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单词 fast
释义  Related topics: Sportfast1 /fɑːst $ fæst/ ●●● S2 W2 adjective  1  FAST/QUICKmoving quickly 快地,快速地 moving or able to move quickly 快的,快速的 a fast car 速度很快的汽车 He’s one of the fastest runners in the world. 他是世界上跑得最快的人之一。2  in a short time 在短时间内SHORT TIME doing something or happening in a short time 迅速做到的,立即发生的 The subway is the fastest way to get downtown. 去市中心坐地铁最快。 The company must give a faster response to clients’ requests. 公司必须更迅速地回应客户要求。 The rain forests are being chopped down at an alarmingly fast rate. 雨林正以惊人的速度遭砍伐。 I’m a fast learner. 我一学就会。3  clock 钟表 [not before noun]TIME/RIGHT OR WRONG TIME a clock that is fast shows a later time than the real time 偏快的,走得快的 That can’t be the time – my watch must be fast. 不可能是这个时间——一定是我的表快了。five minutes/an hour etc fast I always keep my watch 15 minutes fast. 我总是把表拨快15分钟。4  fast track a way of achieving something more quickly than is normally done 通往成功的快车道,快速成功之路on the fast track a young actress on the fast track to fame and success 疾驰在快速收获名利之路上的一名年轻女演员5. fast road TTRa road on which vehicles can travel very quickly 快车道6. fast film/lens TCPa film or lens(2) that can be used when there is little light, or when photographing something that is moving very quickly 快速感光胶卷/快速镜头7. colour 颜色DHC a colour that is fast will not change when clothes are washed 色牢度强的,不褪色的 → colourfast8. sports 体育运动DSFAST/QUICK a fast surface is one on which a ball moves very quickly 〔球场场地〕利于球快速滚动的9  fast and furious FAST/QUICKdone very quickly with a lot of effort and energy, or happening very quickly with a lot of sudden changes 迅猛的,迅速而剧烈的,迅速多变的 Arsenal’s opening attack was fast and furious. 阿森纳队的开场进攻很迅猛。10. somebody is a fast worker informalSUCCESSFUL used to say that someone can get what they want very quickly, especially in starting a sexual relationship with another person 某人是个快手〔指能很快达到目的的人,尤指在确立两性关系时〕11. fast talker DISHONESTsomeone who talks quickly and easily but is often not honest or sincere 口齿伶俐但不一定可靠的人12  woman 女性 old-fashionedSY becoming involved quickly in sexual relationships with men 放荡的 fast cars and fast women 高速汽车和放荡的女人13. fast friends literaryFRIENDLY two people who are very friendly for a long time 挚友 → fast food, fast-forward, fast lane, → make a fast buck at buck1(1), → pull a fast one at pull1(10) THESAURUSfast moving or able to move quickly 快速的The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world. 猎豹是世界上跑得最快的动物。a fast car 高速汽车quick moving fast or doing something in a short time 迅速的He was much quicker than I was over the first 100 metres. 刚开始的100米,他比我快得多。Do I have time for a quick shower? 我有时间快速冲个澡吗?high-speed [only before noun] designed to travel or operate very quickly 高速的a high-speed train 高速火车high-speed Internet access 高速因特网接入rapid especially written happening in a short period of time – used about changes, increases, improvements etc 〔指变化、增长、进步等〕迅速的a rapid increase in the population 人口的迅速增长the rapid expansion of the firm’s business in the Middle East 公司业务在中东的迅速扩张na rapid decline in profits swift written moving quickly or happening after only a short time 迅速移动[发生]的The horses ran along the track at a swift trot. 马匹沿着赛道飞奔。He received a swift response to his letter. 他的信很快就有了回音。brisk quick and energetic 轻快的a brisk walk in the countryside 轻快的乡间漫步His manner was very brisk. 他的举止很活泼。speedy [only before noun] happening after only a short time 迅速的Everyone wishes you a speedy recovery. 大家都祝你早日康复。a speedy resolution to the problem 迅速解决该问题的方案hurried done more quickly than usual, because you do not have much time 匆忙的She ate a hurried breakfast in the cafe before catching her train. 她在咖啡馆匆匆吃了早餐去赶火车。We made a hurried departure. 我们匆匆出发了。hasty deciding or doing something very quickly, especially when this has bad results 仓促的It was a hasty decision, which he later regretted. 这是个仓促的决定,他过后很懊悔。Let’s not be too hasty. 我们不要过于仓促。Examples from the Corpusfast• Is it really 6:45, or is my watch fast?• The new convertible is fast and fun to drive.• The first pitch was fast and hard.• Boeing's new plane is faster and more luxurious than anything else they have ever produced.• Some in disbelief that a car so beautiful, so fast and so downright delicious could cost as little as £27,000.• Despite its size, the buffalo is a very fast animal and can run up to thirty-five miles per hour.• But I am not as fast as he is.• When I was a kid, I was the fastest boy in my class.• Dean always loved fast cars and expensive clothes.• Other volunteers want to become fast friends and cultural advisers.• Nevertheless, when moral considerations made a fast imperative, his body had no veto.• I'm a pretty fast reader.• We hope Arlene will make a fast recovery.• One man's fast response saved a heart-attack victim's life.• I keep the clock five minutes fast, so I won't be late.• Rosa caught the fast train to London.• Training for speed must work repeatedly on the fast twitch fibres on a stop - go basis.fast2 ●●● S2 W3 adverb  1  moving quickly 快速移动FAST/QUICK moving quickly 快速移动的 Slow down – you’re driving too fast. 慢点——你开得太快了。 a fast-moving river 湍急的河流 Johnny ran off as fast as his legs could carry him (=running as quickly as he could). 约翰尼飞也似的跑开了。► see thesaurus at quickly2  SHORT TIMEin a short time 在短时间内 happening in a short time 不久,立即 Kids grow up fast these days. 如今小孩子长得很快。 The survivors needed help fast. 生还者急需帮助。 How fast can you get the job done? 你多快能把工作做完?fast becoming/disappearing/approaching etc Access to the Internet is fast becoming a necessity. 能够上网不久将变成必需。 It all happened so fast I didn’t even notice I was bleeding. 一切发生得太快,我甚至还没发觉自己在流血。3  fast asleep SLEEPsleeping very deeply 熟睡的,酣睡的 Nick was lying on the sofa, fast asleep. 尼克躺在沙发上睡得很香。4  be stuck/held fast MOVE something OR somebodyto become or be firmly fixed and unable to move 被紧紧夹住,被紧紧粘住 The boat was stuck fast in the mud. 船死死地陷在淤泥里。 She tried to pull her hand free, but it was held fast. 她想把手抽出来,但是被紧紧地夹住了。5  be getting/be going nowhere fast informalSUCCEED IN DOING something to not succeed in making progress or achieving something 失败;不成功;无成就 I kept asking her the same question, but I was getting nowhere fast. 我一直追问那个问题,但是一无所获。6  not so fast spokenNOW used to tell someone not to be too eager to do or believe something 不要那么快,慢点,别急 Not so fast. We’ve got to prove it first, haven’t we? 慢点,我们得先证实一下,对吧?7. make something fast to tie something such as a boat or tent firmly to something else 牢牢固定某物8  fast by something literaryNEAR very close to something 紧挨着某物,贴近某物 fast by the river 紧挨着河 → play fast and loose with somebody at play1(32), → stand fast at stand1(25), → thick and fast at thick2(2)Examples from the Corpusfast• At which Stour realised suddenly that he was the one who must act, and fast.• The growth of the plants from tubercles treated in this manner is then very fast.• The tiny device shocks the heart into normal rhythm when it beats too fast.• Burglars work fast.• She walked faster and faster, then started to run.• He ran home as fast as he could.• He must complete his mission and leave as fast as possible.• The new fighter aircraft flies almost twice as fast as the old one.• They ran off as fast as their legs would carry them.• Prices aren't rising as fast as they were a year ago.• We're working as fast as we can.• The spare tyre on the back of the Jeep was held fast by three strong bolts.• It felt too fast for me.• a fast-growing community• Don't talk so fast - I can't understand what you're saying.• The front of the boat was stuck fast in the mud.• Don't drive so fast - there's ice on the road.• The car was going pretty fast when it went off the fast as ... legs could carry• I ignored his command and took off after him, racing along as fast as my legs could carry becoming/disappearing/approaching etc• It takes an intellectually open environment and an entrepreneurial edge to produce the kind of place that Bangalore is fast becoming.• She was, of course, keenly interested in cinema, and her White House film festival was fast approaching.• The prospect of censure intensified what, for Galileo, was fast becoming a dilemma.• These historic opportunities are fast disappearing for our community.• The hedge was fast approaching, looking too big, far too big for Buttons to jump on his own.• It's hard to believe, but we're fast approaching the dessert hour.• Snapshots and consumer imagery were fast becoming two sides of the same coin.• This familiarity, this friendliness of science is fast disappearing under the banner of standardisation.fast3 verb [intransitive]  EATto eat little or no food for a period of time, especially for religious reasons 〔尤因宗教原因而〕禁食,斋戒 Muslims fast during Ramadan. 穆斯林在斋月里禁食。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusfast• They fasted for a further 2 hours, after which they were allowed normal food and fluid intake.• He would need to fast, to recuperate, to change, before he would be ready to take her.fast4 noun [countable]  EATa period during which someone does not eat, especially for religious reasons 禁食期,斋戒期 Gandhi drank some orange juice to break (=end) his three-week fast. 甘地喝了些橙汁,结束了为期三周的禁食。Examples from the Corpusfast• a one-day fast for charity• At the end of their fast, the people have a big party to celebrate.• As almost everyone except himself perfectly understood, these fasts were a ruthless exploitation of the power of his own sanctity.break ... fast• Break your fast and pack our bags.• In the morning, immediately after break. fast, he would be at the public mortuary doing the post-mortem.• The speed at which things wear out and break down rises fast when everything you own is cheap.• After they had broken their fast he gave Aeneas the advice he had come to seek.• Keyes said he would not break his fast until he was invited to participate in subsequent candidate debates.• The breaking of the fast, called iftar, usually begins with a snack of dates and milk or water.• The songs were then sung, and Gandhi drank some orange juice to break the three-week fast.• He was always smiling and greeted us most amicably as we broke our fast in the great hall.From Longman Business Dictionaryfastfast1 /fɑːstfæst/ adverb quickly or without delayExports are stillgrowing fast.The Bank of England was criticized for not cutting interest rates fast enough.How fast can you get that report done?fastfast2 adjective happening quickly or without delayThe IT industry is expanding at an incredibly fast rate.Trading has been fast and furious (=full of excitement and activity) this afternoon.We guarantee a fast response to all inquiries.Origin fast2 Old English fæst “firm” fast3 Old English fæstanfast1 adjective →THESAURUS1fast2 adverbfast3 verbfast4 nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  able to Business Corpus moving or move quickly




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