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单词 shock absorber
释义  Related topics: Motor vehiclesˈshock abˌsorber noun [countable]  TTCa piece of equipment connected to each wheel of a vehicle to make travelling on uneven ground more comfortable 〔车辆的〕减震器,缓冲装置Examples from the Corpusshock absorber• In time I began to think of myself as a shock absorber.• Brundle's trouble had been caused by a split exhaust pipe which overheated a shock absorber.• It adjusts itself to road conditions, switching each shock absorber from firm to soft in just 150 milliseconds.• During an impact, the scalp acts as rotational shock absorber by both compressing and sliding over the skull.ˈshock abˌsorber nounChineseSyllable  connected Corpus a equipment each wheel piece of of to a




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