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单词 Ownership
1. The house is under new ownership.
2. The ownership of the painting remains unclear.
3. The company was returned to private ownership in mid-1987.
4. The ownership of that house was transferred to somebody.
5. The shop has changed ownership several times.
6. We'd fade into someone at least one time in life,not for any result,company,ownership even love,just for meeting you in my most beautiful days.
7. Some economists strongly advocate the reform of government ownership of industry.
8. Car ownership is a virtual necessity when you live in the country.
9. Ownership of property involves great expense.
10. Ownership of the land is currently being disputed.
11. He claimed ownership of the house.
12. His claim to ownership is invalid.
13. The price of home ownership is increasing.
14. Ownership of the land passed from father to son.
15. The ownership of the land is disputed.
16. Ownership of copyright can be transferred.
17. Rates of home ownership have remained relatively constant.
18. The ownership of the restaurant is disputed.
19. The restaurant is under new ownership.
20. The railways passed into public ownership.
21. The cafe is under new ownership.
22. Private home ownership is increasing faster than ever.
23. Socialist policy favours public ownership of the coal industry.
24. She disclaimed ownership of the vehicle.
25. The company is in shared ownership.
26. He was chafing under the company's new ownership.
27. The trend towards home ownership has gone into reverse.
27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
28. They are still wrangling over ownership of the house.
29. In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love. Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.
30. The regional parliament threw down a new challenge to the central authorities by passing a law allowing private ownership of businesses.
1. The house is under new ownership.
2. The ownership of the painting remains unclear.
3. The company was returned to private ownership in mid-1987.
4. The ownership of that house was transferred to somebody.
5. Some economists strongly advocate the reform of government ownership of industry.
6. Car ownership is a virtual necessity when you live in the country.
7. The regional parliament threw down a new challenge to the central authorities by passing a law allowing private ownership of businesses.
8. He claimed ownership of the house.
9. The ownership of the restaurant is disputed.
10. The plan does not explicitly endorse the private ownership of land.
31. The government responded by tightening the law on gun ownership.
32. A brand was a mark of ownership burned into the hide of an animal with a hot iron.
33. In rural areas, the corollary of increased car ownership has been a rapid decline in the provision of public transport.
34. Privatisation goes against the grain of their principle of opposition to private ownership of industry.
35. The family possessed documents that proved their right to ownership.
36. The financing of home ownership will continue through the 1990s and beyond.
37. On January 23rd, America decided to relax its rules on the foreign ownership of its airlines.
38. Growth in car ownership could be restrained by increasing taxes.
39. He has already transferred ownership of most of the works to a British foundation.
40. Brazil says its constitution forbids the private ownership of energy assets.
41. They believed that power largely derives from ownership of the means of production.
42. Ownership of the land gives us a strong bargaining counter.
43. The rail industry is no longer in public ownership .
44. He wants the government to impose strict controls on dog ownership.
45. The ownership of this land has been disputed for centuries.
46. There is private ownership of property in a market economy.
47. The official transfer of ownership will take a few days to complete.
48. Ownership is not clear because of expropriations in the Nazi era.
49. Do you have any proof of ownership of/for this car?
50. Private car ownership has almost doubled in the past 10 years.
51. Russia and Ukraine have been disputing the ownership of the fleet.
52. The Opposition intends to bring the industry back into public ownership.
53. The downward trend in home ownership is likely to continue.
54. Home ownership was once a privilege of the middle classes.
55. He transferred the legal ownership of his property to his children.
56. He's a strong advocate of state ownership of the railways.
57. The plan does not explicitly endorse the private ownership of land.
58. The two sides continued to dispute the ownership of the territory.
59. The agency was transferred from public to private ownership.
60. Their form of mutual ownership has become an anachronism.
61. The Authority set out new principles governing ownership.
62. Ownership incursions have remained fairly small.
63. Each form of ownership has various advantages and disadvantages.
64. State ownership of all factories producing cars?
65. Meanwhile, the concentration of ownership has continued apace.
66. The mortgage interest deduction promotes home ownership.
67. Theft would not cover obtaining ownership by deception.
68. Bob gave me lots of incentive through ownership interest.
69. Examples included the ownership of large single-family homes, but no income to furnish them whilst keeping garden meticulously in order.
70. Directly or indirectly, ownership provides the dollars and authority an enterprise needs to conduct its business.
71. It codified democratic rights and freedoms including freedom of speech, assembly and association, and private ownership.
72. It found itself unable to prevent the pomeshchiks from buying and selling their estates and rapidly establishing defacto hereditary rights of ownership.
73. Land and the Nation was a rather trenchant report based upon a private investigation into the ownership and use of rural land.
74. Track days are big business, and the circuits are keen to cash in on this growing area of classic car ownership.
75. During the four decades following the Civil War, 183 million acres went out of the public domain into railroad ownership.
76. Therefore we can not make the apriori assertion that private ownership and unfettered operation is always more efficient.
77. The classic case of private property would than become not home ownership but the ownership of somebody else's home.
78. It is important to note that, for historical reasons, the tort is committed against possession and not ownership of land.
79. If the subordinates were consulted on a matter, they accepted some ownership of it.
80. The grant recognizes their ownership of a little over one million hectares in the Pastaza region, in the east of the country.
81. Sometimes these resulted in contravention of an Authority rule about foreign ownership or conflict of interest, and further sales followed.
82. Moreover, the excessive resort to public ownership is a drag on economic development.
83. Thus, the crucial division between classes is based on property ownership or non-ownership of the means of production.
84. The next five years saw the site leased out to various tenants, although Knight retained ownership.
85. In Britain the fashion for home ownership has developed gradually over three or four decades.
86. There is a growing awareness of the opportunities for hauliers presented by part ownership of private railway sidings.
87. Classes teach the basics of small business ownership such as accounting and customer service.
88. The ownership and biases of the media have been an issue of continuing interest to analysts.
89. Ever mindful of the value of the day's booty(Sentencedict), the ownership of the halter was briskly disputed.
90. To mobilize that support, he carried out a massive decentralization of the Motorola organization, providing new empowerment and ownership throughout.
91. They argue that there are international tribunals whose jurisdiction is to resolve the ownership of confiscated property.
92. The project also studies the incidence of profit sharing and employee share ownership across the economy.
93. Share ownership Shares are a particularly important type of wealth used to finance production.
94. For example, more people now have key household goods and the benefit of home ownership - as the charts show.
95. Full employee ownership of shares is an unsettling prospect for those in the investment business.
96. Nevertheless, it is probable that ownership does contain within it the potential for direct and indirect control.
97. Decentralization, empowerment, and ownership created great improvement in our control of events, products, and outcomes.
98. Ownership is obviously central to the disposal of state property - privatization - in the move to a market economy.
99. There were, in addition, further arguments put forward to support and justify the policy of nationalisation and public ownership.
100. Car ownership rates are higher in rural areas than the national average.
101. Forbes would eliminate all loopholes, including the popular mortgage interest deduction aimed at encouraging home ownership.
102. This will bring the benefits of home ownership within the reach of more people and introduce more diversity in local authority estates.
103. The economic rationale, in terms of economic efficiency, was agreed in terms of increasing competitiveness, rather than the change of ownership.
104. The remaining 70 percent would be held in a state ownership fund for foreign investors.
105. In the twentieth century(), three main changes have occurred in this ownership of agricultural land.
106. If Northgate ignored the bureaucratic niceties of prospecting licences, it also ignored the legal niceties of land ownership and trespass.
107. Concentration of ownership increased both within particular media, from national daily papers to local radio, and between them.
108. In a true creative collaboration, almost everyone emerges with a sense of ownership.
109. In so far as socialism means the collective ownership and management of the economy and social relations, it requires an extensive administrative apparatus.
110. Football League regulations impose limitations on an individual's ownership of shares in more than one club.
111. The aim was that s.15 alone would cover obtaining ownership by deception.
112. The information will help law enforcement authorities trace ownership of the weapon back to the original gun dealer.
113. Unfortunately, Bellesiles takes a narrow view of the subject, asking primarily about the extent of ownership and familiarity with firearms.
114. In the Far East, home computer ownership is expected to exceed that of the US and Europe combined.
115. Marx believed that this contradiction would be highlighted by a second: the contradiction between social production and individual ownership.
116. To be realistic, government regula-tions that impose limits on media property ownership inevitably affect media content.
117. He is prevented from owning more because of both foreign ownership and cross-media ownership limits.
117. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
118. A special dividend, worth £17 million to Polly Peck, is being paid before the change of ownership.
119. Car ownership and use grow continuously, severely undermining the government's fragile attempts to improve the environment.
120. Radio ownership regulations are also eased by the bill, with varying limits depending on market size.
121. These innumerable scraps of land were the beginning of egalitarian ownership on a Lilliputian scale.
122. To assume that gun shows and gun ownership are highly correlated is no great leap of logic.
123. These ownership forms are generally reflected by a simpler method of presentation of the equity section.
124. Young elderly will illustrate a higher rate of home ownership than the older elderly.
125. It provides a feeling of ownership and obligation that was missing before.
126. So by this means, the interest of ownership in the performance of the business owned can assert itself.
127. Under government ownership, the grazing land was gradually whittled away by privately owned farms.
128. Private ownership would grow gradually, with small firms multiplying even as big ones stayed in state hands.
129. Ownership by the Trust is often the surest way of guaranteeing the preservation of beautiful places of national importance.
130. One of his main bugbears is the foreign ownership of technology.
131. Surveys of ownership of property provide further evidence of this.
132. Nora says it is not her island, that the idea of land ownership is absurd, not to mention politically incorrect.
133. Individual circumstances differ but corporate ownership of major capital assets may provide worthwhile advantages.
134. For Beyster, employee ownership is an effective way to maintain control.
135. The problem is that its public acceptance might throw into question claims of ownership to intelligence and belonging.
136. We've already been working closely with them for a long time because of the shared ownership.
137. Debates over important issues, from nuclear weapons to public ownership, have been settled by manipulation rather than persuasion.
138. Ownership did not pass to Butterworth who by his letter had already indicated that he regarded his contract as repudiated.
139. The second step in recreating a market economy is to restore private ownership of capital.
140. These new entrepreneurs - the bourgeoisie-relied for their accumulated economic wealth on the ownership of machines and factories rather than upon land.
141. The advent of the transistor brought rapid expansion in set ownership.
142. The home ownership rate among women continues to lag, Cisneros said at a news conference.
143. The sanctity of traditional ownership and lineage are hoisted like clannish flags.
144. It is reasonable to expect gun ownership to increase in the more conservative communities in the Bay Area.
145. Mr Prescott's demand for the tunnel to be taken into public ownership goes beyond existing Labour Party policy.
146. First introduced in 1989, Adopt-a-Pet aims to highlight the plight of abandoned animals and encourage more responsible pet ownership.
147. It was agreed to establish a public inquiry into methods of limiting the concentration of newspaper and magazine ownership.
148. Is it time, therefore, to abandon the traditional notion of ownership by, and accountability to(http://), shareholders alone?
149. You can either buy outright, or join in a coop ownership scheme.
150. It requires a solid apprenticeship in the breed before you are able to cope with the responsibility of stud dog ownership.
151. The bill proposes raising the ownership limit from the current 12 stations covering no more than 25 percent of the country.
152. The greatest continuity of ownership was in the Rothermere Associated Newspapers combine and the smaller and narrower Pearson/Westminster group.
153. The intention is to facilitate better communication and a greater sense of ownership and sharing.
154. The mortgage interest deduction, for example, subsidizes home ownership, as does the deduction for property taxes.
155. Coats Viyella has turned down an offer from Lord Rothschild to take the textile group into private ownership.
156. They may encourage home ownership, or private health insurance or personal pensions.
157. It was just a brief spell of ownership; the war meant petrol rationing.
158. Some favor the interstate highway model, with government construction, ownership, and maintenance.
159. Millions of voters have acquired a stake in the wider ownership of shares and homes and a voice in union affairs.
160. Private ownership of parts of the system confers only strictly limited rights and powers of control over operation and revenue.
161. Still, it amounted to a massive subsidy to Wall Street from Congress. Long live motherhood and home ownership!
162. On the crucial issue of land ownership, the many agrarian laws passed in various States have been ineffective in practice.
163. The legal process of transferring ownership of the property from the seller to you begins - this is called conveyancing.
164. In fact, the Globe favored public ownership but believed in fair play for the private interests.
165. Home ownership is our dominant way of living, so most of us are buying, selling or paying mortgage interest.
166. Before 1979 the Conservative party had effectively acquiesced in most of the public ownership measures of earlier Labour governments.
167. Land ownership and the life of indigenous communities is also receiving detailed scrutiny.
168. She apparently stopped repaying the loan after the bank changed ownership and lost the loan documents, they said.
169. The basic principle of diversity of media ownership and freedom of entry should serve as an essential guideline for national media policy.
170. Thus, sometimes a seller will find himself still in possession of goods after the ownership in them has passed to the buyer.
171. At the same time home ownership became easier and the norm.
172. These changes, together with a greater mobility in the workforce made possible by an expansion of car ownership, created a vacuum.
173. There was a social stigma attached to diesel car ownership, too.
174. Others are purchased because the buyer feels that ownership will confer separateness and status.
175. The fact that bumiputra ownership had increased dramatically, no doubt helped smooth the way.
176. When a painting, sculpture or other item of craftwork is sold the ownership of the copyright remains with the artist.
177. The military survey of 1522, in theory at least, confined itself to ownership strictly defined.
178. Often applications are rejected because more comprehensive development proposals are required, including land not in the vendor's ownership.
179. Far from bringing an end to worry, home ownership became a struggle to stay in the place called home.
180. The advantage that it should build upon is its multiple ownership, House argues.
181. They claim that the private ownership of capital provides the key to explaining class divisions.
182. Foreign and company ownership often leaves a huge gap between boss and keeper and the traditions.
183. Men are defined by their ownership of a single gene.
184. To take the grid company back into public ownership would cost about £2 billion.
185. That aim must be linked to industrial democracy, profit-sharing and share ownership.
186. The government even proved willing to take certain industries into public ownership: broadcasting, overseas airways, and the electricity-generating industry.
187. But they were able to do it, as their very real empowerment and ownership programs attest.
188. Ownership is heavily concentrated and the majority of newspapers are politically partisan.
189. The market-based economies and private ownership in Western democracies make an essential difference in the scope and application of the centralization concepts.
190. In Figure 5.7 we combine the employment of all industries that were mainly in public ownership in 1981.
191. Besides, the people of Waterloo had first-hand knowledge of the advantages of public ownership.
192. In 1968 the Crofters Commission proposed that crofters be given full rights to the ownership of their crofts.
193. Her suit claims she was coerced into signing away her rights, including ownership of her music.
194. Black economic empowerment should be uplifting for blacks in business, in private ownership and so on.
195. But some recent research about the effects on crime of gun ownership ought to play a part in informing society's decisions.
196. There did not seem to be a half-way house between public and private ownership.
197. As the financial crisis deepened, the ownership of the paper changed.
198. Supporters argue that privatisation increases efficiency, widens share ownership and increases consumer choice.
199. The issue of equities inevitably results in a spread in ownership initially.
200. Claimants would end up sharing ownership with the current owners, usually local authorities and other public bodies.
201. One of the central features of the company is that it separates out the functions of ownership and management.
202. More significant predictors, especially in recent elections, have been location and home ownership.
203. The minority interest represents subsidiary ownership held by stockholders other than the parent.
204. I would also be invited to participate in a discussion on the bountiful attractions of timeshare property ownership.
205. Variation between companies with different characteristics such as size, growth, and ownership will be carefully evaluated.
206. Ownership has to make a commitment to spend that cash.
207. The power of the ruling class therefore stems from its ownership and control of the means of production.
208. This gives the greatest chance of individuals understanding the reasons for decisions,(http://) having ownership of resulting policy and implementing it.
209. In the case of the supermarket chain, size, not necessarily sole ownership, affects the quality of the food.
210. In theory, our representative system of democracy gives us that ownership.
211. As in the sterling markets, EuroCDs are tradable certificates indicating ownership of a fixed-term deposit.
212. Under the old farming programme, Washington used to actually take ownership of the wheat and sell the grain from Government stocks.
213. Managerial authority, and indeed the whole edifice of organisational power, represent the rights of ownership delegated to management.
214. The real distinction doesn't lie in the fact of ownership, but in control.
215. What's more, for an executive car the cost of ownership is exceptionally low.
216. The atmosphere and the seas are, like the classroom, communal property without clear lines of ownership.
217. As an alternative to 100% ownership and control, what about alternative arrangements such as a partnership or joint venture?
218. Marx distinguished two classes, bourgeois and proletarian, based on the ownership of the means of production.
219. The main characteristics of capitalism are private ownership of capital and freedom of enterprise.
220. In share sales it is the ownership of the contracting party that is changing rather than the identity of the contracting party.
221. Consumer durables Ownership of particular consumer durables is a further reflection of standards of living.
222. As they learned to appreciate communication and ownership, they set themselves to building subordinates' commitment to the strategy.
223. Beck was not proposing public ownership of the generating plants, but he did want the province to build the transmission lines.
224. Contractual arrangements should be made with respect to freelance workers and the ownership of the copyright in anything they produce. 2.
225. It would be replaced by a mixture of housing associations, tenants' co-ownership schemes and further individual ownership.
226. Further, the plans may indicate the ownership of fences and so may help in solving problems in that connection.
227. Thus did a quarrel over the ownership of a shop win front-page headlines in Britain for seven consecutive days.
228. Without a significant amount of public ownership therefore, a liberal market system gives companies independence.
229. In that case ownership will not pass to the buyer before the seller has himself succeeded in acquiring that ownership.
230. Nor, critics pointed out, did it give blacks automatic access to home ownership in previously white areas.
231. Where ownership is not committed to long-term success, the prognosis for ongoing performance improvement is poor.
232. The implications of concentration of provincial press ownership are greater when its geographical variation is taken into account.
233. They thus increasingly promoted this alternative means of easing the financial burden of appliance ownership.
234. Particularly important was the need to have natural monopolies in public ownership.
235. Modifications Very few modifications were carried out on these cars while in the ownership of Croydon Corporation.
236. Indeed, gaining more diversity of content is the very reason for seeking greater diversity of media ownership.
237. Weber also saw ownership of wealth as an important criterion for distinguishing classes.
237. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
238. The accumulation of capital, and hence the ownership of capital, was central in harnessing the productive power of mechanical energy.
239. The ownership of all three of Chrysler's carpet suppliers, for instance, changed hands within one year.
240. For instance, the various ownership rights of the capitalist class will be enshrined in and protected by the laws of the land.
241. The site had been in the ownership of the local authority since 1901, but after clearance it was largely empty.
242. Under feudalism, Marxists argue, the dominant mode of production was based on the ownership of land.
243. Despite a cut back on subsidies, existing land ownership laws still encourage clearance for ranches.
244. Critics fear money will oust quality Georgina Henry reports on doubts over programme standards, public service obligations and controls on ownership.
245. Remember that when a rabbit comes through your boundary fence on to your land it automatically changes ownership.
246. Because the tax break for mortgage interest would disappear, the finances of home ownership would change.
247. As the corporations were wound up some of the houses passed into private ownership.
248. Indeed, one of the justifications of private property takes as its premise the idea that property ownership confers power.
249. More than that, state intervention, and especially public ownership of the means of production, had sadly disappointed socialist hopes.
250. The latest developments in the intricate history of crofting concern the possibility of ownership by the crofters themselves.
251. They shared Chamberlain's passion for efficiency but, unlike him, were in principle opposed to private ownership of the economy.
252. In a Roman view ownership meant the unconditional and exclusive use of property by the individual.
253. As to the point of ownership of lorries, that would not in itself have provided a defence.
254. File ownership is a Linux operating system construct.
255. Gradually transfers ownership of the concept to Plant Management.
256. The transfer of property ownership is a legal process.
257. The institute conducts an annual survey of American households to gauge stock ownership.
258. The investors have to focus on the return of stock price spread because of special ownership structure and return rate in China's security market.
259. In what may be the greatest change of ownership since the colonial era, rich countries are farming land on the continent for their own citizens while some Africans may go hungry, John Vidal reports.
260. In its purest form , socialism is government ownership and control of the means of production.
261. Founded in January, 1990, Shanghai Dahua Group Corporation was a large cross - regional, cross-trade and cross - ownership corporation.
262. The common owners preemptive right is not stipulated in the Law of Property, but when the relationship of common ownership vanishes, it is safer to vest the ot.
263. Other potential sales: the company's 9% stake in its oil sands venture Syncrude and its 50% ownership in the Flying J truck stop chain.
264. By taking the bank into public ownership, the Treasury rejected a management buyout and a bid from Virgin founder Sir Richard Branson.
265. In theory of corporate finance, the relationship between ownership structure and corporate performance and industrial competition has always been controversial highlight in the fields of research.
266. Guo Shuqing, chairman of China Construction Bank (CCB), revealed in a recent interview that the bank's employee stock ownership plan is likely to be implemented before the end of this year.
267. For a sample of 991 firms from capital market in year 2000,(http:///ownership.html) we define the concept of shareholder protection according to equity ownership structure and study its relationship to the cash holdings.
268. Both of the husband and wife enjoy individual ownership of their respective possessions.
269. We point out that the effective allocation ownership of state-owned enterprise is correlative stakeholders all-parts corporate contract and the residual control and residual claim is allocated from ...
270. Marx's theory of ownership is an important part of Marxism theory system, its content is extremely rich, and it has a strict logical relation system.
271. Only in the absence of registration of transfer procedures, and housing ownership transfer can not take place.
272. According to Laws of Republic OF SOUTH AFRICA, at the expiration of 7 (Seven) years, the money will revert to the ownership of the South African Government if nobody applies to claim the fund.
273. The legal ownership of the duplication rights for a computer program, literacy work, musical composition, photograph, motion film etc.
274. Community ideas are the norm and there is no respect for individual ownership, so the students fail to see any value in crediting the source of the original idea.
275. The deeper reasons for these defects lie in the improper stock ownership structure and the drawbacks of "Corporation Law" in China.
276. Being a lender, a bank, not ownership, usually gets of ship mortgage established on the ship.
277. During the development, it is important to make use of local favorable policies and to raise capital via joint ownership solution.
278. The author insists that, how to construct the exercising system of state ownership is the key and nodus necessary to solve. Therefore, the legislation on right in rem shall not be evaded.
279. Seller retains the ownership to the Goods until Buyer has paid the Contract Price in full.
280. This is the only way to indicate the ownership of the property for hook-shaped wire had not been invented at that time which made the making of fence is of impossible.
281. In other nations, such as Nigeria and Saudi Arabia, the rise of nationalism led to mandates for majority ownership by the indigenous population.
282. Reshaping the enterprise ownership system stands as a big challenge to the reformers of China's economy.
283. Chinese economy grows the historical trend that cannot repel individual ownership system is built and demand.
284. The theory and practice of Employee Stock Ownership plan originated from Western countries.
285. Finally, by engaging our allies, we give them joint ownership over the difficult, methodical, vital,() and necessarily collaborative work of limiting the terrorists' capacity to inflict harm.
286. However, the Rossoneri have the option to sign him on a joint ownership deal next summer.
287. The neonatal bureaucrat system of ownership and mar ket economy not only produce the new classes, but also make them possess excessive wealth.
288. Then, the writer introduce and analyze the rules of risk bearing in sale contract, that is the principle of existence of contract, the principle of ownership and the principle of control.
289. Founded in January1990, Shanghai Dahua Group Company is a large cross regional, cross trade and cross ownership Group Corporation.
290. You can use your 125 % of these high - value loans for home ownership loan value.
291. It does not mean perishability of public ownership even though privatization has been a world trend.
292. Home ownership has been an overarching and innate desire of the British.
293. The real right includes right of ownership, mortgage, legal mortgage, right of retention, etc.
294. As one of the most important components of the corporate governance structure, stockholder's right to vote is the link between ownership and control of the corporation.
295. In fact, parking space of commercial residential buildings is the right of common in Partitioned Ownership of Building Areas.
296. But biological parents aren't always preferable to adoptive ones, and biological parentage does not convey an absolute ownership that cancels all the rights of children.
297. The corporate charter authorizes the corporation to issue and all sell shares of stock, or transfer the ownership, to enable the corporation to raise money.
298. Pegasus promotes employee ownership and takes talent acquisition as one of the primary corporate goals. Submit your resume and share Pegasuss success!




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