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单词 uncomprehending
释义  un·com·pre·hend·ing /ˌʌnkɒmprɪˈhendɪŋ $ -kɑːm-/ adjective  UNDERSTAND#not understanding what is happening 不理解的 —uncomprehendingly adverbExamples from the Corpusuncomprehending• Emmie looked at her, uncomprehending.• At all times he was uncomprehending and desperate for advice.• There were no cultural bureaucrats in State-subsidised theatres imposing the Brechtian avant-garde on uncomprehending audiences.• The result is that, when relationships break down, women's disappointment is often accompanied by extraordinary, uncomprehending bitterness.• Miss Harker stared at them uncomprehending for a second.• It stung, that eruption of uncomprehending idiocy.• She gave me a helpless uncomprehending look.• But now, uncomprehending, she laughed and ran up the wide stairs.• Artists who worked in advanced manners continued a tradition which the uncomprehending, wider, public would have called vanguard.un·com·pre·hend·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  is Corpus not happening understanding what




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