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单词 debacle
释义  de·ba·cle, débâcle /deɪˈbɑːkəl, dɪ-/ noun [countable]  FAILan event or situation that is a complete failure 大败,崩溃 the debacle of the 1994 elections 1994年大选的惨败Examples from the Corpusdebacle• But remember what happened in the 1994 bond debacle.• A political debacle laid the groundwork for progress.• The debacle began shortly after we arrived for dinner one night.• The glum symptoms range from junk-bond distress to the destruction of wealth caused by falling property values and the thrifts debacle.Origin debacle (1800-1900) French débâcle, from débâcler “to remove a bar”de·ba·cle nounChineseSyllable  is or situation event that a an Corpus




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