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单词 cranky
释义  crank·y /ˈkræŋki/ adjective  1  British English informalMPSTRANGE strange 奇怪的,古怪的 → eccentric, weird Organic farming is no longer thought of as cranky. 有机耕作不再被认为是古怪的想法了。2  informalBAD-TEMPERED bad-tempered 脾气坏的 I was feeling tired and cranky. 我觉得很累,脾气暴躁。 —crankiness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpuscranky• They became cranky and quarrelsome, and stopped most of their activities in order to conserve energy.• On arrival the boy was cranky and refused to walk through the airport.• But on another plane, there was a certain determined grumbling, a cranky insistence that they were not meeting their standards.• Scott seems a little cranky this morning.• We had a fairly peaceful time, but Clarisa and Janir argued a lot, and she was a cranky visitor.Origin cranky (1700-1800) Partly from → CRANK1; partly from crank “loose, not working properly” ((18-19 centuries)) (perhaps from Dutch or German krank “weak, ill”)crank·y adjectiveChineseSyllable   strange Corpus




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