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单词 Undergraduate
1. She had an undergraduate degree in psychology.
2. Mr. Stone spent his undergraduate days in Columbia University, majoring in economics.
3. She was named the outstanding undergraduate history major at the University of Oklahoma.
4. Instruction in these subjects in undergraduate classes is almost exclusively by lecture.
5. While still an undergraduate, his first slim volume 'Fighting Terms' enjoyed a considerable success.
6. These changes are reflected in an evolving undergraduate curriculum.
7. The three-year undergraduate course begins next September.
8. The undergraduate curriculum could be otherwise.
9. Undergraduate and postgraduate student numbers remain steady.
10. The condition should figure prominently in undergraduate clinical training and in medical textbooks.
11. Undergraduate students have begun to recognise the importance of primary care.
12. Undergraduate and postgraduate students will also find papers worth reading.
13. Nearly all undergraduate texts on special relativity attempt to display the novel physical concepts of the theory at minimal mathematical cost.
14. There were 240 cases that went before the undergraduate administrative review committee.
15. In the high-pressured and directive context of undergraduate teaching it may be desirable, but is not practically possible.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. Undergraduate education as we normally think of it did not exist.
17. An electronic publishing course for undergraduate computer scientists needs to cover a significantly wider range of topics.
18. Undergraduate majors form the bulk of most economic professors' workloads.
19. Aren't I a bit long in the tooth to start being an undergraduate?
20. Emphasis was on formative evaluation in connection with the educational process in a specific undergraduate course.
21. Each draws significantly upon previously existing courses and each attempts to fill a gap in the current national provision of undergraduate education.
22. There should be more graduate work generally, and an increase in the number of undergraduate courses covering wider fields of study.
23. This is reflected in the range of courses offered by the Faculty of Business and Management, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
24. One reason: a sharp drop in the number of undergraduate students choosing economics as a major.
25. The percentage of mature students in relation to the total undergraduate intake was just over 6%.
26. There are thus general if disputed boundaries to the undergraduate curriculum as currently conceived.
27. It also makes an ideal text to support an undergraduate degree course in analytical chemistry.
28. At the same time, in recent decades City, like many other undergraduate colleges(), has ramified upward into a quasi-university.
29. Subsequent centuries brought more layers of thought and tradition to ideas about the undergraduate curriculum.
30. The next four chapters present coverage of material not normally found in undergraduate instrumental analysis texts.
1. She had an undergraduate degree in psychology.
2. Mr. Stone spent his undergraduate days in Columbia University, majoring in economics.
31. The material is presented at the undergraduate level thus the simplified approach adopted is commendable.
32. This Centre offers a programme of studies both at the undergraduate and intermediate postgraduate levels.
33. People with excellent undergraduate degrees should not be deterred from applying.
34. Undergraduate course work takes place within the environment of the School of Agriculture's research, development and consultancy activities.
35. It is simply undesirable for there to be a direct transfer of research findings into the curriculum, particularly the undergraduate curriculum.
36. The original, unaltered version of the story had been used initially as a sample exercise in undergraduate stylistics tutorials.
37. Similar changes have already begun in the admissions process for undergraduate students entering in 1998.
38. D Illuminative evaluation An attempt to carry out an illuminative evaluation of the undergraduate information retrieval course was also made.
39. Since autumn 1998, full-time undergraduate students have been required to make a means-tested contribution towards tuition fees.
40. But the development of continuing education must eventually have a backwash effect on initial professional education at the undergraduate stage.
41. This sharing of power through incorporating students into the administration of an undergraduate program is highly unusual in academic settings.
42. Within this population there will be a mix of undergraduate, postgraduate degree, diploma and certificate students.
43. How have the students interviewed for this book responded to these issues during their undergraduate years?
44. These activities enrich the course programme by informing undergraduate courses with the latest principles and practices emerging from international boardrooms and marketplaces.
45. While an undergraduate he became romantically involved with various members of the Bloomsbury group.
45. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
46. There were no intellectual points to be scored, no intense undergraduate conversations, no pretensions.
47. Students in full-time education at undergraduate level are not eligible.
48. The panel consisted of four women, all of whom had had a romantic relationship as an undergraduate with a professor.
49. In their undergraduate years they are drilled in factual knowledge and scientific method, and rarely see patients outside hospital buildings.
50. However, Figure 2.1 does seem to clarify several aspects of the undergraduate curriculum at a more practical level.
51. When I was an undergraduate student studying sociology we were all warned of the dangers of romanticism.
52. An average undergraduate course costs around £4,000 a year for each student.
53. Students would normally have completed an undergraduate course in orchestration.
54. In an undergraduate photograph, his darkly handsome face has an air of earnest innocence.
55. Figures 5.1 and 5.2 illustrate the proportions of women among full-time undergraduate students enrolled on engineering courses.
56. As an undergraduate William Joyce joined with enthusiasm in literary and political life.
57. Scholarships A number of scholarships are available at entrance, undergraduate and postgraduate level.
58. As a consequence, undergraduate teaching laboratories operated close to maximum capacity throughout the year.
59. This Centre, established within the faculty in 1983, offers a wide range of courses at undergraduate level.
60. The language for talking about the undergraduate curriculum already exists; it is a matter of using it.
61. Philosophy, in the undergraduate curriculum, can be regarded in two ways.
62. The review deals with undergraduate courses and manages to condense a great deal of material into a concise and readable form.
63. The points are illustrated by quoting extensively from undergraduate essays.
64. Linton lists as his perceived audience undergraduates studying microbiology, together with both undergraduate and postgraduate students of medicine and veterinary science.
65. Titles will primarily concentrate on subjects covered in the initial stages of an undergraduate chemistry course.
66. In keeping with that statement growth in undergraduate numbers over the past few years has been less than 1 percent a year.
67. And I heard remarkable stories of distinguished Marxist academics at other schools who flat out refused to teach undergraduate courses.
68. The $ 100, 000-plus cost of a Harvard or Yale undergraduate degree affects only a tiny minority.
69. His love of international law he communicated to his students both at an undergraduate and a postgraduate level.
70. As a first-year graduate student, I taught an undergraduate honors seminar on concepts of normality.
71. There is open access to undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well as reciprocal facilities in Science and Social Science departments.
72. Many have become politically active for the first time, spurred on by events and experiences-some of them wrenching7during their undergraduate years.
73. QiuZai an undergraduate fresh out of college.
74. The present study uses questionnaires to analyze the differences and correlations between idolization and self-evaluation of undergraduate students.
75. Undergraduate transferable University of California credit given for advanced and professional levels.
75. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
76. Bachelor's Degree shall be conferred after students complete the undergraduate study according to teaching plan, pass graduation review and have no failure record in any course or thesis.
77. The undergraduate teaching is an important function of the research-oriented university. The library as a document center should be incumbent on supporting this work.
78. Suitable as a coursebook for undergraduate and graduate students of mechanical and aeronautical engineering, Theory will also continue to be a valuable reference for practising gas turbine engineers.
79. The shaping of syntonic personality of undergraduate is an important content of constructing harmonious society.
80. Methods Questionnair of attitude towards communication skills and self-rated communication behavior were used to survey 104 undergraduate nurse students by convenient sampling.
81. My ex-wife and I long ago agreed that we would pay the full cost of our children's undergraduate education.
82. Then they blindfolded 32 undergraduate students and had them don earmuffs, thick gloves and kneepads to prevent them from using sensory cues other than smell.
83. Amative behavior of the undergraduate is civilized, but look to whether affect sight can, need not regard regular body contact as treason and heresy.
84. The prosocial behavior is an important sign for the individual socialization. However, the status quo of the prosocial behavior for the undergraduate is not optimistical.
85. This course is one of many Advanced Undergraduate Seminars offered by the Biology Department at MIT.
86. The full opening of laboratory is the reform trend of university experimental teaching and is one of the requirements of national assessment for undergraduate education.
87. In the early hours of 13 April, undergraduate students working at Yale University's Sterling Chemistry Laboratory made a shocking discovery.
88. It's necessary for the traditional undergraduate education to mimic the vocational education mode(VEM)executed at vocational colleges.
89. As a first-year undergraduate studying medicine, I worked at St Mary's Hospital in London for an eminent professor during the vacation.
90. No. 3 on the first floor hall, reading a second-year undergraduate animation students are watching the king of Europe's unique "flight line" work.
91. He also works as a sessional instructor teaching software engineering to undergraduate students.
92. Even from America's great liberal arts colleges, transcripts reflect an undergraduate specialization that would have been unthinkably narrow just a generation ago.
93. We are happy to accept candidates with Edexcel's GCE A Levelss at the right grades, onto our undergraduate degree courses.
94. If he enters Cambridge at 14, Arran would be the youngest student there since William Pitt the Younger became an undergraduate in 1773.
95. I test in 2007to the accounting job card, and correspondence of the Finance undergraduate, is now the end of correspondence, certificates issued.
96. Methods Using the self-design questionary to investigate the opinions of undergraduate nursing students to clinical teaching.
97. The book can also serve as a text for undergraduate and graduate students starting out on solar physics.
98. Classics cognizance, carrying out dacoity 6 people is one walks the street gang " undergraduate club ".
99. Financial crisis is a reason, but also suffer education and social demand to be concerned incompatibly with with undergraduate place.
100. Third, to provide a standing learning space for the normal students, thus it is possible to impenetrate the teacher-training education through the whole education of undergraduate course.
101. Study 2 used essays to experimentally manipulate the belongingness needs of 102 undergraduate subjects and assess the importance of their favored television programs when those needs were stimulated.
102. Green Camp is looked upon as the oriflamme of the environment protection of Chinese undergraduate.
103. Some women at the University of Vermont, with an undergraduate body that is 55 percent female, sardonically refer to their college town, Burlington, as "Girlington."
104. He played golf as an undergraduate accounting major at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia.
105. And liberal art manages kind of Master that waits for major difference of unripe, undergraduate students is not big.
105. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
106. The Undergraduate Nursing Students of NTUNHS who has completed the first year or the first three years program are qualified to apply the dual degree program.
107. The main exhibition of amative mentality of undergraduate are affectional need, simulate mentality and the change of value concept.
108. Princeton is an independent, coeducational, nondenominational institution that provides undergraduate and graduate instruction in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering.
109. For at that time in institute only by undergraduate student status being selected project group's member.
110. And we just -- I've got a bunch of undergraduate students at MIT, who have been hacking away on a little tabulator program I put together, which is an Ajax program.
111. The ones who took part in the conversazione were mostly graduate students and undergraduate students, many of whom ever won the prizes of International computer program-designing competitions.
112. The site includes a list of publications, undergraduate and postgraduates course programmes, and brief summaries of research in economic geology, volcanology and landscape evolution.
113. A fourth undergraduate program leads to the degree Bachelor's of Science in Mathematics with Computer Science; it is intended for students seriously interested in theoretical computer science.
114. OK and conjectural , the number that the undergraduate plays game will be more.
115. William Henry Gates III left Harvard University as an undergraduate to write software for the earliest personal computers.
116. On the mission, basic curriculum of the undergraduate needs orientating as curriculums on foundation of the skill and as curriculums of overall, harmonious development of human being.
117. The Burnet Institute also has an important educational role, and provides training in research and in public health at the undergraduate and postgraduate level.
118. Hence, in this thesis, it is intended to explore the answers to the following three questions: 1) Can Chinese undergraduate English majors acquire word knowledge by the Free Reading Method?
119. The fourth part is mainly aim at the problems before-mentioned, put forward some suggestions in further improve the newly-established undergraduate colleges'specialized subject construction.
120. Undergraduate: Marketing Principles, Marketing Channels, Marketing Logistics, Forecasting, Logistics Models and Strategic Marketing Planning.
121. At the undergraduate level, U.Va. already has a successful peer mentoring program in which third- and fourth-year minority students mentor freshmen and sophomores, she said.
122. American research universities plenarily exert the re-source predominance in order to enhance research ability of undergraduate and bring up theirs innovative energy. The research uni-versit...
123. I had studied industrial and labor relations as an undergraduate, and I later went to work at the NLRB because I was drawn to the issues facing the working class.
124. Take Christopher Merrill, 21, a third-year undergraduate in computer science.
125. Towards this end, we developed a computer supported cooperative problem solving environment designed to teach undergraduate computer science majors how to elicit software requirements.
126. Applicants must apply to an entry program within the Faculty of Mathematics , at the University of Waterloo, and be offered admission as an undergraduate student.
127. Users of this Lab include Master and Ph. D. students of ISS/NCU and the third and forth years undergraduate students in the Department of Atmospheric Science with space physics major.
128. Gregan-Paxton program coordinator of the business school's office of undergraduate advising says she is impressed by the work ethic and politeness of her students from China.
129. The report, posted late last month, called Soochow the first foreign education institution to receive approval from the Laotian government to offer undergraduate and graduate programs.
130. Usually, In general undergraduate teaching, we overlooked the role of the conceptional design which being applied with concrete structural design.
131. Suggested that small in domestic reads off in a big way winsomely four, after the undergraduate course graduates, applies for France Conservatory again.
132. After the operation test, the courseware can be used in undergraduate course instruction for the future.
133. Through the analysis of R-Factor analytical device. We conclude the most important 5 factors, which affect the female undergraduate sport involvement.
134. The boys undergraduate stress source involve worry of obtaining employment , the degree of leaning intensity , amativeness matters , health condition etc.
135. Self-culture be equivalent to the level of undergraduate course in university.
135. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
136. In response phase, undergraduate students with different blog using patterns had no significant difference in actual social relationship.
137. The undergraduate tinkler that is like strong finish school ended the trade on the net that clean out treasure, searching civil member the job.
138. Elizabeth Seckel is a third year undergraduate student majoring in physiology and neuroscience at the University of California, San Diego.
139. On the other hand, most undergraduate research projects are limited to secondary source material.
140. The ones who took part in the conversazione were mostly graduates students and undergraduate students, many of whom ever won the prizes of International computer program-designing competitions.
141. The participants were 13 undergraduate or graduate students who were each exposed to three conditions sedative music (SM), excitative music (EM), and no music (NM) on different days.
142. Graduation design (thesis) is an important link of undergraduate education and overall check of Students' comprehensive quality.
143. A: In many European countries, it is possible to start Egyptology at an undergraduate level. This is particularly true in the UK, France and Germany.
144. Mr Blinder is one of the authors of another popular undergraduate textbook, which he is now revising.
145. Through four years of undergraduate course, I have grumous interested in psychology.
146. When he was a shy, soft - spoken Harvard undergraduate, Ray had collected ant colonies in Costa Rica for the legendary ant- man, E. O. Wilson.
147. Undergraduate dissertation (design) is an important instruction step, whose quality directly affects the overall quality of undergraduate education.
148. Dr. Gregan-Paxton, program coordinator of the business school's office of undergraduate advising, says she is impressed by the work ethic and politeness of her students from China.
149. In the study, 33 undergraduate students were asked to proofread a one-page business letter half of them using Microsoft Word with its squiggly red and green lines underlining potential errors.
150. Therefore, the teaching process for the undergraduate is always based on the aim.
151. BAINGIO PINNA a professor at the University of Sassari in Italy, received his undergraduate and graduate education at the University of Padua.
152. The university offers over 190 undergraduate, graduate and certificate programs including Doctor of Pharmacy and Juris Doctor.
153. Right " if your lover is lost duteous , you still marry with her " this problem, the male undergraduate that has 53.4% chose " not " .
154. As an undergraduate, I had a double major of Chinese and Mass Communication.
155. Methods Problem-based teaching method was used in the year 2004 undergraduate students of stomatology specialty. We made an analysis of this teaching method by questionnaire.
156. I suggest strengthening the undergraduate curriculum in psychology and improved education for premedical and medical students to prepare them better to understand natural diversity.
157. We will remember the days which you spent with us, the days which witnessed our successful application for PhD degree conferment, and the days when we grow with the Undergraduate Teaching Assessment.
157. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
158. The employment-guiding courses of the whole teaching process mode through the whole undergraduate period are necessary for the students to receive employment guidance.
159. The hypothesized community in network, like the life community and rooming house of the undergraduate students, etc, has become a very important form of the new type undergraduate organization.
160. The training room is designed by the teaching request of for undergraduate students and college student in mechano-electric specialty.
161. The TASF sponsors essay contests, charity events, a performing arts day camp for teenagers and undergraduate scholarships.
162. We should change the training mode, and enhance the undergraduate technical ability.
163. So detailed investigation content this above criticism, but I should say impolitely , in contemporary undergraduate, a few people can have whole issue omit the ground to answer come out?
164. As a past undergraduate student of leadership and consumer economics and now as a MPA graduate student of organizational leadership, I have found that experienced leadership training first hand.
165. A required and specialized course for undergraduate of Department of computer science and technology.
166. Graduate and Undergraduate Courses and Research in Composite Materials, Polymer Matrix Composites, Metal Matrix Composites, and Fiber Reinforced Plastics. Micromechanics . Buckling.




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