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单词 Exclamation
1 'Good heavens!' is an exclamation of surprise.
2 The letter was peppered with exclamation marks.
3 He gave an exclamation of surprise.
4 She gave a loud exclamation of delight.
5 The author used three exclamation marks at the end of the last sentence to wake up the readers.
6 Sue gave an exclamation as we got a clear sight of the house.
7 One is the exclamation mark,[] used twice.
8 But those rather racy exclamation marks are a surprise.
9 And I mean that exclamation mark.
10 A small exclamation of delight escaped her.
11 This song of himself is filled with exclamation points and pat truisms, however.
12 But then, with an exclamation of self-mockery, she went into the galley and brushed the hairs into the waste bin.
13 His exclamation point was a 56-yard touchdown reception from Otton in the third quarter.
14 Live your life as an Exclamation rather than an Explanation. Isaac Newton 
15 She made contact and heard an exclamation of pain and then her arms were pinioned behind her and she was powerless.
16 With a sudden exclamation, he caught her hand and pressed the palm of it to his lips.
17 Wind brings a dandelion drift of exclamation marks, and the thrush types an against a stone.
18 In the ensuing silence, the duke's exclamation of surprise rang out over-loud.
19 Then exclamation marks abound, and she uses verbs in the imperative to heighten the drama of her warning to humanity.
20 With a small exclamation she snapped the book shut, but before she could get to her feet Marc glanced up.
21 With an exclamation of frustration she went to open it, gave a violent start and swallowed hard.
22 Cowabunga was an exclamation of joy or approval among the surfing fraternity.
23 It was the exclamation point for the first 5-0 homestand in franchise history.
24 A drop of water fell on her bare arm and she jerked, a little bitten-off exclamation.
25 Striped in a tiger mask, he feinted across the counter at Melanie; she bit off an exclamation.
26 It was too easy to be silly and goofy and laugh and use exclamation marks.
27 Only one quality brings a reporter out in such a rash of exclamation marks.
28 Answer: a. If the words in parentheses need an exclamation point or question mark, place it inside the parentheses.
29 The moment of charmed stillness collapsed - or more properly exploded - into motion and exclamation.
30 Over the Easter term, the inky tadpoles changed from commas into exclamation marks.
31 Doubt is a question mark; faith is an exclamation point. The most compelling, believable, realistic stories have included them both. Criss Jami 
32 Picking up a sheet of paper, she casually unfolded it, and then gave an exclamation.
33 With a smothered exclamation, she rested her face against the smooth material of his dark suit jacket.
34 Section 16 is a clear example and functions almost as an exclamation point to the first 15 sections.
35 Paul had mostly very short phrases left in him, but there was one long exclamation he could still put together.
36 It screams with exclamation marks about the dizzy heights of certain walks and the lack of twilight in Madeira.
36 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
37 A generalized exclamation of contempt , anger, incredulity, etc.
38 She uttered an inarticulate exclamation, and stood fixed.
39 There's an exclamation mark here.
40 Could you find the exclamation mark in the photo?
41 He could not restrain an exclamation of approval.
42 There was a general exclamation.
43 The exclamation point is a logical NOT operator.
44 Luckily, only Maitre Cruchot heard this exclamation.
45 Intersperse exclamation marks in the text.
46 (exclamation mark) and provide :N, where 0 refers to the command name, 1 refers to the first argument, and so on.
47 Ethelberta breathed a sort of exclamation, not right out, but stealthily, like a parson's damn.
48 With an exclamation of impatience, but with his Unchangeable face, Monseigneur looked out.
49 DO NOT use exclamation points and all caps to emphasize!
50 Figure 11 shows an example of the syntax validation error that occurs after you set the statement terminator to an exclamation point ( ! ), and do not update an existing statement terminator.
51 The exclamatory form emphasizes a statement ( either declarative or imperative ) with an exclamation point (! ).
52 She added a big exclamation mark at the end of this letter.
53 There was in the enunciation of these words, thus repeated, an accent between an exclamation and an interrogation point.
54 My sainted aunt ! ie as an exclamation expressing surprise.
55 Does it bother you if your name is used in a frustrated exclamation?
56 Above text segment extracted from our side of the true story, when we earnestly do one thing at a time often neglected another very important thing to turn. When really exclamation.
57 A common , but low exclamation of surprise and admiration escaped every mouth.
58 Wilson threw a body aside, and then stepped back with an exclamation.
59 Talk to characters with a green exclamation point above their heads.
60 Echoic utterances can be classified into two subtypes: echo question and echo exclamation, which have special structural characteristics and pragmatic functions.
61 So it is recommendable to provide a meaningful text label ("OK" vs. "Alarm") or a symbol (checkmark vs. exclamation mark) in addition to the color coding.
62 This exclamation was abrupt , but it was also perfectly calculated.
63 A word which can express an exclamation, a call or a response is called an interjection.
64 LEONA : Yes , I know. But the sign does not say, ( YELLS ) do not peek, exclamation point!
65 Jennifer uttered an exclamation of pleasure as his racquet emerged from its coverings.
66 Quests an exclamation point instead of a play cost in the upper left corner.
67 An exclamatory sentence should be followed by an exclamation mark.
68 Its narrative language all uses high - level, its only grammar rule is an exclamation mark.
69 A kiss can be a comma, a question mark or an exclamation point.
69 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
70 The warlord uttered an exclamation of disbelief. "Surely an accounting package is trivial next to the complexity of an operating system, " he said.
71 Now the first bolt of lightning stabs the earth. It is heaven's exclamation point 3.
72 Halloween will punctuate this glorious month on October 31 with a fun exclamation mark.
73 If a message requires exclamation mark, you should probably contact the person by phone or face - to - face.
74 A Cree exclamation of awe, “Yoho” applies perfectly to the park’s big peaks, expansive glaciers, and impressive waterfalls.
75 You are my planet, wrote an exclamation point, you have the world better.
76 Defarge took his receipt without noticing the exclamation, and withdrew, with his two fellow - patriots.
77 There was a long silence on the other end of the wire, followed by an exclamation.
78 (two exclamation marks), might look a little strange, but it's a command history sigil that repeats the previous command verbatim.
79 When you see the triangle with an exclamation point symbol, press the "Power" and "Volume Up" buttons at the same time.
80 Section Three analyses the usage of exclamation marks, question marks, suspension points and dashes in newspaper headlines.
81 A kiss can be a comma; a mark or an exclamation mark.
82 The exclamation mark is an escape character that lets you issue operating system commands from either interactive input mode or batch mode.
83 Fancy, has been for junior middle students of hard exclamation lady-in-waiting of we, unexpectedly also will face all these.
84 With each year the Church testifies through this Paschal exclamation to the event of universal significance which happened almost two thousand years ago.
85 Molly let out her breath, made an exclamation with her hands.
86 For my part , I cannot keep from uttering an exclamation of surprise!
87 This is a 140 meters high water monument, sort of an exclamation mark dominating the roadstead.




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