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单词 Employment
(1) These are the terms and conditions of your employment.
(2) Neither of them is currently in paid employment.
(3) She was offered employment in the sales office.
(4) The steelworks provided employment for thousands of people.
(5) We can't guarantee our workers' regular employment.
(6) She is looking for permanent employment.
(7) I went to an employment agency last week.
(8) She was unable to find employment.
(9) He left his home to look for employment.
(10) A degree is prerequisite for employment at this level.
(11) The Employment Minister said the reforms would generate new jobs.
(12) They were seeking employment.
(13) I feel that women in all types of employment can benefit from joining a union.
(14) She was in continuous employment until the age of sixty-five.
(15) Older people are an untapped resource in the employment market.
(16) Her remarks on the employment question led to a heated discussion.
(17) With the current job situation, age discrimination in employment is becoming more common.
(18) Her theory is that disillusionment with employment leads to reappraisal of career goals.
(19) Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulation.
(20) Employment is the direct embodiment of the citizens' right to work.
(21) Full employment is the will-o'-the-wisp that politicians have been chasing for decades.
(22) Housework is negatively valued as a retreat from a disliked alternative — employment work.
(23) These conditions must be expressly incorporated into the contract of employment.
(24) Graduates are finding it more and more difficult to find employment.
(25) The company was one of the first to offer meaningful employment to the blind.
(26) He accused ministers of conniving with foreign companies to tear up employment rights.
(27) They have pledged to end racial discrimination in areas such as employment.
(28) They operated a drug-smuggling business under the guise of an employment agency.
(29) The Sex Discrimination Act has not eliminated discrimination in employment.
(30) Many graduates tell of months spent in search of gainful employment.
(1) These are the terms and conditions of your employment.
(2) Neither of them is currently in paid employment.
(3) She was offered employment in the sales office.
(4) I went to an employment agency last week.
(5) She was unable to find employment.
(6) He left his home to look for employment.
(7) The Employment Minister said the reforms would generate new jobs.
(8) Housework is negatively valued as a retreat from a disliked alternative — employment work.
(9) They were seeking employment.
(10) I feel that women in all types of employment can benefit from joining a union.
(11) She was in continuous employment until the age of sixty-five.
(12) These conditions must be expressly incorporated into the contract of employment.
(13) Older people are an untapped resource in the employment market.
(14) Graduates are finding it more and more difficult to find employment.
(15) Her remarks on the employment question led to a heated discussion.
(16) With the current job situation, age discrimination in employment is becoming more common.
(17) The company was one of the first to offer meaningful employment to the blind.
(18) Her theory is that disillusionment with employment leads to reappraisal of career goals.
(19) Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulation.
(20) He accused ministers of conniving with foreign companies to tear up employment rights.
(21) They have pledged to end racial discrimination in areas such as employment.
(22) They operated a drug-smuggling business under the guise of an employment agency.
(23) The Sex Discrimination Act has not eliminated discrimination in employment.
(24) Many graduates tell of months spent in search of gainful employment.
(25) Full employment is the will-o'-the-wisp that politicians have been chasing for decades.
(26) The plan has the added advantage of bringing employment to rural areas.
(27) The council is encouraging the development of the property for both employment and recreation.
(28) The company tried to cover up its employment of illegal immigrants.
(29) Failing to complete the work constitutes a breach of the employment contract.
(30) The gist of his argument is that full employment is impossible.
(31) The plan has the added advantage of bringing employment to rural areas.
(32) The council is encouraging the development of the property for both employment and recreation.
(33) The company tried to cover up its employment of illegal immigrants.
(34) Failing to complete the work constitutes a breach of the employment contract.
(35) The gist of his argument is that full employment is impossible.
(36) Nationwide employment now stands at 95%.
(37) A large office requires the employment of many people.
(38) The figures represent a general decline in employment.
(39) He finally secured employment in a local factory.
(40) Are you in gainful employment?
(41) He had become well versed in employment law.
(42) Able - bodied labourers are in full employment.
(43) Are you in employment at the moment?
(44) She got her first job through an employment agency.
(45) The terms of employment are negotiable.
(46) Mexican law prohibits the employment of children under 14.
(47) How long have you been looking for employment?
(48) A doctor advised her to seek remunerative employment.
(49) She had been out of employment for three years.
(50) Employment agencies were besieged by the jobless.
(51) How can you justify the employment of capital punishment?
(52) Full employment still seems light years away.
(53) I've been temping for an employment agency.
(54) Was the employment of force justified?
(55) Many economists consider full employment an unrealistic goal.
(56) Retail business slacks down when employment drops.
(57) The company is being questioned regarding its employment policy.
(57) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(58) Your pension will depend on your length of employment.
(59) This investment will certainly create employment in the area.
(60) The national employment figures are published every month.
(31) Retail business slacks down when employment drops.
(32) You are required to give the company six weeks'notice of termination of employment.
(61) Steve's still looking for full-time employment .
(62) Employment and taxation are the bread-and-butter issues of politics.
(63) She couldn't find any regular employment.
(64) The committee are enquiring into the employment of children.
(65) Most of last year's graduates are now in employment.
(66) The company withdrew their offer of employment.
(67) Computers, far from destroying jobs, can create employment.
(68) Employment agencies help people to find work.
(69) Their prospects of employment look better than last year.
(70) Chemistry graduates have a good record in finding employment.
(71) The current trend is towards more part-time employment.
(72) Highly qualified secretary seeks employment.
(73) The programme aims to increase employment.
(74) Getting the right qualifications will enhance your employment prospects.
(75) Your contract of employment terminates in December.
(76) She lost her employment when the firm closed.
(77) Employment is a very sensitive issue.
(78) He's just jumped to another employment.
(79) The government is aiming at full employment.
(80) The firm's employment practices have been widely criticized.
(81) Employment is holding steady at 96%.
(82) Full employment pushed up wages.
(83) Civil rights include freedom, equality in law and in employment, and the right to vote.
(84) The employment agency exists to match up graduates and IT companies.
(85) The government's record on employment did not endear them to the voters.
(86) Nurses in training should be given a guarantee of employment following qualification.
(87) A statement of your terms and conditions of employment can be found in the Personnel Handbook.
(87) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(88) Conditions of employment differ according to the type of company you are working for.
(89) The government hopes to tap new sources of employment in the area of health.
(90) We find ourselves ensnared in employment acts which do not help resolve industrial disputes.
(91) The government said it wanted to overhaul the employment training scheme to make it cost effective.
(92) This training course aims to smooth the transition between education and employment.
(93) employment opportunities for graduates.
(94) Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulations.
(95) 21.7% of all those in employment were in part-time jobs.
(96) Your first evaluation will be six months after you commence employment.
(97) The threat of employment persuades workers to moderate their pay demands.
(98) The fact that he'd been in prison militates against his chances of getting fresh employment.
(99) The government is working on tackling gender inequalities in employment.
(100) The jump in business confidence has been mirrored by the increase in employment.
(101) This decision paved the way for changes in employment rights for women.
(102) The TV report painted a much rosier picture of the employment situation than research shows to be the case.
(103) The survey studied the employment status and lifestyle of people within the community.
(104) The ecological effects of the factory need to be balanced against the employment it generates.
(105) 40 of the course participants are offered employment with the company.
(106) They also stress the need for improved employment opportunities, better transport and health care.
(107) The establishment of new areas of employment is a priority.
(108) Steel making is the only local industry offering large-scale employment.
(109) The country's employment system is a relic of the 1960s when jobs were scarce.
(110) Senate employees could take their employment griev-ances to another branch of government.
(111) The different offices will be amalgamated as/into employment advice centres.
(112) Your contract will set out the terms and conditions of your employment.
(113) On your appointment you will be issued with a written statement of particulars of employment.
(114) He took up employment with the company in May 2002.
(115) If your employment status changes, your tax code will be adjusted accordingly.
(116) The employment secretary found himself in the firing line over recent job cuts.
(117) The minister said, 'We are putting full employment centre stage'.
(118) When we see how you make out, we'll talk about the possibility of more lasting employment.
(119) The plan should boost employment and get things moving in the economy.
(120) Current employment laws will be changed to reward effort and punish laziness.
(121) She was seventeen and she had no education or employment.
(122) Under her contract of employment, Mrs Lee could not be required to work at a different site.
(123) The employment prospects for graduates in computer science are excellent.
(124) He enrolled with an employment agency for a teaching position.
(125) The law prevented the employment of children under ten in the cotton mills.
(126) He regularly drove from his home to his place of employment.
(127) The committee was influential in formulating government policy on employment.
(128) jobs and employment job 'What's his job?' 'He's a teacher.'
(129) UK employment law embodies arbitration and conciliation mechanisms for settling industrial disputes.
(130) Men and women should have equal access to education and employment.
(131) It is difficult to judge the likely impact of the changes on employment patterns.
(132) You are required to give the company six weeks'notice of termination of employment.
(133) The government aims to achieve full employment within three years.
(134) You should make sure that you have a formal contract of employment.
(135) What changes are needed to meet women's aspirations for employment?
(136) You have been paid for the full period of your employment with us.
(137) Changes in farming methods have badly affected employment in the area.
(138) There are few employment prospects in the town for unqualified young people.
(139) The expansion of the factory will mean the employment of sixty extra workers.
(140) Diploma holders have a far better chance of employment than those with no qualification.
(141) Nineteenth-century feminists demanded equal education and employment opportunities for single women.
(142) We are one of the largest providers of employment in the area.
(143) The firm has agreed to cooperate with the employment survey.
(144) The discovery of oil ushered in an era of employment and prosperity.
(145) Women's employment opportunities are often severely constrained by family commitments.
(146) A degree is an essential prerequisite for employment at this level.
(147) The new employment bill will put the clock back fifty years./employment.html
(148) Some economists think that full employment in Europe is an unattainable goal.
(149) Employment levels are unlikely to rise significantly before the end of next year.
(150) They want secure, waged employment.
(151) For instance, an extra demand at home or abroad for goods made either cheaper or better by electronics will add to employment.
(152) Employment Redundancy is a predominant form of adjustment to changes in the demand for labour.
(153) Tomorrow's workers will have to be more adaptable, but their employment prospects should be brighter.
(154) Employment in industrial production has itself declined in Britain and many other advanced countries during the postwar years.
(155) Employment Education administrators held about 393, 000 jobs in 1994.
(156) Tests have shown that women are more likely to respond to unbiased employment advertisements.
(157) Some students may write about the avoidance of a major depression, others about the decision to focus on high employment.
(158) Employment agencies Employment agencies used to be only for domestic and office staff.
(159) We will ensure that all parts of government adopt a strategic approach to the employment and development of women staff.
(160) Via a back to nursing course organised by a nursing employment agency.
(161) One Harvard dealer had registered with an employment agency which stupidly sent his curriculum vitae to Harvard.
(162) Some had entered into employment agreements after their first year in law school.
(163) Employment of budget analysts is expected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations through the year 2005.
(164) It is the largest industry in the Province, contributing 6% of Gross National Product and accounting for 11% of employment.
(165) The Employment Service can give practical advice on employing people with disabilities.
(166) Yesterday the Department for Education and Employment made it clear that there would be no hurry to advertise the Ofsted job.
(167) Employment of education administrators is expected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations through the year 2005.
(168) Therefore, employment of budget analysts generally is not as adversely affected by changes in the economy.
(169) Such training is advantageous in gaining permanent employment in the field.
(170) The first class is of wider ambit than the second and exists only during the period of employment.
(171) She said she reported the incident to the company's equal employment opportunity manager, who took no immediate action.
(172) Sources of Additional Information Information about career opportunities as a budget analyst may be available from your State or local employment service.
(173) The shake-out of labour after 1979 affected women's employment less than men's, both here and abroad.
(174) Last year the court narrowed the scope of affirmative action programs that give minorities preference in such matters as employment and education.
(175) The other is to find well-paid employment which will provide her with an adequate income to afford the repayments.
(176) Inspiration for the scheme came from Bristol's thriving employment agency that has been in existence for 14 years.
(177) Rising unemployment and the development of Government employment schemes have substantially altered the pattern of young people's activities.
(177) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(178) These people are usually drawn from the employee assistance, human resources, health promotion, affirmative action or equal employment departments.
(179) With cross-sectional data it is not possible to make precise comparisons between changes in employment and economic activity over time.
(180) Before they became redundant some three years earlier, all of them had been economically active and in full-time employment.
(181) Courses may also be advertised in local jobcentres and public libraries or on the display boards of local employment agencies.
(182) He had spent the afternoon teaching Sun Tzu to his senior officers: the final chapter on the employment of secret agents.
(183) This would have the added advantage of bringing some employment to rural areas.
(184) For several months hence, Harvard dealers were reluctant to use employment agencies.
(185) Buoyed by critical acclaim for the 1970 Brooklyn season, Alvin and his dancers faced a year without any significant employment.
(186) An administrative support team handled such matters as payroll, accounts payable, purchasing, and employment sourcing.
(187) It will indicate the magazines that sell employment vacancy advertising space.
(187) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(188) Electronics accounted for 21 percent of aggregate manufacturing employment in 1991, against only 7 percent in 1981.
(189) The pattern of employment has altered radically since our traditional industries began.
(190) The first part of the research uses game theory to analyse wage bargaining and employment decisions in models with explicit institutional setups.
(191) Many proceed to the accountancy profession or financial institutions but a wide range of other employment is available.
(192) Soon he was showing them to the leading head-hunters in employment agencies.




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