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单词 Diagnosis
1. After the diagnosis, getting to know Mary was his salvation.
2. The diagnosis was devastating. She had cancer.
3. These new symptoms tend to confirm my original diagnosis.
4. They are waiting for the doctor's diagnosis.
5. Further tests have confirmed the diagnosis.
6. Diagnosis was deferred pending further assessment.
7. They are using new methods of diagnosis.
8. Early diagnosis is critical for successful treatment.
9. Early diagnosis and treatment can usually prevent blindness.
10. The doctor was out in his diagnosis.
11. What was the doctor's diagnosis of your disease?
12. The diagnosis was ovarian cancer.
13. She accepted his diagnosis without comment.
14. To confirm the diagnosis, the hospital laboratory must culture a colony of bacteria.
15. An exact diagnosis can only be made by obtaining a blood sample.
16. The doctor has made an initial diagnosis, but there'll be an additional examination by a specialist.
17. To confirm my diagnosis I need to do some tests.
18. An accurate diagnosis was made after a series of tests.
19. The doctor cannot give a diagnosis without knowing the full medical history.
20. If in doubt about your diagnosis, get a second opinion.
20. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
21. The truth or otherwise of this diagnosis would be revealed in the future.
22. Further scans are required to confirm the diagnosis of an abnormality.
23. It is a safe, clinical diagnosis requiring no investigation.
24. Without the results of the blood test, the doctor could only make a tentative diagnosis.
25. I would like a second opinion on my doctor's diagnosis.
26. I need to have a second test to confirm the diagnosis.
27. His symptoms gave no obvious pointer to a possible diagnosis.
28. If necessary X-rays and blood tests will also be used to aid diagnosis.
29. She began to consult doctors, and each had a different diagnosis.
30. Patients may suffer from some of the symptoms years before diagnosis.
1. Without the results of the blood test, the doctor could only make a tentative diagnosis.
2. I would like a second opinion on my doctor's diagnosis.
3. After the diagnosis, getting to know Mary was his salvation.
4. Diagnosis was deferred pending further assessment.
5. What was the doctor's diagnosis of your disease?
6. The diagnosis was ovarian cancer.
7. His symptoms gave no obvious pointer to a possible diagnosis.
31. It is helpful in confirming the diagnosis of epilepsy.
32. A positive diagnosis was made in 50.7% of referrals.
33. The medical diagnosis was cerebral palsy.
34. It has been validated for early diagnosis of tuberculosis.
35. Needless to say, it sometimes confuses the diagnosis.
36. Consequently generalizations about survival after diagnosis may be problematic.
37. Member meant it as a medical diagnosis.
38. Lack of tenacity could be a more accurate diagnosis.
39. A positive biopsy establishes the diagnosis.
40. Because of the delayed diagnosis no antitoxin was given.
41. Or, there is the medical diagnosis system.
42. The results are often at variance with the clinical diagnosis.
43. They had established a running diagnosis of Rift Valley fever, dengue or the dreaded Ebola.
44. It was also useful from the point of view of fault diagnosis.
45. All cases are presented and discussed at the weekly team meeting, after which an initial diagnosis is made.
46. All patients underwent colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy before study entry to confirm the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis.
47. Therefore, one must adopt a systematic approach to acid-base diagnosis, as emphasized earlier in this chapter.
48. Twenty two required biopsies but in only three cases was the final diagnosis different from that initially suggested by the consultant.
49. She was nearly adopted before the correct diagnosis became obvious at the age of five.
50. Of those without a diagnosis, 71 underwent home po 2 monitoring.
51. The remaining 73 patients were enrolled in the pulmonary or medical clinics and had a previous diagnosis of asthma.
52. Conclusions - An increased use of diagnostic imaging for pyloric stenosis did not lead to earlier diagnosis or better management.
53. This time delay can have safety and/or economic consequences hence the need to accelerate the experts' diagnosis and decision processes.
54. Where Ancylostoma is also endemic, differential diagnosis may require larval culture although the treatment is similar.
55. Questions can be answered as they arise, and spare time can be used to broaden understanding of a diagnosis or treatment.
56. The diagnosis is made on the basis of one or more of the following: 1.
57. After a careful diagnosis he is able to prescribe intelligently the best remedial or corrective measures.
58. Even in this demonstration project one of the nine families with a positive diagnosis apparently entered the programme in ignorance.
59. After the tubercle bacillus was identified, accurate diagnosis of tuberculosis, of the lungs and of other organs, became possible.
60. The diagnosis of Crohn's disease was made by colonoscopy with biopsy or characteristic radiological appearances on barium studies.
61. It was then shown the correct diagnosis in each case, broken into five categories, ranging from flatulence to angina.
62. Other applications include sound recognition, fault diagnosis, and robot control.
63. It is clearly imperative to arrive at a correct diagnosis of the origins of involuntary unemployment.
64. In view of this influence on patient management, a positive diagnosis of 30.6% in patients with non-cardiac chest pain justifies its use.
65. Before a proper diagnosis can be made and treatment recommended, all these factors must be considered.
66. We included genetic counselling alone, for familial cases when no prenatal diagnosis is available, among primary preventive approaches.
67. Retrospective Diagnosis Using the first technique, researchers found dozens of possible AIDS cases from medical records dating back to the 1930s.
68. The sedimentation rate is elevated in 90-95 % of these patients and when above 50 Westergren helps confirm the diagnosis.
69. Biomedical scientists deal with 100m pathology tests a year, playing a crucial role in the diagnosis and treatment of disease.
70. Accurate dating of pregnancy is important for other reasons, such as prenatal diagnosis and early identification of intrauterine growth retardation.
71. The specialist contractor offers a complete service of diagnosis and repair, with guarantees.
72. Lack of awareness of late presentation of traumatic rupture of the diaphragm in children may result in a delay in diagnosis.
73. The colon was not assessed in nine patients in whom the diagnosis of malignant disease elsewhere had been obtained by other tests.
74. He estimated the diagnosis is made at that hospital once a year or less.
75. Around 50 interviews were conducted with clients, staff and health officials and a detailed diagnosis followed.
76. Think of a medical student attending a course in the X-ray diagnosis of pulmonary diseases.
77. Furthermore, a careful history and physical examination permit a confident diagnosis that stands up over time.
78. These results suggest that medication is often prescribed without clinical examination and probably without a diagnosis being made.
79. Design - Comparison of team diagnosis with independent formal assessment and consensus diagnosis by research psychiatrists.
80. Early diagnosis and treatment prevents brain damage and liver cirrhosis.
81. For a diagnosis of brain stem death irremediable structural brain damage should be present.
82. Cases were assigned to areas according to their residence address at diagnosis as defined for the national cancer registration scheme.
83. These groups were fault diagnosis, access to technical information,[] and maintenance planning and scheduling.
84. However, a definition of the current state of understanding and uncertainty should also serve as a diagnosis to guide future research.
85. Sophisticated monitoring equipment and sensing devices for medical diagnosis have been available for some time.
86. The degree to which a person might wish to work after such a diagnosis varies from employee to employee.
87. Patient selection, therefore, affected their rate of positive diagnosis, which was only 14% compared with 50.7% in our study.
88. The challenge in making an accurate diagnosis begins immediately when the consultant enters the organization.
89. Our findings also point to the increasing importance of fetal ultrasonography in the prenatal diagnosis of fetal trisomy 21.
90. One of their main findings is the increasing importance of fetal ultrasonography in the prenatal diagnosis of fetal trisomy 21.
91. A month ago he had a positive diagnosis and was treated at the Churchill Hospital.
92. Diagnosis of the clinically severe forms of sickle cell disease is not difficult, providing awareness of the disease is high.
93. At least one application, fault diagnosis, promised to be highly cost effective.
94. The breaking points were defined without knowledge of the diagnosis.
95. Sarcoidosis with intestinal involvement is the main differential diagnosis in our patient.
96. We will briefly discuss each of these power relationships for their importance in making a comprehensive diagnosis. 1.
97. A few years after revealing her diagnosis, Collyar said, she became aware of rumors questioning her ability to perform.
98. The 100 consecutive patients were all Tanner stage 1 or 2 at the time of diagnosis.
99. Twelve of these children received previous antibiotic therapy for various reasons, with possible inadvertent effects on the diagnosis of H pylori.
100. Since it is virtually impossible to obtain cultures for the gonococcus, the chances of making the correct diagnosis are considerably reduced.
101. Disseminated histoplasmosis can be treated effectively if the diagnosis is made quickly and anti-fungal drug therapy is started early.
102. However,() an exact diagnosis can only be made by obtaining the arterial blood gas values.
103. A further characteristic to aid a correct diagnosis is a marked shortening of the bloom stalks.
104. There are many criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.
105. In all cases the final diagnosis had not been suggested before manometry.
106. First comes a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, a label that seems right until other puzzling symptoms appear.
107. The diagnosis of chronic liver disease was made by accepted clinical, serological and histological criteria.
108. In the remaining seven patients the diagnosis was made after colectomy and synchronous pouch formation despite preoperative endoscopic biopsies suggesting ulcerative colitis.
109. Three months later, the patient had fever and headache which led to the diagnosis of cerebral toxoplasmosis with multiple cerebral abscesses.
110. Endoscopy was performed at entry to confirm the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease.
110. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
111. We give structured assessments, order appropriate investigations, reach an accurate diagnosis and then make the relevant treatment or referral.
112. No laboratory test or pathological finding can make an absolutely certain diagnosis of sarcoidosis.
113. The new equipment has been provided to aid in the diagnosis of liver disorders.
114. If any one of these is present, the diagnosis of cluster headache is strongly confirmed.
115. Many have proved beneficial to areas such as medical diagnosis, geological prospecting and computer system configuration.
116. The differential diagnosis of the condition should include hyperuricemia occurring secondary to renal failure of another cause.
117. They saw little point in diagnosis after the patient had been placed in the coffin.
118. The usual differential diagnosis lies between non-specific urethritis and gonorrhoea.
119. Delayed gastric emptying after surgery was confirmed in only 20% of patients referred with this clinical diagnosis.
120. This can lead to unquestioning acceptance of what is really a hypothetical diagnosis.
121. Gautama Buddha looked on himself as a doctor and discovered the correct diagnosis of man's suffering.
122. Beating the enemy Vigilance is the best weapon, since early diagnosis and prompt treatment can make all the difference.
123. An initial diagnosis of the Gettier counter-examples may be that it is just luck that Henry's justified belief is true.
124. Jasper had been in a road accident a few months before the diagnosis.
125. At home again, after the diagnosis, she was talking to a friend on the phone and she broke down.
126. The purpose of the circuit board fault diagnostic aid is to assist the diagnosis performed using automatic test equipment.
127. A diagnosis would not be made for 48 hours, until the results of blood tests are returned.
128. The diagnosis could worsen if specialists decide he needs surgery on knee ligament or cartilage damage.
129. This diagnosis can be established with certainty only by testing the cerebrospinal fluid.
130. In each case the primary diagnosis was substance abuse, and initial treatment was given accordingly.
131. Patients transferred after initial diagnosis elsewhere and patients referred for consultation only were excluded.
132. In fact, the authors simply bring their diagnosis into verbal conformity with revised social stereotypes.
133. Patients who fail to respond to these regimens or whose symptoms do not allow an accurate clinical diagnosis should be referred.
134. This can happen if some one becomes convinced that they are food-allergic or food-intolerant without undergoing proper diagnosis.
135. Armed with a video, patients can explore their diagnosis in the privacy of their home with the luxury of time.
136. Expected mortality was found for each age band, disease site, and decade of diagnosis.
137. This only adds to the suffering, because early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are necessary to prevent long-term complications.
138. Plain radiography, with its superior spatial resolution, remains a key investigation in the initial diagnosis of a primary bone tumour.
139. The diagnosis was made in 57 patients by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and in three by percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography.
140. But although this discovery has made accurate diagnosis much easier, the way in which the expansion occurs remains to be understood.
141. Cocainization of the pharynx relieves the pain in some; when positive, this test confirms the diagnosis.
142. In addition, two others without a histologically proven diagnosis had a pattern suggestive of a myopathic process.
143. It also will discourage other members from seeking early diagnosis and the treatments that can prolong their lives.
144. The camera tracks the movement of these materials, thus assisting in diagnosis of cancers or various types of cardiovascular disease.
145. Doctors can usually hear pneumonia, he says, and an X-ray can confirm the diagnosis.
146. There are circumstances in which the incorrect diagnosis and inappropriate administration of a thrombolytic would be disastrous; for example, acute pericarditis.
147. Sometimes it is incorrectly assumed that listing patients' problems precludes inclusion of psychiatric diagnosis.
148. A presumptive diagnosis of gout can often be made on the basis of hyperuricemia and the clinical presentation.
149. That is more than double the average rate of diagnosis in the 1990s.
150. All the patients carried a diagnosis of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction based on recurrent symptoms of bowel obstruction without physical lesion.
151. Then Mr Ware became terminally ill and died some six months after diagnosis.
152. Because prevention is of primary importance, early diagnosis is the goal.
153. It is often associated with obesity and may be latent for some years before diagnosis.
154. Coelocentesis may be suitable for prenatal diagnosis in the first trimester.
155. This is especially so when a diagnosis of dementia blinds works to remaining skills.
156. They hope to get a diagnostic test and prenatal diagnosis out to people as quickly as possible.
157. Ideally, the diagnosis should be confirmed before treatment, and this can be done with capillary blood glucose test sticks.
158. Yet none, by itself, is vital to the diagnosis being made.
159. When I tailed off he sat nodding, like a doctor considering a diagnosis.
160. Conventional allergists use skin tests to confirm the diagnosis, not to make it.
161. However, calculation of the anion gap will lead the clinician to the correct diagnosis.
162. Madness is a diagnosis or verdict of some of our greatest doctors and geniuses, and of their man-disappointed minds.
163. It is now more widely recognized, leading to earlier diagnosis.
164. The differential diagnosis includes both primary psychiatric illness and a wide range of organic acute brain syndromes, including substance abuse.
165. The diagnosis can be made clinically by careful abdominal examination after a suggestive history has been obtained.
166. One of these presented with a perforated small bowel lymphoma and died shortly after diagnosis.
167. SunNet Manager includes a set of applications for automated fault isolation, diagnosis and network monitoring and control.
168. The accurate diagnosis achieved combined with the evolution of intrauterine surgery, however, is radically changing patients' management.
169. The stage I patient died 8 years after diagnosis from an unknown cause.
170. The operation, and the lack of a correct diagnosis of her true illness,[] had killed her.
171. The disappearance of symptoms during elimination and reappearance on challenge confirm the diagnosis.
172. Final microbiological diagnosis was made by two infectious disease specialists who weighed all available clinical evidence.
173. But a full account will need to supplement the Woolf diagnosis, as we shall see.
174. We have demonstrated the feasibility of coelocentesis and its potential for prenatal diagnosis before 10 weeks' gestation.
175. As the medical establishment tightened its monopoly on diagnosis and prescription, it also expanded the area under its control.
176. This change is so characteristic that its absence should raise a serious question about the diagnosis.
177. Temporal artery biopsy is considered the definitive test in establishing the diagnosis.
178. Viral cultures during an attack will give the diagnosis in cases such as these.
179. Waiting for the results of tests, like waiting for an initial diagnosis, can be stressful and worrying.
180. I don't know what his diagnosis was but I don't think either of them even vaguely suspected alcohol.
181. Some of our patients with suffocation or hypoxaemia induced by epilepsy might have died without a definite diagnosis and appropriate management.
182. My cabbie turned out to be an out-of-work dentist, and I couldn't quarrel with his diagnosis.
183. Gardner-Medwin proposed screening 18 month old boys who are not walking as an approach to the problem of delayed diagnosis.
184. However, one of the most important clues for its diagnosis, is an increase in the renal tubular reabsorption of calcium.
185. Fear of public criticism may well be intimidating some doctors, making them less inclined to consider the diagnosis.
186. Coelocentesis: a new technique for early prenatal diagnosis Chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis have disadvantages.
187. Liver function tests and liver biopsy may also help in establishing the diagnosis.
188. Standard of diagnosis and therapeutic effect of hematopathy.
189. CT guided needle biopsy settle on qualitative diagnosis.
190. Indiscriminately using medicine might be avoided by early diagnosis.
191. Objective To summarize the experiences in diagnosis and treatment of peritonsillar abscess.
192. Objective To summarize the experience of diagnosis and treatment of breast carcinoma in situ ( CLS ).
193. The immunologic diagnosis technology is divided into analysis of non-immune markers and analysis of non-immune markers.
194. Conclusion: Esophageal manometry had great value in the diagnosis of primary and secondary esophageal motility disorders.
195. Objective To explore the value of combining detecting of serum RBP(Retinol-binding protein)and PA(Prealbumin)in diagnosis of different liver disease.
196. Context-accurate diagnosis of diseases involving the esophagogastric junction (EGJ) is challenging because of difficulty in defining the EGJ endoscopically and histologically.
197. Objective:To evaluate the MRI features of benign neoplasm and explore it's diagnosis and differential diagnosis in perivertebral space.
198. Objective To report a rare case of prolidase deficiency and the methods of diagnosis and treatment.
199. Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of the dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors(DNT).
200. These uncommon lesions appear on chest radiograph as a "coin lesion" that has a differential diagnosis of granuloma and localized malignant neoplasm.
201. In the view of feature signal extraction, the local wave time-frequency analysis and information entropy were used to deal with fault diagnosis.
202. Conclusions: ADA was helpful for both the diagnosis and prognosis of the acute icterohepatitis and the evaluation of the curative effect.
203. Conclusion Use of anti-body tuberculosis examination is a better method in the diagnosis of tuberculosis.
204. The old casuistry of latency is itself a product of the sexual imaginary of surfaces and depths, and always implies a diagnosis of symptoms and prognosis for their correction .
205. Objective:To provide objective pathological evidence to early diagnosis of the diffuse renopathy by automatic renal biopsy.
206. Objective To explore the laboratory diagnosis of autoimmune hemolytic anemia ( AIHA ) with positive Ham's test.
207. Objective:To discuss the X-ray signs and its diagnosis for synovial chondromatosis.
208. To explore the clinical characteristic of phthisis and diabetes, provide information for diagnosis and treatment.
209. Objective To study the significance of sellar dura biopsy in the diagnosis of pituitary adenoma invasiveness.
210. The validity and feasibility of the forward reasoning method for fault diagnosis based on BP neural networks are verified by the example of the f...
211. To assess the clinical application of scanning laser polarimetry in the diagnosis of open-angle glaucoma.
212. The average age at operation was 63.7 years and the most common diagnosis was avascular necrosis.
213. Objective : To evaluate thoracic ultrasound for the diagnosis of haemothorax in patients with thoracic trauma.
214. On basis of the cooperative system structure, the cooperation mechanism and cooperative diagnosis method of multiple experts are discussed in detail.
215. Objective To explore the clinical value of B-Type ultrasonic diagnosis of clonorchiosis.
216. Conclusion TSGF test in patients with carcinosis play a very important pole in early diagnosis and the evaluation of therapy effect.
217. Purpose:To study the histogenesis, the differential diagnosis and the prognosis of melanotic schwannoma.
218. Objective To investigate the clinical characters and diagnosis and treatment of hepatic veno-occlusive disease(HVOD).
219. Objective. To discuss the diagnosis, limitations, and treatment of combined occipital-cervical and atlantoaxial disassociation with normal neurologic function.
220. Objective To assess the ultrasonography for the diagnosis of emergency of obstetric and gynecological diseases.
221. Objective To investigate the value of spinal marrow chromosome karyotyping in the diagnosis. treatment and prognosis of malignant hemoblastosis.
222. We reviewed articles about application of ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) in ocular trauma in recent years and concluded that UBM can play an effective role in diagnosis and treatment of ocular trauma.
223. Objective:To discussing the effect of diagnosis and therapy of gastrolith by combining traditional Chinese with Western medicine.
224. Objective To investigate the occurring rule and characteristics of bilirubinemia after liver transplantation to improve proper rate of differential diagnosis and treatment.
225. Preoperative image study plays an important role in disease diagnosis and treatment of these patients.
226. Objective To study the value of clinical application for X-ray diagnosis in myodystrophy followed by osteoarticular change such as scapula, etc.
227. To analyse the association between the primary pyloric insufficiency and gastroduodenal diseases, and to strengthen primary pyloric insufficiency in gastroscopy diagnosis.
228. Conclusion:Air-pressure enema is the best method in the treatment and diagnosis of intussusception.
229. Infrared diagnosis system of high voltage transmission lines based on absolute temperature difference is put forward in this paper.
230. Conclusions : Sonography is the preferred examination method in the diagnosis of rotator cuff tear.
230. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
231. Results 1. IVP was superior in early diagnosis of renal tuberculosis.
232. Objective:To provide anatomical data for imaging diagnosis of the pterygopalatine space disease.
233. Objective:To report the clinical diagnosis and experiences of treatment of the first case of infectious atypical pneumonia in Guangzhou Respiratory Institute.
234. Objective To increase the level of clinical diagnosis of mediopatellar plica syndrome.
235. Objective To enhance the understanding of diagnosis and therapy on acute epiglottitis.
236. Using this method can be based on signal spectral analysis method of fault diagnosis into a planar graph recognition.
237. Objective: To discuss the way in diagnosis and treatment of the infantile choledochocyst.
238. Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of relapsing polychondritis ( RP ) .
239. In this article, we reviewed advances in classification, pathogenesis, diagnosis and management of gastroenteric vascular malformation.
240. Conclusion Different imageological examinations have its advantages and disadvantages and correct choices of them are helpful for early diagnosis and treatment of the atlanto-axial injures.
241. Conclusions: chest roentgenogram can pwride diagnostic clues, CT, MRI and angiocardiorahy had confirmatory diagnostic value in the diagnosis of UAPA.
242. Objective : To discuss the correlative parameters of PSA in evaluation of early prostatic cancer diagnosis.
243. Aim:To increase the speed of fault diagnosis and removal of FMS equipment, improve the response ability to maintenance requirement, reduce the maintenance rate and enhance the global standard ability.
244. Experimental result shows that the diagnosis system studied in this paper is correct, reliable, and has device independence.
245. To explore diagnosis and reasonable remedy of sphenoid sinus cyst.
246. Conclusion: The system improves highly the efficiency of clinic diagnosis and case history management for dentofacial deformities.
247. The patient's symptoms and a cherry-red swollen epiglottis, which was seen during intubation and a neck CT (which was done later) confirmed the diagnosis of acute epiglottitis .
247. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
248. Methods Analysis of 36 cases of acute epiglottitis cases, research its causes, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment.
249. Conclusion A complete medical history, clinical and radiographic examinations are essential for the diagnosis of elongated styloid process syndrome.
250. B. Cold-knife conization is the best method for diagnosis of AIS. Adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) of the cervix is characterized by endocervical glands lined by atypical columnar epithelial cells.
251. The diagnosis is made clinically based on the rash affecting only one dermatome associated with the ophthalmic division of cranial nerve V (trigeminal nerve).
252. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 107 pancytopenia patients following first diagnosis were enrolled.
253. Objective To evaluate the method of rapid diagnosis of Bacteroides fragilis infection in clinical specimens.
254. Objective To discuss the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of iatrogenic functional aphonia .
255. Purpose : Investigate and discuss the value of the ultrasonic diagnosis on acute appendicitis.
256. Objective To summarize the measurement instrument and diagnosis criterion of job burnout.
257. Methods A retrospective review of 14 patients with intracranial tuberculoma was conducted including the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and surgical outcomes.
258. To avoid the subjectiveness of experts in extracting diagnosis rules, rough set theory is introduced into extracting diagnosis rules.
259. Xenon lung scans may be helpful in the early diagnosis of inhalation injury.




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