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单词 Martyrdom
1. He suffered martyrdom by stoning.
2. In that year, thousands of Christians suffered martyrdom for their faith.
3. Genet returns to this wish for death and martyrdom.
4. Should I then speak out and invite martyrdom?
5. His martyrdom encouraged the people to resist.
6. This wish for martyrdom would be a temptation dealt with in Murder in the Cathedral.
7. Intensely painted scenes depict the gruesome martyrdom of countless saints.
8. They believe in martyrdom, and forbid members to have one-to-one meetings with their lawyers in jail.
9. Near the end of his life, Young, fearing martyrdom, started going out in public only with armed escort.
9. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. His plight affects us like the unwilling martyrdom of a saint who wants to be like other men.
11. The only difference between a suicide and a martyrdom really is the amount of press coverage. Chuck Palahniuk 
12. Allende's later martyrdom has obscured his politics.
13. Especially in the rainy day, simply martyrdom.
14. For our own part, we prefer martyrdom to success. John Brown is greater than Washington, and Pisacane is greater than Garibaldi.
15. He said: The greatest act of martyrdom is standing up for what is true and just.
16. She sat picking at her small plate of rice salad with an air of martyrdom.
17. He drew himself up in his seat, preparing for martyrdom.
18. His deterioration through Alzheimer's Disease with its abundant frustrations had long been for him a physical and mental martyrdom.
19. Throughout her journey, she is associated with images of crucifixion and martyrdom.
20. Unfortunately, the Ego has made a monopoly of guilt, seeing it as a splendid excuse for misery and martyrdom.
21. Harcourt-Reilly takes her out of her conventional life, and leads her towards a spiritual quest and eventual martyrdom.
22. Other forms of holiness - that of the virgin and the ascetic - were assimilated to martyrdom.
23. Its boasts about fanatical recruits lining up for paradise through the martyrdom of suicide-bombing may be bluster.
24. Most women are resigned to this and some use their martyrdom to manipulate their men.
25. And, since he had died for truth, he was a martyr, for this was what martyrdom meant.
26. Even if Stratford did not have the character for martyrdom, it is certain that Edward was too shrewd to promote it.
27. The divine has long been made an intimate participant in male experiences of violence, in war and in political martyrdom.
28. The outside walls were painted as well: scenes of judgment, resurrection and martyrdom.
29. Did you know, when you opted for that OB-GYN residency, that you were also opting for martyrdom?
30. Silent resolve: This talent now benefits the triggered buffs from Blessed Resilience , Blessed Recovery, and Martyrdom.
1. He suffered martyrdom by stoning.
31. His martyrdom is commemorated by Shiites every year during Ashura.
32. I should be very sorry to see you suffer martyrdom for me.
33. His wife's never - ending complaints made his life one long martyrdom.
34. Also during the war in the martyrdom of 12 Christians,'the Bible, the road '.
35. Iraqi TV hailed the suicide bomb attack as the " blessed beginning on the road of martyrdom "
36. South Hall adjacent to the Jin Gong martyrdom tablets pavilions, rebuilt in 2003.
37. Many saints suffered martyrdom.
38. The holiday is said to be named after a priest in Rome who suffered martyrdom about AD 269.
39. Keifer's is still a fundamentally modernist project, foregrounding the hand of the artist, implicitly asserting the martyrdom of the artist as equivalent to that of the unknown soldier.
39. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
40. Blanche adopted a sweet look of suffering martyrdom when Laure came to see her.
41. The Way of the Cross, for Christians, commemorates the martyrdom and death of Christ.
42. Confessor: One who confesses faith in Christianity in the face of persecution but does not suffer martyrdom.
43. The martyrdom of Archbishop Cranmer, said the don at last, grimacing with embarrassment.
44. I have suffered a martyrdom from their incompetency and caprice.
45. In 1995, Stevens Oka clan elders should be asked to give up a good life, with his wife and children to return to his father martyrdom of the tribe.
46. He would willingly have been a martyr in the cause, had the cause admitted of martyrdom.
47. Both St. Peter and St. Paul suffered martyrdom under the Roman Emperor Nero about 65 A . D .




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