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单词 shocked
释义 Word family  noun shock shocker aftershock adjective shocked shocking shock shockproof verb shock adverb shockingly  shocked /ʃɒkt $ ʃɑːkt/ ●●● S3 adjective  1  SHOCKfeeling surprised and upset by something very unexpected and unpleasant 吃惊的,震惊的shocked by I was deeply shocked by Jo’s death. 乔的去世让我深受打击。shocked at He is shocked at what happened to his son. 儿子的遭遇让他很震惊。shocked look/expression/voice etc She gave him a shocked look. 她吃惊地看了他一眼。 For a few minutes she stood in shocked silence. 一时间,她惊愕地站着,一言不发。 We were too shocked to talk. 我们愕然无语。2  very offended because something seems immoral or socially unacceptable 愤慨的,十分厌恶的〔因某事不道德或在社会上无法接受〕shocked by Many people were shocked by the film when it first came out. 这部影片刚上映时,许多人都很反感。shocked at They were deeply shocked at her behaviour. 他们对她的行为深感厌恶。n COLLOCATIONSadverbsdeeply/very/really shockedWe are all deeply shocked by what’s happened.quite shockedI was quite shocked by her appearance.genuinely shockedGilbert sounded genuinely shocked.visibly shockedYesterday she was visibly shocked by the conditions she witnessed in the camps.nounsshocked silenceThere was a moment of shocked silence.shocked surpriseHe smiled at Donna’s expression of shocked surprise.verbsseem/look/appear shockedHe glanced at his mother, who looked shocked.sound shocked"Of course not!" he exclaimed, sounding shocked. THESAURUSshocked feeling surprised and upset by something very unexpected and unpleasant 震惊的,感到意外的I was shocked when I heard what had happened. 我听说了发生的事,感到很震惊。We are all deeply shocked by his death. 我们所有人都对他的死深感震惊。They seemed shocked at the suggestion. 他们对这个建议似乎很震惊。shaken shocked because something very unpleasant or frightening has happened – used when the experience has made you feel weak or nervous 深受打击的He was badly shaken by the incident. 这个事件让他大受打击。She looked shaken by the news. 看起来这个消息让她深受打击。be in a state of shock to feel shocked and unable to do normal things 大为震惊He was uninjured but in a state of shock after the attack. 这次袭击过后他没有受伤,但是受惊不小。horrified very shocked because something unpleasant or frightening has happened 〔因不愉快或可怕的事情发生而〕震惊的She was horrified to discover that her son had been taking drugs. 她发现儿子在吸毒后非常震惊。There was a horrified look on his face. 他脸上的表情非常震惊。appalled very shocked because you think something is very bad 〔因认为某事极坏而〕非常震惊的I was appalled by his behaviour. 他的行为让我非常震惊。Emma was appalled at how he’d treated his mother. 埃玛对他这样对待他母亲感到很震惊。traumatized so badly shocked that you are affected for a very long time 精神受创伤的The children were severely traumatized by years of civil war. 多年内战使这些孩子受到严重的精神创伤。outraged extremely shocked and angry 愤怒的,震怒的The victim’s family were outraged at the short jail sentence. 受害者家属对于刑期之短感到十分愤怒。devastated extremely shocked and sad – used when someone is extremely badly affected by something 极度震惊的;极其悲痛的Petra was absolutely devastated by the death of her daughter. 女儿的死让彼得拉悲痛欲绝。stunned so shocked that you are unable to do or say anything immediately 惊呆的He had been stunned by the news of his friend’s sudden death. 朋友突然死亡的消息让他惊呆了。dazed very shocked and unable to think clearly 被吓呆的He emerged from the wreck of the car, dazed but unhurt. 他从汽车残骸中出来时吓呆了,但是没有受伤。aghast /əˈɡɑːst $ əˈɡæst/ [not before noun] written shocked 震惊的She looked aghast at the suggestion. 她对这个建议显得很震惊。Examples from the Corpusshocked• Trying to look at O'Neill as if meeting him for the first time, Urquhart was shocked.• He was at once shocked and amazed by what he found there.• She was shocked at her own depraved behavior.• Isabel trembled, half afraid, half shocked, at such shameless, hitherto unknown longings.• I was shocked at the change in his appearance.• There's no reason you should be shocked at the thought of him taking me out.• Gabby was shocked by how unpleasant they were to their mother.• I am truly shocked by the content of the program.• The few guests that remained stood about in small, shocked groups.• But the scale of the poverty revealed by the Booth and Rowntree surveys shocked late Victorian sensibilities.• The shocked priority of examining herself after escaping, literally, from the jaws of death, wore off.• She said that she's shocked that an organisation can behave this way.• I'm shocked that you've let things get this far.• When I returned, I was shocked to discover that Rod had lost his job.• We were shocked to hear about Brian's heart attack- he's so young.• We were deeply shocked to hear of the baby's death.• Shocked viewers jammed the switchboard with complaints.• I was shocked when I saw the size of the telephone bill.• Everyone seemed really shocked when I told them I'd started smoking.deeply shocked• He could not afford to leave money behind, however deeply shocked.• His anger had left him and he was merely deeply shocked.• People from Poleglass and Twinbrook, who gathered at the scene of the murder last night, said they were deeply shocked.• And I was deeply shocked at the unanimous vote that brought it about.• Management at the hostel say they're deeply shocked by his murder.• The Cyrenians said today they were still deeply shocked by the incident.• Richard Baxter was deeply shocked by this tragedy and also by the general prejudice aroused against him by this incident.• If a patient is deeply shocked, measurement of peripheral blood pressure may be very low or difficult to record.deeply shocked• He could not afford to leave money behind, however deeply shocked.• His anger had left him and he was merely deeply shocked.• People from Poleglass and Twinbrook, who gathered at the scene of the murder last night, said they were deeply shocked.• And I was deeply shocked at the unanimous vote that brought it about.• Management at the hostel say they're deeply shocked by his murder.• The Cyrenians said today they were still deeply shocked by the incident.• Richard Baxter was deeply shocked by this tragedy and also by the general prejudice aroused against him by this incident.• If a patient is deeply shocked, measurement of peripheral blood pressure may be very low or difficult to record.shocked adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  very Corpus feeling by something surprised and upset




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