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单词 Jail
1. The prisoner was taken under escort to the jail.
2. He's been in jail for three months already.
3. The financier was released from jail last week.
4. He was led away to jail in handcuffs.
5. He faces three years in jail for selling narcotics.
6. The accused's elder sister bailed her out of jail.
7. The castle had been used as a jail.
8. Shaw languished in jail for fifteen years.
9. The offence carries a jail/prison/life/5-year sentence.
10. She received countless letters of support while in jail.
11. He's gone to jail for fraud.
12. There is no justification for holding her in jail.
13. He had his jail term cut for good behaviour.
14. He was brutalized by his experiences in jail.
15. Three prisoners escaped from a jail.
16. He received a twelve-month jail sentence.
17. She was sent to jail for eleven months.
18. The judge did not jail the young man, but put him on probation for a year.
19. Several local officials are in jail on charges of colluding with the Mafia.
20. The angry mob outside the jail was/were ready to riot.
21. A prisoner has escaped from a jail in northern England.
22. After his experience in jail , he has a pretty jaundiced view of the penal system.
22. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
23. Rampaging prisoners ran riot through Strangeways jail.
24. They clapped his elder brother in jail.
25. Opposition leaders were flung into jail.
26. Prison officers continued to patrol the grounds within the jail.
27. If she carries on shoplifting, she'll end up in jail.
28. Last night he was being held in solitary confinement in Douglas jail.
29. Her lawyer said she understood the consequences of her actions and was prepared to go to jail.
30. One prison guard was killed when a riot broke out in the jail.
1. The prisoner was taken under escort to the jail.
2. He's been in jail for three months already.
3. The financier was released from jail last week.
4. He was led away to jail in handcuffs.
5. He faces three years in jail for selling narcotics.
6. Shaw languished in jail for fifteen years.
7. The offence carries a jail/prison/life/5-year sentence.
8. She received countless letters of support while in jail.
9. He's gone to jail for fraud.
10. There is no justification for holding her in jail.
11. He had his jail term cut for good behaviour.
12. He was brutalized by his experiences in jail.
13. Three prisoners escaped from a jail.
14. He received a twelve-month jail sentence.
15. She was sent to jail for eleven months.
16. Prison officers continued to patrol the grounds within the jail.
17. The judge did not jail the young man, but put him on probation for a year.
18. Several local officials are in jail on charges of colluding with the Mafia.
19. The angry mob outside the jail was/were ready to riot.
20. Last night he was being held in solitary confinement in Douglas jail.
21. Her lawyer said she understood the consequences of her actions and was prepared to go to jail.
22. One prison guard was killed when a riot broke out in the jail.
22. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
23. A prisoner has escaped from a jail in northern England.
24. After his experience in jail , he has a pretty jaundiced view of the penal system.
25. He was in no sense a political prisoner, but a gangster and racketeer who rightly did six years in jail.
31. Sam was slung into jail for punching a cop.
32. Several prisoners broke out of the jail.
33. Dunn copped a plea to avoid going to jail.
34. There was a fire in the jail last night.
35. Police handcuffed him and hauled him off to jail.
36. They ought to jail her killer for life.
37. Anyone who opposes the regime is thrown in jail.
38. The protesters were hauled off to jail.
39. His friends busted him out of jail.
40. A day in jail cooled him off.
41. The rebels tunnelled out of a maximum security jail.
42. She spent a year in jail.
43. He walked out of jail a free man.
44. The police put the culprit in jail.
45. She walked free from jail.
46. They carted him off to jail.
47. Drunks were thrown in jail for a few days.
48. Those two should have been thrown in jail.
49. The jail has 500 inmates.
50. The police carted the protesters off to jail.
51. It was built to replace the old Victorian jail.
52. He has been released from jail.
52. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
53. I hope you won't finish up in jail.
54. A forty-foot-high concrete wall encircles the jail.
55. He was hauled off to jail.
56. He molested children and was sent to jail.
57. Burns had escaped from jail time after time.
58. I always said he would wind up in jail.
59. How long has she been in jail?
60. She avoided jail by pleading self-defence.
61. They spent ten years in jail for fraud.
62. The criminal was committed to jail.
63. He's stayed out of trouble since he was released from jail last year.
64. Griffiths spent three days in jail after pushing a policeman.
65. With good behaviour, she could be out of jail in two years.
66. His accusation kicked back and he himself had to go to jail.
67. Three men have broken out of a top security jail.
68. He was able to settle with his creditors, and avoid going to jail.
69. The police have been on my ass ever since I got out of jail.
70. Men like him usually ended up in jail - or the gutter.
71. Britain's worst jail riot will force a fundamental reappraisal of prison policy.
72. We want Taylor in jail where we can keep an eye on him.
73. Arrests and jail sentences have done nothing to deter the protesters.
74. In the old days they would have clapped you in jail for that.
75. The demonstrators were carted off to jail by the police.
76. He's probably going to finish up in jail for business fraud.
77. He was banged up in a Singapore jail for six months.
78. The police arrived and carted 40 rioters off to jail.
79. One of the guys tried to bribe a police officer and finished up in jail.
80. Mr Garcia said his conscience was clear over the jail incidents.
81. Up to a thousand prisoners may be on the loose inside the jail.
82. Kathryn knows to her cost the effect of having served a jail sentence.
82. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
83. He was found guilty of blasphemy and sentenced to three years in jail.
84. In the end the "bad guys" are caught and sent to jail.
85. He took her to jail(), where she was fingerprinted and booked.
86. The judge liked using the word 'wicked' of people he had sent to jail.
87. Society has to give prisoners a second chance when they come out of jail.
88. She was prepared to sit out the years of Jack's jail sentence.
89. The government voted to punish corruption in sport with up to four years in jail.
90. If he is found guilty, he faces up to 12 years in jail.
91. Instead of ending up in jail or in the gutter he was remarkably successful.
92. Criminals are given the option of going to jail or facing public humiliation.
93. The 200-year-old jail is overcrowded, understaffed and lacking in basic amenities.
94. Strenuous efforts had been made to improve conditions in the jail.
95. He picked a fight with a waiter and landed in jail.
96. A furious row broke out last night after it was revealed that hundreds of prisoners had been released early from jail.
97. Reports are now coming in of trouble at yet another jail.
98. Ruben Carter was left to rot in jail for most of his life.
99. He was relieved his time in jail was over and regarded it as water under the bridge.
100. The police intercepted the flight of the escaped criminal and put him back in jail.
101. One prisoner was still holding out on the roof of the jail.
102. A dozen inmates have absconded from Forest Jail in the past year.
103. The demonstration outside the embassy landed some of the protesters in jail overnight.
104. He was in no sense a political prisoner, but a gangster and racketeer who rightly did six years in jail.
105. He got a six-year jail sentence, a harsh punishment for a first offense.
106. She confessed her astonishment at her light sentence when her father visited her at the jail.
107. He has been in jail several times, but recently he seems to have turned over a new leaf.
108. Under Greece's stiff anti-drugs laws they could face twenty years in jail.
109. He was banged up in a Nepal jail for six months.
110. When do the children finish school? When you are talking about a particular building, the is used:I'll meet you outside the school. Prison, jail, court, and church work in the same way:Her husband spent three years in prison.
111. He was in and out of jail for most of his life.
112. You could face up to eight years in jail for spreading rumours considered prejudicial to security.
112. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
113. He has been languishing in jail for the past twenty years.
114. Through no fault of his own, he spent a week locked up in jail.
115. High Point prison had the highest number of breakouts of any jail in Britain.
116. The colonel was able to orchestrate a rebellion from inside an army jail.
117. He says his time in jail was hell on earth .
118. If you don't learn how to keep your nose clean, you're going to end up in jail.
119. He was threatened with jail if evidence of a hoax was discovered.
120. He finally won his freedom after twenty years in jail.
121. False statements on your tax form could land you in jail.
122. The threat of jail failed to deter him from petty crime.
123. He faces a maximum prison / jail term of 25 years.
124. Jail got into the music school by scraping through the examination.
125. Even in jail, my fellow inmates treated me with kindness.
126. He was taken back to the jail and soundly whipped.
127. The court had considered sending him to jail.
128. Duckett copped a plea to avoid going to jail.
129. We put the chap in jail.
130. They were caught trying to break out of jail.
131. His third day in jail was Christmas Eve.
132. A court-martial could have brought a discharge and jail.
133. Bates got a 5-year jail sentence for blackmail.
134. Voters turned down bond measures for a new jail in 1994 and 1996.
135. Advocates also said that the stereotype of the deadbeat dad as in jail or unemployed was a myth.
136. So jail is not new to him, in those days it was an accepted way of life.
137. Those arrested Wednesday face criminal charges of forgery and falsifying business records, both of which carry possible jail sentences.
138. Only one man has been convicted of rape, and he has been sentenced to four years in jail.
139. Henry and George Cox, two black artisans and Union leaders, were taken from jail and never seen again.
140. He was being held without bail at the Contra Costa County jail in Martinez.
141. He was sentenced to a 15-year jail term without remission on conviction a month later.
142. Judge Mathes sentenced her first to a year and later to an additional three months in jail for contempt.
142. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
143. The man, who pleaded guilty, received an 18-month suspended jail term at Truro crown court in July.
144. If he fasted, he was released from jail; if he attempted civil disobedience, he was back in again.
145. Corporal Spencer will be held in jail until his court-martial in 90 days.
146. It contains some interesting relics, including the door of the condemned cell from the old Calton jail.
147. She is being held in chains in the city jail and the possibility of bail has already been ruled out.
148. Brand stood before the judge in blue jail coveralls and leg irons.
149. What baffles me is how anyone could escape from the jail in broad daylight.
150. Last year he was convicted of breaking that ban ... and was given a jail sentence.
151. My father spent his first Christmas after liberation in jail because the Communists had marked him as uncooperative.
152. Meanwhile, Yoon sits in a Seoul jail awaiting his verdict.
153. The work is done by prisoners at a unique computor workshop inside Gloucester jail, visited this afternoon by Princess Anne.
154. Chin spent the night locked in a jail cell with a condemned man.
155. He knew Chico Mendes, leader of the rubber-tappers and social activist, whose murderers have recently been released from jail.
156. And people living at Simonds Yat in Gloucestershire want to know why Hanger was allowed out of the jail to go camping.
157. He had not been accused of a crime, yet Curtis Brown spent 10 of his last days in a jail cell.
158. But his lifestyle has lead to court appearances on drug and driving offences and he's served two jail sentences.
159. Besides the jail sentence Mr Hayton now faces and eight year driving ban increased from four years.
160. Before the night was up, I would find out, when we were taken to jail and put behind bars.
161. The drug bosses were using bribery to stay out of jail.
162. He risks being charged with an offence that carries up to five years in jail.
163. He was being held on arson charges at Santa Rita Jail.
164. Jamie Blandford broke his silence after two jail terms and an estranged marriage, to appear on breakfast television.
165. In Central News tonight: A sickening case - Woman faces jail for animal cruelty.
166. Young men are often brutalized by their experiences in jail.
167. In 1914 Watson left National Cash Register under a cloud of monopoly and competitive charges that might have put him in jail.
168. Bubbly feeling:THE Marquess of Blandford, freed from jail after a judge admitted a mistake, toasted his liberty with champagne.
169. A City of London County Court judge rejected the jail application on a legal technicality.
170. Yet another was convicted for demanding a 5 % pay-off on all bail bonds paid at the jail.
171. Woods was released from jail after the real murderers confessed.
172. But in the context of the jail, republicans considered them symbolic and provocative and, therefore, they could create trouble.
173. When the suit collapsed Aitken was charged with perjury, for which he served a seven-month jail term.
174. They were taken to San Mateo County Jail, where bail was set at $ 250, 000 for each.
175. More than 30 of those arrested were released from jail for lack of evidence, but the rest remain behind bars.
176. After a travesty of a trial, Conde was given a five-year jail sentence for an alleged breach of national security.
177. Boylston found Sherrod in contempt and sentenced him to 179 days in jail, but then transferred the sentence to Holley.
178. Mrs Mandela and Mrs Falati were given jail sentences last year but were released on bail pending an appeal.
179. But the magistrates chairman said the offence was so serious, they may have to send both men to jail.
180. Defence counsel William Carter said Gould had been campaigning against drug abuse within the jail.
181. Jackson was freed on bail Monday while Medina remains in jail unable to meet the conditions for his release.
182. The claim comes after prisoners started a series of fires at the jail on the day of its official opening.
183. The boys' father, Cedric Owens, is in jail after a conviction for burglary.
184. Trudeau pleaded guilty to credit-card fraud in 1991 and was sentenced to 24 months in jail.
185. Currently, those sales carry a misdemeanor sentence of a year or less in the county jail.
186. Only three, who were convicted of manslaughter, were given jail terms-of two to three years.
187. He was among 20 inmates who were moved between jail blocks that morning in preparation for court appearances.
188. Citizens have loved his reintroduction of the chain gang and the Army-surplus tents he erected to ease jail overcrowding.
189. The baroness had her jail term cut for good behaviour.
190. If he hadn't posted bail for her she would now be preparing for her first night in jail.
191. I know that, as a teenager, he was caught stealing copper pipe from a construction site and put in jail.
192. They are now in Lake County jail with bail set at $ 30, 000 each, and their weapons were confiscated.
193. Magistrates adjourned the case against Alfred Dines after telling him they were thinking of imposing a three month jail term.
194. Hubbell subsequently served nearly two years in jail on charges brought against him by the independent counsel.
195. The prison reform group says one problem is a lack of treatment for drug addicts in jail.
196. Ruhl was being held Wednesday at the Lake County Jail with bail set at $ 10,000.
197. The accused, Dorothy Jackson, was being held in the Tarrant County Jail on a charge of assault.
198. Torres was ordered held without bond in the Guadalupe County Jail.
199. That act of citizen charity left Barry free to reclaim city hall once he got out of jail.
200. In 1977, he pleaded guilty to one caper and was sentenced to jail.
201. The accused is being held in the Pelham County Jail on charges of assault and battery.
202. Federal troops were used to disperse a crowd that tried to storm the jail.
203. Crime rates have fallen over the past few years,[] a statistic that is cited in support of heavier jail sentences.
204. He is being held without bail in the Kennebec County Jail in Augusta.
205. She was old enough to get married, drive a car and go to jail.
206. But it's the first time a cell has been set alight since the brand new modern jail was opened.
207. Judge Angus Stroyan sentenced him to 12 months in jail and banned him from driving for two years.
208. Now imagine handling all that while living in an adult jail in the heart of the city.
209. He sent Meekins, the officer, to a secret administrative hearing that offered no chance of jail.
210. Kolender, in television and radio ads, uses pigeons flying out of an open cage to parody the jail system.




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