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单词 Nightmare
1. It was unreal. Like some crazy childhood nightmare.
2. Life with him was a nightmare.
3. I was glad to awake from such a nightmare.
4. I had a nightmare about being drowned in a lake.
5. She has a recurring nightmare about being stuck in a lift.
6. I had a nightmare.
7. Discovering your child takes drugs is a nightmare scenario for most parents.
8. Travelling on those bad mountain roads is a nightmare.
9. Losing a child is most people's worst nightmare.
10. Nobody knows what's going on-it's a nightmare!
11. He termed the war a humanitarian nightmare.
12. The hurricane was a long nightmare.
13. It was every teacher's worst nightmare .
14. The journey was a positive nightmare.
15. Losing a child is my worst nightmare.
16. The refugees had survived a living nightmare.
17. Stephen jerked awake from a nightmare.
18. The years in prison were a nightmare.
19. Filling in all those forms was a nightmare.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. Maureen put the nightmare behind her.
21. Being trapped underwater is my worst nightmare.
22. She woke with a start from a terrible nightmare.
23. The department has become a bureaucratic nightmare.
24. Driving during the blizzard was a nightmare.
25. In practice a graduate tax is an administrative nightmare.
26. The whole experience had been like some hideous nightmare.
27. Their dream turned into a nightmare as the cruise ship began to sink.
28. She woke up in the middle of a ghastly nightmare.
29. Nothing in life is despair, a series of disaster will be can't withstand the sunshine nightmare, to be bumpy.Life is the dojo, alive is a kind of practice.
30. Working there was like being trapped in a Kafkaesque nightmare.
1. It was unreal. Like some crazy childhood nightmare.
2. Life with him was a nightmare.
3. I was glad to awake from such a nightmare.
4. I had a nightmare about being drowned in a lake.
5. She woke up in the middle of a ghastly nightmare.
6. She has a recurring nightmare about being stuck in a lift.
7. I had a nightmare.
8. Discovering your child takes drugs is a nightmare scenario for most parents.
9. The hurricane was a long nightmare.
31. I woke up from the nightmare in a cold sweat.
32. It was hard to describe the nightmare she had lived through.
33. The trip turned into a nightmare when they both got sick.
34. The whole journey was a nightmare - we lost our luggage and we arrived two days late.
35. LeFanu suffered all his life from a recurrent nightmare that he was trapped in a falling house.
36. Traffic was a nightmare.
37. The writer evokes a nightmare vision of a future on a polluted planet.
38. This has been an absolute nightmare for me and my family.
39. She described the distribution of food and medical supplies as a logistical nightmare.
40. Taking my son Peter to a restaurant was a nightmare.
41. If it goes ahead it will be the nightmare scenario .
42. People involved in it think it's a nightmare, but I'm sure it will work itself out.
43. It was a nightmare at the time, but afterwards we all had a good laugh about it.
44. His abrasive wit and caustic comments were an interviewer's nightmare.
45. Their dream of living in the country turned into a nightmare when they both fell seriously ill.
46. The nightmare left her with a sense of fear and loathing .
47. And the nightmare was only just beginning.
48. Psychologist Donald Norman told delegates about his recurring nightmare.
49. A pleasant flight had deteriorated into every pilot's nightmare.
49. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
50. The monsters are like bumblebees, an engineering nightmare.
51. Two days of public exposure: a security team's nightmare.
52. Top right: small buttons can be a nightmare for uncoordinated fingers.
53. The nightmare of being wrongly accused and convicted of a crime certainly sends shivers down my spine.
54. How he and many others ever get through their driving test in Britain is a recurring nightmare.
55. He hardly comprehended what had been happening; the reality and unreality merged together like a nightmare or a melodrama.
56. The struggle for health My nightmare began after the birth of my children.
57. They couldn't believe it was all real - that the nightmare was actually happening to them.
58. Such a nightmare was enough to make even the most fearless security officer break out in a cold sweat.
59. The parents face a nightmare week-long wait before blood tests show if there has been a hospital blunder.
60. When Middlesbrough gave him a chance, he had a nightmare debut against Oldham Reserves.
61. Neil Young, whose eccentric recording diversions have made him a marketing nightmare, is a close second, though.
62. Somehow, she did not conceive that the nightmare could continue.
63. It was a nightmare from which he would awaken at any moment.
64. They eventually suffered from an embarrassment of riches: they laughingly killed all their enemies and created their worst nightmare.
65. A My hair is so thick, it's a hairdresser's nightmare - it takes ages to cut and blow-dry.
66. And in the instant of time available to him, he thought of the only place of possible escape from this nightmare.
67. I still shudder recalling the recurring nightmare of Tuesdays, when we went to the art house to lay out the paper.
68. Few suffer the agony of Johanna Young's parents and find that their worst nightmare has become a reality.
69. The delay between the actual distilling and the sale of the whisky makes stock control a nightmare.
70. Now she was a bit player in my Orwellian nightmare.
71. What is more, I think my vision is an achievable dream, that of conductive education an achievable nightmare.
72. It was a nightmare of a trip, the trucks constantly breaking through the crust and having to be dug out.
73. A nightmare of wilt and mildew, of fungus and blackspot.
74. The nightmare ended when a High Court judge agreed to award permanent custody to them.
75. It's go, go, go from dawn to dusk, and getting your life in order can be a nightmare.
76. Viewed from outside the confines of that self-absorbed city, Muni is an expense and a nightmare that brings virtually no benefit.
77. What I am describing in outline here is a world enveloped by a military nightmare.
78. Instead, a somewhat more benign Major nightmare has only just begun.
79. It was Zeus' jealous wife Hera, not the innocuous underworld custodian Hades,() who made Hercules' life a nightmare.
80. Give them pleasure. The same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare. Alfred Hitchcock 
81. This and our unbelievable performance against Northtown have been the only bright spots in another nightmare week.
82. Cracking up ... the dream home that's become a couple's nightmare.
83. Legalities aside, the loss of any certitude that real communication has transpired represents a cost-deficient nightmare.
84. If daily life was difficult, public duties were a nightmare.
85. Once you eventually reach the products the nightmare begins to fade.
86. What a ruddy nightmare the whole blasted show is, he thought.
87. Trying to enforce the law regulating the length of passenger buses has been a bureaucratic nightmare.
88. Nightmare wore off somewhat during the day, but still feel things have gone awry since the weekend.
89. The other nightmare he remembered in detail was the one about the Black Death.
90. So many different police departments were involved that protecting the president at times became a logistical nightmare.
91. He is the embodiment of a restaurateur's nightmare, some one who behaves grotesquely yet spends an awful lot of money.
92. As you awaken from this nightmare, you breathe a sigh of relief.
93. Once sentenced to death the nightmare gets worse: very little care is taken with the inmate's emotions.
94. In her highly controversial book, Genetic Engineering: Dream or Nightmare?
95. Between you and me, I think Elizabeth is a bit of a nightmare.
96. I had just moved in late December, fleeing a nightmare roommate situation in the Village.
97. Living constantly in a nightmare frequently leads to severe burnout.
98. The cable industry may find a technical nightmare on its hands coupled with huge expenditures and potential losses.
99. From the breakers beyond, nightmare thoughts chipped away at her security.
100. The functional area of pallium director digestion also is met by excitement, often produce nightmare after fall asleep.
101. The dream job with the friendly boss who has an open-door policy might turn into a nightmare as soon as you sign the offer letter.
102. Heinrich Himmler was the chief architect of that nightmare, He shared Hitler's obsession with an Aryan master race, Together they manufactured the genocide of the Final Solution.
103. We end up settling for a fixer-upper, which at times feels like a nightmare rather than a dream come true.
104. Right now, Chinese railroad can only meet 30% of freight request and getting a railroad ticket is always a nightmare.
105. By combining the Smoke Grenade and Hallucinite, you can create a weapon that, upon detonation, throws your nemesis into a nasty nightmare!
106. The nightmare shutdown scenario, still a few weeks away, would involve Congress failing to raise the national debt ceiling and possibly an unprecedented government debt default.
107. Successional 3 days have sleep to be able to become nightmare, how can ability become nightmare?
108. The nightmare is really effective, some people die a violent death mystically, some people are murdered strangely.
109. Say again(), which man have never led again curtate sword to sign the nightmare that Ma Jian Gong establishes a career?
110. Stoke is always a tough game and it's always a nightmare to face the long throw which is one of their main strengths but we will only worry about our own strengths and worry what we do.
111. Driving in her car to the chirpy strains of Buddy Holly's "Every day seems a little longer", her ghost-eyed stare keeps us locked in her nightmare.
112. Thirty years ago, China was just emerging from the nightmare of the Cultural Revolution and 30 years of fratricidal misrule.
113. Travel in a time of atypical pneumonia has become a nightmare of minimal flight schedules, unsettling health checkpoints, official no-go zones and profoundly unwelcoming hosts.
114. Finding a seemingly arbitrary number in the middle of a 40 line block of code is a maintenance nightmare.
115. The NY Times' Haggler column tackled the confounding process of buying mattresses recently, with the help of Consumer Reports, which stated plainly: "Shopping for a mattress can be a nightmare.
116. NEIGHBOURS of a teenage tearaway set to be booted out of her Colchester home have spoken of the "nightmare" they have endured living near her.
117. The man was awakened abruptly by a nightmare in the dark room , who had lost his memory for ages. His memory was activated in a momentary time. He sat in bed hearing rat-a-tat of his heartbeat.
118. Static Field cannot lower a monster's life below 33 % in Nightmare.
119. Choirs nightmare was finally over, that I had a good day for the past few days.
120. It was a nightmare. I mean for a footballer, for anyone that loves what they're doing, to be unable to do the thing you love is just a handicap.
121. Or at least the relief that some must have felt. For others, taken captive by wild tribesmen then sold to merchants, the town's infamous slave market would only be the latest stage of their nightmare.
122. Those involved had to uncurl the "cigars" whose fragility was a conservator's nightmare.
123. The human predicament: the fact that we're living in a nightmare that everyone is making excuses for and having to find ways to sugarcoat.
124. Well, there's the S-1 prospectus followed by the Def-14a proxy statements, 10-Q quarterly reports, 10-K annual reports, 8-Ks, 4s, 3s, it's a nightmare for everyone ... except the lawyers.
125. Yuke Landing Force What a nightmare. Who are they aiming for?
126. The French retreat turned into a nightmare. From fields and forests, the Russians launched hit-and-run attacks on the French.
127. The incubus, from the Latin for "nightmare, " is a demon that sexually assaults women, and sometimes men, while they are asleep.
128. If you've ever watched the movie or read the novel Jurassic Park, then no doubt you've had at least one nightmare of being attacked by a Velociraptor.
129. I can tell you your worst nightmare: you go to bed one night as a competent secure in your technical competence, and you wake up the next morning as a technological dinosaur.
130. Europe and America were emerging from the nightmare of financial insolvency, and praised international bodies as much as they failed to participate fully in them.
131. Asuncion, Paraguay, October 26, 2008--A vegetarian's nightmare is the stuff of sweet dreams for some 30, 000 barbeque lovers.
132. This type of point-to-point connection nightmare is shown in Figure 2.
133. However, before we start running away with some Gibson-esque dystopian nightmare fantasy, it should also be noted that Schmidt was joking.
134. It is a rare excursion into gothic melodrama for the director, but he is not shackled by formal restrictions and indulges in a lurid nightmare sequence and a sitar-infused soundtrack.
135. He said, Oh, they're all lawyers,' and I said, Ugh, my worst nightmare!
136. We end up settling for a 13)fixer-upper, which at times feels like a nightmare rather than a dream come true.
137. The past was like a nightmare which made him lose faith in the future.
138. In a particular brand of beverage, any serious deviation from the target sugar content could result in loss of consumer acceptance, the ultimate nightmare of any marketing organization.
139. "Inception" was an impressive demonstration of Christopher Nolan's command of time and space, but Scorsese's gothic nightmare was an altogether deeper and more troubling excavation of the repressed.
140. Anthony Burgess's nightmare vision of an elite using high culture as a "punitive slap on the chops" for low youth has come true.
141. Bumpy rides and clamoring restaurants used to be my worst nightmare, but as soon as I grabbed a headphone set, the world became my very own desk.
142. Metatarsalgia (or forefoot pain) affects millions of Americans, making each step for them a nightmare.
143. We have all encountered demanding, noncompliant, drug-seeking, angry, or needy patients in our clinical practice. These patients are sometimes referred to as a psychiatrist's worst nightmare.
144. It's your worst nightmare: your credit card bill arrives, but the figures don't tally up.
145. The manufacturer of this nightmare was a drawling police officer's soncareer criminal from Shreveport, Louisiana, named Danny Harold Rolling.
146. To maintainingMorpheusDifficult, nightmare again and again insomnious patient, can choose short effect or in effect is stable kind of medicaments.
147. The manufacturer of this nightmare was a drawling police officer's son and career criminal from Shreveport, Louisiana, named Danny Harold Rolling.
148. This force once made Shi Yuzhu's system injudicious , I believe, it also can become the nightmare with Changjiang Delta real spring likewise.
149. Along with other farmers and environmentalists, she points to the Three Gorges Dam, the world's largest hydro-power project as a resource nightmare that has exacerbated the drought.
150. Since I started this job about two months ago (it's my first "real" job out of college), my boss has become a nightmare.
151. Enfeeble is usually a skill to get after Brain Sap and Nightmare to use on enemy heroes with high damage to reduce their damage capabilities severely.
152. That raises the specter of a round of competitive devaluations — just the kind of mercantilist nightmare that could derail the already shaky recovery from the Great Recession.
153. Harmonising high - speed train control systems is an expensive nightmare.
154. The battle turned into a public relations nightmare for the carrier, as the video of Carroll's song, "United Breaks Guitars, " was viewed more than 6.6 million times.




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