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单词 Diminished
1) The dry spell quickly diminished our water suply.
2) His strength has diminished over the years.
3) The party's share of the electorate has diminished steadily.
4) The threat of nuclear war has diminished.
5) Several unpopular decisions diminished the governor's popularity.
6) The campers 'food supply gradually diminished as the days wore on.
7) He never put her down or diminished her.
8) His influence has diminished with time.
9) The governor's popularity has diminished.
10) Several unpopular measures diminished the government's popularity.
11) This could mean diminished public support for the war.
12) Unforeseen expenses diminished our savings.
13) The country diminished the revenue by reducing tax.
14) His illness diminished his strength.
15) These memories will not be diminished by time.
16) Rising unemployment has diminished the bargaining power of people with jobs.
17) The accused pleaded not guilty on grounds of diminished responsibility.
18) What he did has seriously diminished him in many people's eyes.
19) Suddenly the wind diminished and the seas grew calm again.
20) Their food supply gradually diminished as the days wore on.
21) Capper admitted manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
22) Mexico's financial difficulties increased rather than diminished.
23) Perhaps the glow was diminished by the autumn.
24) It swelled, diminished,(http:///diminished.html) and swelled again like an oratorio.
25) New competitors quickly diminished the company's market dominance.
26) The time Foreman spent with his children gradually diminished.
27) This will now allow a plea of diminished responsibility.
28) He was found not guilty of murder on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
29) He denies murder but admits manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
30) They thus increased their annual grain production rather than diminished it.
1) The dry spell quickly diminished our water suply.
2) The party's share of the electorate has diminished steadily.
3) The threat of nuclear war has diminished.
4) Several unpopular decisions diminished the governor's popularity.
5) The campers 'food supply gradually diminished as the days wore on.
6) The country diminished the revenue by reducing tax.
7) They thus increased their annual grain production rather than diminished it.
31) Over time these grew, rather than diminished, in importance.
32) The Goblin horde seemed hardly diminished.
33) The sight of one of the boys rubbing a festering ear, while carrying food, also diminished his appetite.
34) The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened. John F. Kennedy 
35) Chronic alcoholic patients may have normal, enhanced, or diminished acid secretory capacity; hypochlorhydria being associated histologically with atrophic gastritis.
36) But in most the pace of fertility decline has diminished since the early l980s.
37) Once we heard the sound of firing,(http://) but the crackle of guns came up to us tinny and diminished.
38) Nor is there any likelihood of competition being diminished, except in the case of one minor product, titanium dioxide.
39) Most reds will be emphasized by artificial light; blues and greens tend to be diminished by it.
40) By these measures, the economic gap between the wealthier countries and the poorer countries is usually diminished.
41) The rain has diminished to an intermittent drizzle, but it is still cold.
42) A separation of science from religion has also been seen in a diminished authority for the Bible in matters of natural philosophy.
43) The 1977 Homicide Act introduced the notion of diminished responsibility, which reduces a charge of murder to manslaughter.
44) The framework remained, the ordered cycle of worship and the charitable works, though much diminished.
45) The compensation of greater freedom may hold fewer attractions when energy is diminished.
46) Diminished revenue was reported on the trams, but increasing profits on the lighting side.
47) At the end they look forward to a married life together in a world diminished by the events of the play.
48) Our inner lives have been hideously diminished by isolation from an ecosocial matrix, weighing us down with sadness and apathy.
49) Once the reality of some degree of uncompetitiveness in markets is acknowledged the consumer's sovereign status is inevitably diminished.
50) The allowances can be diminished for later children(), on the grounds that the marginal cost goes down.
51) If I have thereby diminished Carr and Rees's very valuable contribution to this subject, then I am sincerely sorry.
52) A vessel equipped with Flettner rotors gains in manoeuvrability as lift is diminished by slowing a cylinder's speed of rotation.
53) Government resources have been constantly diminished by the need to prioritize defence.
54) There are many reasons why people have a diminished sense of personal conviction.
55) Once more the adults, though diminished in number, sat around a table, whispering about what to do.
56) And if you rely too heavily on rewards and punishments and use them too often, their effect becomes diminished.
57) And so can schoolchildren who volunteer to participate in athletic programs and whose expectation of privacy in the locker room is diminished.
58) Now Lute has suffered a loss beyond words and Tucson is diminished by the passing of one of its nicer people.
59) He pleaded guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
60) His school marks improved, and the severe disciplinary problems diminished.
61) As the seams of coal and iron were exhausted, or became unprofitable to work, mining and smelting diminished.
62) The bad news for small-time acts is that this exploratory role has diminished significantly over the last ten years.
63) The result: As the need for food has grown, the capacity to produce it has diminished.
64) Xanthinuria is a rare hereditary deficiency of xanthine oxidase, which results in hypouricemia and diminished urinary uric acid excretion.
65) Kayser conducted a study of spouses who no longer loved their partners, interviewing them at length about how their love diminished.
66) Cage made music of non-musical sounds and ostensibly removed or diminished the traditional role of the composer.
67) Shining Path, which once was estimated to have more than 5, 000 armed guerrillas, also is diminished.
68) The surplus, as a result, has diminished to 6000 bushels.
69) The pleasures of art tend to be diminished by returning to a complete absence of hot bath water.
70) Morse and Meldrew both shuffled off this mortal coil and the telly world is diminished by their passing.
71) The tremor is generally diminished or abolished on purposeful movements, but there are notable exceptions to this.
72) Choice, in almost all its facets, is diminished in the life of an illiterate adult.
73) But he will begin his second term as the third-highest constitutional officer in the government with his political influence significantly diminished.
74) As a result this particular attraction of the unlimited company may be diminished.
75) What remained of Belfast's mudflats seemed certain to be diminished by unrestricted dumping.
76) There is no question his stature is diminished from what it was.
77) Some strength or recklessness seemed to have been released in her by recent events; she had increased as Anwar had diminished.
78) As time has gone on this emphasis has diminished partly as a response to the pressures of the marketplace.
79) And that he suffered pain and injury should not be diminished.
80) This hope, however,() diminished as a result of something done by the quartermaster department.
81) These patients typically have mild renal insufficiency and diminished urate excretion due to renal tubular damage.
82) Confronted with a murder charge, defence lawyers resolved to try for a verdict of manslaughter on grounds of diminished responsibility.
83) The virus disappeared from their bloodstream, and their depressive symptoms diminished, Ludwig found.
84) Alternatively, anti-HEV titres in subjects infected as children but not re-exposed as adults could have diminished beyond detection.
85) Although its voluntary recruits diminished, the order had managed to limp on for nearly two centuries under Ixmarity's watchful eye.
86) In congestive heart failure, it is diminished because of low cardiac output and reduced arterial distending pressure.
87) The Greco-Roman ruins, a short drive away, were thronged, but this amplified, rather than diminished, our visit.
88) So the risk from viruses certainly hasn't diminished - on the contrary, it has mushroomed.
89) Green is the most essential colour in the garden, because without it other colours would be diminished.
90) Whether your relationships are diminished in number or quality, the effect is detrimental to your health.
91) It continued in use as a corn mill up to around 1930, although the business apparently diminished during its last decade.
92) Nevertheless, the high status of the woman's influence is in no way diminished.
93) Even a diminished Magic should be enough to propel the Lakers into championship contention.
94) I do not feel diminished nor is my finished loaf diminished because I use instant yeast and a regular oven.
95) She felt now a dulled sense of degradation: she felt depraved and diminished and shrunken and old.
96) There is an aversion to holding meetings at short notice with a diminished complement.
97) Consciousness exacted its price: as surely as it increased freedom so it diminished it.
98) You will get 10 years of use,() but possibly at a greatly diminished capacity.
99) We were familiar with each breath, each movement, each thought, and his extramarital activities never diminished our mutual lust.
100) In our hands, these precipitations result in progressively diminished yields of potential template cDNA for amplification.
101) This would lead to diminished delivery of salt and water to the diluting sites.
102) The Harlows have demonstrated that, in monkeys, these effects are slightly diminished rather than heightened by material influence.
103) Thought I was copping a plea on ... diminished responsibility.
104) Troops had been withdrawn from the west, but not because the likelihood of attack in that quarter had diminished.
105) But if the principal base of lunar operations is in the equatorial region, the attractiveness of polar ice is greatly diminished.
106) The balsam fir, which had not shown much decline prior to 1986, also began to be diminished.
107) Modern legislation had increasingly vested quasi-judicial powers in officials and excluded or indirectly diminished the authority of the courts.
108) A diminished Slobodan Milosevic may stagger on for a while.
109) The possibility of moving to a state of mature interdependence between workers and management is thus diminished.
110) Steel's ability to grow. New competitors quickly diminished the company's market dominance.
111) Our enjoyment of many of the oysters we were served was diminished by inept shucking.
112) His thin face was yellowish-white and his whole body seemed somehow diminished.
113) The severity of the surface damage, however, was clearly diminished by 180 minutes after ethanol.
114) But for the basic rate taxpayer, the problem of annual management charges eroding a diminished dividend yield remains.
115) The main effect of the adult worms is to cause production loss in terms of diminished weight gain.
116) Then business diminished, and the partners persuaded Stratford to live off his Prescott estate in Gloucestershire.
117) With enough delegates already in hand to clinch the nomination, the immediate importance of the primary has been vastly diminished.
118) But there's a great many major, minor and diminished chords in T-Ride's music that have to sound right.
119) The sensitivity can be improved and interference from other ions diminished by extracting the red colour with a solvent.
120) Ranitidine diminished the postprandial reflux found after breakfast and lunch but had no effect on postprandial reflux after dinner.
121) Coercive reform is associated with groups that feel threatened, with groups that feel their social superiority is being challenged or diminished.
122) It was surely only people of diminished responsibility who found their lives being taken over in this way.
123) She continued to call for help every minute or so but, as time passed, her hopes diminished.
124) None the less his reputation as at once the most searching and accessible of contemporary composers has not diminished.
125) Though the estate has somewhat diminished since the Weighall days it still has superbly laid-out grounds of over thirty acres.
126) Ryman, of Spalding, Lincs, admitted manslaughter with diminished responsibility and was jailed for five years.
127) Today, Dole and Barbour are gone and Gingrich stands diminished after having been reprimanded by the House for ethical misconduct.
127) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
128) In these circumstances, the sensitivity of this method of detecting portal vein occlusion may be diminished.
129) The contribution of paid employment to pensioners income has diminished due to the trend to early retirement.
130) Although our inner lives have been relentlessly diminished by ecosocial isolation, the antidote lies in recovering awareness of our context.
131) That mind gives birth to the universe without being diminished in any way.
132) This would consequently lead to increased motility because parasympathetic activity would be unopposed by diminished sympathetic activity.
133) Academic Standards: A self-fulfilling effect of cultural stereotypes is diminished expectations.
134) But when the Cape route opened and the New World beckoned, the centrality of Prague diminished.
135) She was cleared of murder but found guilty of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
136) It has been previously shown that the expression of integrins is differently diminished in a chain-specific manner in human colorectal cancer.
137) He was built like a black widow spider, his chest and shoulders so large that it diminished his limbs.
138) Unless those tariffs are diminished our textile industry will have a tough time, and more jobs will be lost.
139) Analysts also blamed diminished turnout on the relatively healthy economy.
140) Rain saw her chances of falling into conversation with him, as Shildon wanted, seriously diminished.
141) Yoshida stressed that labour unrest must be diminished so that trade unions and workers understood their responsibilities as well as their rights.
142) The effect diminished half an hour after sunrise, but was repeated at noon.
143) But pressure to eliminate the budget deficit, said Vest, is likely to lead to diminished help from Washington.
144) However, her play bore no trace of diminished strength, even at the end.
145) As long as they take that rejection seriously, and continue to shriek their desolation, they are not diminished by it.
146) But as the egocentrism of other periods gradually diminished, so does the egocentrism of adolescence with continued development.
147) Also receiving determinate prison sentences are those whose offence is reduced to manslaughter on a combined plea of provocation and diminished responsibility.
148) He's denied murdering Elizabeth Howe, but has admitted manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
149) It is commonly due to globally diminished cerebral blood flow, which may be caused by a variety of mechanisms.
150) The formal powers of the royal family have diminished as the yardage about them in the newspapers has grown.
151) Their dedication to the cause was in no way diminished by their exile, and in many ways was enhanced by it.
152) Ken's enthusiasm never diminished and up until his recent heart trouble his work rate for the club was never less than 114 percent.
153) Its mystery somehow diminished life, or did it enlarge it by making life and its purpose more mysterious still.
154) If Cinderella is to become master of her own fate, her parents' authority must be diminished.
155) Opponents alleged that police powers had dangerously expanded in recent years while police accountability had diminished.
156) The suspicion with which the renewal movement was viewed seems to have diminished, as does the stridency of charismatic claims.
157) Soon after the incident of the priest, local antagonism diminished.
157) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
158) He was chained to a rock and his liver, though continually devoured by an eagle, never diminished.
159) And over the past 20 years, the number of closed countries has greatly diminished.
160) Rudman was sent to a psychiatric hospital last year after admitting the manslaughter of his wife on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
161) The aim of this study was to verify a strong clinical impression that injecting drug misuse in Lothian has recently diminished.
162) Not least was that his presence diminished her chances of enjoying a happier relationship with some one else.
163) But we are being diminished by our destructive insensitivity in ways that cripple our ability to enjoy, grow, create.
164) It has been postulated that the symptoms of gonorrhoea have diminished since the introduction of effective antibiotic therapy.
165) Shared language is now substantial, religious differences are not crucial, and ethnic and cultural distinctions have diminished.
166) This is further exacerbated by the noise in many factories which makes conversation difficult and so relationships with others are diminished.
167) Individuals who possess certain skills may also find their power diminished if those skills are made redundant by developments in new technology.
168) The cuts reflect diminished debt protection measures and increased business risk associated with the planned spin-off, it commented.
169) Modern farming techniques have diminished the number and quality of the wetlands which remain.
170) The LEAs' power was further diminished by the 1988 Education Reform Act(), in two major ways.
171) Deep tendon reflexes are usually diminished, but in cases with prominent lateral column disease may be hyperactive with extensor plantar reflexes.
172) Diminished responsibility did not mean exhausted responsibility, said Lord Taylor.
173) If it had diminished then, disbelieving the evidence and wishing to make sure, the radiologists might have another go.
174) His sense of the present moment heightened, and his sense of history and context diminished.
175) The water in the river diminished during the summer.
176) Here time has changed but not diminished the role of folklore.
177) Four candles flickered on the table in the diminished wind.
178) On the issue of diminished responsibility, none of the facts were disputed by the appellant.
179) Its corrupting effects can be diminished to an arbitrarily small degree by the use of redundancy.
180) He could no longer cope; he relied on me, and felt diminished by it.
181) Our water supply has diminished as a result of the drought.
182) Borland was cleared of murder but found guilty of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
183) Results The typical X-ray signs of PPCM were as follows: heart enlargement, diminished heart pulsation and pulmonary congestion.
184) Diminished triads and augmented triads are traditionally regarded as dissonant chords.
185) Under these conditions the virtues of the perfectly competitive market are diminished.
186) However, my enthusiasm waned. The time I spent at exercises gradually diminished.




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