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单词 Diversity
1. Conservationists are mostly wedded to preserving diversity in nature.
2. Our party believes in encouraging cultural diversity, not diversion.
3. There is need for greater diversity and choice in education.
4. Does television adequately reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity of the country?
5. The organization promotes racial tolerance and unity in diversity.
6. Many employers seek diversity in their staffs.
7. There is no fundamental diversity between the two ideologies.
8. Two of our greatest strengths are diversity and community.
9. Tyrannies do not allow diversity and disagreement.
10. The exhibition is designed to reflect the diversity of the nation and its regions.
11. We have nothing against diversity; indeed, we want more of it.
12. The producer was under pressure to maintain a diversity in his output.
13. There is a wide diversity of views on this subject.
14. Diversity is of fundamental importance to all ecosystems and all economies.
15. His object is to gather as great a diversity of material as possible.
16. The increasing racial diversity of the US is reflected in the latest census statistics.
17. Social anthropology is centrally concerned with the diversity of culture.
18. The curriculum will take account of the ethnic diversity of the population.
19. There is a need for greater diversity and choice in education.
20. There is a wide diversity of opinion on the question of unilateral disarmament.
21. He urged me to diversity and not keep all my money in one investment type.
22. Solidarity and diversity are both desirable objectives.
23. This was not just a matter of ethnic diversity.
24. I have the greatest respect for linguistic diversity.sentence dictionary
25. This was no celebration of diversity.
26. There would be diversity within unity.
27. The attempt to create unity or accommodate diversity.
28. The exhibition on India fails to capture the great diversity of this fascinating country.
29. The essence of New York is its extremity and diversity.
30. She teaches the students to have respect for different races and appreciate the diversity of other cultures.
1. Conservationists are mostly wedded to preserving diversity in nature.
2. Our party believes in encouraging cultural diversity, not diversion.
3. Does television adequately reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity of the country?
4. There is no fundamental diversity between the two ideologies.
5. The exhibition is designed to reflect the diversity of the nation and its regions.
6. Social anthropology is centrally concerned with the diversity of culture.
31. Such an approach masks diversity within households.
32. In the event, a considerable diversity of roles emerged.
33. Empathy was crucial for managing diversity among subordinates.
34. That lack of cultural diversity is a problem.
35. Democracy does not imply a limitless diversity within society.
36. We can encourage diversity, not division; achievement, not antagonism.
37. Even in comprehensive school districts with significant economic diversity, economic integration is frequently an illusion.
38. For more than 10 years voluntary organizations around the world have been working to collect and conserve genetic diversity in community seed banks.
39. While trainers try to distinguish between the two, skeptics often view diversity as just warmed-over affirmative action.
40. Because of the diversity of duties and levels of responsibility, their educational backgrounds and experience vary considerably.
41. This demands a rich diversity of repertoire and great versatility on the part of our musicians.
42. Without glamour, diversity, wit and experiment, disco can deteriorate into the most boring music of all time.
43. In between there has been a great diversity of titles and two journals.
44. Increasingly, the core-periphery model fails to capture the diversity, in terms of economic performance, of both the periphery and the core.
45. The distribution of bilingual children varies widely across the country, but the total numbers and diversity are certainly significant.
46. The impact, Loucks believes, may permanently reduce the biological diversity of this extraordinary ecosystem.
47. Physics also tells us that there is a logical answer to the seeming conundrum of the diversity of species.
48. This is not just a liberal euphemism for the city's ethnic diversity.
49. Federations appear to bond diverse nations into a unified state while still recognizing the different nations' diversity and desire for power.
50. Nothing much happens in their little town, apparently,() and these guys provide some welcome cultural diversity.
51. But further empirical research has revealed considerable diversity in the roles of particular political structures.
52. The twin pressures of diversity and uniformity are tangible phenomena in the design process.
53. Recent Supreme Court decisions have put limits on the use of affirmative action to assure diversity in student bodies.
54. The increasing hostility to affirmative action has rubbed off on the diversity movement.
55. Overall,[ ] more diversity in local spending priorities emerged in the 1980s within the constraints central government imposed.
56. This astonishing diversity manifested itself in great complexity of relationships and in our lacking dominance almost everywhere.
57. The Spice of Life Human biological diversity is hardly a new concept.
58. These proposals would not necessarily increase the political diversity of the press.
59. We can not save the world's biological diversity unless we nurture the human diversity that protects and develops it.
60. When you form a club, look for diversity in experience, occupation and education.
61. Within the sacred whole, change, subjectivity, and diversity are essential characteristics of the natural world.
62. Elsewhere there is greater flexibility, less certainty and a more liberal approach to economic and political diversity.
63. There is a wide range of research activity in the department using considerable diversity of perspectives and methods.
64. First, they cut across industry lines, a diversity suggesting that member companies will perform different roles within the alliances.
65. But despite the rich diversity of issues raised, there are some disappointments.
66. Our work requires cooperation, although the roots of diversity remain.
67. The diversity of political systems and of economic records in developing countries suggested that international capitalism was not the sole deciding factor.
68. The world's main food and livestock species have centres of genetic diversity in the South.
69. The Amazonian rainforests make up one third of all rainforests and are vitally important in terms of biological diversity.
70. The impact on the rich cultural diversity of communities all around the world is immense.
71. Another kind of price competition between supermarkets is in the extent and diversity of private label offerings, so-called store brands.
72. Restoring culture can just as easily lead to a new and virulent form of fundamentalism as to a revival of cultural diversity.
73. None of this, however, precludes diversity within both bureaucracy and intelligentsia.
74. This may be one reason for the diversity in the experiences of drinkers.
75. Taken together, these studies comprise a substantial body of work notable for its diversity, its competence and its orthodoxy.
76. We would argue that a close review of leading gangsters and organised-crime figures would reveal quite a degree of ethnic diversity.
77. Part of the problem is that the weeds in fields sustain wildlife, and maintain the rich diversity of nature.
78. And this must inpart have reflected a greater diversity among its patrons.
79. The existing pool offered too little genetic diversity to support energetic research, they said.
80. It is rich in intellectual curiosity and academic and cultural diversity.
81. The range cleverly combines a diversity of abstract design styles from classical to modern in a well balanced selection.
82. In a turbulent environment, diversity, contradiction and disjunction are the norm.
83. The surrounding countryside is very beautiful, with lime-stone hills, caves, moors and a rich diversity of wildlife.
84. This characteristic stems from the diversity of techniques required to climb the rock.
85. We are witnessing the birth of a civilization which nurtures ideas and creativity precisely because it is so rich in diversity.
86. The El Pueblo gift store is an extension of these organizations' commitment to fostering understanding and appreciation for cultural diversity.
87. Diversity among opinions is as desirable as diversity among species.
88. Manage diversity, trainers preached,[] or risk getting clobbered in the global marketplace of the 21st century.
89. The fourth Marxist approach to diversity in liberal democratic politics is even more revisionist.
90. Sharing in such a personal faith gives unity to the diversity of human beings, bringing us together with others.
91. The difficulty in developing a single acceptable definition reflects the complexity and diversity of the subject.
92. That experience was to prove singularly rich in its diversity and in its legacy of Sussex church architecture.
93. Those refined beasts were a small sample of the diversity of their wild ancestors.
94. Such behavioral diversity serves the same function as genetic diversity, and indeed compensates for restrictions on genetic diversity.
95. Scientists interested in biological diversity, and the evolutionary reasons for it, already see it in that light.
96. They represent the thought experiment of choosing a level of gross output and finding the corresponding scale and diversity.
97. This pioneering plea for religious freedom called diversity not a curse but a glory.
98. She argued that there is a great diversity of human size, and not everyone was meant to be thin.
99. Thus the colonists kept up a trading economy while allowing for diversity.
100. Assemblies, dress requirements, school meals provision and links with parents may be insensitive to different cultural backgrounds and linguistic diversity.
101. What all these tropical forests have in common, however, is their astonishing biological diversity.
102. But behind this bleak image is a country of colour and immense cultural diversity.
103. These national breeding programmes are highly efficient and successful but the diversity has been lost.
104. Yet this relationship was deeply problematic, which helps to explain the diversity of opinion and the contradictions within the phenomenon.
105. Many see life in the modern context as being characterized by wide diversity.
106. Although linguistic diversity was considered a positive asset, bilingualism in maintained schools was not supported.
107. The infinite variety of questions and possible answers, of course, account for the diversity within the subgenre.
108. Or are public subsidies being given to support unspecified claims about cultural maintenance, diversity, and development?
109. Compared with invasive carcinoma, intraepithelial neoplastic lesions harbour a greater diversity of human papillomavirus types.
110. On the other hand, there will be pressures for diversity in a dynamic environment.
111. Western models were influential because they met a need for a system that could accommodate diversity.
112. We have further increased diversity by: Giving schools control over their own budgets and encouraging new types of school.
113. A couple of the more radical organisations have said they respect a diversity of tactics ranging from popular education to direct action.
114. I could identify by sight just about 500 of its species -- a pittance of its total diversity.
115. If managing diversity comes to be viewed as a business issue rather than an ethical one,[/diversity.html] minorities might actually fare better.
116. There is great diversity and variety among PACs as they represent different values and beliefs.
117. The Conference Board, a New York-based business research group, held a major diversity conference this spring.
118. A life that includes rural beauty as well as the world's most exciting city. Cultural diversity.
119. We were drawn to Oak River because of location, value, diversity of people, and the amenities the city offers.
120. The diversity of services outlined in Figure 8.4 makes any classification somewhat arbitrary.
121. In this case an increase in gross output will be associated with an increase in both scale and diversity.
122. In this way the work retains its unity but can have a wide diversity of atmosphere.
123. Another possible place of chaos in genetic diversity generation is in the origin of life.
124. Paradoxically, Diamond feels this loss of linguistic diversity may be our best hope.
125. Such cultural diversity we should expect to find expressed in the structures and institutional life of the churches.
126. A dimension of increased decision-making concentration which has attracted particular notice concerns the effects on regional diversity and development.
127. And yet the reef has managed to grow, and has achieved enormous diversity.
128. On the one hand this provides an excellent opportunity for the group to tap into a wide diversity of views.
129. A pleasing publication which shows the diversity of military and civil aircraft and airlines that have used this airport.
130. It is a way in which diversity and the desire to better oneself can be accommodated.
131. There was some diversity in the ways in which departmental self-appraisals were undertaken.
132. But we have just seen that under current assumptions larger scale and diversity are associated with larger industry gross output.
133. One of BirdLife's tasks will be to identify and preserve sites that are of critical importance to bird diversity.
134. This led to an enormous diversity of plants, none of them doing particularly well and none taken out by trees.
135. There was a wide diversity of theories about the nature of light from the time of the ancients up to Newton.
136. The school prides itself on its ethnic diversity, Schaeffer said.
137. How could Columbia deal with issues of multiculturalism and diversity more effectively?
138. There is, in fact, an enormous diversity of family forms in modern Britain.
139. Closer investigation shows the extraordinary extent of Miller's theoretical knowledge of and practical expertise with an enormous diversity of matters.
140. Inpart this diversity is the result of wide variations among legal systems, popular definitions of crime and patterns of illegal activity.
141. The settlement and infrastructure field is also characterized by a wide range of users with a great diversity of interests.
142. It is not that varying degrees of procedural protection should not exist: the range of licences demands this diversity.
143. The astonishing diversity of life, with species adapted for every conceivable habitat.
144. The diversity of material was due to the fact that much of it came courtesy of local mill-owners.
145. It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou 
146. They are regions of huge biological diversity, a treasure chest of invaluable worth,[] representing 60 million years of evolution.
147. The books of the Bible are marked by a rich diversity of genre, content, and manner.
148. The authors come from a wide variety of backgrounds and owe allegiance to a wide diversity of schools of thought.
149. Indeed, gaining more diversity of content is the very reason for seeking greater diversity of media ownership.
150. A first step toward secularization was the separation from the Church of Rome and the beginnings of toleration of religious diversity.
151. From such rigid, uncompromising and unpromising beginnings, Glass has created a sound language of great eloquence and diversity.
152. The overall social and political project is the creation of a harmonious, democratic cultural pluralism, a healthy cultural diversity.
153. However, there was considerable diversity in the scope of individual contributions to the self-evaluation.
154. Much of the hidden diversity of the ancient camp followers remains, silent and unaltered, within the stocks of today.
155. In the long term, the loss of genetic diversity will reduce the gene pool available for agricultural crops.
156. The result is an absence of diversity - a key requirement for a truly representative press and one suited for political democracy.
157. Literacy and education tend therefore to reduce linguistic diversity and to enhance major languages at the expense of minor ones.
158. The model of the church schools, much derided by the fashionable secularists, is a vital aspect of that diversity.
159. In drawing up their lists they take great care to achieve a balance that reflects the diversity of the electorate's concerns.
160. Teachers must be equipped to deal with the linguistic and cultural diversity of the student body.
161. Modern progressives committed to diversity often fail to acknowledge this.
162. The divine unity contains infinite diversity within itself, harmonised and integrated into one all-including totality.
163. For the minority who receive social care, the characteristics are significant reminders of their individuality and diversity.
164. Realism signifies a love, or at least an acceptance, of diversity.
165. How do they behave towards one another in the great diversity of situations which may arise within this patterned context?
166. GUATEMALA offers an astonishing diversity of spectacular landscapes.
167. His plays are characterized by singleness and diversity.
168. Education should promote sustainability within a diversity of cultures.
169. This diversity underlines the dynamism of our manufacturing sector.
170. Part I is Genetic Diversity of Elymus species.
171. Which legal document recognizes the cultural diversity of Canadians?
172. Inclusion. Embracing diversity and divergent thinking.
173. The feminisation of management also depends on gender diversity in educational institutions where companies recruit managers.
174. Moreover, given the increasing diversity of America's population, the dangers of sectarianism have never been greater.
174. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
175. This ability decreases the negative effects of drift and inbreeding on genetic diversity in small populations.
176. Shankou mangrove reserve is the conservation of marine vascular plant ecosystem diversity in South China Sea.
177. Theres is tile lowest diversity index in the climax Desert - glasslands - Crested Larkcommunity.
178. Effect of elevated atmospheric CO 2 on arbuscular mycorrhizal diversity in paddy - wheat field was investigated.
179. It is endowed with those characteristics such as particularity, diversity, rareness and culture.
180. We seek to become a multicultural community that celebrates diversity that is Arcadia.
181. Malignant salivary gland tumors are uncommon and demonstrate wide diversity of histopathological types and biological behaviors.
182. Is Asian American identity feasible in the face of diversity or not?
183. Instruments and apparatuses become more and more in diversity and are produced in series.
184. Summer bird diversity in three different artificial forest in suburbs of Nanning.
185. Oryza officinalis Wall accumulated abundant genetic diversity and contains a large number of important beneficial genes.
186. Enzyme analysis of these Fab antibodies was accomplished for diversity.
187. Formed port to run the diversity of spatiotemporal union type from this.
188. It and OMEGA have revealed a diversity of igneous rock compositions that rivals Earth's.
189. Objective To explore the genetic diversity of Fagopyrum tataricum on molecular level.
190. Over independent Rayleigh fading channels, this scheme can achieve the maximum diversity gain receive antennas.
191. Adcate for diversity, creativity , and innovation to o mote change a Love challenge the status quo.
192. Suriname's cultural diversity is matched only by its ecological diversity.
193. Simulation results show phase - diversity method can accurately retrieve wavefront and defocusing of one wavelength is optimal.
194. Microbial inoculum could enhance microbial community functional diversity and evenness degree.
195. Firth here seemed to suggest the creativity and diversity of linguistic idiosyncrasy in language use.
196. To add diversity and uniqueness to the game, the Hanseatic League does wonders.
197. Scientists have identified why excessive fertilisation of soils is resulting in a loss of plant diversity.
198. This can impose effect to the diversity of your spoken language.
199. Protozoan diversity of the ecosystem stability of the status quo stated.
200. But his speech to the Arab League focused mainly on cultural diversity and respect.
201. The underling mechanism of species diversity on primary production and ecosystem stability was different.
202. Communion in the Eucharist does not destroy but affirms diversity and otherness.
203. But Jacobs - style benefits from diversity raise wages at a distance of nine miles and more.
204. Nucleotide diversity in these 4 populations was Dai 1.52, Wa 1.38,[] Lahu 1.31 and Tibetan 1.40 respectively.
205. And the diversity of predatory arthropod was higher than that of resistant variety rice.
206. Objective To investigate the genetic diversity of morphological variation types in Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi.
207. If you walk around the environs of Jermyn Street, you will find more diversity.
208. The protection of diversity in Chinese - fir and broad - leaved mixed forest in different habitats should be emphasized.
209. The cultural diversity of Mauritius is even more astonishing than its geographical diversity.
210. The focus here is space - time diversity, channel estimation and signal detection.
211. Since love and marriage watch , diversity, their amatory final are also entirely and totally different.
212. Soil matric potential, leaf potential and atmosphere water potential is diversity in temporal and spatial variation.
213. A project to promote and appreciate ASEAN cultural diversity through cultural values.
214. However, subalpine meadow possessed higher species diversity than herb communities within fir forest.
215. Ahmed Djoghlaf is the executive secretary of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.
216. The diversity of contract language results in the ubiquity of contract interpretation.
217. Diversity and evenness were apparently positive dependent, but diversity and simplicity were negative dependent.
218. This paper explicate through exemplification and comparison the thematic diversity and diction ambiguity of the poem.
219. Tuning fork technology validated by customers in diversity of applications.
220. Social diversity is thus explicable in terms of an underlying structure consisting largely of economic factors.
221. While ARQ performs very high reliability and adapts the diversity of transmission channel.
222. In addition , this course pays more attention to the expression diversity, adaptability and appropriateness.
223. The city's mosaic culture results in great diversity in the arts.
224. And it gives colleges a way to expend expand their diversity.
225. Thus, promoting diversity is a minefield and minority representation in French politics still remains a dream.
226. China is the world center of buckwheat ? origin and genetic diversity . Fagopyrum dibotrys.
227. Your background, experiences, and values will enhance the diversity of Kellogg's student body.
228. The relationship was analyzed between the diversity index of each protozoa group and physicochemical parameters.
229. Genetic diversity of peanut Rhizobia isolated from Anhui areas was determined using amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) technique.
230. The insect diversity of tea garden system in Sichuan Base had been discussed briefly.
231. Based on traditional mingling, a new mingling, tree species diversity mingling, has been put forward.
232. Diversity of political civilization is its basic character, existing mode and motivity.
233. An amazing diversity of trees — some 100 native species — make fall in the Great Smoky Mountains uniquely spectacular.
234. Even more mystifying is the assertion that Deloitte welcomes diversity of thought.
235. These showed an evolution of increasing diversity through to the Eocene.
236. English optional courses are important part of school curriculum , showing differentia[http://], diversity and flexibility of curriculum.
237. Moreover, the same etiologic factor may give rise to a great diversity of eruptions.
238. The species diversity indices and evenness were degraded to varying degrees.
239. Three key functions of wetlands include flood control , water quality improvement and ecological diversity.
240. Implementation highway construction invests system diversity, the development that stimulative highway builds.
241. Focus groups tend to stifle exactly the diversity of behavior and opinion that designers must accommodate.
242. The diversity of temperature is an important factor for tympanites to occur in highway roadbed.




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