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单词 dedication
释义  ded·i·ca·tion /ˌdedɪˈkeɪʃən/ ●○○ noun  1  [uncountable]WORK THAT somebody DOES hard work or effort that someone puts into a particular activity because they care about it a lot 〔对某项活动的〕奉献,全身心投入 To reach a high level of skill requires talent, dedication, and a lot of hard work. 要达到高级水平需要天分,还需要全身心的投入和很多的努力。dedication to I admire his dedication to the job. 我佩服他的敬业精神。2. [countable]SAY/STATE an act of dedicating something to someone, or a ceremony where this is done 〔以某人的名字命名某个建筑物的〕命名(典礼);落成典礼3. [countable]CELEBRATE the words used at the beginning of a book, film, or piece of music, thanking someone or saying that book etc has been written to show respect for them 〔书、电影或音乐作品前的〕献词Examples from the Corpusdedication• Devout dedication was the desideratum for soul-sacrifice.• A deceptively fragile and refined appearance belied her dedication and untiring industry in the cause of justice for women.• But his dedication to work will be in evidence too.• He was an exemplar of dedication, a hero who never lost his humanness.• I was impressed by LeMel's dedication in high school.• But the dedication did have its critics.• As far as his destination was concerned, the clue had to be in the dedication.• We appreciate your dedication to our administration and your help at a time when needed.dedication to• Franklin was named "Man of the Year" for his dedication to community activities.ded·i·ca·tion nounChineseSyllable  puts that someone Corpus or hard work effort




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