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单词 Resulting
1 Seventy factory workers were made redundant in the resulting cuts.
2 It will close more than 200 stores nationwide resulting in the layoffs of an estimated 2,000 employees.
3 There was a court case resulting from this incident.
4 The resulting salty water will be discharged at sea.
5 It was a large explosion and the resulting damage was extensive.
6 How would you cope with unemployment and the resulting loss of income?
7 We are still dealing with problems resulting from errors made in the past.
8 The verdict resulting from his impeachment destroyed his political career.
9 Many of the resulting wines lack the subtlety of the original model.
10 Any damage resulting from negligence is not to be compensated.
11 The aid programme was misconducted, resulting in large quantities of food failing to reach the famine victims.
12 Tax was low and state spending was high, resulting in a budget deficit.
13 Judges granted around a third, resulting in 582 convictions.
14 The resulting set of lines forms a band envelope.
15 The resulting pain can cause a nighttime awakening.
16 The resulting fires led to widespread air pollution.
17 The resulting market power will generate static welfare losses.
18 The resulting recession caused enormous pain across the country.
19 This caused a violent explosion resulting in extensive damage.
20 The resulting anti-predator adaptations are very diverse.
21 The resulting incisions do not bear thinking about.
22 The resulting products usually contain carbon double bonds.
23 You look terrible - what's happened? The word is also used to talk about one event resulting from another:What happened when you told him the news?
24 The tape was left near a magnetic source, and the resulting damage was considerable.
25 The media have been filled with tales of horror and loss resulting from Monday's earthquake.
26 Some people will take the seeds and hybridize the resulting plants with others of their own.
27 Complete disruption of lysosomes also occurs, but to a lesser extent resulting in less marked release of enzyme into the supernatant.
28 In 1970 a large area of bamboo flowered and died resulting in many deaths through starvation in the panda population.
29 This transformed trypanosome line, ST3, was then transmitted through tsetse flies and the resulting bloodstream forms cloned in mice.
30 When people take shorter breaks there is less build-up and excitement before and after the holiday, resulting in less disruption.
1 Seventy factory workers were made redundant in the resulting cuts.
2 It will close more than 200 stores nationwide resulting in the layoffs of an estimated 2,000 employees.
3 The verdict resulting from his impeachment destroyed his political career.
31 The technician was more excited by the resulting effect than I was: I just thought it was a bit of fun.
32 The disorders continued for seven days, resulting in the death of fifteen whites and twenty-three blacks.
33 My department will deal with all enquiries resulting from the canvas, including those concerning banding.
34 Its budget has been cut by 40 percent from its fiscal 1995 level, resulting in staff firings and program reorganizations.
35 The resulting power struggles and conflict may only make the child more aggressive.
36 There were no adverse health effects resulting from the exposure.
37 The court pointed out that even a game of hopscotch could suddenly break into a fight resulting in serious injury.
38 Much appreciation is due to those residents who have brought various incidents to attention resulting in appropriate action.
39 Transconjugant: a bacterium with new genetic information resulting from conjugation.
40 The seeds are often ground and the resulting powder is a basic ingredient of curry spice mix.
41 The resulting trade deficit and shortage of incoming foreign exchange added to the country's balance-of-payments problem.
42 The effect of the resulting orderliness was a greatly improved efficiency.
43 Unfortunately the resulting diagram is not so easy to interpret as are some of the other forms of chart.
44 This has several advantages: fragile items will be spared the cumulative damage resulting from repeated handling and removal from storage facilities.
45 By contrast, the chances of a major nuclear accident resulting in 100 fatal cancers was set at one in a million.
45 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
46 A north-west gale had given us a good shaking up crossing from Peterhead to Wick resulting in a cracked cylinder head.
47 Thirty-one cases were tried, many with more than one defendant, resulting in thirty-one convictions and seventeen acquittals.
48 In the resulting confrontation several hundred Mohawks armed with clubs and guns fought running battles with police.
49 The consequent reduction in torque at low speeds, resulting in poor initial acceleration, is compensated by the higher steady-state speed.
50 Gas is slower-burning, resulting in reduced wear on principal engine components and reduced running costs.
51 Painting on unstretched paper causes uneven buckling when water is applied, resulting in distorted images or uncontrollable brushwork and washes.
52 But high blood pressure makes the heart work harder resulting in heart disease.
53 Great plans are afoot to ban smoking in public places, resulting in smokers soon becoming complete outcasts in society.
54 The resulting combination of grace and dynamism distinguished Kelly for the rest of his career.
55 According to Moscow radio reports there followed a renewed rampage by rioters through the city resulting in extensive damage.
56 That imbalance in brain chemicals also could lead to exaggerated responses to stress, resulting in extreme fatigue.
57 Considering the possibility of emotional trauma resulting from such a programme is crucial.
58 The system illustrated here follows a logical sequence of development resulting in a short-term financial planning and cash budgeting system.
59 The resulting bargains are then put to the policy and resources or finance committee.
60 The resulting shallow pits and pools, often extending over many hectares, accumulate salts and nutrients from year to year.
61 Timber and wooden furniture industries reported 206 machine injuries, with many resulting in amputations.
62 The seed was defective and the resulting crop was little better than useless.
63 The group's investments in Berisford and Hillsdown have been further written down resulting in an extraordinary charge of £31m.
64 The resulting spicy, sweet crust that it imparts to the roast is quite captivating.
65 The resulting baking had a strong garlic flavour, more acceptable perhaps in bread, but cakes, Yuk!
66 The plant was boiled in water and the resulting infusion was said to be an effectual diuretic.
67 I have a hard time separating one statement resulting from torture from another and I can not in good conscience do so.
68 And the resulting higher import prices will put upward pressure on inflation.
69 Those changes relate to fundamental errors and adjustments resulting from changes in accounting policies.
70 Parts of the Bristol Avon were iced over, resulting in the cancellation of the Bradford-On-Avon Open.
71 The resulting system could have a huge angular momentum with a very well-defined direction.
72 Subsequent period-doubling bifurcations appear as r is increased, resulting in increasingly complex periodic solutions.
73 The resulting salt mix has a high alkalinity reserve and is well buffered with extra calcium.
74 Provided the margin payments earn interest at the risk-free rate, the resulting no-arbitrage condition is unaltered.
75 Socialism cannot exist without a change in consciousness resulting in a new fraternal attitude toward humanity, both at an individual level, within the societies where socialism is being built or has been built, and on a world scale,(http:///resulting.html) with regard to all peoples suffering from imperialist oppression. Che Guevara 
76 This resulting increase in impedance between the electrodes may be observed on a pen recorder.
77 Given that the factory producing the chocolate is miles away, the resulting confections are really quite good.
78 It is also possible to release stored energy suddenly, resulting in a violent reflex contraction of the back muscles.
79 The resulting upset and confusion could cause employee walk-outs or the loss of business and create a seriously negative public image.
80 The Union was particularly concerned about poor storage for Mans Piper resulting in sprouting, which would mean extra processing.
81 The compensatory award is intended to reimburse you for financial loss resulting from the unfair dismissal.
82 The resulting effect is reminiscent of a carillon of wooden hells.
83 The resulting orogen would be a modified continental margin type.
84 This pinpointed the main problem ara - non-asbestos work resulting in damage to asbestos-containing insulation material.
85 The resulting fictionalised account is a faithful portrait of a musical genius, drunken lout, spiritual healer, liar and clown.
86 But expectations had been raised, and the resulting outrage found vent in youth culture.
87 This in turn implies increased autonomy for assessing practitioners resulting perhaps in a new level of autonomy and new systems of accountability.
88 The resulting picture on the monitor is called a false-colour composite image.
89 In addition to hypocalcemia, osteomalacia, when present, is quite severe, frequently resulting in multiple fractures.
90 I tediously completed the resulting calculations for each and every processing element output.
91 Cars in the latter colours had 133 crashes resulting in injury per 10,000 cars in 1991.
92 In my view death resulting from it is a death by natural causes.
93 The gene pool of the resulting subgroups would be too small to ensure the viability of the population.
94 The resulting verdicts amounted, once again, to a demand for the abolition of the Forest jurisdiction outside the king's demesnes.
95 The resulting letters were written with an extraordinary formality, but the content was deeply moving.
96 When this is combined with film deadlines, the resulting anecdotes are often highly entertaining.
97 Selection-biases resulting from differential recruitment of comparison groups, producing different mean levels of the measures of effects.
98 It's worried that the resulting jumble of colours and designs would create an eyesore.
99 The producer of a defective product is liable for damage resulting wholly or partly from that defect.
100 Before critical habitat can be designated, an analysis of the resulting social and economic impacts must be made.
101 He showed great fortitude and tenacity in carrying on his professional work in spite of adversity resulting from enemy action.
102 Specifications should be appropriate for the works resulting in the best value for money.
103 Because of their disability they are likely to be confined at home longer than non-disabled people, resulting in higher heating bills.
104 From this point of view, the resulting surveys are sometimes like historical studies.
105 A history of purulent nasal discharge may be obtained in headaches resulting from sinus disease.
106 The problems of cities-and particularly inner-city areas-were increasingly viewed as resulting from economic decline.
107 John of the Cross, fresh blood flowed from the wound resulting from an amputated finger.
108 The resulting chronology should then enable one to date particular instruments according to the presence of certain features.
109 The resulting slump left a considerable proportion of productive capacity idle.
110 The resulting competition probably causes the animals to occupy small but adequate territories which are vigorously defended by a monogamous pair.
111 He warned that material shortages resulting from such export bans were bringing many enterprises to a standstill.
112 Elderly patients have decreased protein binding of AEDs resulting in a higher unbound fraction.
113 Since the value of the resulting output is highly dependent on these components, they should be given early and careful consideration.
114 Voters rejected measures to ban most lawsuits resulting from car accidents, limit shareholder lawsuits and slash lawyers' contingency fees.
115 Group Services has had to reflect these changes resulting in a cutback on staff numbers with the loss of many valued colleagues.
116 Substrate was applied to the sections and incubated for 3-5min, resulting in a brown reaction product.
117 The Law Lords ruling has advocated inequality resulting in some of Equitable's investors being treated far more favourably than others.
118 These raised marine deposits point to possible consequences of a global rise in sea level resulting from climatic change.
119 Are not consumers still being denied freedom of choice, resulting in delays in the introduction of more humane systems of husbandry?
120 Persistent conflicts of interest, resulting in periodic political and economic crises, bear this out.
121 The authors conclude that the risk of respiratory conditions resulting from passive smoking, although small, is not negligible. 2.
122 The resulting restraining order is in effect until May 10, when a hearing on a preliminary injunction is scheduled.
123 In specific cases exact solutions of the stress distribution resulting from a given distribution of surface traction can be found.
124 Where no allowance is made for this depreciation in the calculation of investment, the resulting figure is called gross investment.
125 There is a positive or direct relationship between a change in demand and the resulting changes in equilibrium price and quantity.
126 When such costs are taken seriously, the resulting fear effectively blocks the path to minimizing and blaming.
127 The resulting pattern was very disappointing, it looked heavy and clumsy.
128 The resulting squeeze brought an end to the love affair between the Reichmanns and the money-lenders.
129 Rather it is the quality of representation resulting from the overall balance of interests.
130 Rather than pay the bribes and suffer the losses resulting from delays, people took the risk of fines for disobeying the law.
131 The analysis will also take into account the psychological distress resulting from unemployment, which is known to vary considerably by country.
132 When the stop of the Exchequer was forced upon the government in 1672 he received favourable treatment in the resulting settlement.
133 There would be an advantage, however, in using a stiffer-shafted club because the resulting higher torsional stiffness increases accuracy.
134 Any great degree of such aortic valve incompetence will place an unacceptable work-load on the heart, with resulting heart failure.
135 Chiron will have exclusive rights to develop and market any resulting compounds that can be used for human health.
136 You will now release me: the resulting implication being that I bought my freedom at the expense of his.
137 The resulting rank heather is a severe fire hazard in areas attracting tourists.
138 Cell movements, for example,() may bring tissues in apposition resulting in new interactions leading to further movements.
139 The resulting deep distrust provoked by social surfaces leaves Chandler unimpressed by anything as literal as an economic recovery.
140 The resulting sharp drop in its levels causes the lining of the womb, along with the unfertilised egg, to be shed.
141 In the resulting offspring, each and every body cell contains copies of the genes from both parents.
142 Deduct the lower earnings limit, and divide the resulting figure by 80.
143 They may use resulting algorithms to better understand the brain and duplicate some of its functions.
144 The move had sparked violent protests among students, parents and teachers, resulting in seven injuries and ten arrests.
145 The usual cause of death is due to internal injuries caused by butting, or exhaustion resulting from being chased.
146 The resulting book falls somewhere between the teen diary / confessional genre and the academic feminist treatise.
147 Moreover, the resulting decline in council housing has begun to lead to the rise of the ghetto.
148 The therapist regarded this behaviour as resulting from Janet's dependence on her and fear of losing her support.
149 Trismus may be very prominent, resulting in a clinical presentation mimicking tetanus.
150 He later pleaded guilty to eight perjury counts resulting from testimony in drug cases.
151 Ideology pulling hither and thither - sometimes resulting in apparent loss of direction - has not helped.
152 The division brought charges against thirty-six Klan defendants in thirteen cases, resulting in fifteen guilty pleas.
153 The resulting uniform frequency of energy allows synchronisation with the national grid.
154 The resulting seizures are commonly regarded as a successful experimental approximation of focal epilepsy.
155 The economic consequences for food crops and other plants of the resulting increase in ultraviolet radiation have received less attention.
156 Low inflation in industrialized countries restrained increases in import prices, resulting in a general improvement in the terms of trade.
157 The resulting type of statistical methodology is known as Bayesian, and is still controversial.
158 The resulting look may not have been pretty on the final day, but neither was it unfamiliar.
159 In the resulting culture of pain, sadness and despair, disenfranchised young men fill the void of personal power with guns.
160 There has been good response from advertisers resulting in relatively small expenses being incurred.
161 Vitamin D deficiency decreases intestinal calcium absorption, resulting in hypocalcemia.
162 Twenty-one cases were tried, resulting in the conviction of twenty-eight defendants and fourteen acquittals.
163 Shyness in this instance has proved a virtue and its resulting insularity and independence a blessing.
164 In the resulting calm Tam and his brother resurfaced and were all smiles.
165 A 35-year-old lawyer faces financial ruin resulting from a serious mental illness.http://
166 If you have made cloth with quite a coarsely textured yarn then the resulting quality is possibly rather stiff.
167 Of more practical importance than estimates of global annual average temperature increase is that of resulting regional and seasonal changes.
168 This gives the greatest chance of individuals understanding the reasons for decisions, having ownership of resulting policy and implementing it.
169 Since 1981, there have been 665 crashes at state crossings, resulting in 81 deaths and 205 injuries.
170 It is thought that uric acid crystals serve as a nidus for calcium oxalate crystallization resulting in subsequent stone formation.
171 It has aroused concern because of the resulting increase in the burden of taxation and reduction in individual choice.
172 The resulting historic memoir was published in 1907, edited by Geikie in his retirement.
173 Oxygen is consumed during these processes resulting in a decrease in PO2 levels.
174 Will operator charges by Railtrack be reflected in higher fares and possible loss of patronage resulting from cross price elasticity?
175 Forsythe considered the effects on way of life resulting from the closure of primary schools.
176 The resulting images were also viewed by a plant biologist.
177 He certainly did not envy him his domestic problems or his resulting injuries to soul and face.
178 These peaks, together with a crystallographic twofold axis, were interpreted as possibly resulting from 52 point-group symmetry.
179 Sales are down 10 percent this year, resulting in an estimated loss of $ 75 million for 1995.
180 The resulting quantum logic was initiated by the mathematicians John von Neumann and Garret Birkhoff, using mathematical constructs called lattices.
181 The eggs are then laid in the resulting ball of froth.
182 Operating leverage measures the percentage increase in profits resulting from a given percentage increase in sales.
183 This struggle with adversity and the resulting self-imposed isolation came to be seen as criteria for artistic genius.
184 A deficiency of soil nutrients can cause the resulting crop to be disease-ridden and of very poor quality.
185 The oil companies accuse villagers of breaching the pipes to steal the fuel or to claim compensation for the resulting pollution.
186 The band represents some of the best young talent that's around, resulting in a sound that's both innovative and inspired.
187 Of greater concern was the decline in quality resulting from the increased inputs of pollutants by sewage works and industrial plants.
188 The resulting shape is finally inserted into its background and the design mounted and finished as required.
189 Here was a period when a universally accepted order could be discovered with a resulting social and political stability.
190 The resulting interview was heavy going for both of them.
191 They complained of frequent staff changes resulting in a lack of consistency between residential workers and inadequate control of the youngsters.
192 The resulting estimates will then be used to calculate the changes in welfare resulting from some simple price reduction scenarios of 1992.
193 It provides that such damages can be awarded as are proportioned to the injury resulting from the death to the dependants respectively.
194 Many of these were accepted during compromise negotiations, resulting in tighter regulations than originally proposed.
195 A great day for the new committee, resulting in a grand total of £475.
196 The resulting work was shown in an exhibition at the National Gallery in London, in 1987.
197 So each played it by ear, with resulting policy shifts that often appeared to be not only sudden but incomprehensible.
198 For example, environmental considerations have prompted the company to embark upon a halon replacement programme resulting in a range of alternative systems.
199 Rather than waste unwanted vintages they are sold at a huge discount straight from the barrel - the resulting parties are superb fun.
200 The higher thermal efficiency resulting from the topping cycle reduces the amount of carbon dioxide produced per unit of power generated.
201 The referee examines any injury resulting during the bout and, if necessary, a doctor is summoned.
202 The resulting pellets are termed Type 90 reflecting the high percentage of hop material present compared to water and foreign matters.
203 One can certainly point to abuses resulting from the increased activity around art.
204 This obviously limits competition in product design and innovation and facilitates uniform pricing of the resulting products.
205 The resulting bailout will ultimately cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars.
206 Evidence showed that almost twice as much gas had been loaded into the underground cavern, resulting in the blast.
207 These accumulate as the snow melts under spring sunshine, and the resulting discoloration hastens the melting.
208 The second category is the national stoppage resulting from the breakdown of negotiations and the exhaustion of the bargaining machinery.
209 Certainly the resulting curriculum looks rather dull compared with the initial considerations which offered the possibility of a refreshing new view.
210 The variability of patterns resulting from the use of different volumes of hydrogen peroxide also argued against further use of this technique.
211 My youth seemed interminable because my personal identity was unclear, and in the resulting fog the gauge of time became unmeasurable.
212 And reported in newsgroups and acknowledged by Access is a shank resulting after hitting a perfect swing with the mouse control.
213 Four significant gas discoveries and one significant oil discovery, all offshore, have been announced resulting from this activity.
214 After that flap, and the resulting corporate embarrassment, Intel promised to publicly disclose shortcomings in its microprocessors.
215 Verapamil, a slow calcium channel blocker minimises cellular injury resulting from calcium influx into cells during hypoxia or ischaemia.
216 The movie invites comparison to numerous secular films and, more often than not, it suffers from the resulting deja vu.
217 His photographs and descriptions convey concern for the human suffering resulting from natural disasters.
218 Guaranteed prices for agricultural products have created a knock-on effect resulting in high land prices and high food costs.
219 The whole sheet would then be photographed at actual size and the resulting image used to make a plate.
220 The resulting action is a combined display of enthusiastic pursuit by the cadets and good-natured acceptance of inevitable defeat by the insurgents.
221 His recent message was circulated to the media, resulting in radio interviews, newspaper coverage and comment.
222 Decentralization and its resulting centrifugal force have sent many managers reeling as well.
223 Bowel may herniate alongside a drain, with resulting obstruction.
224 The resulting solution is known as the gradient.
225 Torques resulting from this change are called compliance torques.
226 The resulting residual chromatism is known as secondary spectrum.
227 The air guards the catalytic converter from overload and possible resulting damage.
228 The resulting effluent is then diluted upon combination with the total plant effluent.
229 It was apathy with Hurstwood,(http://) resulting from his inability to see his way out.
230 Any damage resulting negligence must be paid for by the borrower.
231 The resulting length of path is greatly increased, with consequent increase in resistance.
232 The main energy producing pathway in the leucocyte is glycolysis, resulting in lactate production from glucose.
233 The dynamic loading resulting from blast, gusts of wind, or seismic forces is generally not harmonic.
234 Any damage resulting from negligence must be paid for by the borrower.
235 Marasmus is the condition resulting from caloric inadequacy of the diet.
236 This point was at issue in litigation resulting from the famous' saturday Night Massacre " incident.
237 Direct Artifacts ( D . A . ) : The tangible outputs resulting directly from implementation of a SP or GP.
238 The government decides fiscal decentralization hierarchically, resulting in the hierarchical fiscal system.
239 A segment of the chromosome may become lost, resulting in a deletion.




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