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单词 enchant
释义  Related topics: Magicen·chant /ɪnˈtʃɑːnt $ ɪnˈtʃænt/ verb [transitive]  1  ENJOY/LIKE DOING something formal if something that you see or hear enchants you, you like it very much 使陶醉,使入迷 I was enchanted by the way she smiled. 她微笑时的样子让我着迷。 The garden enchanted her. 花园使她陶醉其中。2. literaryROM to use magic on something or someone 对…用魔法→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusenchant• Sue was a college student, enchanted by Baum's storytelling abilities.• Marcel was waking up, enchanted by the songs of peasants selling their wares beneath his window.• Fabia took herself off for a walk, but so great were her worries that for once Mariánské Láznë failed to enchant her.• The family scene had enchanted him.Origin enchant (1300-1400) Old French enchanter, from Latin cantare “to sing”en·chant verbChineseSyllable  that something hear Corpus see you or if enchants you,




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