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单词 duckboards
释义  Related topics: Outdoor, Constructionduck·boards /ˈdʌkbɔːdz $ -bɔːrdz/ noun [plural]  DLOTBClong boards used to make a path over muddy ground 〔在泥泞的地上铺的〕铺道板Examples from the Corpusduckboards• Lucky are those who have old fashioned duckboards for laying atop the snow.• A youth called Tipper ran along the duckboards, then stopped and lifted his face to the sky.• Douglas lay tipped out on the duckboards.• He had spread a tarpaulin over the duckboards, and on top of it they dumped blankets from the ambulance.• Sometimes there were duckboards around the lips of the huge shell·boards nounChineseSyllable  a long make ground Corpus used over to boards path muddy




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