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单词 due to
释义  ˈdue to preposition  BECAUSEbecause of something 由于,因为 The court of inquiry ruled that the crash was due to pilot error. 调查法庭裁定飞机失事是由驾驶员的失误造成的。 She has been absent from work due to illness. 她因病没去上班。 The restaurant’s success was due largely to its new manager. 这家餐馆的成功很大程度上归功于新来的经理。 Attendance at the meeting was small, due in part to (=partly because of) the absence of teachers. 参加会议的人数不多,部分原因是教师缺席。 RegisterDue to is mostly used in formal or official contexts. In everyday English, people usually use because of: due to 大多用于正式或官方文章。在日常英语中,人们一般用 because ofWe cancelled the picnic because of the weather. 由于天气原因,我们取消了野餐。Examples from the Corpusdue to• The improvement was due to a higher level of gold ore treated during the period.• If the supply of data slowed due to excess use, the cooperative could purchase larger pipes for all to share.• He also committed 27 errors -- second in the league -- but many were due to inexperience.• The two oil companies, which are due to merge in February, also provide considerable technical assistance.• He is due to spend three more years in prison before he is deported to Britain.• The trip was due to start at 10.00am.• His trial was due to take place in December 1989 after he had spent five years on remand.ˈdue to preposition →REGISTER1ChineseSyllable  something Corpus of because




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