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单词 Concert
1 The concert was rather a scrappy affair.
2 Tickets for this concert have been over-subscribed.
3 Admission to the concert costs.
4 Everyone cheered for the violinist at our school concert.
5 The concert was expected to be a sell-out.
6 He keyed the piano up to a concert pitch.
7 The concert began with the National Anthem.
8 The concert attracted a large turnout.
9 Do you have any tickets for the concert?
10 The acoustics of the new concert hall are excellent.
11 The concert will raise money for local charities.
12 We were going to a concert in Bath Abbey.
13 The hall was packed out for Menuhin's first concert.
14 Three thousand audience crowded the concert hall.
15 They are coming to the concert as my guests.
16 They were able to concert their difference.
17 A crowd of about 15 000 attended the concert.
18 The concert drew a large audience.
19 How much are tickets for the concert?
20 Their concert there was a sell-out.
21 What time does the concert finish?
22 The concert will be broadcast live tomorrow evening.
23 The orchestra is preparing for a concert.
24 I really enjoyed that film/book/concert/party/meal.
25 She was appearing in concert at Carnegie Hall.
26 The brevity of the concert disappointed the audience.
27 She was in good voice at the concert tonight.
28 He will give a concert.
29 How many people were there at the concert?
30 The concert included works by Mozart et al.
1 The concert was rather a scrappy affair.
2 Admission to the concert costs.
3 The concert was expected to be a sell-out.
4 The concert attracted a large turnout.
5 Do you have any tickets for the concert?
6 The concert will raise money for local charities.
7 We were going to a concert in Bath Abbey.
8 Three thousand audience crowded the concert hall.
9 A crowd of about 15 000 attended the concert.
10 The concert drew a large audience.
11 How much are tickets for the concert?
12 Their concert there was a sell-out.
13 What time does the concert finish?
14 The concert will be broadcast live tomorrow evening.
15 The orchestra is preparing for a concert.
16 I really enjoyed that film/book/concert/party/meal.
17 She was appearing in concert at Carnegie Hall.
18 She was in good voice at the concert tonight.
19 He will give a concert.
20 How many people were there at the concert?
21 The musicians rehearsed for the concert.
22 They went to a concert in town.
23 The concert was cancelled at a very late stage.
24 The concert was supposed to be a charity event but it had strong political overtones.
25 Please post up this advertisement for our concert in your shop window.
26 His cancellation of the concert was seen as a deliberate snub to the organizers.
27 The children sang two songs by Schubert at the school concert.
28 Elton teamed up with Eric Clapton to wow thousands at a Wembley rock concert.
29 I had a terrible headache, but even so I went to the concert.
30 In the end, we all decided to organize a concert for Easter.
31 He defaulted in the concert.
32 The seats in the concert are overbooked.
33 The musicians rehearsed for the concert.
34 We arranged for him to give a concert.
35 She dragged him off to the concert.
36 They went to a concert in town.
37 The concert was cancelled at a very late stage.
38 All the musical instruments had been tuned up before the concert began.
39 The concert was supposed to be a charity event but it had strong political overtones.
40 Please post up this advertisement for our concert in your shop window.
41 His cancellation of the concert was seen as a deliberate snub to the organizers.
42 The children sang two songs by Schubert at the school concert.
43 Will you feel as if you're missing out if you don't take part in the concert?
44 Elton teamed up with Eric Clapton to wow thousands at a Wembley rock concert.
45 We managed to record the whole of the concert from a live studio broadcast.
46 I had a terrible headache, but even so I went to the concert.
47 In the end, we all decided to organize a concert for Easter.
48 Tickets are selling well for the group's upcoming concert tour.
49 The concert features dancers, singers and musicians of all nationalities.
50 He will be giving his farewell concert as Music Director of the Ulster Orchestra.
51 At the end of the concert, the audience stood and clapped.
52 The tickets for the concert were snapped up within three hours of going on sale.
53 This ticket entitles you to a free seat at the concert.
54 She lingered after the concert, hoping to meet the star.
55 Due to a slight technical hitch the concert will be starting approximately half an hour late.
56 The fact that the concert made a profit was considered incidental.
57 The concert was a failure because the instruments were wrongly keyed.
58 I'm sorry. I must dash away now. I'm already late for the concert.
59 The editor asked him to write up last night's concert.
60 Attendance at the concert was very poor.
31 Tickets are selling well for the group's upcoming concert tour.
32 The concert features dancers, singers and musicians of all nationalities.
33 At the end of the concert, the audience stood and clapped.
34 The tickets for the concert were snapped up within three hours of going on sale.
35 Due to a slight technical hitch the concert will be starting approximately half an hour late.
36 The fact that the concert made a profit was considered incidental.
37 The concert was a failure because the instruments were wrongly keyed.
38 There was a good turnout for the concert.
39 She's a seasoned concert performer.
40 We shall be attending the upcoming concert.
41 Next year you may be ready to launch out as a concert pianist.
42 The Queen attended a gala concert at the Royal Festival Hall.
43 The bass was to give a concert in the park.
44 After all the briefing sessions at head office, our sales team is at concert pitch.
45 And whether they play in smoky cellar clubs or spacious concert hall, jazz musicians are drawing record crowds.
46 These songs were recorded from a concert during last year's season.
47 A crowd of 2000 was startled near the end of the concert.
48 He put a lot of effort into arranging the concert.
61 Big concert halls do not faze Melanie.
62 The concert will be broadcast in stereo.
63 Who is giving the speech/lecture/concert?
64 After several false starts, the concert finally began.
65 The hall was packed out for the concert.
66 The pop concert was mounted in a sports stadium.
67 The minority nationality concert lasted two hours.
68 The concert begins/starts at 7.30 pm.
69 I want people to remember Elvis in concert.
70 The concert should satisfy even the most jaded critic.
71 The band strutted their stuff in a free concert.
72 The concert will be in the school hall.
73 We indulged in an expensive supper after the concert.
74 Smoking is forbidden in the concert hall.
75 I'd like to book three seats for tonight's concert.
76 The concert is this coming Wednesday.
77 The concert got a good write-up in the newspaper.
78 He is one of the entrepreneurs of the concert.
79 There was a champagne reception before the concert.
80 The concert was rather an amateurish affair.
81 Their last concert was really awesome.
82 There was a good turnout for the concert.
83 She's a seasoned concert performer.
84 The concert was a predictable yawn.
85 The acoustics of this concert hall are excellent.
86 What time does the concert start/begin?
87 Did you manage to get tickets for the concert?
88 The concert will raise funds for research into Aids.
89 He gave a concert at the opera house.
90 She blabbered so much I couldn't hear the concert.
91 We were sorry to miss your concert.
92 The concert hall resounded with laughter and applause.
93 What time does the concert begin?
94 Her brilliant performance redeemed the concert from complete failure.
95 The new concert hall seats 1500 people.
96 Tickets for the concert just aren't selling.
97 Did you find the concert a bore?
98 Starlight Productions present the Chinese Children's Choir in concert.
99 They put up a poster advertising the concert.
100 The bands have linked up for a charity concert.
101 The concert was billed as 'A Night of Magic'.
102 We shall be attending the upcoming concert.Sentencedict
103 She managed to procure a ticket for the concert.
104 The concert was quite a hit in Chicago.
105 The concert will be in Harrogate on the 29th.
106 In the concert, there are three piano solos.
107 They arranged for a concert on the weekend.
108 Hundreds of people attended the famous director's farewell concert.
109 We watched a live broadcast of the concert.
110 It's rather a shame that Joyce missed the concert.
111 The band can still pack out concert halls.
112 The concert hall resounded with cheers and applause.
113 The park was strewn with litter after the concert.
114 After the concert, the crowd made for the door.
115 Who will direct at the concert?
116 I bought a ticket for the concert.
117 The children get into the concert for half-price.
118 Peter gave me two free tickets for the concert.
119 Did the concert get a mention in the paper?
120 The concert tour was an absolute miracle of organization.
121 The concert concluded with the National Anthem.
122 It was standing room only at the concert .
123 Fans rushed the stage after the concert.
124 The concert included works by Tchaikovsky et al.
125 This concert will be her swansong.
126 The advertisements for the concert fetched in large crowds.
127 The few who came to the concert enjoyed it.
128 He refused to concert with them.
129 Ensure the instrument is tuned to concert pitch.
130 The concert will be broadcast live by the BBC.
131 Fans emptied out onto the streets after the concert.
132 There were masses of people at the concert.
133 Mom dragged us to a classical music concert.
134 Proceeds from the concert will go to charity.
135 People drifted away after the concert.
136 A piece of impromptu spiced up the concert.
137 The band has cut short its US concert tour.
138 We arrived at the concert hall in good time.
139 Tickets for the concert are like gold dust.
140 Madonna made a guest appearance at the concert.
141 His performance at the concert was well under par.
142 The concert opens with Beethoven's Egmont Overture.
143 The concert concluded with a rousing chorus.
144 The twin brothers always enjoy going to the concert.
145 I've got the whole concert on tape.
146 The proceeds of the concert will go to charity.
147 She tuned her violin before the concert.
148 Concert organisers branded the group's actions as puerile.
149 How did the concert go off?
150 They keyed a piano up to concert pitch.
151 The concert was an astounding success.
152 The concert had been a great success.
153 An alternative venue for the concert is being sought.
154 There was standing-room only left in the concert hall.
155 Her name doesn't appear in the concert programme.
156 The concert was just about to start.
157 The orchestra has several concert engagements.
158 Britain has to pursue policies in concert with other EU members.
159 The festival will climax on Sunday with a gala concert.
160 A spokeswoman confirmed there was no definite plan to stage a concert in the park.
161 He is going to come out of retirement for this one last concert.
162 The orchestra decided to flout convention/tradition[/concert.html], and wear their everyday clothes for the concert.
163 I enjoyed the concert, although the playing was rather jerky at times.
164 Next year you may be ready to launch out as a concert pianist.
165 The concert grossed a massive £2 million at the box office.
166 The arrangements are all in place for the concert next Thursday.
167 The concert got a good write-up in all the papers.
168 The concert was excellent - there were lots of well-known songs with some new ones thrown in for good measure.
169 He pleaded with us to let him go to the rock concert.
170 An unlikely assortment of rock stars and politicians attended the charity concert.
171 The concert will be relayed to a worldwide television audience estimated at one thousand million.
172 On a lighter note(), the concert raised over £300 for school funds.
173 After the concert, the band was spirited away before their fans could get near them.
174 I'm playing in a concert at the village/church hall next weekend.
175 The Labour party hired a concert hall for the election meeting.
176 It was during a chance encounter with Jeferies at a concert that I first heard of his interest in the project.
177 The concert only lasted an hour, so we felt we were getting short measure.
178 Mahler's own imaginative orchestration was heard in the same concert.
179 The Queen attended a gala concert at the Royal Festival Hall.
180 Their summer tour will culminate at a spectacular concert in London.
181 Claire's gone to see about getting tickets for the concert.
182 She rounded off the tour with a concert at Carnegie Hall.
183 The children are too young to sit through a long concert.
184 I went to the concert on spec: I hadn't booked a seat.
185 To judge from the press, the concert was a great success.
186 A world - famous violinist is playing at tonight's concert.
187 Fans kicked up a rumpus when the concert was cancelled.
188 I'll never forget the terrible events of that summer. It can refer to something such as a concert, festival or sports competition:The tourist guide lists the major events in the town throughout the year.
189 He will attend an outdoor concert in his honour in the centre of Paris.
190 I was half expecting to see Jim at the concert.
191 The band will be giving a live concert performance next week.
192 If there are only five of us going to the concert,[http:///concert.html] then I've booked one too many seats.
193 His performance at the concert last night proved that he is in the top flight of international pianists.
194 The band is one of many acts that have been booked for the concert.
195 The town has a concert hall and two theatres. The latter were both built in the 1950s.
196 They're appearing in concert tonight at the Royal Concert Hall.
197 The bass was to give a concert in the park.
198 The band is putting on its biggest concert of the year.
199 We are queuing up to buy tickets for the concert.
200 After this concert she was firmly on the road to fame and fortune.
201 The concert had already begun by the time we arrived.
202 The pop-star was spirited away at the end of the concert before her fans could get near her.
203 People came from far and wide to see the concert.
204 There will be simultaneous transmission of the concert on TV and radio.
205 I was not interested in the concert(), but I drifted in for ten minutes.
206 'Can we still buy tickets for the concert?' 'I imagine so.'
207 The orchestra is to perform its last ever concert/last concert ever tomorrow night at the Albert Hall.
208 They gave a concert and donated the proceeds to charity.
209 The band gave an impromptu concert on the roof of the studio.
210 We've got time for one more run-through before the concert.
211 The concert opened with a lively performance of a piece for two pianos.
212 It was lovely to see your mum and dad at the school concert last night.
213 She was asked to pour at a little reception for the performers after the concert.
214 It was a great concert, and I had a front-row seat .
215 They should send us more details nearer the time of the concert.
216 After all the briefing sessions at head office, our sales team is at concert pitch.
217 He will conduct the Vienna Philharmonic in the final concert of the season.
218 When they heard the concert was free, they came in their hordes.
219 I missed their concert the first time round so I'm going next week.
220 We didn't expect such a large number of people to attend the concert.
221 He was approached by the organisers to lend support to a benefit concert.
222 The concert was brilliant - it lived up to all our expectations.
222 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
223 The park was littered with bottles and cans after the concert.
224 Thousands logged on to view the live Internet broadcast of the concert.
225 The non-appearance of the band at the concert was a big disappointment.
226 The concert has been cancelled owing to lack of support.
227 What they have done is fuse two different types of entertainment, the circus and the rock concert.
228 Her parents guilted her into not going to the concert.
229 The concert may prove an expensive flop unless more people decide to go.
230 Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to reschedule the concert.
231 All the mothers and fathers had been invited to the end-of-term concert.
232 At a concert in Leeds, some punks gobbed at them and threw beer cans.
233 The concert was booked out, and in any case, most of the people gathered in the square could not afford the price of a ticket.
234 The classroom was a hive of activity as the children prepared for the concert.
235 We're going to a concert. You might like to come with us.
236 I suppose the concert was OK, as these things go.
237 He failed to turn up for the concert, disappointing the legions of fans waiting outside.
238 We had dinner together, and then went to the concert.
239 The choir will be performing the Hallelujah Chorus at the concert.
240 The orchestra performs its final concert of the season tomorrow.
241 The teacher told them to act in concert with one another.
242 And whether they play in smoky cellar clubs or spacious concert hall, jazz musicians are drawing record crowds.
243 Can you secure me two good seats for the concert?
244 The organizers of the concert had taken out a full page advertisement in The New York Times.
245 If you want to go to the concert, you'll have to make a reservation, or there will be no tickets.
246 It was a good concert - I enjoyed the last song in particular.
247 All the money raised by the concert will go to charity .
248 We will have a collection for charity at the end of the concert.
249 I want to assist to / at / your school next July. We assisted at the concert last Saturday means 'We helped to organize the concert.' Use:We went to the concert last Saturday.
250 A concert was held at the invitation of the mayor.
251 Pop fans are homing in on the concert site from miles around.
252 Poor attendance at the concert was put down to the lack of big names.
253 How do you like the concert? I'm sorry to say it stank as noise.
254 The concert was well enough advertised but ticket sales were poor.
255 The children are too young to sit through a concert.
256 Guest artists from all over Europe will take part in the concert.
257 There must have been eighteen to twenty thousand people at the concert.
258 The concert was very badly organized. In fact, the whole thing was a real botch-up.
259 If all goes according to plan, the first concert will be Tuesday evening.
260 The string orchestra of the Music School of Lemgo will present a concert in the Guildhall.
261 The concert didn't even get a mention in the newspapers.
262 I went to the concert on spec-I hadn't reserved a seat.
263 We are just discussing the final arrangements for the concert.
264 Tom Jones sang at the concert, along with other old stagers.
265 This brilliant young violinist has appeared on concert platforms all round the world.
266 Don't dawdle over your makeup(), we don't want to be late for the concert.
267 These songs were recorded from a concert during last year's season.
268 The recording captures the zest of this live concert performance.
269 This concert has been arranged under the auspices of the Knight Group.
270 Tickets for the concert are priced between £15 and £35.
271 The CD was recorded live at a concert given last year.
272 I was supposed to go to a concert with Kyle on Friday, but he stood me up.
273 It appeared that both the accused were acting in concert in the attack upon the deceased.
274 Your contribution was vital to the success of the concert.
275 The chairs for the concert were nearly all in place.
276 He is here to give a concert at the invitation of the British Council.
277 The band wants to do a sound check before the concert.
278 He made a name for himself as a concert pianist.
279 Posters advertising the concert have been put up all over the town.
280 A crowd of 2000 was startled near the end of the concert.
281 We may as well go to the concert, seeing as we've already paid for the tickets.
282 He showed me up by falling asleep at the concert.
282 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
283 Bernstein began training the young musician after a chance encounter at a concert .
284 The band was scheduled to begin rehearsals for a concert tour.
285 He put a lot of effort into arranging the concert.
286 The city of Cleveland celebrated its 200th birthday with fireworks and an outdoor concert.
287 They arrived several hours early for the concert and staked out a place at the front of the queue.
288 The rock concert was quite an education for my parents!
289 The first arrivals at the concert got the best seats.
290 The stadium was littered with the detritus of yesterday's rock concert.
291 Her decision to cancel the concert is bound to disappoint her fans.
292 The concert was recorded in a French church that is famous for its acoustics.
293 The concert will tie in with the festival of dance taking place the same weekend.
294 The concert was a mixed bag of classical and modern music.
295 This concert hall has been described as the American equivalent to London's Albert Hall.
296 The organizers had expected about 50,000 people to attend the concert.
297 I first went to a rock concert when I was 15.




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更新时间:2025/3/10 19:24:13