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单词 Unused
1. He had grown unused to this sort of attention.
2. All pollution is simply an unused resource.
3. The church has lain empty and unused since 1994.
4. She flushed the unused tablets away.
5. The house was left unused for most of the year.
6. Any unused pastry can be frozen and used at a later date.
7. Mother was entirely unused to such hard work.
8. She received a refund on the unused tickets.
9. The meeting rooms are left unused for long periods.
10. She was unused to talking about herself.
11. He demanded a refund on the unused tickets.
12. Maggie was unused to being told what to do.
13. I'm unused to getting up so early.
14. My climbing boots were sitting unused in a cupboard.
15. If unused, winter radishes run to seed in spring.
16. She was quite unused to this way of life.
17. There's room in the cellar to store unused furniture and what have you.
18. You can change back unused dollars into pounds at the bank.
19. The children are unused to city life / to living in a city.
20. If you're unused to exercise your joints may ache the next day.
21. Many potentially valuable programs remain unused and unexploited.
22. I was unused to the heavy city traffic.
22. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
23. Unused ammunition was dumped by US planes over Laos.
24. These buildings now stand empty and unused.
25. If you are unused to exercise, it hurts.
26. Unused so in mint condition, £195 ono.
27. His old car sat in the garage, unused.
28. Unused buttercream will freeze well until needed.
29. You might as well take your father's car - there's no point in having it sit there unused in the garage.
30. This is an easy routine, designed for anyone who is unused to exercise.
1. He had grown unused to this sort of attention.
2. All pollution is simply an unused resource.
3. The church has lain empty and unused since 1994.
4. She flushed the unused tablets away.
5. The house was left unused for most of the year.
6. Any unused pastry can be frozen and used at a later date.
7. You might as well take your father's car - there's no point in having it sit there unused in the garage.
31. It is also possible to carry forward unused relief.
32. Keep unused icing wrapped tightly in aluminium or clingfilm.
33. Any unused wool can be returned to the shop.
34. Too much bran introduced all at once to a stomach that is unused to it could cause discomfort and wind!
35. It stood unused for some time and was burnt down by vandals in 1970.
36. The Tynes, perched in their multitudes on the hand-carved cart that had lain cherished and unused in their garage.
37. We had all this unused energy, that is the main thing I remember.
38. Batteries which are unused for long periods may have to be recharged.
39. Sitting on my unused bed, swigging room service orange juice, I switch on the Rosenbloom show.
40. What is going to emerge is a lot of debt and a lot of unused capacity located at the wrong places.
41. This attempt caused enmity between Jermyn and Sir Maximus, since a factory opened in an unused hotel building.
42. In effect the equivalent of a million pounds-worth of fees went unused.
43. Corbett, unused to the gentle rocking of the ship and the low beams, banged his head as he straightened up.
44. He is brimming with unused love, a passion for justice, a need to repent that surpasses what the law ordained.
45. Mulholland would later tell the valley people that his objective was simply to divert their unused and return flows.
46. Once the novelty has worn off, most of these kitchen gadgets just sit in the cupboard, unused for years.
47. A village-based fabric weaving and dyeing business was quite unused to the sudden whims and vagaries of the capitalist fashion industry.
48. Note that the startup command file automatically reclaims unused space in the mail file.
49. So we decided to occupy some unused land owned by Don Juan Lopez, the big landowner of our region.
50. In addition, contributions can be made to take up any unused part of the total earnings of the past six years.
51. A different set of keys will produce a different set of synonyms, and of unused record spaces.
52. It might be merely that they were too used to inflexible fact and far too unused to pliable people.
52. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
53. All the clothes were unused looking and old, as if kept for years in jars of formaldehyde.
54. These files need to be initialised and the unused records marked as empty.
55. The men, however, for the most part, were unused to marching.
56. Unused tablets were counted, allowing compliance with treatment to be estimated at greater than 90% in all patients.
57. The tendency for anyone unused to such enormous forces is literally to be thrown over the handlebars.
58. He speaks with really quite a small vocabulary which suggests he is unused to expressing himself eloquently.
59. On the outside, make sure that no tiles or slates have slipped out of position, and cap off any unused flues.
60. Large quantities of unused frozen meat and blubber have been found on rubbish dumps after recent drives.
61. A combination of the two processes means that you can use seven years of unused tax relief in one tax year.
62. Negotiations are sometimes difficult, especially when styles vary and both sides are unused to such interactions.
63. And you can keep carrying unused home-office deductions forward until you are able to use them.
64. Clients still have to pay for their vacations, which usually involve the use of unused timeshare units.
65. One of them was Moon-Watcher; once again he felt inquisitive tendrils creeping down the unused byways of his brain.
66. He walked a little uncertainly, unused to the solid earth under his feet.
67. The protest came after police, supported by soldiers, had evicted squatters occupying unused private land.
68. Anthony Hopkins plays a bookish billionaire with a head full of unused facts.
69. Interest is paid net of basic rate tax and non-taxpayers and investors with unused allowances must reclaim tax.
70. At first it was even hard to tell whether or not she could hear, so unused were her senses.
71. The council is particularly worried by the existence of planning permission for quarrying so far unused.
72. He would solve the problem of the lack of a lavatory by using a bucket in the unused part of the attic.
73. Probably she had found a sufficient stock of unused paper in the attic - yellowed enough with age to carry conviction.
74. At each visit, any unused tablets were returned to check on compliance and a new prescription issued.
75. The large batch of Recipe 179 he had made stood unused in the locked room.
76. An allowance is made for unused hotel accommodation in Bangkok.
77. The operating system itself would have the ability to purge unused and unwanted programs.
78. Birds nested in the porch and in the guttering, and a bold jackdaw started to build in the cold unused chimney.
79. Unused muscles can feel very sore when you start exercising.
80. Of course it was faintly possible that masons unused to waterproofing could nevertheless carry out the architects' detailed instructions effectively.
81. The United States is a vast country with literally hundreds of square miles of land, unwanted and unused.
82. Jonathon's eyes, unprotected, blinked on and off, unused to open air./unused.html
83. Our stuff may be any combination of old and new, used or unused, practical, sentimental or frivolous.
84. Unused to internal democracy, party members continue to vote as their leadership obviously wishes them to vote.
85. And the unused stationery was stacked in a general office for use by lowly clerks.
86. He was a man who was unused to sitting still.
87. If the stimulation is absent, those unused connections may fade away.
88. She was unused to booze, the bloody Marys; still a little woozy.
89. Transplant unused roots to borders the following spring, as both have attractive flowers.
90. He felt like a useless and unused link in the chain.
91. It seemed a pity to waste the unused oxygen in the little chamber, but there was no purpose in waiting.
92. He told us of families who had built ramshackle premises on unused land only to see them bulldozed.
93. Put away the unused plates and cups.
94. The books looked faded, dusty and unused.
95. The unused inputs are tied to + 5 v.
96. The treehouse was constructed from the unused toolshed.
97. Remove unused code or unused features.
98. An unused screenplay was written by Ogden Nash.
99. The children are unused to city life.
100. Unused credits may be carried forward for twenty years.
101. CPU on the 8279 surveillance using the query mode, the 8279 interrupt request signal IRQ left unused.
102. New: Just like It'sounds . A brand - new, unused, unread copy in perfect condition.
103. Remove unused plugins: They slow down your blog by adding unnecessary, unused code that still has to load every time somebody accesses your page.
104. Brought out my harmonica leaving unused for long, wiped the dust on it, I hear some tousy music floating in the house...
105. The paper brings up the scheme to estimate the transient voltage unused the voltage sensor.
106. Based on the former researches, this paper introduces the CAMI Capacity Model and discusses the relevant issues of unused capacity management in virtual enterprises.
107. Leakage current during the time between the chip is electrified but not programmed is decreased mostly, gated clock and input pull-down are used to eliminate swing power of unused LC.
108. These plans let patients save money for health expenses tax-free and keep any unused money for retirement.
109. Tickets with unused SQ or MI sectors , but used interline sectors.
110. You can check the balance of your Tax Reserve Certificate account, including the total amount of unused electronic TRC and the accrued interest.
111. Disable all unused channels such as those named SYSTEM.DEF.* and SYSTEM.AUTO.*, by setting MCAUSER('nobody').
112. This example has shown how the maintenance thread uses the Reap time and Unused timeout properties to prevent stale connections.
113. Even after it receives the tax refunds, Washington Mutual will have unused operating losses it can apply to future earnings.
114. In other words, if a traffic class is not using its configured bandwidth, any unused bandwidth is shared among the other classes.
115. Crush unused pills and throw them away in kitty litter, used coffee grounds, or other unpalatable items.
116. The argument that psychic powers come from the unused majority of the brain is based on the logical fallacy of the argument from ignorance.
117. A Nice unused Tin found in the warehouse of the factory building in Petersburg, VA.
118. Now, the government vows to complete land reform by determining who has legal right to every acre of land in Bolivia and making sure the poor and landless gain ownership of unowned or unused land.
119. If your abode has a certain charm and you're willing to put in marketing hours, you can transform unused space into a monthly moneymaker.
120. The 62 sector gap between them was left unused, because we want all partitions to start at the cylinder boundary or, at least, on the side boundary .
121. The team refurbished a long - unused telescope Mount Lemmon with a 60 - inch mirror, small by modern standards.
122. The 74LVCH16245A bus hold on data inputs eliminates the need for external pull-up resistors to hold unused inputs.
123. Neither should you attempt to use a currently - unused code.
124. The unused balance of each shipment is not cumulative to the following shipment.
125. Phil Picken was an unused substitute in Chesterfield's goalless FA Cup first - round tie at Leyton Orient.
126. Unused memory cells following the BELL & RET command are considered free.
127. Hello, Ms. Jones. Are you planning to reconvert your unused Chinese money back into American dollars?
128. If you feel confident in you defense, you can release several waves at once and this will win you more bonus points for sacrificing your unused time.
129. Sorry, but you must specify an unused color name for the new color.
130. It redirects unused power of your CPU to the foreground application.
131. The Mediator and the Conference Room Service will charge fully for any unused time reserved.
132. There does seem to be a tiny bit of unused space below the bottom row of keys but this seems to be necessary to permit the slider to merge into the main body.
133. Data can be recorded on both sides of the disk platters (though often the topmost and bottommost surfaces are unused).
134. A: Unused DDF is carried over for use in a future year.
135. Since life rarely depends on me, my great skills are subdued, unused.
136. An unused module can be disabled anytime using an enable signal. Associated logic and clock trees contained in a disabled module will therefore stop consuming power.
137. Any unused management fees are redistributed to the parties at the end of the programme.
138. Unused code (rulesets/unusedcode.xml) -- Looks for private fields and local variables that are never read, unreachable statements, private methods that are never called, and the like.
139. If the fireplace is unused, close the damper and install a removable panel built of drywall glued to a piece of polystyrene insulation.
140. The unused balance of each shipment is cumulative to the following shipment.
141. PT_NULL The array element is unused; other members' values are undefined. This type lets the program header table have ignored (whole) entries.
142. There is a collection of dust in an unused room.
142. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
143. Should the unused part of accrued welfare fund be included in taxable income in liquidation?
144. If the serial interface is not able to generate an interrupt, set this value to any unused interrupt vector address.
145. Select a minidisk device number that is unassigned (this example uses 29F, but you can use any unused device number).
146. Actually he had two unused ones which he was hoarding up.
147. To remove an unused device driver, right - click the icon and select Uninstall.
148. She's unused to flying and gets a little anxious in planes.
149. The contents of the unused parts of the double word are undefined.
150. As they got to the sheetrock stage, he was walking around and noticed an unused alcove.
151. The atomic age dawned on an unused squash court at the University of Chicago in 1942.
152. If a thread performs a blocking operation, the operating system will throw away its unused time slice and let other threads execute instead.
153. Reasons for doing so include putting unused cash to use, raising earnings per share, increasing internal control of the company, and obtaining stock for employee stock option plans or pension plans.
154. Should the Negotiating Bank not be advised of stopping renewal within seven (7) days after each negotiation, the unused balance of this credit shall be increased to the original amount.
155. The available bandwidth of a path is determined by the link with the minimum unused bandwidth.
156. In some places, this "white space" of unused frequencies separating working channels amounted to as much as 70% of the total bandwidth available for television broadcasting.
157. A nerve pathway ( neuro association ) unused will gradually atrophy.
158. So, " Abroad buy on sb's behalf be in with unused commodity be punishment? "
159. Article 37 All units and individuals are forbidden to leave cultivated land unused or let it lie waste.
160. Download now, you will experience the entire system by the free distribution of unused functions.
161. Any unused processing resources will only be used by the uncapped partitions in the shared processing pool.
162. but during the seventh year let the land lie unplowed and unused. Then the poor among your people may get food from it, and the wild animals may eat what they leave.
163. In case the virtual processor gets new work in the same cycle, the hypervisor gives the unused cycles back.
164. Gerard Pique was an unused substitute in Real Zaragoza's 3 - 1 home win over Getafe in La Liga.
165. Depending on that LPAR's virtual-processor configuration,() it'll be able to borrow unused cycles from the shared processor pool and report more then 100 percent utilization.
166. Once the printer is unused, the spooler can send the job to the printer without fear of contention from other print jobs.
167. Your air was often diffident, and altogether that of one refined by nature, but absolutely unused to society, and a good deal afraid of making herself conspicuous by some solecism or blunder.
168. When a virtual processor or SMT thread becomes idle, it is able to cede processor cycle to Hypervisor, and then the Hypervisor can dispatch unused processor cycles for other work.
169. Similarly, excessive corporate investment has left enormous unused factory capacity.
170. To use an SPU from a process, the user needs to have write permission to the mount point of the spufs and choose an unused name for the new SPU context.
171. On her once familiar street , as in any unused channel , an unfamiliar queerness had silted up .
172. Depending on the target specification[Sentence dictionary], they will search a certain C net or a whole net segment of unused address.
173. The first unused serial device (/dev/ttySx) gets allotted to the card, which can then be accessed as if it where a serial device.
174. Once the problem appears on resource and client butt joint, appear very likely resource is unused.
175. Saving method best is to wear, because grease of excretive of human body skin and alkalescent sweat fluid are insurable, protect bead film, wear lengthen life, unused a premature senility.
176. The insurance on his BMW has run out, and the car stands unused.
177. The problem of how to deal with the case of unused defalcation has some divergences of opinion between the field of theory in criminal law, and in the departments of practice have the same problem.
178. Alternatively, the credit facility can be contingent: an unused revolving line of credit that can be accessed in an emergency, instantly encumbering the asset.
179. Therefore much of this information has up til now gone unused.
180. In a copying collector, another form of tracing collector, the heap is divided into two equally sized semi-spaces, one of which contains active data and the other is unused.
181. localport is a non-privileged port (any unused port above 1024) on your local system, and targetport is the port of the service you want to connect to.
182. Identifying such unused land within the urban area is therefore a priority task for the municipality.
183. Scientists noted that America's greatest source of unused brainpower was women.
184. What are you going to do with the unused money?
185. Wipes unused disk space using several selectable fast or strong erase algorithms, including DOD - approved.
186. A process of dynamic relocation in which contiguous segments are moved to one end of the memory to combine all unused storage at the other end.
187. He was unused to alcohol and it affected him quickly.
188. Has unused code been removed ? Have all unnecessary comments been removed ?
189. A healthy human spine has a natural S-shape, but sitting pushes the lower lumbar curve into more of a C-shape so that the back and abdominal muscles designed to support the body are unused.
190. Lots of systems suffer from the extremes: clumped, lengthy code with little abstractions, or an overly designed system with unnecessary complexity and unused code.
191. On the other hand, dead, unused code only clutters a program and makes it harder to read and understand, so delete it.
192. The advantage of dynamic loading is that an unused routine is never loaded.
193. An unused module can be disabled anytime using an enable signal.
194. Remain unused for almost 50 years, Savillarow, therefore, reserves good ecologic resources.
195. In a shared-partition environment, you need to understand that there is an unused time slice in each entitled processor capacity.
196. Any unused cold foil will roll back to an alternate materials.
197. Packet - switched data under GPRS is achieved by allocating unused cell bandwidth to transmit data.
198. Grassland and unused land account for 91.38%, so the developmental degree of the city is low.
199. Probably the most important policy tool used in terms of the vacant or unused land in Brazil is what is referred to a "progressive taxation on vacant or unused land".
200. The unused desks have been transferred to the storage room.
201. They had been hid in the unused gallery listening to their own funeral sermon!
202. Bank Clerk: Hello, Ms. Jones. Are you planning to reconvert your unused Chinese money back into American dollars?
202. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
203. Having this option in a script that runs regularly can ensure automatic cleanup of the capture file to remove unused SQL.
204. At the same time, forward the approach on how to manage the leave unused current assets.
205. If you pay $1000 a month for 1000 square feet, and your unused, unworn things take up 30 square feet, you are wasting $30 a month!
206. This is really helpful on wide-screen laptops where vertical screen space is precious but there is plenty of unused space on the sides.
207. Article 64 Evaluation of the prepaid expenses and inventory of supplies shall be based on the portion of amount covering the unexpired period or the unused supplies.
208. You'll need the memo when you reconvert the unused RMB back into foreign currency.
209. His spear lay by his side unused, and his baskets of plaited osier were empty.
210. You have to return it to the bank when you reconvert the unused RMB back into foreign currency.
211. On her once familiar street, as in any unused channel, an unfamiliar queerness had silted up; a cat wove itself in and out of railings, but no human eye watched Mrs Drover's return.




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