marketer's advertising platform should consist of issues that are important to consumers.
193 I do not know what soundness of mind exactly consist of.
194 It is unimaginative, flat, dry and likely to consist of mere wind.
195 Hemorrhoids consist of dilated submucosal veins which may thrombose and rupture with hematoma formation.
196 Shall consist of no 2 unalloyed copper wire scrap nodules, chopped or shredded. Minimum 97 % copper.
197 They consist of three main parts: a battery an atomizer and a cartridge.
198 Local signs of wound infection consist of pain and tenderness, swelling, warmth, and erythema.
199 The liquidation group shall consist of the fund manager, fund depositary and the relevant intermediary agencies.
200 In fact the clean and jerk consist of two steps.
201 They consist of twelve tablets of emerald green, formed from a substance created through alchemical transmutation.
202 The content of elements must consist of well - formed character data or markup.
203 The rotating parts consist of the rim, web, bearings, shaft, and rotor portion of the motor.
204 The powertrain mainly consist of engine, hydrodynamic torque converter, transmission and drive bridge.
205 Fluorosurfactants basically consist of chains of carbon atoms surrounded by fluorine.
206 This equipment is consist of heater, evaporator , condenser, cooler, etc.
207 The standards of good law consist of two aspects : standards in form and standards in substantiality.
208 The stagnated fire is consist of three important elements: evil qi, yang qi and stagnancy.
209 These consist of a series of small ferrite cores of maximum diameter 2 mm.
210 Kits consist of: Check assembly, O ring, Spring and Vent O ring.
211 Comets consist of " dirty ice ", rather than solid rock, and so contain little iridium.
212 Its modules consist of a virtual machine kernel, garbage collector, debugging interface, and others.
213 The local armed forces consist of Red Guards and insurrectionary detachments of workers and peasants.




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