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单词 Satisfaction
1. He signed his name with evident satisfaction.
2. He smiled in satisfaction when he won the race.
3. My current level of job satisfaction is pretty low.
4. She got great satisfaction from helping people to learn.
5. He derives great satisfaction from his stamp collection.
6. He gets perverse satisfaction from embarrassing people.
7. The company is trying to improve customer satisfaction.
8. It gave me a feeling of satisfaction.
9. She looked back on her career with great satisfaction.
10. She laughed her satisfaction.
11. Are you looking for greater fulfillment and satisfaction in your work?
12. He had the satisfaction of seeing his book become a best-seller.
13. Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory. Mahatma Gandhi 
14. He nodded with a peculiarly male satisfaction at her capitulation.
15. The boy explained to the satisfaction of the court why he had lied.
16. Satisfaction doesn't come from the outside, but from the inside.
17. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry.
18. How would you rate your job satisfaction?
19. She derived/obtained great satisfaction from/out of helping other people.
20. She felt a warm glow of satisfaction.
21. She extracted satisfaction from the success of her daughter.
22. He nodded with evident satisfaction.
23. She watched in satisfaction as he opened the present.
24. We view these latest developments with concern/suspicion/satisfaction.
25. She felt a small glow of satisfaction.
26. There is in liberty as in innocence and virtue a satisfaction one can only feel in their enjoyment and a pleasure which can cease only when lost. 
27. Guilt always hurries towards its complement, punishment; only there does its satisfaction lie. 
27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
28. I really believe that it is possible to both improve customer satisfaction and reduce costs.
29. She can look back on her career with great satisfaction.
30. I doubt I'll ever get rich, but I get job satisfaction.
1. He signed his name with evident satisfaction.
2. He smiled in satisfaction when he won the race.
3. My current level of job satisfaction is pretty low.
4. She got great satisfaction from helping people to learn.
5. He derives great satisfaction from his stamp collection.
6. He gets perverse satisfaction from embarrassing people.
7. The company is trying to improve customer satisfaction.
8. It gave me a feeling of satisfaction.
9. She looked back on her career with great satisfaction.
10. She laughed her satisfaction.
11. Are you looking for greater fulfillment and satisfaction in your work?
12. I really believe that it is possible to both improve customer satisfaction and reduce costs.
13. He had the satisfaction of seeing his book become a best-seller.
14. He nodded with a peculiarly male satisfaction at her capitulation.
15. The boy explained to the satisfaction of the court why he had lied.
16. I doubt I'll ever get rich, but I get job satisfaction.
17. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry.
18. She positively beamed with satisfaction.
19. She felt a glow of satisfaction at her son's achievements.
31. Many students derived enormous satisfaction from the course.
32. She stirred the soup, grunting with satisfaction.
33. A faint sneer of satisfaction crossed her face.
34. Care-giving can be a source of enormous satisfaction .
35. You have insulted my wife; I demand satisfaction!
36. They carried out a customer satisfaction survey.
37. I got no satisfaction from the customer complaints department.
38. Do you get any job satisfaction?
39. Many shopkeepers guarantee satisfaction to customers.
40. She looked at the finished painting with satisfaction.
41. I had the satisfaction of proving him wrong.
42. Both sides expressed satisfaction with the progress so far.
43. The matter was resolved to our general satisfaction.
44. He rubbed his hands together in satisfaction.
45. He allowed himself a little smile of satisfaction .
46. I find satisfaction in helping people.
47. She derives great pleasure/satisfaction from playing the violin.
48. He was purring with satisfaction. ?
49. She positively beamed with satisfaction.
50. Both parties expressed their complete satisfaction with the decision.
51. The children were a major source of satisfaction.
52. Once his voice was percolating to her satisfaction.
53. 'I've passed all my exams', he announced with satisfaction.
54. It has been hard to adjust but now I'm getting satisfaction from my work.
55. The survey found that men got greater satisfaction from caring for their families than they did from work.
56. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing how upset I was.
57. They agreed on a payment of £200 in full satisfaction of the debt.
57. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
58. A customer satisfaction survey highlighted the need for clearer pricing.
59. He beams with satisfaction.
60. Mr. Lorry had been idle a lo and had just poured out his last glassful of wine complete an appearance of satisfaction as is ever to be found in an elderly gentleman of a fresh complexion who has got to the end of a bottle, when a rattling of wheels came up the narrow street, and rumbled into the inn-yard.
61. Finance officials expressed satisfaction with the recovery of the dollar.
62. I complained to the manager but I didn't get any satisfaction.
63. The Finance Minister's fall from grace gave the tabloid press great satisfaction.
64. Customer satisfaction with their mobile service runs at more than 90 per cent.
65. For me, job satisfaction is more important than the money.
66. Unless you push your claim, you will not get satisfaction.
67. Thomas and his wife looked at each other in smug satisfaction.
68. He won't get paid until he completes the job to my satisfaction.
69. When I didn't get any satisfaction from the local people I wrote to the head office.
70. If you can't get any satisfaction, complain to the park owner.
71. I noticed with great satisfaction that you made great progress.
72. She felt a glow of satisfaction at her son's achievements.
73. Although we didn't win, we were able to take some satisfaction from our performance.
74. He derived great satisfaction from knowing that his son was happy.
75. The affair was settled to the complete satisfaction of the client.
76. Dr. Sullivan's selection to head the Department of Health was greeted with satisfaction.
77. Although the team lost, their performance gave cause for satisfaction.
78. In old age he finally had the satisfaction of seeing the quality of his work recognized.
79. Exercise will give you a glow of satisfaction at having achieved something.
80. He looked at his work with a smile of satisfaction.
81. He nodded with satisfaction.
82. Many people are more interested in job satisfaction than in earning large amounts of money.
83. Can you demonstrate to our satisfaction that your story is true?
84. At least he had the satisfaction of knowing that he was right.
85. Do you feel a sense of satisfaction at the end of the working day?
86. It is hard to see how the issue can be resolved to everyone's satisfaction.
87. She derived a great deal of satisfaction from this achievement.
88. She beamed with satisfaction.
89. I had the feeling of satisfaction that comes from doing a difficult job well.
90. Your list might include such things as cost containment, quality, or customer satisfaction.
91. She had the satisfaction of knowing that she'd done everything she could.
92. The question could not be resolved, at least not to my satisfaction.
93. Shop assistants should do their best endeavors to give the customers satisfaction.
94. Manville perused the cryptic message with satisfaction.
95. This life is not for complaint, but for satisfaction. Henry David Thoreau 
96. Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction. Anne Frank 
97. Personal satisfaction is the most important ingredient of success. Denis Waitley 
98. The satisfaction of helping fellow human beings in need.
99. Qualitative measure of satisfaction among affected families.
100. Despite their noticeable satisfaction, they looked decidedly awkward.
101. Consequently customer satisfaction had actually declined.
102. The court will send a certificate if necessary of satisfaction to the registry and issues a certificate of satisfaction to the debtor.
103. The corridor walls are covered in photographs; barrel-bellied women with scrunched-up faces strain to deliver, post-birth beatific smiles radiate satisfaction.
104. Throughout his early adult life he passed from one religious system to another, unable to derive lasting spiritual satisfaction form any.
105. This will lead to greater customer satisfaction and be to everyone's benefit.
106. Satisfaction comes not simply from successes but also from making choices, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles.
107. Earning happiness means doing good and working, not speculating and being lazy. Laziness may look inviting, but only work gives you true satisfaction. Anne Frank 
108. Probably creative work was all the real satisfaction he obtained in those stressful years.
109. She was bending over a basket of freshly picked marrow flowers, arranging them to her satisfaction.
110. Finally, it also is tangible satisfaction when I get around to using it because I remember the work put into it.
111. No accomplishments are important than self realization of self satisfaction. Santosh Kalwar 
112. It broke over Rex who gave a cry of satisfaction.
113. That finding suggests that hospitals trying to boost patient satisfaction must do more than merely decrease waiting times.
114. You will recognise them for no more or less than temporary blips on a radar screen of satisfaction.
115. But what specific actions can we take to enhance our satisfaction while at the same time reassuring our new acquaintances?
116. As long as I have a want, I have a reason for living. Satisfaction is death. William Shakespeare 
117. Despite our analysis, most of our engineers felt that they were achieving professional success and personal satisfaction.
117. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
118. The pleasure and satisfaction of belonging to one of the world's leading whale and dolphin conservation groups.
119. If a man has talent and can't use it, he's failed. If he uses only half of it, he has partly failed. If he uses the whole of it, he has succeeded, and won a satisfaction and triumph few men ever know. Thomas Wolfe 
120. Your job satisfaction ensures your customer satisfaction; - and it shows.
121. When we rose to bid farewell, the mood was one of excitement, pleasure, satisfaction.
122. No man or woman is an island. To exist just for yourself is meaningless. You can achieve the most satisfaction when you feel related to some greater purpose in life, something greater than yourself. Denis Waitley 
123. Passion and satisfaction go hand in hand, and without them, any happiness is only temporary. Nicholas Sparks 
124. It should be noted that although the need itself is culturally universal, the means of its satisfaction is culturally determined.
125. Whether this has resulted in better clinical decision making, patient satisfaction, or use of resources is as yet unknown.
126. Speaking at it's annual conference in Newcastle, Co Down, he said it was real evidence of customer satisfaction.
127. Lateral communication improves coordination and problem solving and fosters employee satisfaction.
128. You can't move an inch without being given a customer satisfaction survey to complete.
129. The branch manager will ensure that the query is investigated objectively and hopefully be able to resolve the matter to your satisfaction.
130. In neither class group is either norm - satisfaction or dissatisfaction - adhered to absolutely.
131. Much will depend on the ability of the employer to offer you optimum conditions for job satisfaction.
132. As he adds detail he records it simply to his own satisfaction and in a form adequate to his own purposes.
133. Numerous downsized banks, insurers and retail chains have seen their customers' satisfaction plummet.
134. Early music aficionados will have to go a lot farther than the Peninsula to find comparable satisfaction.
135. She took a great deal of satisfaction in seeing the pompous old ass upset.
136. Cohesion has been found to correlate positively with group productivity and member satisfaction.
137. Customers' satisfaction - fewer customer complaints and loss of business. 3.
138. The sounder your argument, the more satisfaction you get out of it. Edgar Watson Howe 
139. Job satisfaction is commonly a crucial factor in a decision not to aim high.
140. The agreement was carefully worded to give some satisfaction to both parties.
141. As with any complex electronic information system or service, a strong support structure can make an enormous difference in customer satisfaction.
142. After scoring the winning goal he almost danced along the road in his satisfaction and conceit.
143. Indeed, they were much more likely than their younger counterparts to have expressed satisfaction with the firm and its management.
144. There was, however, a strong correlation between the success of grant applicants and their satisfaction with the system.
145. His dignified person and agreeable countenance, with the most unaffected affability gave me high satisfaction.
146. Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction. Erich Fromm 
147. I would tell them that they could attain levels of quality and customer satisfaction greater than they had ever imagined.
147. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
148. Gratitude is the best attitude. There is not a more pleasing exercise of the mind than gratitude. It is accompanied with such an inward satisfaction that the duty is sufficiently rewarded by the performance. Joseph Addison 
149. The only way of squaring the circle to Moscow's satisfaction would be to send in troops.
150. It's very reassuring that some companies can be relied upon to give good customer service and satisfaction.
151. In the light of these difficulties with measuring job satisfaction, academic researchers have made two responses.
152. They have recognized that their business depends on world of mouth, and that world of mouth is based on customer satisfaction.
153. The satisfaction provided by conformity is in competition with the often more immediate satisfaction that can be provided by crime.
154. Banks are profit-making corporations; they measure their success in terms of profit, with client satisfaction as the constraint.
155. However, if you pay off the defaulted loan you can obtain a certificate of satisfaction from your lender.
156. He was amused with a certain satisfaction on his beefy face.
157. The delegates had to return without the satisfaction of having been granted an audience.
158. He argued that I should treat other people's wants and needs as constraints upon the satisfaction of my own.
159. With satisfaction she noticed how her dear little hands were becoming calloused.
160. Satisfaction for elderly people comes from being part of a cohesive group who know the rules, the politics and the history.
161. The popularization of science and technology only reflects satisfaction in the areas of career orientation and cultural alienation.
162. She is the all-powerful source of satisfaction and frustration, happiness and sadness, love and hate.
163. Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and importance, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction. Margaret Thatcher 
164. Normally a cautious man, Kragan felt the glimmer of satisfaction spread within him.
165. Flora recollected Irena's consternation with satisfaction and Felicity Green's irritation with glee.
166. Working hard is a personal objective, to obtain job satisfaction and potential rewards of career advancement.
167. Cross off tasks you have accomplished and take satisfaction from doing so.
168. But this misses the real distinction between diametrically opposed beliefs based on entirely different conceptions of the satisfaction of human needs.
169. Because, perhaps surprisingly to its critics, the survey reveals lawyers are achieving an impressively high level of client satisfaction.
170. The money is earmarked for engineering, marketing and sales of the start-up's customer satisfaction software.
171. A sense of community is a source of satisfaction that appeals to many.
172. Converse said, attempting to convey zestful satisfaction in his profession.
173. Southworth closed the accounts book, a smile of satisfaction twisting his lips.
174. Such a complete satisfaction of human need is utopia.
175. Huggins made satisfaction for his debt.
176. Work with customer service department to improve customer satisfaction.
177. But Kao got no satisfaction from the generalissimo either.
177. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
178. The pedophile turned to boys for satisfaction.
179. He showed unfeigned satisfaction at his friend's success.
180. Satisfaction of customers is just our untiring pursuit!
181. Your satisfaction is guaranteed on Uttermost product.
182. Penn finds satisfaction in her daughter's improvement.
183. Teachers economic income and job satisfaction generally proportionate. 7.
184. Self - satisfaction of sexual desire, as by masturbation.
185. The Satisfaction Rate and Turnover Intention have negative correlation.
186. Radiographic inspections to be carried out to the satisfaction of Owner's representative and class surveyors.
187. Do you think the friendship me would be unalloyed satisfaction?
188. They make use the opportunity and tantalize the appetite by pointing the difficulty of satisfaction.
189. Charlie smiled with satisfaction and scooped up snow for another grenade.
190. As soon as you start to slack off, their satisfaction and motivation decreases.
191. The customer satisfaction theory is becoming the hot spot of enterprise management.
192. We analyze quantitatively and qualitatively the audience data the satisfaction the effectiveness the usability the accessibility.
193. The perpetration of the crime by the accused was proved to the satisfaction of the court.
194. Headgesture : 13456 On some occasions, this act shows self - satisfaction, one's flirtation or courtship.
195. The intrinsic or extrinsic of job satisfaction is negatively effect on turnover intention.
196. Welcome to Wharton Furniture World, there are a lot of furniture for your choices with satisfaction.
197. Make a close research on Econometrics Model and AHP used in customer satisfaction measurement.
198. The satisfaction derived from this act was all that the most ardent moralist could have desired.
199. Do you seem to drive around town a great deal but have little satisfaction?
200. Personality traits; Career management; Expatriate compensation management; Job satisfaction; Expatriate willingness.
201. We had fish fillet congee with squid , fried clam and vegetables and a total satisfaction.
202. Enterpriser satisfaction is an internal motive and customer satisfaction is an external force.
203. Bilevel stochastic programming model is resolved based on confidence and satisfaction.
204. His subtle satisfaction seemed to permeate the space around them.
205. What activities give you a sense of purpose and satisfaction?
206. Now , when Carrie heard Drouet's laudatory opinion of her dramatic ability, her body tingled with satisfaction.
207. On the one hand , anxiety tinged with self - satisfaction.
208. Solomon saw the futility of seeking satisfaction in people and things.
209. We have the ability, wherewithal and experience toand experience to ensure your full satisfaction.
210. Regretfully Ayub didn " t show satisfaction to Chinese assistance. "
211. Achieve high regard for your wok , job satisfaction, and be multi - skilled.
212. The patients were asked to complete questionnaires concerning sexual desire, adjustment, and satisfaction.
213. Results All the symptoms disappeared completely and the effect were satisfaction aftermovement of polyacrylamide hydrogel.
214. VOICE : Dr. Wilmut must have felt great satisfaction about his pioneering achievement.
215. You got a lot of physical attraction I can't deny, but can you guarantee me satisfaction.
216. He was feeling the satisfaction of doing a job at which he knew he was proficient.
217. Would it have been an even greater satisfaction to have gone undefeated all season?
218. Establish customer satisfaction metrics for supplier performance and drive continuous improvement initiatives.
219. Job involvement has mediator effect between expatriate adjustment and job satisfaction.
220. At Zapper, we aim to deliver customer satisfaction by working towards workforce excellence.
221. Teaching willingness has an intervening effect between learning motivation and learning satisfaction.
222. Despite happiness ? apparently Sisyphean 14 nature, there may be ways to increase satisfaction over the long term.
223. Double check with guest satisfaction after all action has been taken.
224. GENET is a connectionist approach to constraint satisfaction and is a general local search algorithm.
225. The aesthetics of things lies in the satisfaction with the status quo.
226. Conclusion Functional repair of harelip is a satisfaction method of repairing harelip so far.
227. Conclusion: nursing interference can apparently reduce adverse reaction in venous blood collection and improve nursing satisfaction.
228. Life satisfaction was explained by whether people had a partner or how subjectively powerless they feltanomie.
229. Principals'transformational leadership and transactional leadership had predicative efficacy for the teachers'job satisfaction.
230. And so the imaginary flogging was finished to his satisfaction.
231. Identify, initiate and follow up on quality projects to enhance customer satisfaction.
232. These adjectives mean of, given to, or furnishing satisfaction of the senses.
233. I took one guiltily, lit it and smoked with satisfaction.
234. He had the satisfaction on supposing he had kindled her expression.
235. Objective : To improve the satisfaction and successes rate of artifical tube implanted into nasolacrimal duct.
236. The optometrist will work out a pair of new spectacles to your satisfaction.
237. Then he began to parley with me,(http:///satisfaction.html) said he would make me any reasonable satisfaction.
238. She sighed a sigh of ineffable satisfaction, as if her cup of happiness were now full.
239. It has immediate effect on the customer satisfaction, which in turn indirectly affects customer behaviour indention.
240. Hello , welcome call taizhou huajia plastics industry company limited, your satisfaction is our priority.




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