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单词 Latin
1. Very few students learn Latin now.
2. Why study Latin? It's a dead language .
3. The foreign influences barbarized the Latin language.
4. This French book is translated from Latin.
5. Many English words are derivatives of Latin words.
6. Latin was the literary language of.
7. "Data" is the Latin plural form of "datum".
8. Some Latin words were engraved on the plaque.
9. Do you know any other Latin American dances?
10. The word history derives from the Latin word 'historia' meaning story.
11. I'm swotting at Latin.
12. The English word 'olive' is derived from the Latin word 'oliva'.
13. The book is a kind of allegory of Latin American history.
14. I never really mastered Latin.
15. Many English words derive from Latin.
16. This word is derived from Latin.
17. Latin,( ) Polish and Finnish are all highly inflected languages.
18. The enthusiasm for Latin music is worldwide.
19. He weighed in with a Latin quotation.
20. Latin nouns have case, number and gender.
21. Thousands of English words derive from Latin.
22. In Latin, several verbs govern the dative.
23. Professor Calen steeps himself in Latin.
24. The disease is even more prevalent in Latin America.
25. The Latin word for ` table'is ` mensa '.
26. Students viewed Latin as boring and irrelevant.
27. Cuba was one of the least Catholic of the Latin countries.
28. By the time she was eight, she could read Greek and Latin.
29. She was reading a polyglot bible, with the text in English, Latin and Greek.
30. Law enforcement agents intercepted a shipment of drugs from Latin America.
1. Very few students learn Latin now.
2. Why study Latin? It's a dead language .
3. This French book is translated from Latin.
4. Many English words are derivatives of Latin words.
5. Latin was the literary language of.
6. "Data" is the Latin plural form of "datum".
7. Some Latin words were engraved on the plaque.
8. Do you know any other Latin American dances?
9. Cuba was one of the least Catholic of the Latin countries.
10. The English word 'olive' is derived from the Latin word 'oliva'.
11. By the time she was eight, she could read Greek and Latin.
12. She was reading a polyglot bible, with the text in English, Latin and Greek.
13. Law enforcement agents intercepted a shipment of drugs from Latin America.
14. The book is a kind of allegory of Latin American history.
15. Professor Calen steeps himself in Latin.
16. Less people study Latin today than formerly.
17. Latin verse remained completely incomprehensible to me.
18. Many English words are derived from Latin and Greek.
19. Over drinks , he speaks longingly of his trip to Latin America.
20. The Latin term " Vulpes " is the generic name for the various type of fox.
31. Less people study Latin today than formerly.
32. He is well grounded in Latin.
33. Latin verse remained completely incomprehensible to me.
34. I must brush up on my Latin.
35. Guerrero's music is hugely popular in Latin America.
36. French is a derivative of Latin.
37. This word derives itself from Latin.
38. Carol is a tall, dark, Latin type of woman.
39. French is a daughter of Latin.
40. Latin is a more inflected language than English.
41. He disappeared to the Latin America.
42. Thousands of English words are derived from Latin.
43. Many English words are derived from Latin.
44. Mr Wells was my Latin master at school.
45. This word comes from Latin.
46. Many English words are derived from Latin and Greek.
47. The word 'secretary' comes from the same Latin root as the word 'secret'.
48. The translation of the Latin motto reads "Not for oneself,(http:///Latin.html) but for others".
49. The Latin language barbarized.
50. Many Roman Catholics regret the replacing of the Latin mass by the vernacular.
51. Latin and Greek will be squeezed out of school timetables.
52. The English word " television " is a mongrel because " tele " comes from Greek and " vision " from Latin.
53. The language teacher pounds Latin into the heads of students.
54. He knows his Latin grammar indifferently, and cannot construe easily.
55. On the road signs, the Greek place names have been transliterated into the Latin alphabet.
56. He eventually took Charlie's place in a popular Latin band.
57. Over drinks , he speaks longingly of his trip to Latin America.
58. Her Latin is not very good, but it can probably be pulled up between now and next June.
59. He describes his latest record as 'a synthesis of African and Latin rhythms'.
60. He went off to Latin America with his mother's blessing.
61. The Latin term " Vulpes " is the generic name for the various type of fox.
62. He travelled throughout Latin America drumming up support for the confederation.
63. A Latin inscription had been carved on the lid of the box.
64. Ad lib is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase "ad libitum".
65. Many English words are derived from Latin and Greek words.
66. Greek and Latin were once viewed as the foundation stones of a good education.
67. In Latin, the nominative case of first declension nouns ends in'a '.
68. The ancient civilizations of Central and Latin America were founded upon corn.
69. Sanskrit is related very closely to Latin, Greek, and the Germanic and Celtic languages.
70. Vernacularliterature quickly replaced Latin.
71. The Latin American and African people have successfully fought against colonial rule.
72. We can derive the word 'derelict' from the Latin 'derelictus'.
73. Their music is described as 'an explosive fusion of Latin American and modern jazz rhythms'.
74. Most are recruited from the ranks of people who studied Latin and Greek at university.
75. He broke with the tradition of setting examinations in Latin.
76. Latin is a dead language.
77. William Stearn,(Sentencedict) author of Botanical Latin.
78. He was big on Latin culture.
79. The floor plan is modeled after the Latin cross.
80. The conger eel. Latin name ... conger conger! 8.
81. They gathered in the Latin Quarter in their thousands.
82. Both French and Spanish come from a Latin base.
83. They were sure Latin would make it harder.
84. Being Latin, I play a lot of heavies.
85. English is a daughter language of German and Latin.
86. At seventy-four, he published humorous verse in Latin.
87. Three Latin American novels are especially worthy of note.
88. The whole thing is a lot less Latin.
89. Latin America lacked skilled labour.
90. I don't know the Latin name.
91. The Puerto Rican sweepers carried transistors playing Latin music.
92. The Latin words died, replaced by ones in patois.
93. The Latin names of the gods are used.
94. It is a Latin translation of a Greek manuscript.
95. Latin America's religious topography is changing rapidly.
96. Latin America faces a growing debt problem.
97. Loud Latin words in a clerical voice.
98. We have to conjugate these verbs in Latin.
99. The Spanish government announced that it would invest over $14,000 million in the Latin American region.
100. Cuba was seen as a base for Communist activity throughout Latin America.
101. But he demanded high standards and as a classical scholar was exasperated by my inability to cope with Latin.
102. This extravaganza will feature vibrant sounds from almost every Latin country on the map.
103. Almost in spite of himself, he did well at Latin.
104. Latin America is a world where primitive ways of life exist near ultra-modern cities. Altogether, it is a continent full of vitality.
105. Notoriously these words have crept into ordinary usage from medieval philosophical Latin.
106. Mr Liebenow worries that widespread disappointment, combined with domestic pressures, will prompt some Latin nations to step backward.
107. But on the Latin battlefields he is not a man, but a fearful prodigy.
108. He has also revealed notes written in the margins of Latin manuscripts by Gothic hands and then rubbed out by later owners.
109. It probably loses something in the translation from the original Latin.
110. I have recently bought five, but I don't know the Latin name.
111. Tutor and pupil may, however, have spoken Latin to each other.
112. Father Poole closed his eyes and joined his hands, Latin phrases stumbling over his tongue.
113. Only because we see them as mere breeds are they confined within a single Latin name.
114. The trade name Permutit was given to this patented ion exchange process(), it being derived from the Latin verb to exchange.
115. At times I went almost mad, talking gibberish, pulling faces, and singing in mock Latin.
116. Quote a Latin tag at him by mistake and he will examine his shoes or smile brazenly back at you.
117. But the Anglicans, like the Lutherans, did not suddenly give up the composition of Latin texts.
118. Annatto is a small seed used in Latin American cookery.
119. If you're asking me about Latin, you're asking the wrong person.
120. Varro seems to have stated that in his time Massalia was trilingual, the two foreign languages being of course Latin and Celtic.
121. The Camerarius Florilegium depicts 473 plants with their Latin names inscribed in Camerarius' hand.
122. Indeed, in the author's own village the parish register was being kept in Latin as late as 1657.
123. In Anglo-Saxon times portions of the Bible had been translated from Latin into the vernacular.
124. Most of it was either illegible or written in Latin.
125. Focusing on a plump man with dark hair at a bus-stop he decides the people are Latin.
126. Madonna as a witch, Antonio Banderas as a Latin gangster.
127. He began mumbling in Latin, and attempted to make the sign of the Cross.
128. Here is a stone, tall, well-proportioned cathedral, with western towers and spires, built on classic Latin cross plan.
129. Futile pastime: memorising the Latin names of 150 fish species when they've never even owned a goldfish.
130. Goudimel seems to have composed no more Latin church music after he embraced Protestantism c. 1560.
131. The Latin pauper means a person of modest means rather than some one without food, roof, or clothing.
132. It was written not in Latin, but in the Romance language.
133. During the past three years there has been an explosion of interest in Latin music and dance.
134. Looking at these paintings makes people proud of their Latin heritage.
135. We had fourteen check-ins a day, classes in Latin( ), a vigorous program of athletics and every night a study hall.
136. An expected crowd of 250 will join Latin Jazz band Manteca and guests in a champagne toast at midnight.
137. I had no conscious awareness of the Latin root of the name Hilary until Antonia Byatt pointed it out to me.
138. El Pueblo brings to the marketplace an innovative gift store with a touch of Latin class.
139. He should try the Latin Patriarch next: that's Bessarion, godfather to one of his sons.
140. He stared, then said her words himself, the way he'd spoken Latin as a boy. Dead language.
141. Loudly he intoned some short Latin prayer, then crossed himself again and turned.
142. Beneath the strong nose was a dark moustache, thin and slicked down, which gave him a Latin look.
143. A dedicatory Latin poem was contributed by John Elmeston, schoolmaster of Cranbrook.
144. The disease has already killed more than 2000 in Latin America.
145. He killed the engine and the lights. Latin music took over.
146. In a park in Cambridge, Massachusetts, one summer afternoon I befriend a little old retired Latin teacher.
147. To those few students of Latin who express a particular interest.
148. The band's music is known for its fiery Latin rhythms.
149. Latin temperaments rose in exasperation in direct proportion to their owners' frustration.
150. Walls are covered with grainy blow-ups of sleek-jawed Latin athletes.
151. But I was congratulated on my general knowledge of nursing, and the Latin.
152. Getz was one of the first musicians to fuse jazz and Latin rhythms.
153. And a second afterward hurled all of South Florida into a Latin frenzy unmatched even in the Dolphins' best days.
154. Amongst the term's more specialized medieval uses, however, is a sense that it shares with its Latin ancestor fabula.
155. Rolle was a prolific writer in Latin about his mystical theology.
156. The conservative Cornish, who had not forgotten their previous grievances, had a deep affection for the Latin Liturgy.
157. One pet theory of mine is that the decline in the study of Latin has accentuated this interest.
158. What is so fascinating is that maybe the medieval artists were just as ignorant of Latin.
159. Latin abbreviations, algebraic symbols, contractions of words and personal inventions can all be used.
160. A comparable example in the West is the Latin liturgy set to plainchant.
161. For example, the Latin word for a table is mensa.
162. In the other boat, the priest had started gabbling in Latin - the Dies Irae, by the sound of it.
163. In effect the Latin texts provide for congregational participation, respectively, in the anamnesis, the communion-epiclesis,(/Latin.html) and the intercessions.
164. On 11 September 1962, Pope John broadcast to the world in Latin.
165. An easy way to impress novices is by quoting the latin names of various sea creatures.
166. The new immigrants come mainly from Asia and Latin America.
167. In the church, she is seduced by a passionate Latin painter.
168. The name 'terrier' comes from the Latin word 'terra' meaning the earth.
169. The first parts of these Latin names used to be used in naming cations.
170. Ian was the best at making himself understood as he had been a Latin scholar.
171. One of the properties comprised five thousand dunums of land owned by the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem near Nablus.
172. Latin America has an abundant labor force and natural resources.
173. Now that the study of Latin has declined, interest has focused on how problem solving is taught in mathematics classes.
174. The cruciform pattern on Latin cross plan was retained, with much lower vaults than on the Continent.
175. He made friends, had adventures, found ways to fight the boredom with his cluster of rat-eyed Latin Bowery Boys.
176. Students combining Latin with a modern language usually spend their third year studying Latin at a university in the appropriate country.
177. On the afternoon of the Latin exam, a very good film was being shown at the neighbouring cinema to my school.
178. There are songs in Latin, songs in Gaelic, a song about an evacuee and one which is clearly a prayer.
179. Fong told his children the few Latin phrases he could remember and the way to say the rosary.
180. Naughty by nature: Busi's latest novel latin lover Aldo Busi gives good quote.
181. Latin motets alongside modern crowd-pullers - which brings us back to hymn-singing, where we began.
182. In medieval times, Latin provided a linguafranca, a common means of communication for scholars from different countries.
183. Outrage at what they saw as the pillaging of their resources led many Latin countries to nationalise oil firms.
184. The fate of glagolitic became involved with the ecclesiastical politics of Dalmatia, where Byzantine and Latin religious influences overlapped.
185. I know I am just an ignorant servant girl, aged seventeen, but I do know some Latin.
186. Now, however, the great Latin cities fell prey to widespread depopulation, economic decline, and physical decay.
187. The Daily Telegraph is for those who can quote Latin phrases.
188. Three schoolmasters lived in the house: one taught Latin, one mathematics and one music.
189. The system is somewhat analogous to one that might be devised as a trot for students of Latin.
190. Inside, the church is the shape of the Latin cross, with a plethora of side chapels.
191. They used the Latin script, and they had been part of the western world from the time of the Roman Empire.
192. They may make use of the brevity of Latin tags, just as pithy as any adman's lingo.
193. On the one hand, they possessed no deep appreciation for what Latin civilization was,() or how it functioned.
194. Foreign investors think that Latin America's need for them puts them in the driver's seat.
195. Its status in this respect as the successor of Latin had by then already been developing for generations.
196. There is a need for Cuba's integration into the Latin American community.
197. Latin America has become a testing ground for new business ideas.
198. This story illustrates how important the family is in Latin American culture.
199. Beijing's Hottest Latin Party Hits the Swanky Loong Bar!
200. Latin since the Renaissance; used for scientific nomenclature.
201. Latin disappeared as a spoken language.
202. Latin American air traffic with the relay station.
203. Some languages, including Latin, have a flexible word order.
204. These botanical specimens should be labeled with Latin marks.
205. I need a rub up on my Latin.
206. Regionalism developed typically in the region of Latin America.
207. In latin, a noun derived from a verb and having all case forms except the nominative.
208. Its name combines its old moniker with the Latin novo, for new.
209. One explanation I read was that it was based on a Latin word meaning therefore.
210. Children and young people build participatory democracy in Latin American cities.
211. English uses word order a worthy substitute for affixes instead of a rhetorical device in Latin.
212. The participial constructions are employed much more in Latin than they are in English.
213. In Latin America, population growth is already threatening to outpace economic growth.
214. Greek and Latin are all English to me, said Oscar wilde.
215. Except that in Latin a ship's prow was called a rostrum and the plural of rostrum was rostra so they called the speaking platform rostra.
216. Till recently, dictators who ordered thousands of "disappearances" in Latin America's dirty wars were allowed to slip into easeful retirement.
217. The vitality of Latin was doomed to wane before the rivalry of the vernacular tongue.
218. Joyful programmes include marching band, Latin dance, percussion , pop - song singers, samba music and dance and beats!
219. In the bank's latest report, it has overtaken Colombia to become the most straightforward country in Latin America in which to do business, and the 35th easiest in the world, up from 41st last year.
220. That strange new religious sect conducts its services in dog Latin.
221. This technique is surprisingly effective with scientific terms — some scientists just seem to enjoy making new terminology out of old Latin and Greek terms.
222. With the Latin inscription 'Fortune favoured the brave', and the power of the pentacle.
223. All languages that derive from Latin form. the word " compassion" by combining the prefix meaning "with"(com-) and the root meaning "suffering" (Late Latin, passio).
223. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
224. A Latin cross having two horizontal bars, of which the upper is the shorter.
225. A modification of Latin square, combined Latin Square, was proposed and its analysis was given.
226. I can still remember that a few decades on, just as I can recall all the Latin prepositions that take the ablative case, courtesy of a rhyme.
227. We wish to eliminate all barriers to international trade that strangle the productive potential of countless countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
228. Wycliffe's Bible had been translated from the Latin text , which contained many errors.
229. Richard Bentley Regius Professor of Divinity from 1717, completes his edition of the Latin poet , Horace.
230. As for rant and rhetoric , they could enter easily into any contest with their Latin preceptor.
231. They see themselves as a Latin outpost in a sea of Slavs.
232. Sisal is not an original product in Hengchun; it is introduced from Latin America in 1910.
233. Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a Latin American, especially a Mexican.
234. Some 7,000 UN soldiers and 2,000 police, mainly from Latin America, keep the peace.
235. Exciting Tambourine and Latin dance performance to heat up the night!
236. Past IMF efforts in other regions, including Latin America and Asia, were often seen as heavy-handed and tone-deaf to the privations forced on ordinary citizens.
237. There is greater transparency in Latin American economic decision - making , but Brazil is the region's wild card.
238. And in Latin America Pentecostalism has shattered the Roman Catholic Church's monopoly.
239. The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem did not show much understanding and denied permission to build.
240. The teacher translated Latin texts into English which he gave to his students for retroversion.
241. Learn how to do combination turns for salsa dancing in this free instructional Latin dance lesson for beginners on video.
242. He was responsible for the origination, structuring and distribution of equity derivatives in Latin America.
243. Africa and Latin America could lose twenty percent or more.
244. We are striking for a new look in Latin America.
245. Some embassies of Asian - African - Latin countries and East - Europe also situate here.
246. The Romance languages are the modern descendants of Latin, the language of the Roman Empire.
247. Generally ascribed to the Priscillianist school are the prologues to the four Gospels as they are found in many Old Latin texts.
248. The Europe and America literature as well the Latin for us, all did not form systemize. Merely the Russian and Soviet Union's literature have been familiar to the utmost.
249. More recently, Cory Doctorow's lecture on DRM for Microsoft Research – in text, Pig Latin and video versions – has been passed around like a cheap two-dollar...well(), you know.
250. The ousting of the president has drawn widespread criticism across Latin America and the wider world.
251. Because of this, Modern English includes many Latin and Greek words.
252. The word proprietor comes from French and Latin words for property owner.
253. He was a Neapolitan, and of accomplished scholarship, both Latin and Greek.
254. Saint - Gobain Ceramics & Plastics acquires the Brazilian company Casil, first silicon carbide producer in Latin America.
255. Or "lens" which comes from the Latin "lentil" or "window" meaning "eye of wind" in old Norse?
256. Finally, it's worth noting that ideographic scripts like Chinese and Japanese tend to be parsimonious with characters compared to alphabetic scripts like Latin and Cyrillic.
257. A dance of Latin American origin , resembling the rumba.
258. The official and common language, Croatian, is a South Slavic language, using the Latin alphabet.
259. Simply referencing the greats of Latin music in his inventive productions was never going to be enough.
260. The vowel change of -ae- to -i- in Latin is due to a Latin phonetic rule involving unaccented syllables in compounds.
261. Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Colombia are the 4 upmost countries with Internet services in Latin America.
262. US strategy to recast Latin America with liberal economy turned out to be a failure.




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