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单词 unconscionable
释义  un·con·scion·a·ble /ʌnˈkɒnʃənəbəl $ -ˈkɑːn-/ adjective formal  WRONG/UNJUSTIFIEDmuch more than is reasonable or acceptable 不合理的;过度的;难以接受的 The war caused an unconscionable amount of suffering. 战争造成了太多的苦难。 —unconscionably adverbExamples from the Corpusunconscionable• I think a "not guilty" verdict in this case would be unconscionable.• He was fearless in his attacks on public figures whose actions he considered unconscionable.• Attempts to reconcile these two decisions have expanded human ingenuity and expended an unconscionable amount of time, effort and paper.• There were also the personal matters, which, as every young person knows, consume an unconscionable amount of time.• It was also necessary to show unconscionable conduct etc.• Yet almost every case brought by individuals against corporations requires the individual to battle these unconscionable costs and delays.• The community is not bound to provide what is in effect a subsidy for unconscionable employers.• The defendants' conduct was not unconscionable, nor an interference with any legal or equitable right of the plaintiffs.Origin unconscionable (1500-1600) conscionable “acceptable” ((16-21 centuries)), from conscion, taken as a singular form of conscienceun·con·scion·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  reasonable Corpus is or acceptable more than much




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