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单词 Consult
1 If you wish good advice, consult an old man. 
2 I have to consult the manager about the matter.
3 I decided to consult a medical dictionary.
4 If the pain continues, consult your doctor.
5 If the pain persists, consult a doctor.
6 If symptoms persist, consult a doctor without delay.
7 I must consult my principal on this matter.
8 If the symptoms get worse, consult your doctor.
9 Consult the bibliography for further reading on the subject.
10 He went to town to consult his lawyer.
11 For reliable information about present national boundaries, consult an up-to-date atlas.
12 Consult your doctor about how much exercise you should attempt.
13 If you require further information, you should consult the registrar.
14 Consult a solicitor who is personally recommended to you.
15 Consult the table on page 104.
16 I must consult my principals.
17 If the symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
18 If the pain persists you should consult your doctor.
19 Difficulties arise when people fail to consult their colleagues.
20 Historians frequently ask to consult the collection.
21 We consult a banker about our money.
22 We must consult his convenience.
23 The two countries will have to consult their allies.
24 Parents can consult the teachers on children.
25 You would be well advised to consult an accountant.
26 You have the right to consult a lawyer.
27 You ought to consult an independent legal adviser.
28 You should consult your family doctor for further advice.
29 I need to consult a dictionary.
30 If you are in any doubt as to whether you should be doing these exercises, consult your doctor.
1 I decided to consult a medical dictionary.
2 If the pain continues, consult your doctor.
3 If the pain persists, consult a doctor.
4 If symptoms persist, consult a doctor without delay.
5 I must consult my principal on this matter.
6 If the symptoms get worse, consult your doctor.
7 Consult the bibliography for further reading on the subject.
8 He went to town to consult his lawyer.
9 If you are in any doubt as to whether you should be doing these exercises, consult your doctor.
10 For reliable information about present national boundaries, consult an up-to-date atlas.
11 Consult your doctor about how much exercise you should attempt.
12 If you require further information, you should consult the registrar.
13 We consult a banker about our money.
14 The committee does not adequately consult others when drafting amendments.
31 We will consult widely to ensure smooth implementation.
32 He needed to consult with an attorney.
33 If in doubt, consult your doctor.
34 Why didn't you consult me about this?
35 Consult the computer manual if you have a problem.
36 If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
37 I need to consult with my lawyer.
38 If you want to take it further , you should consult an attorney.
39 You might find it worthwhile to consult a financial adviser.
40 If you are unable to obtain the information you require, consult your telephone directory.
41 If you are in any doubt, consult a financial adviser.
42 Consult the chart on page 44 for the correct cooking times.
43 The committee does not adequately consult others when drafting amendments.
44 I must consult my prinicipals before agreeing to your proposal.
45 Before we can accept the firm's offer, we must consult with the workers.
46 I need to consult with my colleagues on the proposals.
47 If any of these symptoms occur while you are taking the medicine, consult your doctor immediately.
48 Management are obliged to consult with union representatives about possible redundancies.
49 She began to consult doctors, and each had a different diagnosis.
50 Before taking action you are strongly recommended to consult an accountant.
51 If you have any problems, consult the FAQs on our website.
52 If your skin becomes red, sore or very scaly, consult your doctor.
53 Some women are too embarrassed to consult their doctor about the problem.
54 I'm not quite sure how to get there - I'd better consult a map.
55 If you suffer from back pain , consult your doctor before attempting this exercise.
56 I need to consult my teacher about changing my course.
57 He paused to consult his notes,and then proceeded with his question.
58 Nobody thought to consult an independent adviser.
59 If all else fails, consult a vet.
60 We will consult widely before finalising proposals.
61 In such cases we consult the veterinary experts.
62 But if you have any doubts consult a doctor.
63 You may have to consult colleagues about this.
64 Consult and compare at your local travel agent.
65 Was it there that he also began to consult local archives?
66 But a person should consult with more than financial planners.
67 Clients must consult solicitors even if their only need is for an opinion from counsel.
68 Wright, who lent him money that he never repaid, continued to consult him on technical matters after he left Derby.
69 Magistrates adjourned the hearing until later today after a solicitor asked for more time to consult his clients.
70 Kindly rectify this as soon as possible and consult Betty Syrett if you have any doubts or queries on the subject.
71 It may be advisable to consult with others regarding realistic periods of time for the completion of certain tasks.
72 We therefore suggest that you consult your family doctor for further advice.
73 If the parties are in any doubt they should consult the Panel to establish whether a concert party exists.
74 For further information on safe limits of drinking, please consult your doctor.
75 We will consult on a Lay Adjudicators scheme to make it easier for citizens to settle disputes with service providers.
76 Other ministers find it useful to consult with them more broadly on political questions.
77 Her father, quiet, humorous, stubbornly determined, gone now, no longer there to consult and confide in.
78 If in any doubt, consult an electrician. Always use a circuit breaker for added safety.
79 He is the Mafia's honorary president: entitled to advise and consult but not to give orders.
80 He supposed he'd have to consult that formidable biddy at the desk.
81 Join in and have your own boxing career,() watch fights and consult your trainer.
82 For advice on detailed or specific matters readers are advised to consult their own lawyers.
83 It's a good thing that when God created the rainbow he didn't consult a decorator or he would still be picking colors. Sam Levenson 
84 The organisation is highly democratic, for lay readers are elected and then must consult their members in decision-making.
85 Daschle plans to consult with other Democratic leaders and new Democratic committee chairmen before setting the rest of the agenda.
86 Surely no one would need to consult him at this hour?
87 The hon. Gentleman was wrong to say that we had failed to consult on our proposals for the council tax.
88 But the judge was prepared to award a declaration that the government had not complied with their obligation to consult.
89 And always consult your doctor before embarking on any new diet.
90 Why is the task force in consultation with the Housing Corporation but refusing to consult the local authorities which have that power?
91 If in doubt, consult an accountant or solicitor who will help you work out the various after-tax and other angles.
92 Sometimes it can be even more effective to consult with those groups in advance.
93 We will consult widely about the detailed structure of this new qualification, and finalise proposals quickly.
94 Thus far, Stone has failed to consult with any indigenous body.
95 One small potential problem area in lending decisions is that credit granters checking the housing background of applicants may consult rates lists.
96 Before starting to buy a house or flat or signing a private tenancy agreement you are advised to consult a solicitor.
97 You are strongly advised to consult a solicitor without delay to act for you in your appeal.
98 If no improvement is noticed within three weeks, consult your doctor or homeopath before continuing the treatment.
99 Advice workers need the chance to consult with colleagues at the same time as they consult the information files.
100 You consult your list as you move along, reminding yourself of otherwise lost points, spontaneously adding extra examples or support.
101 During pregnancy women are advised to consult their doctor about appropriate drinking levels.
102 If you are in any doubt about your entitlement then you should consult your line manager before you incur any expense.
103 Only by being so aggressive will his patients learn to consult immediately, to take proper precautions and so on.
104 Readers are urged to consult Hayzen's small booklet for supplementary charts.
105 It did not occur to him, however, to consult his watch.
106 Consult the 1:25000 O.S. map of the area and the reason is immediately apparent.
107 Consult the codex of our heritage a little more, d'Arquebus.
108 Those who want a more complete picture of Kelly must consult the hefty, liberally illustrated catalog.
109 But an out-of-work military leader more often found a war-ridden frontier where he could operate without needing to consult his king.
109 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
110 Usually, auspicious times for Hindu weddings are ascertained by Brahmin priests who are paid to consult the stars.
111 If you yourself are not directly involved consult those people who are working closely with the person.
112 The nursing home say they did consult the council ... and have promised to carry out sensitive landscaping ... along the gap.
113 He said afterwards that he would consult his advisers before deciding his next action.
114 I propose to consult local authority associations on that very point.
115 This summer, I decided to consult the experts about what might be lurking in my back yard.
116 For the rest, the bailiff pretended to consult him, then did as he thought best.
117 She called the hospital, but they advised her to consult her doctor on Monday morning.
118 The charter says to monitor service provision properly, local authority inspection units should consult individuals and organisations within the black community.
119 While he is at it, he might consult about increased levels of taxation, because secondary heads will not like that.
120 The new rule also allows the federal government to consult state officials on any regional scientific concerns.
121 As with any diet program, consult your doctor before beginning.
122 One of the criticisms levelled at the board has been that it fails to consult properly or listen to objections to proposals.
123 Health authorities will have a duty to consult local authorities on proposed major changes to service development.
124 They will consult widely and openly among their communities to ensure that their programmes meet the needs of the poor.
125 The first priority is to consult a good reference book to identify the pest and choose the most effective control.
126 The regulators will consult widely with consumer groups and customers before setting out standards, in conjunction with the industries.
127 The women were given only a weekend to consult family members or their own attorneys before the contracts were to be signed.
128 If you consult a Solicitor, making a will is a simple procedure.
129 I did consult with many other people; my thanks to all of them even if their suggestions could not be taken up.
130 A long-term available cash, please consult buy!
131 it can consult its own backlist.
132 If you are in doubt as to any aspect of this document, you should consult your licensed securities dealer, bank manager, solicitor, professional accountant or other professional adviser.
133 An obligator of information disclosure shall guarantee that donators and the general public can consult or copy the information materials as disclosed in a quick and convenient manner.
134 A pathologist who has the skills to consult in these areas at the broader systems level, and in the various extant healthcare delivery models.
135 If you're having trouble keeping your blood sugar level in your target range or you want to lose excess pounds before pregnancy, consult a registered dietitian.
136 For more information on creating Java-based SQL procedures, consult the documentation for the CREATE PROCEDURE SQL statement in the DB2 SQL reference.
137 Store in a cool, dry place. Consult the technical data sheet for specific storage instructions.
138 Be sure to consult the appropriate field connection diagram included with the manual For proper wire sizing, refer to the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70.
139 I'll have consult my home office beforehand give you a definite answer on the price terms.
140 A shareholder may request to consult the accounting books of the company.
141 The Company has carried out the system of keep the Score lease property right presentation and lease with drivers,(http:///consult.html) and so on. Provide accompanying practice and technological consult relate to drive.
142 The patient can let a doctor look carefully at particular case in the home, examination X mating plate, consult the data such as anamnesis .
143 A law agent may consult the materials relating to the case it represents for the purpose of applying for retrial.
144 After he departed Warsaw, Clemens went so far as to consult a fortuneteller in New Orleans, one Madame Caprell, from whom he sought the lowdown on his prospects for rekindling the romance.
145 The legislation proposed by Baker and Christopher's commission would require a president to consult with Congress before sending troops into combat for more than a week.
146 Please consult Laszlo Systems directly if you have questions about the robustness of an application that uses this version of the persistent connection.
147 Finding a Eulerian path in a directed graph is harder. Consult Sedgewick if you are interested.
148 The Seller should consult with the buyer to decide on the design procedure of verification.
149 Please consult the Hardware Resource List, Software Resource List, and Tariffs Guide for further details.
150 They like dark blue, blue, pale yellow. Contrast of black and white – reflexion of internal conflict a child cannot consult in any way.
151 This paper will offer stated use for reference and consult for the fruiter examination in the field in the condition of Water storage pit irrigation.
152 Also, remember to consult your registered veterinary surgeon right from the beginning about health and disease-prevention programmes for your animal(s).
153 We have an information desk in the taxation hall. You can consult the officer on duty.
154 For this book, would you please consult the OPAC first.
155 BOTH EYES: for signs of swelling, inflammation or discharge. If there is a problem, consult a veterinary surgeon with extensive experience of treating reptile patients.
156 The problems include special nursing healthy education, psychology consult, et al. During the ten years, CNS is not only a nurse, but also an advancer, educator, and consulter.
157 If you are taking Coumadin (warfarin) or other prescription drugs, or if pregnant or nursing, consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product.
158 Nokia N95 new line. The pillow block ball with cameras plentiful. The price affordable. Along with market price changes. When ordering please consult the price!
159 Sales price: We make the unity price standard, please consult our staff if you have questions on the supply price.
160 Those who suspect that they might be suffering from a sleep disorder are encouraged to consult with their primary care physician or a sleep specialist.
161 He is scheduled to consult with South Korean officials on Monday and then take a U.S. military plane to Pyongyang.
162 Publicize and consult in all kinds of local tax laws and regulations on foreign enterprises, servicing for the taxpaying.
163 Analysts say it also shows China's growing concern about the fallout of the world crisis, and its increasing willingness to consult with other nations on major global issues.
164 If you're installing GAWK from source, consult the README file in the GAWK source distribution, which lists any additional software requirements for successful compilation and installation.
165 This standard applies to family expenses dynamoelectric dishwasher, the other washing machine that has the function that wash a bowl also should consult use.
166 Yet, when they find themselves out of breath after climbing a flight of stairs, they disregard the symptom, preferring not to consult the body's manual of operation.
167 The officer may consult Deputy Manager, or Branch Manager to arrive at a suitable solution.
168 If you still experience no improvement, consult your doctor for some tests to rule out neurological disease.
169 You should consult the licensed or registered person and become familiarised with the PP before trading in the PP securities.
170 In ancient Greece, people felt it necessary to consult the Oracle of Apollo when they were puzzled at their future.
171 For ball valves, consult the installation instruction sheet or contact NIBCO Technical Services for assistance.
172 For assistance with capacity planning, we recommend you consult your hardware vendor.
173 Consult the the release notes for details and stay tuned for upcoming prerelease refreshes.
174 They follow agreements — signed last year by the USPTO and the EPO — with India to consult its Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL) before granting patents.
175 I encourage them to consult with specialists who have expertise in management of high-risk patients and get several opinions.
176 Conclusion: Pedigree investigation has important significance on developing genetic consult and eugenic guide.
177 You have to take into account , when you consult your client, what their lifestyle is.
178 Hope manage system offers the equipment project inspect to building our country to consult benignantly.




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