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单词 Splashed
1 She splashed her face with cold water.
2 Rain splashed against the windows.
3 The ocean splashed against the pier.
4 Water splashed onto the floor.
5 The children splashed in the pool.
6 Children splashed through the puddles.
7 My car was splashed over with mud.
8 Big tears ran down her cheeks and splashed onto the paper.
9 Brian splashed water on his face, then brushed his teeth.
10 We splashed across the stream.
11 The children splashed about in the surf.
12 Passing vehicles splashed the wall up with mud.
13 Water splashed into the bucket from the tap.
14 His uniform was crumpled, untidy, splashed with mud.
15 Her clean washing was all splashed with mud.
16 The spacecraft splashed down in the Pacific.
17 He splashed in the heavy rain.
18 He splashed the soup on the table.
19 A single drop of blood splashed onto the floor.
20 He splashed cold water on his face.
21 The hot oil splashed out of the pot.
22 We splashed out on a new kitchen.
23 Unfortunately some paint splashed onto the rug.
24 They splashed through the puddles.
25 He splashed his face with cold water.
26 His name was splashed in the newspaper.
27 They splashed out £3000 on a holiday.
28 The gunman's picture was splashed across the front page.
29 The green water splashed and foamed over the rocks.
30 My clothes were splashed with mud.
1 She splashed her face with cold water.
2 Rain splashed against the windows.
3 The ocean splashed against the pier.
4 Water splashed onto the floor.
5 The children splashed in the pool.
6 Children splashed through the puddles.
7 My car was splashed over with mud.
8 Big tears ran down her cheeks and splashed onto the paper.
9 Brian splashed water on his face, then brushed his teeth.
10 Water splashed into the bucket from the tap.
11 The cowboy splashed his way across the shallow stream with his cow.
12 She accidentally splashed oil over her apron while cooking lunch.
31 They splashed the wall with different colours.
32 He splashed out hundreds of pounds on designer clothes.
33 She splashed through the puddles.
34 The rain splashed down all day.
35 She splashed out on a new pair of shoes.
36 A small fountain splashed musically in the courtyard.
37 She splashed out on several handbags.
38 Rain splashed against the window.
39 He splashed his way across the pool.
40 She splashed some water over her boots to clean them.
41 The headlines were splashed across the front page of every newspaper.
42 The newspapers splashed the story all over their front pages.
43 The cowboy splashed his way across the shallow stream with his cow.
44 The hot liquid splashed down on the concrete and rebounded.
45 He closed his eyes tight, and splashed the water on his face.
46 The walls were splashed with patches of blue and purple.
47 The name of their sponsors is splashed across the team's football shirts.
48 She could hear the voices of her friends as they splashed in a nearby rock pool.
49 The story was splashed across the front page of the newspaper.
50 A little wave, the first of many, splashed in my face.
51 He was in his mid-forties,(http:///splashed.html) his hair liberally splashed with grey.
52 She splashed some petrol onto the wood and set fire to it.
53 The gliders and their pilots splashed into the lake and had to be fished out.
54 She accidentally splashed oil over her apron while cooking lunch.
55 David knelt, cupped his hands and splashed river water on to his face.
56 The story was splashed across the front pages of the Sunday papers.
57 Several newspapers splashed colour pictures of the Prince across their front pages.
58 Last year Roberts splashed out more than £1 million to buy a new home.
59 She poured a large gin and splashed soda into it from a siphon.
60 The news of his death was splashed in headlines across all the newspapers.
61 The sweat dripped from his face splashed on the floor.
62 The blood had splashed out, drenching their clothes.
63 Red spots had splashed across the picture.
64 Water splashed in the basin of the fountain.
65 The whole toilet compartment had been splashed.
66 Glass and white liquid splashed outwards.
67 The washing machine gently swished and splashed.
68 Sunlight splashed through the front window.
69 A burst splashed into the bowl.
70 He felt cold, thick fluid being splashed on him.
71 Especially if you've splashed out on security devices.
72 They were splashed with blood from Parker's eye.
73 Tap water splashed into a basin.
74 Big drops of rain splashed on the sidewalk.
75 The toilet flushed. Water splashed.
76 Behind it the last bear splashed through the water.
77 I splashed more over my face.
78 It was splashed all over the shops!
79 She began to wipe the tops down with unnecessary vigour, muttering crossly when water splashed on her dress.
80 They look as though they have been splashed across the skin.
81 Fish splashed in small pools and the sweet scent of the river hurrying by charmed our days.
82 There was water at the bottom covered by a thin skin of ice and he splashed into it face first.
83 Then he switched on the torch and splashed through the puddle in the concrete to the shed.
84 Forget the white socks and team shirts splashed with the logo of your favorite gas-jockeys.
85 The steamy yellow gruel in the bucket splashed out on to the kitchen floor.
86 She went over to the sink and splashed her face with cold water over and over again.
87 She opened her mouth,(http:///splashed.html) but spat out the sweet and sour liquid which splashed on to her tongue.
88 Edward lifted it and splashed a little water into the teapot, swirling it around.
89 Fresh paint has been splashed everywhere, even in residential districts.
90 His heart lurched and he splashed his goblet full to the brim with dark red claret.
91 The mist was heavy and noisy waterfalls splashed down through pipe thickets of green bamboo.
92 The aromatic waters can be used in the same way as commercial products - splashed on after a bath or shower.
93 She went into the bathroom along the landing and splashed her face with cool water.
94 The story was splashed over the front page, elbowing aside the arms talks and the council scandal.
95 Rain joined him in the doorway but there was no time to speak before Cobalt splashed through the puddle to them.
96 The devoted duo have splashed out £50,000 on Butlins visits - £1,000 more than they paid for their house.
97 Naked children splashed gleefully in the shallow water, trying to catch the occasional sand crab before it scuttled underground.
98 Now they're back, Tommy splashed with blood, Iain with a bloodstain on the leg of his denims.
99 Rinsing her hands with cold water, she splashed some on her face.
100 Water poured through the guttering and splashed noisily from the eaves.
101 Beer splashed the carpet.
102 All you have to do is make a free throw and she gets splashed.
103 Liverpool, who splashed £2.9m for Saunders 13 months ago, are equally determined not to lower their asking price.
104 Bright little bunches of cherries or grapes splashed their large hats with colour.
105 Parking in front of the clubhouse, our pilot grabbed his briefcase and splashed through the downpour to his colleague's waiting car.
106 Both singers have splashed out £100,000 on their live shows.
107 Empty building sites have been reclaimed and replanted. Fresh paint has been splashed everywhere, even in residential districts.
108 A long line of soldiers splashed across the river and poured their fire into the silent lodges.
109 In the room splashed with golden autumn light, they had drawn together, as close as eggs in a nest.
110 Delaney splashed across to one wall where a mass of underwater tackle was stored.
111 Fat tears rolled down her cheeks and splashed on the paper.
111 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
112 Unfortunately another pupil came in, turned on the dryer and the acid splashed over his face, causing a scar.
113 Sonny would have splashed petrol over him to drive him back, but how could he waste his father's only salvation?
114 The waterfall cascaded over the rocks and splashed into a pool at the bottom.
115 When he looked at it, there was blood oozing from two split knuckles. Red spots had splashed across the picture.
116 The dark rock of the Wick was splashed with kittiwake droppings - streaks of whitewash - from countless cup-nests.
117 She was about ten yards behind him as the party splashed its way into the swampy grass.
118 One day she wakes up, sees all that creepiness splashed across the front page.
119 He shut the gate behind Willie and the wetness from the top splashed into his face.
120 At one-fifteen the float plane splashed down, settled on to its pontoons, and turned in toward the docks.
121 Lightly falling raindrops splashed into her open mouth and eyes, skittering across her taut, shiny face.
122 The desperate men and surviving vehicles splashed across and raced after the masses that had crossed the bridge before it was obstructed.
123 They saw her off into the splashed black and rainy yellow night.
124 Opening the door, he splashed his way across the farmyard to the milking parlour.
125 Its entire cargo of milk splashed out of the tank cars willy-nilly and mixed ill puddles on the rain-sodden ground.
126 He laid her down and splashed water on her face.
127 As he stood on the pavement, muddy water splashed up and dirtied his trousers.
128 The sun splashed down in patterns of light and shade.
129 Her latest affair was splashed across the cover of the supermarket tabloids.
130 He splashed down just four miles from the recovery carrier.
131 Editor Dave Hunt says the name will be splashed across Melchester Rovers' strip next season.
132 We had to stand back from the edge of the pavement as their wheels splashed along the teeming gutters.
133 They splashed into the shallows and slipped on the smooth stones.
134 He knocked over her cup and splashed coffee all over her new dress.
135 The babies splashed around at the shallow end of the pool.
136 Heavy pearl drops of dew splashed noisily on jute leaves that had fallen to the ground.
137 He lost his hold on the bag and a slew of rice and chicken and ochre sauce splashed on to the carpet.
138 Newspapers splashed feature stories across inside pages talking about the separation.
139 Her hand shook and she guiltily rubbed away a few drops that splashed on to the quarry-tiled floor with a soft-soled slipper.
140 A year ago it would have been splashed across the front.
141 He stepped gingerly into the Five Lions River, knelt down, and splashed icy water all over himself.
141 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
142 Wine was splashed from jug to cup and then often drained in one loud gulp.
143 The sun splashed and faded on the bath as he lay in hot water.
144 Damn his thick skull: she should have splashed his brains across the wall.
145 The pale light splashed over them, hesitated, moved back and went off again.
146 I have had a reference to bovine excrement splashed in red ink across an entire manuscript page.
147 Then I splashed out and got my first Alembic - cost me £890 in 1980, serious cash.
148 Iron Maiden splashed out on a spectacular £35,000 firework display for the show's finale.
149 The walls are splashed with blood, Ann's pot plants strewn everywhere.
150 The heavy rain had stopped a few minutes before and thousands of feet splashed through the puddles.
151 A tear splashed on to one of the coarse red hands.
152 As they surged against the mainmast they broke and splashed in foam and spray which flicked into the cabins.
153 He fetched water and splashed it over the twitching boy.
154 You do not expect to see the most intimate details of your marriage splashed across the pages of the newspapers.
155 Pedestrians were splashed to the hip in muddy slush.
156 He splashed the bath water all over the bathroom.
157 A carp splashed in the pond.
158 The little stream splashed noisily over the rocks.
159 He splashed ink over his desk.
160 The barman splashed some soda in Gretchen's glass.
161 A bit of plaster which fell into the stream and splashed up the water a few paces away from Jean Valjean, warned him that the ball had struck the arch over his head.
162 The water splashed out of the tub upon the floor.
163 At the far side stood an old lime tree , and beneath its branches splashed a fountain in the middle of a dark, deep pool.
164 She splashed around in the pool with Mark, rowdily trying to duck him.
165 These, together with the variations of tone within the surrounding black area and thinly splashed and spotted ink over the central white zone, interact with the powerful two-dimensional central motif.
166 When the cannon ball blows on the ground a poison is splashed.
167 When the troops aboard his landing craft splashed ashore during an allied amphibious attack at Anzio, Italy, Arness was chosen to lead the way.
168 Its waterproof and sweat-proof formula prevents smudging even accidentally splashed by rainwater or tears, helping you maintain your attractive look in your eyes.
169 Timmy, now a toddler, splashed in the surf with his grandfather.
170 I incautiously pull down the ink bottle and the ink splashed all over the desk.
171 Blue Merle : predominantly clear , silvery blue(), splashed marbled with black.
172 You splashed fragmentary words in the corner with ink, and romanced out a summer without gurgitation.
173 Botrytis and Anthracnose can cause rot of leaves and loss of young growth, usually stems lying on the ground or splashed during irrigation.
174 The crashed plane was smashed into ashes in a plash , with cashes splashed in clash.
175 Can the and bloody victim love the blood - splashed jaws that rend him limb from limb?
176 On the wall of the parlor was splashed his certificate of merit.
177 The predator moving into the glade, is splashed by hard slashes of sunlight, which combine with its cammo pattern making it hard to see.
178 Vashti splashed her colours with a bigger brush on bigger paper to make bigger dots.
179 Villages splashed happily to cadres and stationary soldiers, and they splashed laughingly.
180 Children splashed gleefully in the shallow water, trying to catch crabs.
181 When Peter accidentally knocks over several jars of paint, the eggs are splashed with all the colors of the rainbow.
182 They have also developed a three-tier security fence to encode the data, which may come as welcome news to U.S. diplomats, who have seen their thoughts splashed over the Internet thanks to WikiLeaks.
183 So while the children swam and played and splashed water at each other, Wilbur amused himself in the mud along the edge of the brook, where it was warm and moist and delightfully sticky and oozy.
184 In December 1997, a technician at Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center was splashed in the eye with body fluid from a monkey infected with Herpes B; she died six weeks later as a result.
185 This is best exemplified in the work of Jackson Pollock, whose paintings clearly show the energetic gestures of the artist, who splashed, dripped, flicked, and threw paint on to the canvas.
186 He put the jeep in four-wheel drive and splashed up the slope.
187 You love what's fun and hot and different, as in bubble-shaped tank dresses splashed in all the colors of the rainbow.
188 The setting sun splashed gold along a distant crest so that it seemed to hang in the air unsupported, a vein of light in the distance.
189 The possibility that protozoa are spread by means of droplets formed by the aerosolization of water that is sprayed or splashed during cleaning and disinfection processes cannot be excluded.
190 Yellow and white drops of sun splashed through the wisteria canopy above us.
191 Blue Merle: predominantly clear , silvery blue ,[http:///splashed.html] splashed and marbled with black.
192 A curling wave struck the side of the ship and splashed salt spray on my lips.
193 The lower one prevents the oil splashed onto the cylinder bore from entering the combustion chamber, and is called an oil ring.
194 The splashed slag density is increased with the increase of top gas flow rate.
195 So did I. I was making fries, and some hot oil splashed on me.




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