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单词 Glaring
1, I never saw such a glaring example of misrepresentation.
2, There were several glaring inconsistencies in his report.
3, The report contained some glaring errors.
4, Glaring colours displease the eye.
5, This glaring light hurts eyes.
6, The sun was glaring right in my eyes.
7, Striker Alan Smith was guilty of two glaring misses.
8, He stood at the bottom of the stairs, glaring up at us.
9, At the examination he made several glaring blunders, and that did for him.
10, The old gentleman just stood there glaring at the pickpocket and did not say a word.
11, The book's most glaring omission is the lack of an index.
12, He sat there in silence, glaring angrily.
13, Williams just sat in his seat behind him, glaring.
14, The glaring exception relates to party politics.
15, The glaring desert had turned a brilliant green.
16, She stood briefly in the kitchen, glaring at Josie.
17, Myles stood glaring at him,(http:///glaring.html) not offering to help.
18, She was still glaring, though straight ahead now.
19, The most glaring omission was the lack of reference to take-up problems.
20, There was some one standing behind him, glaring evilly at her.
21, The glaring light of high noon encouraged his use of rich blacks.
22, She stood there with her hands on her hips glaring at him.
23, The glass top of the desk is reverberating the glaring sunlight.
24, However, an attempt must be made to make constructive suggestions, even if there are glaring contradictions.
25, Share your thought with the class - if, ha ha, it will bear up to the glaring light of day.
26, In fact, his list of credits is so extensive, it is understandable that an employer might overlook one glaring omission.
27, He had judged her without question, but could attribute fortitude and resolution to Matilda despite the Empress's glaring faults.
28, This pegged and tapered generation have learned from punk, will never repeat the glaring abuses of an earlier rock aristocracy.
29, There is the camel rider of Blunt in the glaring light and the thorn bushes clutching at him with their crooked hands.
30, Beeny and Wetherall would have to share the blame, but there was no glaring mistakes.
1, I never saw such a glaring example of misrepresentation.
2, There were several glaring inconsistencies in his report.
3, The report contained some glaring errors.
4, She stood there with her hands on her hips glaring at him.
31, "It was a glaring example of bad judgment," said one official who asked not to be named.
32, Polgar was not the only committee staffer with glaring conflicts of interest.
33, But the more glaring impact has been at the office worker level and with vendors who rely on federal customers.
34, She stood there with hands on her hips, glaring with a face like thunder.
35, While the Saints' defenders were glaring at the linesman, Kiwomya was putting a great chance over the bar.
36, When he had finished he sat glaring at them in defiance and pride.
37, In this case, quickly rewrite for the most glaring problem.
38, The door shut behind him, and he backed against it, glaring at the doctor.
39, She looked almost demure, she thought disparagingly, glaring at her reflection as if her dilemma were all the mirror's fault.
40, Too many bright lights can create a glaring contrast between the lit and unlit areas.
41, All over Isfahan are murals of an angry Khomeini glaring down from the clouds.
42, Too late, for as they spoke their captive became a lion, roaring and glaring terribly.
43, He hated the set of different faces glaring up at him night after night.
44, I am a glaring exception to this normality simply by walking.
45, It showed an old Sikh warrior on a pony, glaring at the camera fiercely, a huge spear in his hand.
46, "You can go if you want, but I'm staying," Denise said glaring at him.
47, Equality in poverty might mean civil population contentment whereas glaring inequalities sow the seeds of a class struggle or revolution.
48, The glaring red of posters and slogans papering the walls terrified Gao Yang.
49, The meeting ended with all his parishioners glaring up at him accusingly.
50, The same sale also features Salvator Rosa's superb self-portrait with the artist glaring suspiciously at himself, at £200/300,000.
51, This money helped to fuel the widespread corruption that has been so glaring under the Yeltsin regime.
52, Startled, she turned to discover the dark-haired woman glaring at her through eyes that were like burning coals.
53, I left her glaring and withdrew from the group, to find Jules waiting for me.
54, The government had made serious proposals during 1988 about reforming the graduate assignment system because of its glaring inefficiencies.
55, The interiors of these stores had crude floors, bare ceilings, glaring lights, gaudy signs, and merchandise piled everywhere.
56, The failure of animal breeders to produce a strain that can bias the gender of its offspring is glaring.
57, Lost, that is, from the glaring lights and crowded telescopes of the city.
58, He also used to do daytime television game-shows of glaring naffness, and may indeed still do so.
59, The most glaring example was the Sandburg Village high-rise development, about twelve blocks north of the Loop.
60, Well, one pretty glaring omission in the case is any mention of marketing and promotion.
61, But this time there were two glaring differences: The second correspondence denounced the first.
62, Every light seemed to be glaring from the windows when they arrived.
63, The only faces that greeted them belonged to sundry dead abbots glaring down from dusky oil paintings.
64, It was a glaring error, which cost the company over $2 million in lost business.
65, He and they are just the most glaring example of what happens when any league pushes style ahead of substance.
66, Perhaps the most glaring epistemological critique levelled at Marxist approaches is that they contain no counter-factual.
67, The Opel was still hovering at the kerbside, lights glaring, waiting to pounce.
68, When a builder tried to cheat her she overwhelmed him, thumping the table, her normally calm eyes glaring.
69, Maisie was sitting in front of the television, glaring sullenly at a man in a pink tracksuit.
70, The sun was huge: a glaring red ball which was almost touching the tops of the distant range of mountains.
71, To point to only the most glaring contradiction: What kind of literacy would they be eager to advance?
72, Martin, eyes glaring and lips drawn back in a feral snarl.
73, It's not a glaring omission, but an odd one, you have to admit.
74, She ran upstairs and found her mother in the doorway glaring back into her bedroom.
75, I look forward to your suggestions for the most glaring omissions.
76, He dressed and looked in the polished mirror, seeing a scarred, bearded face glaring out at him.
77, They joked and called out to one another, except for Lacrimosa,(http:///glaring.html) who was glaring directly at her.
78, He turns down a small side alley where the scene is quieter, with fewer glaring neon signs and nude photo displays.
79, A glaring omission is, however, the lack of any details about military work in space.
80, But the best stories in this collection are a completely engrossing verbal assault, challenging in their glaring clarity and uncompromising conclusions.
81, Most glaring was the bungled arrest attempt last month of a 21-year-murder suspect in Kyoto.
82, I have made a few similar remarks in my new book about glaring omissions in the chronicle of memorials.
83, That is a glaring and continuing contradiction between its energy and environmental policies, and it can not disguise the fact.
84, The street was bone dry and glaring white.
85, Equable Soft Irradiancy , No Glaring Eye Protection.
86, The tiger was left squatting below and glaring upwards.
87, The report is full of glaring errors.
88, The second glaring achievement is road construction.
89, There are some glaring exceptions to the Eltonian pyramid.
90, Keynesian theory suffers from a rather glaring logical fallacy.
91, His glaring eyes are looking straight upward.
92, The illegal aspects of the cabal's governance are glaring and ubiquitous.
93, The most glaring example of this is the bubble sort algorithm.
94, To the world at large It'seemed a glaring example of miscalculation, confusion, timidity, and muddle.
95, Tony Redmond was glaring after him, his face contorted, white with rage.
96, Glaring spotlights and harsh fluorescent strip lighting make even the best restaurant look like a fast-food joint.
97, A method for suppressing the regular bands parasitic oscillation caused in the sequence laser amplification by placing a glaring grating is introduced.
98, He remained seated in front of the dean's desk glaring.
99, In a glaring omission in the Reader X sandbox, they decided not to try to stop code from reading files and potentially stop a machine from sending them to some remote server.
100, Actually speaking, I don't like over exaggerated bloodiness and violence very much. I prefer to those little cracking works under the glaring light.
101, Equable And Soft Irradiancy , No Glaring And Eye Protection.
102, From the east and south, a steel grayness crept toward the glaring brilliance of the west.
103, One glaring issue before the F.D.A. concerns nutrient labels, which for years have overstated the amount of salt the government says is safe to consume.
104, Wainwright stood up, glaring . His voice cut like a knife. " How much did you steal today? "
105, The colour of her dishevelled white hair seemed especially glaring in the dark room.
106, All around you there seemed to be something glaring, garish, rattling.
107, In her on the corner of a guangzhou city flower - the kapok glaring bright red.
107, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
108, Looking back one last time, his final vision was that of the chillingly dark form, halberd held high over its head in preparation, its eyes glaring at him with the fiery malice of eternal hate.
109, The Government is doing its best to put right certain glaring injustices.
110, And those who annoy believing men and women undeservedly , bear (on themselves) a calumny and a glaring sin.
111, The two men stood glaring drunkenly at each other while the crowd looked on with amusement.
112, Grief, greasy and battered, with glaring eyes, yelled and cursed them both down and issued commands.
113, The minute the door opened, I felt too stunned to open my mouth, staring at her scorched and toilworn face under the glaring lamp, as if an ancient thread-bound book.
114, The red scar which boiling fat had left last month was ugly and glaring.
115, After glaring evilly at the wizard, he rose up into the air and began to circle the mountain top.
116, The fragments from the trailer exposure to see, gunplay action luxuriant glaring, is deep in John woo action movie "violence aesthetics" essence.
117, Glaring at him , Miss Su said, " Isn't it a pity he doesn't have your good fortune!
118, The Administration's intransigence is all the more glaring in contrast to the positions of the climate progressives from the Senate and the states who've come to Bali.
119, Now that's outta the way, I want to add one more glaring fact: Yao a wimp.
120, It was also - as the site says, balefully glaring at me - an experiment to see how much of this stuff would work for me.
121, Lurid crimes. At other times it merely refers to glaring and usually unsavory sensationalism.
122, Never anything like these stinking, bleeding bodies broiling under the glaring sun.
123, When open to all comers, anonymously, the problems are even more glaring.
124, They were chest to chest, breathing fiercely , pushing and glaring.
125, She sank into the proffered chair, glaring at the discomfited fat captain, and gave her name.
126, And as the pair bantered on stage the television, cameras panned to Jolie, perhaps hoping to see her glaring at the woman who recently described her as "really uncool".
127, The Pheonix bird is idealized by glaring colours in a vortical drifting world.
128, The glass top of the desk reverberating the glaring sunlight.
129, She looked all round the room in a glaring manner.
130, Opening my eyes, I saw a big boy glaring at me, a white washcloth in hand.
131, In its home region, in South Africa, Gazania is also called the Treasure Flower, probably because of its amazing, intense, sometimes even glaring combinations of colors.
132, Another glaring example which still fresh in my memory was an article incorrectly claiming that OS/2, unlike Windows 95, "did not support long filenames".
133, Shanghai is, at first sight, a city of glaring neon lights , frenetic pace and sky - scrapers.
134, There are many other explanations for the lacklustre response to the glaring price signal.
135, Want to place more fashionable fashionable attitude, can move glaring breastpin .
136, Wu Sun - fu sprang to his feet again, his teeth clenched tightly together and his eyes glaring.
137, Shell center cone presents whole scent-bottle cut give 4 bosseyed , send out piece most glaring blue.




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