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单词 disabuse
释义  dis·a·buse /ˌdɪsəˈbjuːz/ verb [transitive] formal  PERSUADEto persuade someone that what they believe is not true 纠正;使摒弃某种观点disabuse somebody of something I tried to disabuse him of that notion. 我试图让他改变那种观念。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdisabuse• However, I do not believe that I will be able to disabuse him of his beliefs.• It may also disabuse ministers of the belief that people notice indirect taxes less than direct ones.• The government will do nothing to disabuse the public of this impression you can be sure.• Successive experience to the contrary failed to disabuse them of this illusion.disabuse somebody of something• I hope to disabuse you of the notion that all employees are lazy.Origin disabuse (1600-1700) dis- + → ABUSE2 “to deceive” ((15-18 centuries))dis·a·buse verbChineseSyllable  someone what to that persuade Corpus believe they is




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