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单词 unconcerned
释义 Word family  noun concern adjective concerned ≠ unconcerned verb concern  un·con·cerned /ˌʌnkənˈsɜːnd $ -ɜːrnd/ adjective  1  DON'T CAREnot worried about something because you think it does not affect you 不关心的;不忧虑的unconcerned about Many large companies seem totally unconcerned about the environment. 许多大公司似乎根本不关心环境。2  INTERESTEDnot interested in a particular aim or activity 不感兴趣的unconcerned with unconcerned with making a profit 对赚钱不感兴趣的 —unconcernedly /-nɪdli/ adverbExamples from the Corpusunconcerned• It was strange. They threatened to fire him, but he seemed quite unconcerned.• She's relaxed and responding well to some half-completed treatment, unconcerned about her hair loss.• But he was unconcerned about the bite and thought the tingling pain was more indicative of a urine infection than shingles.• She seemed unconcerned about the risk of violence.• They appeared completely unconcerned about the shelling going on around them.• The sheriff was unconcerned about their whereabouts.• The brothers appeared unconcerned about what Cassidy had to say.• Scott seemed unconcerned by his companion's problem and looked to his right.• But the Republican professed to be unconcerned by surveys.• To her everything seemed to be curious and interesting, and she was utterly unconcerned how she appeared to other people.unconcerned about• The man seemed unconcerned about his wife's health.unconcerned with• These competitive women are unconcerned with motherhood.un·con·cerned adjectiveChineseSyllable  worried it because affect Corpus does something you think not about not




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