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单词 Aggressive
1. Some children are much more aggressive than others.
2. U.S. business today is challenged by aggressive overseas competitors.
3. He is very aggressive in many ways.
4. You'd better keep the two aggressive boys apart.
5. Watching violence on TV makes some children more aggressive.
6. As a teenager Sean was aggressive and moody.
7. The community is demanding a less aggressive style of policing.
8. He's slightly aggressive, which a lot of people find a bit off-putting when they first meet him.
9. Bright,aggressive applicants.
10. Jim's voice became aggressive.
11. Her aggressive moods alternated with gentle or more co-operative states.
12. The male of the species is less aggressive.
13. The government has adopted an aggressive posture on immigration.
14. Men tend to be more aggressive than women.
15. Aggressive nations threaten world peace.
16. He has an aggressive manner.
17. The dogs are trained to be aggressive.
18. He is rebellious, aggressive and at times self-destructive.
19. The board decided to embark on aggressive overseas expansion.
20. European countries are quite aggressive subsidizers of grain exports.
21. Lewis was aggressive, eccentric, moody, and brilliantly clever.
22. I found him rather boorish and aggressive.
23. Aggressive behaviour is a sign of emotional distress.
24. Aggressive men turn me off completely.
25. He advanced towards me in aggressive style.
26. He warned that his dog was aggressive towards strangers.
27. He assumed the style of an aggressive go-getter.
28. His behaviour towards her was becoming more and more aggressive.
29. There appears to be increasing support for the leadership to take a more aggressive stance.
30. The two British players both won their first - round matches in aggressive style.
1. Some children are much more aggressive than others.
2. U.S. business today is challenged by aggressive overseas competitors.
3. He is very aggressive in many ways.
4. You'd better keep the two aggressive boys apart.
5. Watching violence on TV makes some children more aggressive.
6. As a teenager Sean was aggressive and moody.
7. The community is demanding a less aggressive style of policing.
8. He's slightly aggressive, which a lot of people find a bit off-putting when they first meet him.
9. His behaviour towards her was becoming more and more aggressive.
10. There appears to be increasing support for the leadership to take a more aggressive stance.
11. Jim's voice became aggressive.
12. The two British players both won their first - round matches in aggressive style.
13. Her aggressive moods alternated with gentle or more co-operative states.
14. The dogs are trained to be aggressive.
15. He was acting out his feelings of inferiority by being overly aggressive.
31. She was an aggressive and uncooperative child.
32. He was rude to the point of being aggressive.
33. He's got a rather aggressive, confrontational manner.
34. We are all subject to aggressive impulses.
35. His aggressive reaction only exacerbated the situation.
36. They were neither aggressive nor ostentatious.
37. A successful businessman has to be aggressive.
38. Her aggressive behaviour is just a front for her shyness.
39. We decided that in the game we would be physical and aggressive.
40. His aggressive style of play sometimes gets him in trouble.
41. He was acting out his feelings of inferiority by being overly aggressive.
42. The guard dog was now in kennels as it was not aggressive.
43. A good salesperson has to be aggressive in today's competitive market.
44. He's so aggressive - it's as if he's always trying to prove something.
45. He is respected as a very aggressive and competitive executive.
46. We need a candidate who can keep his or her head even when clients get aggressive.
47. If you venture from "feminine" standards, you are labelled aggressive and hostile.
48. He is very aggressive.
49. Her sharp, aggressive tone set in motion the events that led to her downfall.
50. By turns, a 14 year old is affectionate then aggressive, silent then outspoken.
51. If I criticize him, he gets aggressive and starts shouting.
52. Teachers apparently expect a certain amount of aggressive behaviour from boys.
53. She carved out a reputation for herself as an aggressive businesswoman.
54. Off court she is just as aggressive as she is on the court.
54. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
55. His style of argument in meetings is not so much aggressive as pertinacious.
56. Even his closest allies describe him as forceful, aggressive and determined.
57. If you want to be a success in business you must be aggressive.
58. He seems aggressive but at bottom he is kind and good-natured.
59. Both players both won their first-round matches in aggressive style.
60. Walkers are often quite aggressive about their rights of way.
61. The children became the target for their father's aggressive outbursts.
62. Several studies have shown that aggressive toys lead to bad behaviour.
63. It could be argued that the British are not aggressive enough.
64. On the Stock Exchange, aggressive buying propped the market up.
65. At first he was most dictatorial and aggressive in what he said, but when he realised that he would get nowhere by that means, he began to sing another tune.
66. There may be specific events which trigger aggressive displays in your dog.
67. Her mood became openly aggressive when his name was mentioned.
68. The two giants in the fast-food industry are squaring off this month with the most aggressive advertising campaigns yet.
69. The Third Army made an aggressive thrust towards the front line.
70. The Front adopted an aggressive propaganda campaign against its rivals.
71. The leader's aggressive stance seems to have foreclosed any chance of diplomatic compromise.
72. He is big, blond, assertive and aggressive.
73. She pictured him as being very aggressive.
74. You could only be so aggressive.
75. When I said no, she became rude and aggressive.
76. The victims of their aggressive stance are their children.
77. Some crabs employ an aggressive form of autotomy.
78. The rating was simply too aggressive.
79. Pepsi has aggressive plans to expand overseas.
80. People would become generally calmer and less aggressive.
81. So far, hotels have been the most aggressive.
82. Perhaps she should not have been so aggressive.
83. Overall, as a team, they are very aggressive.
84. But some pop music seems so aggressive.
84. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
85. Move over, aggressive panhandlers and dope dealers.
86. Some of the patients exhibit aggressive and violent behavior.
87. Keith, hyperactive and aggressive, a naughty boy.
88. The bees, they found, were more aggressive towards half-sisters.
89. The men were drunk and aggressive.
90. Manipulation is just another form of aggressive behaviour.
91. Conley is very smart and very aggressive.
92. There are more aggressive and less aggressive cancers.
93. The rest were not as aggressive as me.
94. He is aggressive towards me and unctuous towards David.
95. Emotionally unstable, his aggressive attitude frequently culminates in violence.
96. The great champions were aggressive, took chances.
97. Yet during the battle they were well-armed and aggressive.
98. Success is winning the Collesden Container contract against aggressive competition.
99. If the female gets really aggressive towards her mate he should be removed, or a tank divider installed.
100. Sadly, he died of an aggressive brain tumour just three months after I was diagnosed.
101. Its superscalar capabilities are not aggressive, but a higher clock rate is expected.
102. The resulting power struggles and conflict may only make the child more aggressive.
103. He was faced by about forty young black people, several very aggressive.
104. It is the perfect complement for an aggressive cavalry advance.
105. It also shows why most aggressive, self-confident executives would rather be paid in stock than cash.
106. Whether pupils' behaviour is itself a political statement or not, the aggressive forms impress themselves on to educational politics.
107. His eyes had immediately darkened, and his entire body had taken on an aggressive stance.
108. Today the aggressive presence of deconstructionism that shook up so many academic departments in the 1980s has receded.
109. Those highly visible operations, which featured heavily armed government forces using aggressive pressure tactics, ended in deadly violence.
110. After eating a small square of chocolate he became very aggressive and rushed around the house frantically banging doors and kicking furniture.
111. Some people would think a black look was aggressive others would not.
112. They were originally concerned that she appeared too aggressive, shrill, and unsympathetic.
113. Both these explanations fail to deal with the generalised nature of aggressive actions by men towards women.
114. Overall, females were friendliest and least aggressive towards alpha males, regardless of their treatment of infants.
114. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
115. The Asiaticus does not appear to have any aggressive tendencies and appears to be equally active during the day and night.
116. Patrick is generally regarded as having been an aggressive enforcer of civil-rights laws and often came under fire from conservatives.
117. The reception at Holloway was so confusing and everyone was so aggressive.
118. Another type of aggressive child, for example, is highly reactive to sensations.
119. One reason for this change is the greater competition among banks and the more aggressive lending policies that ensue.
120. In my early twenties I found that I would become aggressive when I was given a compliment.
121. I always felt aggressive, I always had a great deal of self-control, I always felt I would get good bounces.
122. He was a star producer, one of the most aggressive and innovative brokers in his region.
123. In children too there seems to be an increase in problems relating to antisocial, aggressive conduct and delinquent acts.
124. Even with a more aggressive policy of positive discrimination, it is doubtful whether geographical inequalities can be overcome.
125. Any search for some one aggressive in the container business - apart from Sherwood - was bound to lead to Tiphook.
126. Mr Florio also authorized aggressive new deals for some big advertisers, luring back General Motors in the process.
127. Nellist has fought an aggressive campaign on his Parliamentary record and flooded the area with leaflets - 20,000 distributed yesterday alone.
128. Finally, I had to just tell myself to stop being so aggressive.
129. Sometimes these less aggressive horses can behave very unexpectedly and take us by surprise.
130. Perhaps because of its deep associations with childhood, drunken behavior is usually more infantile than aggressive.
131. Like many children exhibiting aggressive behavior, Scott found it tough to talk about his feelings and how he coped with emotions.
132. Summary Families with aggressive children can be helped by teaching the parents to be more consistent and effective in their control methods.
133. These fish had been the hungriest and most aggressive, and had been our main catch using artificial flying fish as bait.
134. The three categories of passive, aggressive and assertive behaviour are a useful way of differentiating and describing interpersonal communication styles.
135. I think women are just as aggressive as men but it's suppressed in us.
136. The Woodvilles' assimilation into the political community was further eased by a less aggressive manipulation of royal patronage on their behalf.
137. Cheap rubberized plastic masks appear to be the most effective measure yet in combating aggressive tigers.
138. It was in the locker room that he felt most vulnerable to the aggressive behavior of the other early adolescent boys.
139. Perhaps if his father had been less aggressive towards us Petar wouldn't have died the way he did.
140. Petrocelli Monday afternoon began an aggressive cross-examination after Simpson finished five hours of gentle questioning by his own lawyer Friday and Monday.
141. The plagues of aggressive nationalism, racism, chauvinism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and ethnic tension are still widespread.
142. And for months they have ignored repeated U.S. warnings about the dangers of this new, aggressive policy.
143. Better prepared and more aggressive, he unexpectedly outmanoeuvred the prime minister.
144. Rape and battering are merely one end of a continuum of aggressive forms of behaviour of men to women.
144. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
145. Thus age should not be the sole criterion for withholding aggressive treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in older patients.
146. Temper tantrums often disappear when they no longer receive attention, aggressive behavior is attenuated by making may occur without being punished.
147. Even testosterone, so often blamed for aggressive behavior in men, is getting better press.
148. Together, they point to aggressive empire-building by the duke in the north.
149. More aggressive chemicals are ruled out because of possible damage and abrasives are unsatisfactory as the aggregate lodges in surface scores.
150. The same gradual process will be needed to help a child become less aggressive.
151. Aggressive and competitive women, unconcerned with motherhood, produce more ruthless men-and a society so competitive that it disintegrates.
152. He gave an undertaking that his government would not adopt aggressive measures in future.
153. Psychological studies have confirmed this: the more advanced students have much less aggressive personalities than the average person.
154. Being too aggressive can land you in trouble - and still not get you paid.
155. In it, she mainly blames women, saying some are too aggressive, and advises them to change their attitude.
156. An aggressive policy may also be dictated by economic circumstances.
157. They specifically admitted children who were behaviorally aggressive, not mentally deficient, brain damaged, or psychotic.
158. A stimulus thrusting towards one is more energetic and aggressive than a similar stimulus moving away.
159. The selloff in tech stocks happened, and the big players at aggressive growth funds started buying REITs.
160. Serena is torn between her sisterly love and her annoyance with Stella's aggressive insecurity.
161. The new leaders have been very aggressive in promoting their conservative agenda.
162. Sao Paulo state officials admit that more aggressive long-term water conservation may have averted, or at least eased, the crisis.
163. You guys being a little bit aggressive at the beginning put him on the defensive.
164. Marx was so aggressive in his criticism of capitalism that we have a hard time listening to him.
165. Horses that are well handled from the time of being foals are most unlikely to be aggressive towards us.
166. Aggressive factors include gastric juice and bile salts which can reflux back into the stomach.
167. Bees and wasps will leave their stings in the flesh of their enemies, employing a similarly aggressive form of self-mutilation.
168. If you are intent on sorting out the problem, take courage and talk to your boss privately about his/her aggressive behaviour.
169. The unfortunate consequence of this aggressive approach has been the development of hypoparathyroidism in more than 10 percent of patients undergoing surgery.
170. Aggressive people become more aggressive around passive people, Ruth said.
171. In other words, aggressive fantasy may suggest or stimulate aggressive behaviour, rather than drain off the motive to behave aggressively.
172. Some of the crowd were very aggressive, shouting and banging on windows.
173. The company said aggressive pricing by Intel has driven down prices for so-called 486 chips.
174. Another possibility is that advanced patient age prompts a less aggressive hospital treatment so that its effect on mortality is exerted before discharge.
175. It is the Teddy-boy types, young men who are seen as being the most violently aggressive towards Blacks.
176. The emergency consists of a takeover bid by a larger and more aggressive company.
177. It also reportedly sold off a bunch of Sparc motherboards on very aggressive terms.
178. Clearly his aggressive behavior troubled him because he had almost immediately brought it up.
179. Male viewers, for example, may not like a certain woman anchor, believing her to be too aggressive.
180. Compliments Not accepting compliments is another example of aggressive behaviour.
181. Some breeds of dog, such as German shepherds, were bred to be aggressive.
182. This made Fearnley very defensive about his own business, and usually happy to dish the dirt about his aggressive competitor.
183. In the past he has sought to be aggressive early on to establish his authority at the crease.
184. Nowadays he teaches them the cowardly art of aggressive selling to the elderly and disabled.
185. A conservative policy implies that the firm is less aggressive in minimizing current assets and employing short-term debt.
186. The heater unit is safely contained inside, clear of aggressive fish - use both the brackets supplied. 3.
187. Kids who play violent video games show much more aggressive behaviour than those who don't.
188. Even heads who do not share this cartel mentality may find that aggressive expansion is not worth the candle.
189. As you can see, family tendencies can play a crucial role in helping the sensation-seeking, potentially aggressive child.
190. The drivers seemed less aggressive, even stopping to let you into a stream of traffic.
191. He told me to be more aggressive in representing my patch.
192. Only by being so aggressive will his patients learn to consult immediately, to take proper precautions and so on.
193. In Phoenix any aggressive tendencies were dampened by the location of these agencies within a government structure that frowned on federal aid.
194. Chemical and agribusiness trade groups have mounted an aggressive campaign on Capitol Hill.
195. Clara switches from being aggressive to being acquiescent and Lucio does the reverse.
196. The Times presence in the marketplace has been very aggressive recently.
197. A combination of factors is spurring advertising's aggressive movement into virtually every facet of daily life.
198. If they are verbally aggressive to staff they will be dumped unceremoniously in this room.
199. Despite aggressive antibiotic therapy, the epidemic strain continued to be isolated from his sputum and subsequently from blood cultures.
200. In the meantime, Nosal said Amelio would be aggressive in bringing new people into Apple if need be.
201. He became very aggressive to any other fish that came near his cave entrance.
202. She sat bolt upright; her features were strong, her manna forthright, even aggressive.
203. His instinct was aggressive in all respects, especially in the fielding.
204. The apparently aggressive Musa, tenderly tries to keep him conscious until the ambulance arrives.
205. Both men are staunch conservatives, but of the two Lott is the more ideological and aggressive.
206. My aggressive five-year ego trip along the path of separatism was over.
207. Voice tone is an essential signal in helping the active / aggressive child inhibit his behavior.
208. It can only be hoped that the newly aggressive financial players of the Thatcher era manage to avoid the same errors.
209. They felt that the aggressive behaviour and attention-seeking which are more prevalent among males should not be reinforced by teacher responses.
210. It is not generally recommended that anything else is kept with a Red-tail, as they can be very territorial and aggressive.
211. He had the personality for it, strong, aggressive and with an eye to a bargain.
212. But over the past few years a new breed of journalist has evolved - hungry, competitive and aggressive.
213. Gates praised the report, but made no apology for the aggressive style and reputation of his force.
214. The home thereby acquires a special significance; an institution protected by the males, if necessary by aggressive actions towards others.
215. Summary statements are useful in everyday speech, where we are continually describing people as intelligent or aggressive or generous or nice.
216. Carrie got up and walked around the table, feeling suddenly sorry for her aggressive attitude towards him.
217. The primatologist Barbara Smuts has found similarities between the sexually aggressive behaviour of male apes and men.
218. Thus, the logic of natural selection ceased favoring the extremely mild strains and now increasingly favored the most aggressive ones.
219. Some are growth or aggressive growth funds; others, balanced or bond funds.
220. Oxford sustained their aggressive driving at the start of the second half and forced Cambridge back on their own line.
221. In his forties, he had thick dark eyebrows and an aggressive thrust to his jaw.
222. We know that the parents of aggressive children use more ridicule, nagging and scolding than other parents.
223. Compounding the problem, aggressive credit card marketing makes it increasingly easy to accumulate debt.
224. Equally, the most brutal and aggressive member of staff is often most admired by the inmates as well as being most deeply hated.
225. Pretty and earthy, she can be aggressive or retreat believably, and has some nice scenes with her extended family.
226. More aggressive than their cousins, Caspians may supplement their fish diet with other birds' eggs and nestlings.
227. She was having difficulty in controlling aggressive outbursts of anger and would suddenly lash out and hit other children.
228. She said I was very defensive about my budget and got aggressive with the other managers.
229. Sometimes they can be alerted to their interests by aggressive voter education.
230. Tina Wilkinson's striking vocals dart over the aggressive and exuberant title track with charismatic panache.
231. Security forces will act as they judge the situation best, Mr Singh said, signalling a more aggressive policy towards militants.
232. Eisenhower had not been aggressive enough, he tended to compromise, he could not stir the nation to great deeds.
233. And Feinstein, 62, has been aggressive in calling media attention to her bipartisanship.
234. With an aggressive child,[] you must set up clear consequences for certain behaviors.
235. Some parenting patterns inadvertently support aggressive behavior in more subtle ways.
236. It does help our chances of success however, if we can better understand why reef fish are aggressive towards each other.
237. Unlike the highly sensitive child, the defiant child has some physical characteristics that make a more aggressive approach possible.
238. For example, one individual's aggressive behaviour was ascribed to his loss of able-bodied friends following impairment.
239. She said that not only are men more aggressive sexually online, they are more aggressive in all their communications.
240. It's longer and wider than its predecessor, but it sits lower for a more hunched, aggressive stance.
241. He attempted to explain apparent contradictions in testimony he gave under aggressive questioning by plaintiffs' lawyers several weeks ago.
242. The aggressive style of mainland cabaret comedy is only now reaching Northern Ireland.
243. Gunnarson may have his hands full with what some critics of the new council majority describe as an aggressive and demanding bunch.
244. The world of international banking is now full of aggressive, bright, but hopelessly inexperienced lenders in their mid-twenties.
245. She was simply more aggressive, less able to let things pass than Lisbie.
246. Some say they're biding their time before becoming more aggressive again.
247. Prosecutors called 24 witnesses, all of whom underwent aggressive cross-examination by the defense.
248. The more informed you are, the less arrogant and aggressive you are. Nelson Mandela 
249. During the first months of his presidency, the pressure to adopt a more aggressive policy mounted.
250. A combination of lax discipline and hostile attitudes on the part of both parents encourages very aggressive and poorly controlled behaviour in their offspring.
251. As I explain further below, aggressive behaviour is regarded as typical only of lowlanders and spirits.
252. The lowlanders are sub-moral beings in Buid eyes, given their aggressive and domineering customs.
253. Traditionally, women have been viewed as dependent and passive, and males as aggressive and assertive.
254. Prejudice may lead us into aggressive attitudes towards some person or group.
255. Korn/Ferry perhaps appeals more to aggressive, fast-growth conglomerates than to old-fashioned, traditional companies.
256. Fortunately parents can do a lot to tone down the aggressive behaviour.
257. As I mentioned earlier, not all children who are aggressive display these physical characteristics.
258. Companies which utilize an aggressive sales policy, based on personal selling, are said to be adopting a push strategy.
259. Woman is either ignored or presented as innately less aggressive than man.
260. He's a very aggressive bowler -- he always bowls the ball straight at the batsman's body.
261. Both of these Republican presidents undertook aggressive antitrust actions, and both strongly supported, and expanded, federal housing programs.
262. There is disputed evidence suggesting that cinema and television violence encourages aggressive behaviour.
263. Although their bite is extremely painful to man, they are not aggressive and most people are bitten while handling them.
264. It will also keep plans to continue its aggressive expansion, opening as many as 232 stores this year./aggressive.html
265. Threats and punishments very often succeed in scaring an aggressive child into changing his ways.
266. They consider how to recover damaged platinum ware, an important problem in routine laboratories dealing with aggressive samples.
267. Provide plenty of hiding places, as these fish are aggressive towards their own kind.
268. A younger man, or a more aggressive one, might have accepted the need for confrontation.
269. The publican's aggressive stance towards the headmistress touched on deeper currents which were becoming condensed in the affair.
270. The firm also has an aggressive campaign for minority hiring.
271. To do all this, dealers needed to take an aggressive approach with clients, to wear them down.
272. Sebaceous gland carcinoma is a rare, aggressive, skin tumour.
273. CredIt'suisse has taken perhaps the most aggressive approach.
274. The oppressor suppressed hellos aggressive opinion about compressor.
275. The oppressor suppressed his aggressive opinion about compressor.
276. Hesingle forestation singles out aggressive reforestation efforts in China and Vietnam asexamplies examples for other countries.
277. The revaluation isn't likely to be as aggressive this time.
278. Aggressive youngsters with these clothes on walk like the soldier who lost the commander,(/aggressive.html) ungainly slouching.
279. She complained that Mrs. Trencher was a tireless and aggressive gossip.
280. Don't lose your tempter, act too aggressive, or harshly criticize your children.
281. Most had an aggressive form of viral pneumonia, he said.
282. The cancer may be slow - endometrial stromal sarcoma growing or aggressive and may metastasize, most are malignant.
283. USS Force was an Aggressive - class minesweeper launched in 1953.
284. I stoop to compromise easily but people still thought I was aggressive.
285. Aggressive use of pretrial motions has strategic as well as substantive advantages.
286. Because implement militaristic policy, external aggressive, make economic height militarization, implement regulatory economy.
287. A more aggressive sales campaign created opportunities for sales growth.
288. The conductor tended to overpower her with aggressive dynamics ( Thor Eckert, Jr ).
289. The aggressive second baseman hit .342, stole 37 bases, and won the Most Valuable Player award.
290. Objective : To investigate the clinical features of aggressive angiomyxoma involving the spermatic cord.
291. At nearly four feet tall, it's the largest, most aggressive vulture on the Serengeti.
292. Our high performance pigments aggressive pricing and guaranteed quality save production cost.
293. People with thought are brave rather than cowardly, aggressive rather than submissive.
294. Aggressive pyramiding of more and more units had a downside.
295. The front spoiler is also more aggressive and features larger air intakes.
296. We stand for getting more out of play. More aggressive and spontaneous.
297. You become aggressive if a colleague tries to steal your tipper mouse.
298. Researchers believe that the bird virus polymerase allows for faster replication, and thus more aggressive.
299. Progress: Explore voluntarily, be aggressive, to learn and explore with team spirit.




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