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单词 Consistently
1) The government has consistently denied using napalm.
2) The Ministry of Finance consistently overestimated its budget deficits.
3) He has consistently denied murdering his estranged wife.
4) The company has consistently underrated the importance of a well-trained workforce.
5) He is an unskilled worker who bungles consistently.
6) His report consistently begs the whole problem.
7) The company has consistently outperformed its larger rivals.
8) Her work has been of a consistently high standard.
9) Armani consistently outsells all other European designers.
10) The President has consistently denied the rumours.
11) Jones and Armstrong maintain a consistently high standard.
12) It's something I have consistently denied.
13) We have argued consistently for a change in the law.
14) In newspaper articles she consistently upbraided those in authority who overstepped their limits.
15) He is accused of consistently and callously ill-treating his wife.
16) The minister has consistently opposed any relaxation in the law.
17) The Peugeot engine has consistently outperformed its rivals this season.
18) The company has consistently denied responsibility,(http:///consistently.html) but it agreed to the settlement to avoid the expense of lengthy litigation.
19) His spokesmen have consistently denied the reports.
20) The Army has consistently issued official denials of involvement.
21) But can they beat it consistently?
22) Acronyms and symbols are defined clearly and used consistently.
23) Network Solutions consistently has declined to discuss profitability.
24) Some groups consistently face discrimination: age is one mode of socially structured disadvantage.
25) Commonly, both are used consistently to help replace an undesirable behaviour with acceptable behaviour.
26) He says if it happens consistently it will have a detrimental effect.
27) The consistently revolutionary wing of Social Democracy, the Bolsheviks, became the authentic vanguard of the proletariat.
28) Several studies have indeed found that women consistently fail to tell interviewers about their abortions.
29) A closed mind is when you consistently believe that you're right and the other person is wrong.
30) To write a novel, one must keep pegging away at it consistently.
1) The government has consistently denied using napalm.
2) The Ministry of Finance consistently overestimated its budget deficits.
3) He has consistently denied murdering his estranged wife.
4) The company has consistently underrated the importance of a well-trained workforce.
5) To write a novel, one must keep pegging away at it consistently.
6) The minister has consistently opposed any relaxation in the law.
31) Waechter has consistently refused political alliances with either left or right.
32) They consider themselves girls, but they consistently reject most of the attempts of the culture to feminize them.
33) It is equally important that the practice of not confirming or denying the existence of a warrant is maintained consistently.
34) This is no mean achievement as it means achieving Guild membership consistently for five successive years.
35) There is no clear single definition of this difference and authors do not use the distinction consistently.
36) While he used more complex sentences consistently, some of them seemed to come out of left field.
37) If reparation were more consistently pursued we should have a much more civilized and morally acceptable penal system than the present one.
38) Parents of these children have trouble ignoring these behaviors and in being consistently firm when the answer Is no.
39) The Profitboss initiates policies and practices that ensure all employees are consistently treated.
40) When her labor was difficult, the doula consistently remained calm and caring.
41) Those who advocated reform argued consistently that it ought not to be interpreted as a permissive move for two reasons.
42) But performances have been consistently below par for too long and drastic action needs to be taken.
43) This may indicate that the brooches were consistently worn in a particular position, but not in the same way.
44) In recent years, the Kirk's senior clergy have consistently attacked Tory policies.
45) But as Saracens consistently conceded penalties, Humphreys accepted the points on offer.
46) Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently. Maya Angelou 
47) Chopped shellfish and shrimp are recommended for feeding when beef is consistently refused.
48) Britain consistently fails to exploit the scientific discoveries made in its universities.
49) As a result, what we see is consistently open to interpretation, often with profound and tragic consequences.
50) Taylor had consistently made it known that he would not agree to a ceasefire until Doe had resigned and left the country.
51) Maurice breaks his promises so consistently that he begins to seem a professional liar.
52) Terms of cash on delivery or advance payment should be instituted for future sales to consistently delinquent accounts.
53) Amnesty International has consistently called for the release of political prisoners.
54) The Vatican had taken a consistently anti-communist line in the years since the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.
55) They have been caused by the failure to impose it consistently.
56) Mrs Chan, Hong Kong's most popular public official, consistently proved a staunch defender of its autonomy.
57) Consistently, the results indicate that this mixture is readily accepted by the plant.
58) The only renal functional abnormality consistently noted in, hyperuricemic patients is a mild defect in concentrating ability.
59) If you use the green code consistently the idea should be well rooted by the time they go to school.
60) Once again Lewis's inability to produce a consistently dangerous level of aggression was exposed.
61) The study found that the garlic extract consistently lowered total blood cholesterol by 5 percent to 8 percent.
62) However, as feminists have consistently argued, potentially housework could be organised in a different way.
63) Studies consistently demonstrate that its harmful effects are far less than those of alcohol or tobacco.
64) A problem in researching child abuse is that social workers, in particular, are consistently subjected to complaints about their work.
65) Given the same input, the expert system consistently reaches the intended conclusion.
66) These found, in the main, that Blacks had a consistently more hostile attitude to the police.
67) And so demanding was Doctor Who that both Barry and I were working sixty- and seventy-hour weeks in those days, consistently.
68) If we keep advocating our positions honestly, consistently, persuasively, we ultimately have a great effect.
69) If its artists were consistently fresh and challenging,() it would justify its existence easily.
70) They'd heard her a little at rehearsal, but not properly, not consistently, and not without interruption and background noise.
71) Poor health and disability are both consistently associated with early exit from the labour market.
72) Finally we would like to thank all our neighbours who have consistently supported us in our bid to settle permanently in Passfield.
73) Beaverbrook had some genuine concern, and was less consistently anti-Baldwin.
74) International media outlets consistently bashed the organization, transportation and infrastructure problems of these Games.
75) Researchers have argued consistently that a coherent approach is needed to finding the type of intervention which works best for which children.
76) Unit costs in metropolitan authorities have been consistently higher than in the shire counties.
77) The great majority of national daily and weekly newspapers have strongly and consistently advocated the reform.
78) No other competitor in any sport has been as consistently good or as unfailingly good natured.
79) Small volume issues can be handled successfully - as the distributors of the smaller labels demonstrate consistently.
80) The survey has produced the first national estimate of below tolerable standard houses derived from consistently applied methods.
81) Only 6 percent could consistently solve relatively complex problems involving geometric relationships, algebra,() or functions.
82) Naturally, if a small aircraft is overbooked consistently, it might rate early loading.
83) In addition, mast cells in normal colon, adenoma, or carcinoma samples consistently showed strong positive staining for cytochrome P450 3A.
84) The second most important medium is commercial television, which has consistently maintained about 25% of the total. 7.
85) A company that consistently recruits from outside induces its staff to move elsewhere - this is expensive in terms of lost experience.
86) Officials say they have been frustrated to find that telecommunications companies have not consistently built wiretap capabilities into their new technologies.
87) Clinton consistently supported women's right to abortion at a time when Bush adopted an anti-abortion stance.
88) Sometimes, to exercise this quality consistently an unconscious hand may have to be taken in creating a crisis!
89) He voted against abortion consistently all through his congressional career.
90) He has adhered to that policy consistently for several years.
91) No one quite knows how it works, but controlled trials are consistently successful.
92) For example, a larger combination microwave which may cost over £3500 is ideal for turning over consistently large batches.
93) They consistently underachieve at school and demonstrate little desire to make headway along a career avenue to success.
94) I have consistently maintained that the canoe is the traditional craft for exploring wilderness areas without disturbing wildlife.
95) These are used consistently and make a big contribution to giving a site a designed look.
96) It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It's what we do consistently. Tony Robbins 
97) Steinbock said employees consistently referred only to the money homeowners would receive, not the total loans, which included fees.
98) It was designed to achieve economic development in a region in which demographic increase consistently outstripped economic growth.
99) Those irate fans, however, may be mollified if the committee continues to deal consistently with all such offenders./consistently.html
100) She painted portraits, flower pieces and seascapes but her consistently favourite subject seems to have been women.
101) That is the policy which we have pursued consistently, with the result that direct taxation has come down substantially.
102) The drafter should also take care to use defined words and phrases consistently.
103) The mood, however, is consistently elegiac, without the contrasts that might rivet the attention throughout.
104) The only area of difference between women which woman-centred feminists consistently address is that of sexuality.
105) Over recent years, headhunters have helped to make consistently good appointments without major cause for complaint.
106) The operating performance of these reactors has also consistently fallen below expectations.
107) But they do not alter the basic fact: markets now operate more fluently, reliably and consistently.
108) An authority which consistently fails to provide sufficient places is clearly failing in its duty.
109) You have little chance of consistently interpreting information in a superior way.
110) In other words, does Y rise or fall consistently as X rises?
111) The continuity of such investment is key to the generation of consistently improving operating results in increasingly competitive markets.
112) It consistently indulged in folies de grandeur - and somehow it made them believable.
113) But, like an athlete, you must practice these exercises deliberately and consistently for the best results.
114) And when it comes to balancing work and family life, research consistently confirms the importance of workplace culture on individual behavior.
115) Suitable accounting policies applied consistently and making use of reasonable and prudent estimates have been used in preparation of the accounts.
116) Consistently, those elderly from the professional and managerial classes experience better health than their contemporaries from the manual occupation groups.
117) He lost his cool and kicked out two stumps during a frustrating day when he beat the bat consistently.
118) In order to justify the time spent on producing them, the copies should be consistently clear and legible.
119) Consider a nine-year-old who has never been able to complete household chores consistently.
120) Redraft, rewrite, start again... Work consistently and often.
121) He consistently used "Elohim" as God's name.
122) The company targets to build "First rate porcelain manufacturer worldwide", we will consistently broaden market rates with internal quality and external image.
123) Professor Jung said South Korea's consistently decreasing birth-rate gave her students fewer chances to watch and practice delivering babies, making Noelle's presence necessary.
124) In fact, over the past few years, consistently close to double-digit inflation, high salary increases, and unrealistic property values have begun to threaten our future economic vitality.
125) The knowledge and experience that each team member brings consistently supports the growing success of each division at Goldmark Industries.
126) By using common organization - wide standard processes, the process capability to deliver services consistently is improved.
127) "Blueberries consistently stand out for their high antioxidant content, " says Charles Stuart Platkin, host of the show "I Can Save Your Life" on the cable network We.
128) Benchmark data consistently shows that our approach achieves very good results in terms of the performance enhancement and the power reduction.
129) But sleep lab data reveal that people consistently underreport how often and how much.
129) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
130) Lengthy planning and re-planning typically resulted in a shortened development phase, which in turn resulted in the development phase being consistently frantic and reliably late.
131) Structure - the structural relationships between elements is the same so that for example an address consistently consists of a house number, street, city, region and post code.
132) One of the biggest reasons to standardize consistently UID and GID numbers across all servers is so that you can move to a central authentication system, such as LDAP.
133) In fact, for the last 20 years processor performance has consistently doubled about every two years or so.
134) It has been consistently rated as the most open and free economy and one of the most dynamic regions with the best business environment in the world.
135) China has consistently stressed friendly, good-neighbourly relations with adjacent countries and has actively promoted measures to establish bilateral trust.
136) Benchmark data consistently show that our approach achieves very good results.
137) Website should be consistently available and not frequently inaccessible due to server unreliability, high demand, or other problems.
138) Researchers and service providers consistently find high levels of posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, suicidal ideation, and other psychological problems among prostitutes.
139) We will consistently observe standard work processes, and guarantee topnotch translation quality through rigorous process control.
140) Even our Party and government consistently express willingness to be subject to public scrutiny, so why do the Beijing Olympics have all-encompassing authority?
141) There's no way to choose consistently a normal vector for the Mobius strip So, that's what we call a non-orientable surface.
142) If God had wanted somebody with Saint Francis's consistently winning personality for the job in the New Testament, He'd have picked him, you can be sure.
143) Sand pile reinforcement increases the consolidating speed and confine the lateral deformation and consistently decrease the lateral displacement of soft ground.
144) They had all the raw skill and enthusiasm of youth, but they couldn't understand how such a grandfatherly type could whip them so consistently.
145) It's not that much of a personality test, and we don't believe that there are people who consistently always notice these things.
146) "In conversations with clients we are consistently asked why central banks do not sell some or all of their gold to reduce their debt burden," UBS analyst Edel Tully said.
147) By selectively breeding these animals, breeders eventually produced a dog which consistently produced longhair offspring, and the longhair dachshund was born.
148) Conclusion Coating floating beads made by Alginate-Na and liquid paraffin can be considered as a gastro-floating formulation releasing drug consistently and locally.
149) According to several statistical measures of intelligence, people of Asian and especially Chinese descent consistently outscore other racial and ethnic groups.
150) The ultramodern Delhi Metro train system is the most celebrated instance of a program that has consistently beaten time targets and stayed closed to budget.
151) By making a series of short comments to indicate that you understand a speaker and using the same prompts consistently to silence a motormouth you can train the person over time to talk less.
152) Since 1990 WHO has recommended a syndromic approach to diagnosis and management of STIs in patients presenting with consistently recognized signs and symptoms of particular STIs.
153) Although the specified TestObject does not have to be from the Test Object Map, it must be the same object consistently for the results to be meaningful.
154) Iris Murdoch, who combines a prolific output with a consistently high level of fictional achievement, is universally acknowledged as one of the most important novelists in postwar Britain.
155) Key to their success was a water-tight defence, with Shawcross' assured displays having caught the eye consistently.
156) Try to use a differently named index variable for each set consistently; it's a good idea, especially when debugging.
157) Yet it is the label’s Japanese releases that prove to be the most consistently enjoyable as they generally convey cultural insight through offbeat humour and quirky characterisation.
158) Conclusions Since 1996, Tibetan sheep plague has begun to prevail consistently along with Marmota baibaeina plague, with outburst seen in ranches in some regions.
159) We, of the opposition, have consistently recommended that, but the day of witch-hunting must be over.
159) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
160) People consistently misperceive moving objects as shifted in the direction of their motion, so that at any moment they appear to be farther along their path than they are.
161) Passion Lights up Dreams. RongYu Media consistently upholds the concept of Customer First and Fullhearted Services, maximizing customer needs and optimizing customer efforts.
162) Not only a will-be expert must do effortful study, she must do it consistently for long, long period of time.
163) For example, do we have the spatio-temporal motor skills to create and consistently enter knocking passwords of acceptable strength?
164) Twelve years ago, Broussard's dental hygienist convinced her to gargle consistently after brushing her teeth.
165) A meaning easily grasped by most Americans has proven exasperatingly hard for AI to comprehend consistently.
166) GDP figures are a focus today, while markets will be keeping an eye on Crude's decline – now trading consistently below $40/ bbl .
167) Spurgeon has consistently across this century introduced generation after generation of Bible preachers to Calvinism.
168) Journalists have been told not to link the words "crisis" and "Russia", so the state media consistently talk only about a world crisis and Russia's "anti-crisis" measures.
169) Ernst Cassirer criticized consistently and deeply the three kinds of universal determinism which included physical one, psychologic one and metaphysical one in the history of western philosophy.
170) But the question still remains: Can you consistently hit those four shots with power. What I'm trying to say is: many players put the cart before the horse.
171) It appears to me that Rowling quite consistently (except for the Deathday Cake) and deliberately avoids to give dates, even when it would have been natural or even easier.
172) Conventional wisdom holds that Trendline support is found at levels where buyers have consistently entered the market in greater numbers than sellers.
173) The letter S, for all26) its beauty, is not meant to support weight and so our backs fail, consistently and painfully.
174) Consistently, biochemical assays showed that the SpvC-catalyzed reaction can generate both double bond-containing and covalently linked products.
175) Use figures and graphs in place of — or at least to illustrate — words, but make sure they are clearly and consistently labelled, not too complex and easily interpretable.
176) Antigonus had been the only general able to consistently defeat the other Successors; without him, the last bonds the Empire had had began to dissolve.
177) Likewise, people consistently use two-word epithets to designate specific organisms within a larger group of organisms, despite there being an infinitude of potentially more logical methods.
178) Their fans would say that they consistently outshone their indie contemporaries Blur and Oasis.
179) The analysis of the GCSE scores of more than 700, 000 girls taught in the state sector concludes that those at girls' schools consistently made more progress than those in co-ed secondaries.
180) As it settles on a consistently ascending two bar pattern, mp, the orchestra gives up the few irregularities it has recently adopted, driving the music upwards.
181) Yet in the midst of human sinfulness and weaknesses, God consistently enabled them to keep his mandates.
182) We have consistently advocated and relied upon peaceful settlement of disputes among nations.
183) Oil sand deposits can consistently produce petroleum products for around 50 years.
184) Ms. McCreary says candidates consistently damage their reputations by sending cover letters that disingenuously claim a specific position at the company is their dream job.
185) We are transformed by Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition which have consistently guided us for 2,000 years.
186) Manski also remains unsatisfied with the IEM's proponents ' reliance on its record of consistently besting the polls.
187) They found that there was consistently less tissue in the brains of those who carry the FTO allele, compared with non-carriers.
188) Traditional indications have consistently led to excellent longterm results in the absence of other issues, such as material deficits of the implants and overcorrection of deformity.
189) The puppet is quick-witted and charming but also consistently menacing — which reminds us, of course, of Gibson the very bad boyfriend and tabloid star.
190) By storing the comparator in the container object, we are assured that every operation that compares elements will do so consistently .
191) Dedicated to the service of education and prorogation of the human culture HBEP has consistently pursued good taste, the best flavor and perfect image.
192) Messy winter weather can make track workouts and other types of speedwork difficult to do consistently and safely. Not so for fartlek workouts.
193) In addition, the Chinese enterprises should consistently learn international trade regulations, so that to build soft strength of the Chinese enterprises.
194) In 15 of 22 patients(71%) with multiple episodes of PAF, ectopic beats that initiated PAF were consistently monomorphic.
195) Santa Fe Mayor David Coss said Monday that he's pleased but not surprised as the city consistently gets high rankings from the American Lung Association.
196) In order to focus on your health status consistently,[http:///consistently.html] we will start 2011 health check program.
197) In Africa, investors need the reassurance of high commodity prices and consistently strong growth, del Conte at Medicapital said.
198) Monosomy of chromosome 9 was consistently present in all cells. Chromosome 7 was trisomic or tetrasomic in the cells.
199) These were perfect preconditions for successfully combining and consistently further expanding upon our high standards in seating comfort with those in the functionality of the furniture.




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