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单词 unconfirmed
释义 Word family  noun confirmation adjective confirmed ≠ unconfirmed verb confirm  un·con·firmed /ˌʌnkənˈfɜːmd◂ $ -ˈfɜːrmd◂/ adjective  unconfirmed report/story/rumour etc PROVEa report etc that has not been proved or supported by official information 未经证实的报道/说法/传闻等 We’ve received unconfirmed reports of an explosion in central London. 我们收到一些未经证实的报道,说伦敦市中心发生了爆炸。Examples from the Corpusunconfirmed• We have an unconfirmed report of shots fired in the area of Brandenburg Gate.• One unconfirmed report said Hamilton had intended to take the children hostage but that his plan went awry.• By early afternoon, there's an unconfirmed report that the river has crested at 17.5 feet.• Horrors include the bombing of civilians and unconfirmed reports that napalm has been used.• According to unconfirmed reports the government had offered talks with Bhutto in return for an agreement to end the agitation.• It was hard to keep track of the unconfirmed star sightings.• There is an unconfirmed suggestion that Diaper was ordained priest in 1715.un·con·firmed adjectiveChineseSyllable  that not report been or has proved Corpus a etc




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