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单词 Bonnet
1, The bullets ricocheted off the bonnet and windscreen.
2, General Martin Bonnet called on the rebels to surrender.
3, I looked under the bonnet and clouds of smoke poured out.
4, Dad's got a bee in his bonnet about saving electricity.
5, The baby's bonnet keeps the sun out of her eyes.
6, He's got a bee in his bonnet about factory farming.
7, Steam billowed out from under the bonnet.
8, I'll need to check under the bonnet.
9, The bonnet was swayed on her head.
10, When I eventually stopped and lifted the bonnet, the noise seemed to be coming from the alternator.
11, He has a bee in his bonnet about the anniversary celebration.
12, Our teacher has a bee in his bonnet about punctuation.
13, Professor Bonnet has been working for many years on molecules of this type.
14, Some designs incorporate a two - piece bonnet and yoke.
15, The bonnet was embedded in a stone wall.
16, He opened the bonnet and disappeared behind it.
17, Wilcox lowered the bonnet and pushed it shut with the palm of his hand.
18, People climbed over the bonnet or sat on the roof rack.
19, Bonnet was known to be opposed to the government's plans to restructure the army.
20, I was out and under the bonnet when I got stopped by this policeman.
21, One man jumped on the bonnet and the windscreen was smashed by a missile dropped from a flyover.
22, She never stops talking about dieting - she's got a real bee in her bonnet about it.
23, She experienced more trouble while trying to open the bonnet of the car.
24, Harry's always going around opening windows. He's got a bee in his bonnet about fresh air.
25, In this way the body was put into the coffin wearing just a shift and bonnet.
26, She began to divert from the path,[http:///bonnet.html] tracing a semicircular route round the bonnet of the car.
27, It was magnificently low-slung, almost like a sports car, but with four plush leather seats and a thrusting bonnet.
28, A 3.0 litre, 24 valve power plant in the usual place, under the bonnet.
29, As the car screeched to a halt, Joe's body slid from the bonnet on to the road.
30, The big eyes were green and clear under the magnificent maroon bonnet.
1, The bullets ricocheted off the bonnet and windscreen.
2, General Martin Bonnet called on the rebels to surrender.
3, I looked under the bonnet and clouds of smoke poured out.
4, Dad's got a bee in his bonnet about saving electricity.
5, The baby's bonnet keeps the sun out of her eyes.
6, He's got a bee in his bonnet about factory farming.
7, She experienced more trouble while trying to open the bonnet of the car.
8, Some designs incorporate a two - piece bonnet and yoke.
31, It's gone for a big six-cylinder, turbocharged 2. litre diesel engine under the bonnet.
32, She kept fidgeting with her bonnet, dropping her hat-pin, taking off her gloves and putting them on again.
33, Our own H. D. Battery was replaced with a small torque start, there being insufficient room under the bonnet.
34, Didn't look much like a model me and under the bonnet my suspicions were confirmed.
35, Ella, whose curiosity had to be appeased with little white lies, was persuaded to lend her best bonnet.
36, Half a dozen parrots cut a brilliant green streak across our bonnet before disappearing into the looming darkness ahead.
37, Certainly a kindred spirit lives on under the front-hinged bonnet.
38, I chucked him on the bonnet of the car to get him off her.
39, Works to be shown include architectural drawings by Huyot, Brune, and Bonnet.
40, The car was out with its bonnet up and Mr Sargent was there with a flashlight, peering into the engine.
41, His wife, reputedly to his fury, once sat on the bonnet of one and scratched its paintwork.
42, Her mouth opened, and stayed so, as her pale eyes widened under the close bonnet she wore.
43, There was steam coming from beneath the bonnet of the stricken Audi, water gushing out like blood from a wound.
44, Some of the gang members got into the car while others sat on the vehicle's bonnet.
45, I took the van back to Cooper's and had them put a red cross on the bonnet.
46, Wilcox told her to get in and release the bonnet catch.
47, He knocked her to the ground, punched her and threw her over her bonnet, the court heard.
48, She had pinned a bunch of violets on her bonnet and put new, light grey ribbons on it.
49, Having secured your trade the guard will lean casually on the bonnet in full view.
50, The first was a long, gleaming Mercedes limousine with its bonnet star and wheel hubs in gold.
50, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
51, Each wore a blue sash at hip level, a matching bonnet, silk stockings and black shoes with a buckle.
52, Lewis sat cross-legged on the bonnet of the car, watching her.
53, Fetch some universal brake-fluid and a five-eighths screwdriver from your toolkit then prop the bonnet open.
54, Its long black bonnet gleamed in the light of the passing street-lamps, and its powerful engine echoed through empty streets.
55, Enrique released the bonnet, standing back as the scalding cloud of steam escaped.
56, There was rust on the bonnet and rust on the tail.
57, John has bees in his bonnet about many things. b. *John has bee-in-his bonnets about many things.
58, Her face was framed by her Pamela bonnet, a nimbus of straw trimmed with pink ribbons and blue silk anemones.
59, He wore a folded napkin on his head like a baby bonnet.
60, Mr Chilchutt started by welding a different nose on to his Studebaker before squeezing a 400 horse-power Chevrolet V8 under the bonnet.
61, And he would take one ear and then the other ear and pull it through the slots on the bonnet.
62, Unscrew the bonnet by turning counterclockwise.
63, Scarlett shed her bonnet and her cloak.
64, Bolted bonnet with seal weld.
65, " Oh, Rhett, whose bonnet is it?
66, The baby's bonnet had dainty embroidery.
67, " But not to change to a mourning bonnet.
68, Unscrew and remove bonnet assembly.
69, " It's your bonnet, " he said.
70, Bypass unit cast into the bonnet prevents clogging.
71, Stronger leakproof body - bonnet joint.
72, In 1754, a naturalist named Charles Bonnet observed that plants sprout branches and leaves in a pattern, called phyllotaxis.
73, She wore a faded black bonnet garnished with faded artificial flowers.
74, Bonnet tendency to move up or down as pressure changes.
75, Porcupine gets mittens. Rabbit gets a new vest. Blue Jay gets a bonnet .
76, These include the addition of an air scoop on the bonnet to increase air-flow for the intercooler and front fog lamps on certain models(), according to grade.
77, One expecting wagtail found the perfect place for her and her chicks - inside the bonnet of an ice cream van in Massachusetts, US.
78, All valves have two purges in the valve chest or upper bonnet area.
79, Electrical components contained in bonnets or caps shall have enclosures, connections, and wiring that meet the applicable requirements after removal of the nonrigid cap or bonnet material.
80, If only Rhett would let her cut bangs and frizzle them on her forehead[Sentence dictionary], how much better this bonnet would look!
81, But it was obvious that the dress, bonnet and muff found no favor with her.
82, I shall bring you dark - green watered silk for a frock to match the bonnet.
83, Within minutes the gang was bouncing on the bonnet and bending the aerial - while some members concentrated on raiding the roof rack of luggage and draping themselves in clothes and blankets.
84, Using the witten index for a supersymmetric field theory, we proved the Gauss - Bonnet - Chern theorem.
85, Indian macaque with a bonnet - like tuft of hair.
86, Under the wooden bonnet there'sa 1981 Opel with a 100-horse-power engine.
87, Who could have ever expected that a dragoon would drink sixpenny ale, smoke horrid bird's-eye tobacco, and let his wife wear a shabby bonnet?
88, The Chief Warder raises his bonnet and cries,'God preserve Queen Elizabeth.
89, She was the same as ever, only a little pale; her delicate face was framed in a bonnet of violet velvet, her figure was concealed beneath a pelisse of black satin.
90, " Cheer up, " he said, as she tied the bonnet strings.
91, It is mainly consisted of body , bonnet, cushion container, piston chamber, disc valve stem and other parts.
92, This kit allow conversion, in the pipe line, from bolted bonnet valves to bellows leakproof valves.
93, Before eagle-eyed - like, the head lamp headlamp pitches up along the bonnet border arc, appears the wisdom and the individuality is full.
94, The Russian inventor from the city of Kaluga, 93 miles south West of Moscow, modified a 1987 ZAZ Tavria car by replacing the doors and bonnet with lighter materials and then adding wings.
95, We opened up the car bonnet and he started poking around in my engine.
96, Scarlett caught up her wide straw bonnet from console table and jammed it on her head.
97, Hence why you see performance cars with air scoops on the bonnet, in the bumpers, and at the radiator grille.
98, Backseat? machined bonnet stem bushing provides back - up stem seal.
99, Spare us your platitudes," replied Laura, his long-suffering wife, wearing her grandmother's favorite lace bonnet, as she always did at Easter.
100, At intervals she stands up to rest, and to retie her disarranged apron, or to pull her bonnet straight.
101, The errand-boy next door has a little pointed beard, I have seen him pass every day with a young person in a pink bonnet on his arm; to-day I saw him pass, and he had a gun on his arm.
102, Mrs. Merriwether alighted, her bonnet ribbons shaking like sails in a storm.
103, Firstly, we discuss the singular topological structure of the Gauss - Bonnet - Chern theorem based on the Chern - Weil theory.
104, Scarlett caught up her wide straw bonnet from the console table and jammed it on her head.
105, She was completely unclothed, her gingham dress and undergarments cast around her, shoes and bonnet found up the ridge.
106, The poke of her black bonnet hid her face from him.
107, At the sound she leaped to her feet, snatching up her bonnet.
108, The New Year's Eve Blue Moon eclipse was visible throughout Europe, Asia, Africa and parts of Alaska, captured in this two exposure composite in cloudy skies over Saint Bonnet de Mure , France.
109, The plumes on her bonnet barely moved as she nodded.
110, Kit consists of: Float,[] vent spring and Bonnet O ring.
111, Besides, he would tug at the ribbons of her bonnet and, no doubt, rumple her dress.
112, The front end is dominated by the new bonnet with its two pronounced power domes , as well as the trademark AMG radiator grille with a central star and two louvres with chrome inserts.
113, The blue bonnet , Wales and north the irish person thought they should not obtain this view.
114, I am glad I bought my bonnet, if it is only for the fun of having another bandbox!
115, The union bonnet offers strength and ease of assembly - disassembly.
116, You told me this was the same as the bonnet Jane Farrier was wearing when she met the Count.
117, As a result of continuous design improvements, Velan is offering live-loading of bonnet "take-up" bolting as a standard pressure seal valve feature.
118, " If you really felt that way, you'd stamp on the bonnet.
119, These handicrafts mainly have: Rug, Yengisar knife, Ide Rice silk, flower-trimmed bonnet, wooden pattern colored printed cloth, earth ceramic, jewelry, national musical instrument and so on.
120, Then, he put on Granny's bonnet and waited for the arrival of Little Red Riding Hood.
121, Threaded - in bonnet is common in lighter - duty services and smaller sizes of bronze multi - turn valves.
122, It is mainly consisted of boby, bonnet, cushion container, piston chamber, disc, stem and other parts.




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