随便看 |
- it's tipping it down
- it's touch-and-go
- itsy-bitsy
- itsybitsy
- itsy bitsy
- it's your funeral
- it takes all sorts
- it takes all sorts (to make a world)
- it takes all sorts to make a world
- it takes two to tango
- it/that depends
- it/that is a load/weight off somebody's mind
- it thaws
- it thunders
- it transpires that
- itty-bitty
- itty bitty
- ittybitty
- iTunes
- iTV
- it was all I could do to do
- it was all I could do to do something
- it was all I could do to do sth
- it was as much as could do to do
- it was as much as sb could do to do sth
- Fiber-optic cable
- Twisted-pair cable
- Glycoside
- Fair words
- Rumpus room
- Dance lesson
- Concept album
- Warehouseman
- Celestial pole
- Electrical impulse
- 《或为女而贞烈,或为妇而贞节,是皆足以励世》原文解读|译文|感想
- 《或曰:然则都可以无交乎?抱朴子答曰:何其然哉.夫畏水者,何必废舟楫;忌伤者,何必弃斧斤.交之为道,其来尚矣.》出自哪里,什么意思,注释,句意,翻译
- 《或曰雍也章》意思|赏析|感悟
- 《或棹孤舟或杖藜,寻常适意钓长溪.草堂竹径在何处?落日孤烟寒渚西》什么意思,原诗出处,注解
- 《或求名而不得,或欲盖而名章.》出自哪里,什么意思,注释,句意,翻译
- 《或生而知之,或学而知之,或困而知之。及其知之,一也。》是什么意思|译文|出处
- 《或直于辞而害于事者。》是什么意思|译文|出处
- 《或看或读,必详玩潜思,以求透彻融会,切己体察,以求自得.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《或看翡翠兰苕上,未掣鲸鱼碧海中.》什么意思|出处|翻译|用法例释
- 《或者·还是》同义词与近义词
- 《或言“读书不能记”,先生曰:“何必记?读书以明理,是借书以明吾心之理,非必记其书也.今日一种书之理开吾心,明日一种书之理开吾心,久之,吾心之明自见,自能烛照万理.譬如以粪水培灌花草,久之,本枝自生佳花;若以粪水著枝上,不足观矣.又如以毡、银磨礲铜镜,久之,本镜自出光明,若以毡、银著镜上,反蔽其明矣.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《或言予之善,予惟恐其闻;或言予之不善,惟恐过而见予之鄙色焉.》出自哪里,什么意思,注释,句意,翻译
- 《或许 也许》同义词与近义词
- 《或许;也许》同义词与近义词
- 《或读书、或处事、或论人物,必求其是处,便是格物致知之功.盖是者天理也,非者人欲也.得其是,则天理见矣.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- Plunder句子
- Divulge句子
- Predicament句子
- Earnestly句子
- All the way句子
- Inference句子
- Commiserate句子
- Safe句子
- Live down句子
- Neoclassical句子
- Baroque句子
- Salon句子
- Mary wollstonecraft句子
- Rousseau句子
- Montesquieu句子