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单词 Guiding
1. Fairness, rather than efficiency, is the guiding principle.
2. She was inexperienced and needed a guiding hand .
3. Eddie was his hero, his guiding light.
4. He really needed a guiding hand.
5. She was a guiding spirit in primary education.
6. He took her arm, gently guiding her.
7. I believe there's some force guiding us-call it God, destiny or fate.
8. Local tribesmen earn their living guiding travellers across the mountains.
9. Perhaps they need the guiding hand of a firm father figure.
10. Equality of opportunity has been the government's guiding principle in its education reforms.
11. My mother, whose guiding principle in life was doing right, had a far greater influence on me.
12. Precision instruments are used to help pilots in guiding their aircraft.
13. He felt like the hand guiding a giant firearm.
14. Some guiding principles are beyond doubt.
15. The time seems ripe to change these guiding beliefs.
16. Prudence would be the guiding principle.
17. It is guiding principle, abiding truth.
18. In both theories, however, the guiding vision and uniting theme remains a fidelity to the liberal ideal of individual autonomy.
19. Although controversies still abound, there are some guiding principles for the conduct of daily schooling.
20. The dean himself was incredible in guiding me through some hard times.
21. The inherited mythology is garbled, and its guiding value lost or misconstrued.
22. Our guiding principle remains our commitment to the Total Quality Management process.
23. People perceive the world as though it were guiding and constraining them.
24. She watched her husband and a Home of Guiding Hands work crew carry out their other belongings and load them into trucks.
25. Children's co-operation can be secured by guiding and helping them towards some desirable action or way of thought./guiding.html
26. The boat drifted along, with the child asleep inside it and no one guiding its direction.
27. She was the founder of the company, and for forty years its guiding spirit.
28. Social and economic history and demography have a key role in guiding policy-making beyond crisis responses towards fundamental medium- and long-run issues.
29. Only a single, gleaming dome is visible through the haze, a gilded beacon guiding the ferry towards its destination.
30. I have made lots of lasting friendships along my Guiding road as I have through Medau and think myself lucky.
1. Fairness, rather than efficiency, is the guiding principle.
2. The boat drifted along, with the child asleep inside it and no one guiding its direction.
3. Precision instruments are used to help pilots in guiding their aircraft.
31. The guiding principle of the Okapi research is that the system must adapt itself to the user rather than the converse.
32. Sammler was a huge help, guiding me through the dangers of the city streets.
33. Almost all Davidson products work on the guiding principle that education comes easier if disguised as a game.
34. So too is disciplined listening, and those guiding others should learn some of the skills of pastoral counselling.
35. Once again, I must stress that I do not see a great male conspiracy behind this, nor invisible hands guiding it.
36. The boy moved quickly, just ahead of Allen, guiding him more than walking with him, in complete silence.
37. A sense of displacement forced her to respond to the pressure of his hand on her back guiding her.
38. Like Kant's Ideas they have a regulative function, guiding our actions and our cognitive efforts in a certain direction.
39. The guiding principle is that our minds are more active when we view with a purpose.
40. We must set some guiding principles for the way in which we run our business, worldwide.
41. The three crew members of Guiding Lights were then arrested and ordered to put into Plymouth.
42. His presidency lacked an over-arching theme or a guiding principle.
43. He has been a guiding beacon in my professional life and a touchstone of human integrity.
44. Its activities were only kept going by fifty enthusiasts living in London and the obsessional fanaticism of Leese, its guiding spirit.
45. No drugs were found on Guiding Lights but two extremely clever concealments were uncovered.
46. Dennis soothed him, guiding him into the living room and showing him my stash of porno magazines.
47. To followers, he is more than just a guiding light - he is the Messiah.
48. But they all ride upon guiding waves, which determine their destiny.
49. That will be the guiding light of the next Labour government.
50. Norman Lear had a guiding vision, a belief in himself, a belief that he could make a difference.
51. The guiding assumption was that the school curriculum should differ according to the ability of the child who would follow it.
52. After a brief stay in the frontier capital, Smith was back on the Santa Fe Trail, guiding pioneers westward.
53. Mediating the differences between these groups and guiding them towards mutually agreed goals is the overriding notion of the national interest.
54. John slipped his arm around Ixora's narrow waist, guiding her ahead of him.
55. He saw himself proudly standing in that wondrous car,() his hands triumphantly guiding those steeds which Jove himself could not master.
56. But it is to suggest that an image of perennial conflict between science and religion is inappropriate as a guiding principle.
57. Controlled escalation, if required, and dominance over the threat, if necessary, were the guiding precepts.
58. Director Chris Wilken does a fine job guiding his cast of 12 through an intricate choreography that travels through time and space.
59. There's also an option to practise serving: a tricky task involving quickly guiding a small cross into the service box.
60. I think certain guiding principles can help and offer starting- points for reflective thinking.
61. A local man had been bullied into guiding them through the treacherous, quaking waste.
62. In a conflict these would be vital for military communications, reconnaissance and even guiding missiles to their targets.
63. This overview sets out the origins of case management, its transformation into care management, and the principles guiding its practice.
64. Considering the views of those proven achievers helps drive an even greater wedge between centralization and decentralization as a guiding organizational principle.
65. He brought starkly into question all the guiding principles on which the Soviet system was based.
66. However, this is a highly subjective area in which the rules themselves can only be guiding principles.
67. How many other aspects of social work practice could benefit from a fundamental reappraisal of guiding philosophies?
68. Competition, time-serving, jockeying for advantage, and avoiding blame were the new guiding principles.
69. One day, the primary teacher guiding children through their instructional computer program may be able to prevent reading failure altogether.
70. Under Mr Yarrow's guiding hand, the reputation of the school was untarnished, these five long years.
71. The guiding principles then of etymology and precedent would not be acceptable today.
72. And the wisp of a child kept hold of her hand, guiding her.
73. That principle is the guiding principle in the assessment of damages in personal injuries cases.
74. First one engine powered inflatable was heard to leave the shore in the direction of Guiding Lights.
75. They are the guiding principle in his life and work and must be clearly visible in any evaluation.
76. When he looked up, Lux was guiding Pat to a wooden bench across the beach.
77. Guiding the plough and following the team up and down the field over the uneven ground was very hard and tiring work.
78. These goals are the guiding buoys for firms plotting their course in the turbulent waters of electronic commerce.
79. The triangle was centered in a bronze frieze depicting men guiding boys on golden playing fields.
80. Permissive parents, on the other hand(), are too lax about guiding their children.
81. The natives had run amok without her firm guiding hand.
82. They take as their guiding principle that they will safeguard this right. 37.
83. The servant was guiding him along the gravel path parallel to the wall, carrying an oil lamp.
84. A firm believer in mysticism and fate, he felt he had ignored the course his intuition was guiding him to follow.
85. They can do this by establishing clear guiding principles against which all actions need to be evaluated.
85. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
86. He believed that liberty was best preserved by maintaining the balance implicit in the guiding legal principles of the constitution.
87. If that was the guiding principle of Salomon Brothers in the department of customer relations, then all was suddenly clear.
88. And that is what Aeneas's young son did under the guiding hand of Alecto.
89. Stephen, offering her his arm, guiding her confidently across the marble floor, was glossy with well-being.
90. In public life his guiding principles were Protestantism and protectionism.
91. The system uses a sliding frequency guiding filter to regulate the speed of the soliton waves.
92. Today, there are certain economic principles guiding factors of the law.
93. The player's manager will have no objection to whatever it is that is guiding McCoist staying firmly on course this evening.
94. The panel also called for expediting by five years deployment of a satellite-based computer network for guiding pilots in flight.
95. He turned in a brilliant performance when guiding his four to a 26-but it was defeat on the remaining three rinks.
96. Individuals should follow an indirect strategy, guiding their action by one standard in order better to conform to another.
97. Father Peter, its guiding light, was also its provider of funds and sustenance.
98. -- Guiding consumption and reducing waste.
99. Guiding citizen participation in information disclosure needs legislation first.
100. This rate, belong to guiding reference price.
101. It'set out principles guiding relations between the states.
102. Idler wheel: wheel guiding the track.
103. His guiding principle has been never to stop learning.
104. They denounce all attempts at guiding choice.
105. This is the guiding principle in our work.
106. Guiding gutter is important component part of launching site.
107. The computers needed a strong, clear guiding light to track , as a kind of reference point.
108. Further , the necessary of law of Property establishing priority system in our country, the guiding ideology and legislative framework in priority system legislation are discussed and approached.
109. Ideally, the psoas guides the transfer of weight from the trunk into the legs and also acts as a grounding wire guiding the flow of subtle energies.
110. Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journery to the other world.
111. Adopt imported linear guiding system and ensure the machines endurable.
112. The Fair has played an important role in publicizing China's policies on foreign investment attraction, promoting foreign capital inflow and guiding Chinese companies to make overseas investment.
113. The abundant new products of Philips guiding the riffle of MP 3 market.
114. The principle of total management is one of the most important guiding ideology for establishing and operating the OHSMS. The other principles are briefly explained too.
115. We fear only to lag guiding the herd and to take a step alone-and suddenly find ourselves without white bread,(http:///guiding.html) without heating gand without a Moscow registration.
116. Principal-part participation is a behavior with tendentiousness and devotion as well as a guiding ideology of all teaching strategies.
117. Chris Lemmon hopes readers will realize how important and universal the father-son relationship is in guiding the sons passage to adulthood.
118. The reason for this was that he decided to orientate the map in the direction of the Pole Star since Polaris was the immovable guiding light in which the voyagers of that era placed their trust.
119. In January this year, CIRC promulgated Guiding Opinions on Pushing Forward Business Structure Adjustment to Further Exert the Protection Function of Insurance.
120. This decision, once reached, would be the guiding principle of the war until Germany was defeated.
121. There are closely relationships between audit materiality and audit risk, audit evidence and they play important roles in guiding audit practices. But it is not easy to understand their relationships.
122. In the guiding Ga 0.7 Al 0.3 As region, all the logic functions will be performed.
123. Purpose : To compare teaching effects of the guiding - learning method and the instructing method.
124. The aramid fibre was applied in the guiding optical cable, because of its outstanding performance.
125. Guiding by this strategy, the U. S. drafted " the Atlantic Alliance policy" , which included Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, the Point Four Program and NATO.
126. Unstuck tech by Jar and back-off are utilized in two wells and succeed which has a guiding sense to operation and work-o.
127. One of Mr Osborne’s unofficial roles in opposition was managing shadow-cabinet colleagues, guiding, cajoling and admonishing as required.
128. Results of this thesis provide guiding significance to waterpower design of impeller of the low specific speed centrifugal pump.
129. The method for depth reduction are not only for guiding pump setting depth scientifically, also reducing a great deal of work for pump tripping and ensuring oil production, and at the same...
130. Advocates of negative feedback can cite numerous examples of its effectiveness in guiding people's behavior.
131. Objective To search evidence of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors for microalbumin-uria in type 2 diabetes for guiding clinical practice.
132. And Israel stretched out his right hand, and laid it upon Ephraim's head, who was the younger, and his left hand upon Manasseh's head, guiding his hands wittingly; for Manasseh was the firstborn.
133. The ultimate adventurist and survival expert will be guiding you with exclusive film, photos, illustrations, quizzes, quotes and interactive tools.
134. Analysed of failure of 3GF35 gasoline generating set, guiding to operate personneling is right usage the generating's set, occurrence is reduce that is so that.
135. Venture capital enterprises applied for follow-up investment shall not exit the equity of its invested startups prior to Guiding Fund.
136. This explanation has been useful in guiding the search for improved adhesion promoters.
137. The control result can be expanded and has a guiding meaning in the control of other unstable system.
138. She has had wide experience of Chinese translating and tourist guiding. So I say that she is one of the greatest progenitress for Chinese learners.
139. During the different stages of the economy development, there are two kinds of different guiding thoughts of economy development which are human-centered and matter-centered thoughts.
140. Stomach ulcers may be treated by guiding the laser light through flexible fibers.
141. Based on HOUGH transform, a new method of dimensional parameters design of 4 bar line guiding mechanisms is presented, with an actual example verifying the method.
142. Finally, the line of electric vehicles development is given:market guiding, supporting small and helping large, taking low-end as cut point, and diverse development.
143. Monitoring information feedback plays an important role in modifying design and guiding construct.
144. Laboratory chief Gong Jianghong undertakes the job in the state key laboratory of new ceramics and fine processing in Materials Department for guiding a postgraduate each year.
145. Scientific and reasonable guiding track horizontal fixing design, which become a favorable dustproof between itself and slide block.
146. Educators mus be responsible for motivating, encouraging, and guiding students.
147. General differential pressure flowmeter is constituted by standard Throttling, plane guiding press pipe, sensor and secondary instruments(flow totalizer ).
148. The main reason that causes early failure of glared tile die block is found through analysing. The analysing has some guiding functions for ingrowing using life of the glazed tile die block.
149. The experiment indicates that infrared digital guiding is an efficient method of realizing AGV's motion control in free path.
150. The epigraph is about the topic and the guiding principle of this article.
151. The paper analyses mutuality parameter Wheel Tractor - Scraper and provides the theoretical basis for guiding our production.
152. Meanwhile, this paper conceives the development patterns of lowcarbon city in the aspects of general model, guiding philosophy, basic ideas, major areas, etc.
153. According to the logical judgment that human nature is decided by needs, there are two ways guiding people's behavior: moral preachment and system norms.
154. He was the founder and guiding spirit of New York's Shakespeare Festival.
155. Objective To explore the feasibility of guiding the volume management during orthotopic liver transplantation by right ventricular end-diastolic volume index(RVEDVI).
156. Many of Diaspidid are listed as quarantine pests. Guiding the research of the insects of Diaspididae is urgently needed, and is of important economical significance.
157. Supervising & guiding the material purchase plan and outside assembling plan.
158. The second chapter gives analysis to the guiding ideology of his social activities, including his objection to land privite ownership, single tax theory, social criticism, and free trade.
159. Employment guiding workers in universities must have a clear aim, and provide good service, and change working function, and strengthen profession skills, to make graduates full employment.
160. The controlling and guiding theory of the wake homing torpedo and its trajectory features are analyzed.
161. The study has important guiding significance on the long-term forecast of high temperature and service in high temperature disasters of Jiangsu.
162. Mode conversion efficiency has been calculated as functions of acoustic frequency, interaction length, guiding layer thickness,[] and acoustic drive power density.
163. The BLT's cousin, on the other hand, the Club Sandwich, is like 12 bar blues - a guiding framework for extemporisation.
164. The stability of three-mirror folded cavity is analyzed in theory. The conclusion we have gained has important guiding significance to designing the laser.
165. The invention also discloses method for manufacturing stamper of guiding against false.
166. The table (12) comprises guiding means suitable for urging the product to be folded towards the first guide surface (32) and a first main suction hole (36) which opens on the first guide surface (32).
167. The analog result coincides with production data, this shows that the established model can be used for engineering design and guiding production.
168. The results conform with the reality, which is of some guiding importance to the design of power drive line on loaders.
169. The public choice theory, the economical responsibility theory and new public management theory guiding by outputs are the theoretical basis of educational expenditure performance assessment.
170. What I dislike about her is that she is so self-satisfied. She tries to set herself as a guiding star to everyone she knows.
171. Or guiding a jigsaw so it forms the letter F;I learned the alphabet that way in those pre-television days.
172. My hand cupped his elbow to steer him, but he stepped forward unfalteringly, his shoulders squared, his head high, as though he were guiding me.
173. In order to achieve the communication between the ship board antenna and the synchronous communication satellite, a method by the digital guiding closed loop and level open loop tracker is presented.
174. Micro - variation capacitance sensors are designed for use in guiding border - lines or confines.
175. Accordingly, on guiding ideology, should " large part have sth in mind, small part begins " ,(http:///guiding.html) save and make full use of limited space.
176. Most scientists agree that life went through a period when RNA was the head-honcho molecule, guiding life through its nascent stages.
177. A structural member for attaching fixed components to, or guiding movable components along.
178. Yet government has to some extent always been involved in regulating and guiding the U.S. economy.
179. The related issues of rural commercial finance is analyzed in this paper which has important theory supplement sense as well as the practice guiding sense.
180. Dual probe guiding hole drilling process for accurate probe contact.
181. Judged from the types of fairness, there still exist many problems concerning the fairness doctrine of tax in China exposed both in its guiding principle and its specific system.
182. Objective To explore the effect of acellular bovine pericardium(ABP)treated with EDAC used as a barrier membrane for guiding bone regeneration, and to evaluate its biocompatibility.
183. To seek truth from facts, to rectify whatever is wrong" is the guiding principle of our countrys adjudicatory supervision procedure."
184. The market acts fundamentally while the state plan has an important guiding function in the disposition of resources.
185. FOR more than a quarter-century, the dominant idea guiding economic policy in the United States and much of the globe has been that the market is unfailingly wise.
186. Aesthetic becomes a guiding principle and strategy in life, and a self-content social guiding value.
187. Position sensor to throttle body while guiding rubber fitting over throttle body vacuum nipple.
188. Mixing direct dye pansy with blue, fishing out the optimal technology of mixing colors. Guiding production and increasing the brightness of paper.
189. As the amount of wire in the bin decreases, the wire guiding device will float downward maintaining constant downward pressure on the coil of wire.
190. Earthquake emergency preplan is a guiding principle for earthquake emergency response.
191. It can be used not only for pass design and off line analysis but also for guiding in the adjustment of piercer.
192. Without any form of guiding, the laser-plasma interaction length is limited to the order of Rayleigh distance.
193. Self - interest with her was high , but not strong . It was , nevertheless, her guiding characteristic.
194. A special low noise centrifugal blower can deliver fresh air to every corner of rooms, with the guiding air outlet movable.
195. Morton was already guiding the boat in towards the quay.
196. Establish judge committee system in the court guiding judicial adjudication to work, this has longer history in our country, the new democracy period tries committee system be a first embryonic form.
197. Research shows that the results have guiding significance and reference significance for analyzing and designing similar tailrace of hydropower station.
198. Can design a drawing board for instance, give a child the chance of a sufficient project oneself, have a very good guiding to the child already action, still prevent its dauby on wall, floor graffito.
199. Now WZ25-20 is regarded as an example, its backhoe device consists of moving arm, pole, bucket, guiding organization and rotation mechanism.
200. Last, points out the importance of the interior forestation in habitancy space and the guiding significance of behaviouristic psychology in houseplant application.
201. In recent 30 years, A?Dula, an expert on it, has proposed the theoretical basis and method guiding for self-potency cultivation and promotion.
202. Templet of building engineering can play the role of guiding construction.
203. The present invention discloses one kind of coal - loading smoke guiding bogie for stamping coke oven.
204. The power of "Patten of Difference Sequence" has undergone a multi-dimensional change from single guiding principle to friendship and interest.
205. In this paper, the current electricity power enterprises to adapt to changes in market supply and demand out of the plight of electricity, there are certain guiding significance and reference value.
206. The last is aspired to the fractional harmonic resonance of charge particles under a strong electromagnetic wave and a guiding magnetic field.
207. So it is necessary for us to perfect the civil protest system in such respects as the guiding ideology, procedures of prosecutorial protest and adjudicatory supervision procedure.
208. Be eyes to the blind, and a guiding light unto the feet of the erring.
209. All these findings bear certain guiding significance to the production of the high-quality optical parametric generator with high gain, high conversion efficiency and narrow bandwidth.
210. At present, diathetic education has been established as the direction and guiding ideology for the educational reform in our country.
211. Since 2002, the state power generation with coal cancel guiding price, the price of coal is the market competition to form.
212. In the period of nymph stage and ecdysis peak, the control effects was better but it need highly professional technique and not suitable for guiding farmer to control the midges .
213. Having trouble keeping up or guiding your dancing partner through a routine?
214. The Fair has played an important role in publicizing China's policies on attracting foreign capital inflow and guiding Chinese companies to make overseas investment.
215. The guiding principle of design is the research of instructional design model.
216. The government should desalinize the function of distribution and play the leading and guiding function in the reform of distribution system.
217. Has the guiding sense to the similar architectural engineering construction and profits from the value.




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