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单词 frightening
释义 Word family  noun fright frighteners adjective frightened frightening frightful verb frighten adverb frighteningly frightfully  fright·en·ing /ˈfraɪtn-ɪŋ/ ●●● S3 adjective  FRIGHTENEDmaking you feel afraid or nervous 令人害怕的,吓人的,可怕的 SYN scary Going into hospital can be very frightening for a child. 去医院对小孩子来说可能是很可怕的。 It was the most frightening experience of my life. 这是我一生中最可怕的经历。it is frightening (to do something) It’s frightening to think what could happen if terrorists did get hold of nuclear materials. 一旦恐怖分子拥有核原料,其后果简直不敢想象。 —frighteningly adverb a frighteningly real possibility. 可怕的现实可能性 THESAURUSfrightening making you feel frightened 吓人的Being held at gunpoint had been the most frightening moment of his life. 被人用枪指着是他这辈子最可怕的一刻。The experience was very frightening. 那次经历很可怕。scary especially spoken frightening. Scary is less formal than frightening and is very common in everyday English 吓人的〔较frightening随意,日常英语中很常用〕The movie was really scary. 这部影片很恐怖。There were some scary moments. 有些时候很吓人。chilling frightening, especially because violence, cruelty, or danger is involved 〔尤因涉及暴力、残酷或危险〕令人毛骨悚然的a chilling tale of revenge, murder and madness 关于复仇、谋杀和疯狂的恐怖故事The court heard chilling details about the attack. 法庭听取了那次袭击案中令人毛骨悚然的细节。spooky frightening and strange, especially because something involves ghosts or powers that people do not understand 〔尤因涉及鬼魂或人们无法理解的力量〕阴森恐怖的The forest is really spooky in the dark. 黑暗中,那片森林实在是阴森吓人。a spooky coincidence 离奇的巧合spooky stories 恐怖故事creepy informal frightening in a way that makes you feel nervous, especially when you are not sure exactly why – used especially about places, people, and feelings 〔尤指地方、人或感觉在原因不明的情况下〕令人毛骨悚然的 This place is really creepy. Let’s get out of here. 这地方真让人毛骨悚然,我们出去吧。a creepy guy 恐怖的家伙nDo you know that creepy feeling when you're sure someone’s there but you can’t see or hear anything? eerie especially literary strange and frightening 诡异而令人恐惧的There was an eerie silence immediately after the bomb went off. 炸弹爆炸后随即是一片恐怖的寂静。an eerie light 诡异的光an eerie feeling 恐惧的感觉intimidating making you feel frightened, nervous, or lacking in confidence 令人胆怯不安的Big schools can be an intimidating place for young children. 太大的学校对孩子来说可能会是个吓人的地方。Giving evidence in court is often a rather intimidating experience. 出庭作证往往是相当令人畏怯的经历。the intimidating presence of a large number of soldiers 一大群士兵气势汹汹的出现menacing frightening because you think someone is going to hurt you, even though they have not said or done anything violent – used especially about someone’s expression or voice 〔尤指某人的表情或声音〕恐吓的The woman had a very menacing look. 那个女人一副凶巴巴的样子。‘I’d like to have a word with you outside, ’ he said in a menacing tone. “出来和我说句话。”他语带威胁地说。very frightening 令人非常害怕的terrifying extremely frightening 极其可怕的a terrifying thought 可怕的想法The experience was absolutely terrifying. 那次经历极其可怕。She spoke of the terrifying ordeal (=a very bad experience) when three armed men burst into her house. 她谈到三名持枪男子闯进她家的那次可怕经历。hair-raising very frightening and involving danger, in a way that is exciting 惊险的hair-raising stories 惊险故事a hair-raising motorcycle ride through the streets of Havana 驾驶摩托车在哈瓦那街头的惊险狂奔spine-chilling very frightening – used about films, stories etc that involve frightening or cruel events 〔影片、故事等〕令人毛骨悚然的a spine-chilling novel by Stephen King 斯蒂芬•金的一部恐怖小说blood-curdling especially literary [only before noun] very frightening – used especially about sounds 〔尤指声音〕令人心惊胆战的a blood-curdling scream 令人心惊肉跳的尖叫声a blood-curdling growl 令人不寒而栗的咆哮Examples from the Corpusfrightening• The crime rate in this city is frightening.• There are so many people with guns these days, it's really frightening.• The discovery that it is true can be a frightening and instructive process.• The funny thing was, this was less frightening, even though it was real.• Driving in big cities can be pretty frightening for many people.• It was frightening not to know what was happening.• The data transfer was the most frightening part.• Flying in an airplane can be a frightening prospect for some people.• After so many years, going back to college and studying was a frightening prospect.• It's frightening to think that something like this can happen in America is frightening (to do something)• Paris is a fascinating place, one of the best in the world, and it is frightening New York a lot.• But sometimes it is frightening, thinking of the struggle life is if one takes it seriously.fright·en·ing adjective →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  nervous afraid or Corpus you feel making




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