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单词 doubly
释义  doub·ly /ˈdʌbli/ adverb  1  INCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNT[+adj] much more than usual 加倍地 Be doubly careful when driving in fog. 在雾中开车要加倍小心。2  TWOin two ways or for two reasons 在两个方面;由于双重原因造成 You are doubly mistaken. 你有两个方面的错误。Examples from the Corpusdoubly• It would be a doubly beneficial act.• Here too, the doubly forbidden relationship had its penalties.• It was plain that she must work doubly hard.• Obviously the magistrates were trying to take more care with the girls before them whom they saw as doubly problematic.• Or would the command of the amendment finally be winked at, in which case the Constitution would be doubly trashed?• This is doubly true of its patterns of industrial waste flow.• To some extent, also, they were doubly unlucky in 1991.• Props who can play on either head can be doubly useful on a bruising tour.doub·ly adverbChineseSyllable  usual Corpus more much than




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